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  • Modeling of electrodynamic parameters of a multi-mode double-gap cavity for using in miniaturized multi-beam klystron’s devices

    For miniaturized vacuum klystron type devices utilization of a double- gap strip-line cavity with suspended ceramic substrate is very promising. 
    The two-mode operating mode of such cavities practically isn't studied enough; so there is the great scientific and practical interest for research of electrodynamic characteristics of cavities during multi-mode operation that correspond to simultaneous excitement of anti-phase and co-phase modes in a double gap.  
    In this article results of the 3-D numerical modeling by means of the Ansoft HFSS code are presented, and also the experimental results of the electrodynamic properties of the half-wave double- gap cavity with the suspended ceramic substrate are submitted. Optimum parameters of this design, allowing to carry out simultaneous excitement at multiple frequencies with frequency rate (K=2) are determined.
    In such cavity high values of unloaded Q factors isn’t need because dielectric losses and conductor losses can be compensated at the expense of  the negative electronic conductivity that brought by modulated electronic beam. The operating mode with frequency rate   can be used for increasing of efficiency of generating and amplifying micro devices with filament cathode and matrix field emission cathodes.  

    Keywords: double-gap cavity, electrodynamic parameters, mathematical simulation, resonance frequency, characteristic impedance, method of planned experiment

  • The algorithm for constructing the trajectories of moving objects in a video based on optical flow

    At present, the development of algorithms is particularly relevant high-level analysis of video sequences, including tracking of objects in a video stream and their implementation in information and communication systems. In the proposed approach the pretreatment step uses optical flow calculation for each frame video sequence, as well as low-level features (such as a representation of each pixel in the color space YIU). For moving objects optical flow is more important than for a stationary background and allows you to find the foreground objects in video sequences and adjust the weighting function in determining the histogram similar to the adjacent frames, taking into account the motion of objects.

    Keywords: computer vision, tracker, tracking of object, optical flow, motion tracking

  • The algorithm of Image reconstruction based on analysis of local binary patterns

    The paper presents a method of detecting distortions in the archival photo documents by texture analysis based on local binary patternss. The proposed approach consists of the following stages: pre-treatment and detection of scratches. Pre-treatment is used to reduce the effects of noise and small defects in the image. To recognize the class of defects using a support vector machine. The effectiveness of the new approach on several examples in the detection of defects.

    Keywords: digital image processing, detection of defects, archival photographs, local binary patterns

  • To questions of construction of integrated operators with осциллирующими in factors in space L2(Bn)

    Article is devoted multidimensional integrated operators with homogeneous kernels and oscillating in factors of a special kind. The operators representing the sum of the composed are studied: the initial integrated operator with a homogeneous kernel, the operator with осциллирующим in factor and a homogeneous kernel. For the given operators the concept of a symbol, of which terms is defined the criterion neterovosti and the formula of calculation of an index is received. The task in view decision is based on a reduction of the multidimensional integrated equation to infinite diagonal system of the one-dimensional equations.

    Keywords: Integral operators with homogeneous kernels,integral operators with oscillating factors, multidimensional integral equations

  • Improving the accuracy of extrinsic camera parameters calibration

    The model of the ideal video camera is described, the form of the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters is showed. The relations between coordinates of a point in the world coordinate system with coordinates of this point on the image plane are given. The problem of finding extrinsic camera parameters from corresponded world and image points is posed. The error of found extrinsic parameters is estimated by simulation for several configurations of calibration objects consisting of a variable number of points on different distances from the camera and with different angles between them. On the basis of simulation results recommendations are given for the choice of the calibration object in order to improve the accuracy of the extrinsic camera parameters. The best results may be obtained with a configuration consisting of points that have a large angular distance between them and are posed on different distance from camera.

    Keywords: camera calibration, extrinsic camera parameters, position and orientation estimation, calibration object

  • Sufficient condition of quasicorrectness mixed boundary conditions on the surfaces of the second order

    In work infinitesimal bendings surfaces of positive curvature with edge, subordinates on edge of external communication of the mixed type are studied. It is established quasicorrectness such external communication provided that the vector field belongs to a surface

    Keywords: a surface of positive curvature, infinitesimal bendings, a field of displacement, a field of rotations, own vector field, modelling problem

  • A train set forming for using artificial neural networks to database errors search

    It describes a method of train set forming for using artificial neural networks to search inauthentic rows  in databases tables. An existing methods of the reliability ensure involve the use of integrity constraints and provides a truthfulness, but there is still a possibility of entering of inauthentic data, appropriate to all constraints. A more accurate assessment of reliability is possible with the use of artificial neural networks that require a training set. The main requirement for the training set - representation includes sufficiency, diversity and evenness. The approaches to each of these requirements are describes. Also calculations a sufficient number of rows for training neural networks of various types is given, as well as the results of experiments that confirm correctness of the theoretical calculations.

    Keywords: database, authenticity, artificial neural networks, training set, representation

  • Gold nanoparticles functionalisation by long-chain thiol and amine ligands: study of local atomic and electronic structure of ligand-gold bond

    In the present work we report on the study of local atomic and electronic structure of gold nanoparticles funnctionalised by thiol and amine containing long-chain ligands. The study of nanoscale atomic structure is performed by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES: X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure) and computer simulation. In consequence of the experimantally obtained data analysis and computer simulation it was obtained that strong bonding takes place when 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid is bound to the gold nanoparticles surface, forming a chemical bond Au-S 0.25 nm in length. Weaker bonding is observed when forming bond between dodecylamine and gold nanoparticles surface atom resulting in Au-N bond 0.23 nm in length. Supplementary XANES spectra analysis by means of density functional theory reveals the nature of formation of the investigated nanoscale structure.

    Keywords: nanoscale structure of matter, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, XANES, density functional theory, nanoparticles functionalisation

  • Calculation of the components on the hedging portfolio misunderstood markets with non-deterministic behavior of the buyers of shares.

    We consider a one-step part (B, S) - a market with an infinite number of states. The first part of the article deals with modeling of random behavior of an infinite number of aggressive buyers of the shares in the financial market. There will be described one way to exit the buyers of shares on the market, the gap between the announcement of the share price. In the second part of the article presents the procedure hedge payment obligation (bp), which uses interpolation of incomplete full-arbitrage market economies (Haar interpolation method).

    Keywords: Stochastic basis, financial market, martingale measure,the weakened property of the universal Haar uniqueness, self-financing portfolios, capital of portfolio, contingent claim.

  • GPR determination of electrical and physical properties of motor road and railway structural layers

    The paper studies the possibility of quantitative processing of the GPR data for determining the dielectric permittivity and conductivity of a medium (soil samples). Experimental studies are made using radargrams of soil samples with specified values of moisture and conductivity. New methods of quantitative processing of radargrams are proposed in this work to determine the dielectric permittivity and conductivity of soils. The methods were successfully tested on various sections of Russian railways net.

    Keywords: layered road profiling, GPR, soil moisture, soil layers profiling, soil conductivity

  • Modeling the ab initio structure of layered aluminosilicates.

    This work deals with the study of atomic and electronic structure of kaolinite samples (Glukhovtsy deposit) and montmorillonite (Millerovsky deposit) by density functional theory. The applicability of existing exchange-correlation potential in the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) is analised for an adequate description of the physical properties of layered aluminosilicate. An experimental and theoretical study of the IR spectra of minerals, as well as the identification of the most intense absorption bands, performed in the approximation of DFT using the exchange-correlation potential PW91. The analysis of the band structure of these minerals, which showed that these compounds are direct-gap insulators.

    Keywords: DFT, clay, clay minerals, phyllosilicates, atomic and electronic structure, crystalline systems, IR spectrum band strukutra, the electron density

  • Comparative analysis of porous piezoceramics modelling by effective moduli and finite element methods with experimental data

    The results of computational experiments to determine the characteristics of the porous piezoelectric ceramics based on the methodology, including the effective modules method, simulations of representative volumes on a simple random method and the method of Witten-Sander, finite element method to solve static piezoelectric problems for heterogeneous composite media and the accounting of inhomogeneous polarization near the pores are presented. A comparison of the results of computer simulation with the known experimental data for the porous material PZT-4 and its analogs is realized. It is concluded that the accounting of inhomogeneous polarization in the vicinity of porous provide the better agreement between numerical results and large number of known experimental data. Thus, for most effective constants the smallest errors are obtained for a representative volume of the porous piezoelectric material, constructed by Witten-Sander method.

    Keywords: piezocomposite, porous piezoelectric ceramics, inhomogeneous polarization, mathematical modelling, models of representative volumes, finite element method, effective moduli

  • Development of communications and sale of production and services of a restaurant network with use of IT-technologies (experience of modeling and design of the multipurpose website). Part 1

    Results of the theoretical analysis and applied development of the system of communications and sale of production and services of a restaurant network with use of modern IT technologies are given. Results of modeling and design of the multipurpose website which allows to expand production and economic capabilities of a restaurant network are described. SWOT analysis is executed and the main results of design of the multipurpose website and its integration into a control system and business processes of a network of restaurants are briefly presented. Work is performed with financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the Federal target program "Researches and Development in the Priority Directions of Development of a Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007 - 2013".

    Keywords: communications, organization of advance and sale of production and services, IT technologies, models, modeling, multipurpose website, network of restaurants, organization and management of restaurant, instrument complex

  • Development of communications and sale of production and services of a restaurant network with use of IT-technologies (experience of modeling and design of the multipurpose website). Part 2

    Results of research and design of system of communications and sale of production and services of a restaurant network with use of IT technologies and the multipurpose website providing favorable prospects of preservation of business, its steady growth, diversification, differentiation and customization of products and services are given. The complex of design actions and results of modeling of risk management are described at development and deployment of Internet technologies and the multipurpose website in production and administrative activity of a network of restaurants, design, advance and site operation. Work is performed with financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the Federal target program "Researches and Development in the Priority Directions of Development of a Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007 - 2013".

    Keywords: organization and management of the project, communications, IT technologies, models, modeling, multipurpose website, network of restaurants, organization and management of restaurant, site advance, instrument complex

  • Effect of variations in the input parameters on the heat exchange system.

    "Dynamic mode of heat exchangers is typical for a number of technological thermal plants , as well as air-heating systems , ventilation, and air conditioning. Technologically predetermined control algorithm operating mode heat exchangers in practice implemented by means of manual or automatic adjustment in one or more control parameters . Obviously, the most efficient in the energy and technically and economically dynamic mode control algorithm of the heat exchanger can be detected only in the form of a review of the relevant mathematical model. In this paper we consider a mathematical model of the dynamic operation of the system of heat exchangers with natural air circulation . As input parameters are considered the temperature of hot and cold air streams. Modeled by changing the inputs are heat exchangers and the extent to which these changes will not affect the operation of the entire system. In order to keep the temperature at the i- MOT has not changed , the coefficient of variation should tend to zero , since all the other quantities are limited by technical parameters of the system . By changing the values ​​of the input parameters is analyzed mass flow of hot flow limits are changing the output parameters of the preceding heat exchangers that will not change the entire system ."

    Keywords: heat loss into the environment, the starting temperature of the hot (cold) flow, the final temperature of the hot (cold) flow, the range of variation of hot, cold flow

  • Panoramic image stitching with handling the parallax effect for the known world model

    The short review of existing panoramic systems are given. The limits of such systems doesn't allow to form a panoramic video with dealing the parallax effect in real-time systems. The presented algorithm for forming a panoramic video is free of these disadvantages. An algorithm based on mathematical model of the round-view system that takes into account the location of cameras, their intrinsic parameters and model of the world. The algorithm includes following chain of coordinate transformation: from panoramic image coordinates to spherical coordinates and to Cartesian world coordinate system, from world coordinates to camera coordinate system and to input image coordinates. Geometric distortion of camera is dealt. Model of the world is represented as spherical and a hemispherical surfaces.

    Keywords: panoramic image, round-view video system, camera model, camera distortion, parallax

  • The analysis of the relation of young people to the political life in Rostov-on-Don in 2012

    The paper deals with the analysis of of the relation to the political life among young people in Rostov-on-Don. It is measured an activity relation to the political life of society, there is assessment of relations to  the political authority, the current political situation and the level of relative deprivation. It is revealed, students possess low electoral and social activity: "don't take part in elections" – 47,4%. In the relation to protest actions the group was stratified on two subgroups: one has a positive attitude towards the antigovernment actions, the second - is negative. The relative deprivation is at the average level, but 1\4 of the group have the high level of deprivation, which may cause a political tensions in the future.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Emotional perception of the political order of students DGTU

    In 2013 the pilot study was conducted among students DGTU. All were interviewed 52 second-year student. Purpose of the work is measuring emotional perception of political order among students. The emotional component of group political installation was measured on technology of semantic differential. It was offered to estimate to respondents on 20 bimodal scales four types political about. Two ideal – ideally positive and ideally negative orders. And two real – local and central. In the linear approximation calculated levels of emotional perception of the political order in the vicinity of the averaged image of the real image of the ideal order to constructs used in the space of features. Perception of an political order in Region: --0,02; in Russia: -0,04 (using a normalization from -1 to +1). That it almost neutral.

    Keywords: political order, semantic differential, factor analysis, the emotional component, questioning

  • Modern systems for active cooling of electronic components based on piezoelectric devices

    The article describes the method of constructing acoustic microblower based on piezoelectric device. The article shows the main problems in cooling systems for microelectronics and describes the general construction, which allows you to bypass these disad

    Keywords: microblower, micro-pump, piezoelectric device, airflow, acoustic

  • Group political attitudes of students DGTU

    The article discusses the analysis of group attitudes toward political order DGTU students. Pilot study took place in 2013 and was carried out using questionnaires, which was attended by 52 people. The analysis includes statistical processing data, as well as the method of sequential factor analysis with the identification of group settings.
    Levels of cognitive perception of political order for the Region: -0,174 and Russia: 0,139. The level of relative deprivation is 0,46. Behavioral component has two levels: assessment and activity. The estimated level of behavior was 0,151, and the level of behavioral activity is -0,205. Further, according to the received secondary factors carried factorization and final calculation has behavioral component. An integral level of behavioral component is -0.12.   

    Keywords: групповые установки, аффективный компонент, поведенческий компонент, когнитивный компонент, относительная депривация, анкетирование, политические установки, факторный анализ

  • Implementation and comparison of different versions of the Uzawa algorithm in elasticity problems for incompressible materials

    2-D and 3-D problems of the elasticity problems for incompressible materials are considered. Solving these problems using the finite-element method results in solving the linear algebraic equations system with sparse matrix. For incompressible materials this system is the system with a saddle point (i.e. the matrix eigen values have different signs). Thus, applying such solving methods as the conjugate gradient method and the generalized minimal residual method is impossible. Uzawa method is suggested to be used for such problems. It is an iterative process, and at each iteration it is necessary to solve the linear algebraic equations system, but this system is without a saddle point. The different variants of Uzawa algorithm are realized within CAE Fidesys software package, and their efficiency is compared in the article.

    Keywords: theory of elasticity, incompressible materials, finite-element method, Uzawa algorithm, iteration methods for systems of linear algebraic equations

  • Renumbering effectiveness for finite element mesh applied to finite element method for solving three-dimensional problems of solid mechanics

    This paper presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the method Cuthill-McKee algorithm and fill-reducing ordering of a sparse matrix, based on multi-level nested dissection paradigm, developed at the Department of "Computer Science and Engineering," University of Minnesota. For short, we shall call the algorithm Cuthill-McKee CM, and the algorithm of the University of Minnesota — NodeND (Node nested dissection). This article uses a modification of the CM algorithm — RCM (reverse Cuthill-McKee), because in practice the reverse numbering index allows you to get a greater advantage than using a direct algorithm CM. The reason for using these algorithms are high speed computational algorithm, as it is necessary to solve the system proximal to the diagonal, the great acceleration of algorithms for solving FE problems using technology such as CUDA  

    Keywords: finite element mesh renumbering methods, three-dimensional mathematical modeling, elasticity theory problems, finite element method, finite element meshes

  • Analysis of the processes of foreign studies forestry road trains

    the analysis of foreign researches, which consist of processes of functioning timber lorries is given. Decrease transport expenses with minimization of empty run of timber lorries and formations of rational structure of this park has been proved.

    Keywords: timber lorries, functioning

  • Neuronetwork models in research problems construction designs

    The return coefficient task of determination of properties of a construction design by means of the device of neural networks is considered. As model the neural network in the form of a polutorasloyny predictor with possibility of iterative accumulation of volume is taken. Each subsequent step connected with addition of a new stream of neurons, is carried out only after training of the previous stream. Coefficients of synoptic communications pay off with the help of procedure of the return distribution from a condition of a minimum of function of an assessment. Algorithms of the solution of direct and return problems of multidimensional approximation are developed.

    Keywords: neural network, approximation, synoptic communications, return distribution, construction designs

  • Complex approach to the mode of conservative scalping trading system

    A comprehensive analysis of the trend indicators moving averages (simple – MA, exponential – EMA moving average convergence-divergence – MACD). Used data from the site of Forex (FX) for the period from 21 July to 21 October, 2013. Computing scheme is implemented in the mode of conservative scalping trading system unveils new profitable intraday trading system for the forex market Forex.

    Keywords: Trend indicators, moving Average, simple average, exponential Moving Average, moving average convergence-divergence, trend, short-term trend, period, a short period, long period, conservative scalping.