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  • Mathematical modeling of heat transfer processes in energy-saving solar plants

    A mathematical model of heat transfer processes, the discrete model is based on the finite difference method, and the results of calculations of the temperature distribution also will be developed. In addition the program was created which allows to calculate the distribution of temperature over its entire length for given values ​​of insolation, ambient air temperature and air velocity inside the collector  

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, finite difference method, heat transfer processes, solar collector

  • Hybrid algorithm of classification of text documents on the basis of the analysis of internal connectivity of the text

    Results of research in the field of methods of classification of badly structured collections of heterogeneous documents are provided. The method is offered and the hybrid algorithm of classification of text documents is developed. The theoretical assessment of complexity of the offered method is executed and the pilot study is made. In article it is considered: mathematical model of the offered hybrid method, its algorithm, theoretical assessment of computing complexity and the experimental comparing with other methods of classification of documents.

    Keywords: fuzzy logic, bayesian classification, classification of text documents.

  • Adaptive autonomous scripts for management of information resources of the enterprise

    We consider the problem of the use of adaptive autonomous scripts in the decision of problems of management of information resources of computer systems. Developed a conceptual model of adaptive autonomous script with use of frames and apparatus of finite automata, which expands the possibilities of automation of complex problems of information resources management  

    Keywords: adaptive autonomous scripts, theory of finite automata, frame, slot, management of distributed information resources.

  • Formation exact self-similar solution of the problem of hydrodynamic thrust bearing calculation, which has a higher load capacity and damping properties, working on a two-layer lubrication in the transient regime of friction

    In this paper is presented a method of forming an exact self-similar solution of the problem of calculating the hydrodynamic thrust bearing with an adapted profile support surface and emfiruyuschimi properties in the transient regime of friction. Prepared and conducted evaluation of the main working characteristics: dimensionless load carrying capacity, dimensionless friction force and dimensionless costs. The optimal parameters for the main performance are gotten.

    Keywords: thrust bearing, two-layer lubrication, porous layer, the nonstationary problem

  • Solution of one-criterion optimization problem of crew actions scheduling on Russian segment of International space station

    The flight scheduling process is briefly described in the article. It is one of the most important stages of space flight control task solution. Three stages of flight scheduling are given: strategic, tactical and executive. The result of each scheduling phase is presented by special plan type: on-orbit operation summary, weekly lookahead plan, short-term plan. The difference of these plan types is in planning interval and data processing depth. The mathematical modeling of all required data and restrictions is made. A crew downtime minimization is the selected optimization criterion. Modified genetic algorithm for decision of assigned task is designed. The future tasks regarding crew activities scheduling process optimization are defined  

    Keywords: scheduling, flight operation, crew activities, optimization, mathematical modeling, genetic algorithm

  • Analysis of the structure and composition of the control system of technological parameters in the process of recuperation of gasoline

    Consideration of effective many contour of automatic control systems in the process of gasoline recuperation, describes the case for the selected controller primary efficacy (the temperature inside the adsorber)

    Keywords: multicircuit automatic control system, kasadnaya control system, the control system with feedforward compensation,  quality criteria efficiency of automatic control system

  • Model analysis of electrodynamic parameters of a double-gap klystron cavity

    In the article a double-gap cavity with anti-phase excitation that has wide application in designs of floating-drift klystrons is considered. One of the ways of reduction of time during machine design of klystron’s cavity is using of the simple analytical expression, allowing to determine the main klystron electrodynamic parameters with a sufficient accuracy for practice. In the article we presented the results of physical and mathematical modeling of the double-gap cavity, the corrected mathematical models were introduced that can be utilized in programs of a prompt optimization of klystron's type devices. The technique of creation of approximate mathematical model in this case was reduced to definition of basic analytical function, and the subsequent approximation between experimental and calculated data by means of a method of planned experiment. In presented work the analysis of adequacy was carry out. Analysis revealed inaccuracy of a resonance frequency of an anti-phase type in chosen ranges of change of influencing factors doesn’t exceed 1%, characteristic impedance- 5%. The received analytical ratios allow carrying out quickly calculation of parameters of the cavity, without labor-consuming and expensive experiments and calculations.

    Keywords: double-gap cavity, electrodynamic parameters, mathematical simulation, resonance frequency, characteristic impedance, method of planned experiment

  • The program module for solving the problem of selecting the best carrier in transport logistics

    The atricle considers the problem of finding the best carrier. It describes by the expert method of solving the problem, as well as an algorithm for selecting a carrier. Describes a software module implemented with the involvement of technology ActiveX, which greatly simplifies the process and reduces the development time of projects. The proposed application allows you to define a list of the best carriers, ranked by rating according to the user's request.

    Keywords: Carrier selection, expert method, weighting coefficient, rank, user application

  • Integral robust features based technique for optical identification of railway vehicles

    Identification of railway vehicles is relevant for the conversion from automatic control systems with manual data input to automatic modeling environment of train and vehicle. The most effective and economic inventory number recognition is optical recognition. But there is question about veracity in such technology. This paper represent the qualitatively new approach for optical recognition based on building integral robust constructive features of vehicles and allowed to significantly increase level of recognition veracity. Proposed technique investigated in introduction subject of automatic vehicle number recognition system (ARNV).  Computational experiments demonstrated relevance of proposed technique for using in optical recognition of vehicle numbers.

    Keywords: Automatic systems, number identification, vehicle, optical recognition, ARNV, robust features

  • Mathematical simulation of moving part suspension of electrical-type measuring instrument

    The construction of moving part suspension of electrical-type measuring instrument was considered as well as analyses of its functioning was realized. The theoretical foundation of mathematical model construction of moving part suspension which describes the behavior of system, was set.  

    Keywords: moving part, taut band, beam, graph, matrix, incidence matrix, simulation, equation

  • Indicators of the quality of information and computing systems of railway transport

    There is considered the problem of structuring indicators of the quality of information-computing systems, including transport. For each quality indicator is determined by the number of corresponding criteria. An algorithm for analysis of subscriber delays.

    Keywords: quality, indicator of quality, quality criterion, computer information system of railway transport,subscriber delay

  • Translation of geometric models of two-contour geodesic shells

    In this paper consideration is given to problem of developing a converter which will enable convert models of geodesic domes from external 3D format to preprocessor Patran format and structural analysis of this geodesic domes. A library of Framework and Visual Basic was used for building the converter.  

    Keywords: geodesic dome, structural analysis, geometrical models, grammar, the converter, preprocessor/postprocessor

  • The development of toolkit of cognitive modelling for research of difficult systems

    In the article the approach to modelling and the analysis of functioning of difficult systems based on indistinct cognitive maps is described. The theoretical part of the article is devoted description of modern family cognitive maps, the short characteristic and the analysis of following groups is given: Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps by Silov, Rules Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Generalized Rules Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Relational Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Neutrosophic Relational Maps, Dynamic cognitive networks. The concept of fuzzy way is entered for the development of mathematical toolkit and the model of fuzzy pulse process is offered. The practical component of the article is directed on the description of examples of the decision of separate problems of cognitive modelling with application of the device fuzzy directed graph of the 1st kind. The offered approach will allow to develop forecast scenarios of development of difficult system taking into account its reaction on external influences.

    Keywords: difficult system, fuzzy model, fuzzy cognitive map, fuzzy way

  • Psychosemantic modeling perception of political order by student of Grozny 2013

    The results of modeling perception psychosemantic political order among students of Grozny in 2013. The study involved 120 people. Modeling based on the classical method of semantic differential Charles Osgood . A comparative analysis of average semantic portraits. Calculated levels of emotional perception of the political order. Perception of order in the Republic: 0, 423052 , Russia: 0.351604 . The basis of the binding model is a theory of two ideal points (extended  method ideal point Coombs ): emotional attitude measured by proximity to the image of the real image of the ideal constructs in semantic space as a whole, rather than individual coordinates. In accordance with the general concepts of "good" and "evil" are calculated ideal "positive" and "negative" constructs. Further, under the theory of catastrophes developed model allows calculations on the ideal proximity to two points. Found that the level of perception described by the potential perception of the fourth degree. A stationary point - stationary states equation of the third degree. Potential itself depends on two factors: evaluation and activity. Based on a group approach, the method of calculation of the binding model and evaluation factors and the activity of the two proximity to two of the ideal points.

    Keywords: political order, semantic differential, factor analysis, the emotional component, questioning, catastrophe theory, the theory of an ideal point

  • System simulation of the service sector: scientific, educational, innovative and cultural aspects

    The paper approaches of different paradigms of simulation in the study of subsystems of modern society, including relating to the service sector - such as cultural complex, the regional scientific environment, the educational and innovation system.  Examples of models appropriate social processes and systems are presented. Concluded that modern experts studying social processes (sociologists, conflict, political scientists) should be able to use the simulation.

    Keywords: simulation, cultural complex, the scientific environment, education system, discrete-event simulation, agent-based modeling

  • Group political attitudes of students in Grozny in 2013

    В работе приведен анализ групповых установок по отношению к политическому порядку молодежи г. Грозного в 2013 году. Мониторинг политических установок осуществлялся методом анкетирования. В пилотажном исследовании приняли участие 120 человек. Выявлены и изучены компоненты политических установок. Уровни найденных восприятий рассчитывались в линейном приближении с использованием факторного анализа, и являются значениями средних, которые строились при помощи описательных статистик.  Уровни когнитивного восприятия политического порядка для Республики: 0,265, и для России: 0,271. Найденные значения являются схожими и  положительными, но следует отметить, что имеют противоположную величину, по сравнению со значениями, полученными в исследовании среди студентов Ростова-на-Дону.  Уровень относительной депривации за 2013 год равен 0,333. Это свидетельствует о том, что руководство Республики сумело закрепить и повысить уровни социальной и экономической защищенности среди студенчества. Поведенческий компонент имеет два уровня: оценка и активность. Оценочный уровень поведения составил -0,275, и уровень поведенческой активности 0,517. Оценочный фактор поведения студенческой группы выявил низкое значение (молодые люди могут не обсуждать новости политики с друзьями, семьей и т.д.),  однако действительное поведение находится на высоком уровне (активное участие в выборах и общественных движениях). Далее, по полученным факторам осуществлялась вторичная факторизация и расчет уже итогового поведенческого компонента. Для 2013 года общий уровень поведенческой составляющей равен 0,352. 

    Keywords: group settings, the affective component, a behavioral component, cognitive component, relative deprivation, questioning, political attitudes, factor analysis

  • Information platform of the dynamically formed measures of the effectiveness

    A detailed description of the platform is provided. We describe key features of the university's indices database including secureness, structure flexibility, access abilities. We demonstrate how user interfaces can be used to fill in database. Also we suggest platform's filling algorithm.

    Keywords: information platform, effectiveness indices, relational database

  • Multiagent simulation of DDoS-type network attacks

    The paper describes the problems of information security of internet services when subjected to a distributed network attack. Describes the multi-agent model of attack. A system software simulated attack to study its properties in real time. The analysis of simulation results. An approach to maintain server stability under high load. Described hike proposed to implement on the basis of mechanisms of method "flood-gate".

    Keywords: simulation, multagentnye systems, network threats, DDoS-attack, JADE, the stability of network services

  • Adaptive control system and diagnostic system for wicket gate adjusting system servomotors of Kaplan turbines

    The article is concerned with problems of modern electrohydraulic converters control systems used to adjust wicket gate of Kaplan turbine. Linearized model of wicket gate servomotor is considered. Algorithm for online identification of parameters of servomotor is considered. Algorithm is based on recurrent least squares method. Algorithm for adaptive PI-regulator tunning is based on online optimization of functional of generalised work (FGW). Model experiments using real data show reducing maximum control error of servomotor position from 20 % to 1 %. Also methods for servomotor state diagnostic are considered.

    Keywords: adaptive control system, diagnostic system, Kaplan turbine wicket gate, linearized models, identification, recurrent least square, functional of generalised work

  • The loosely coupled algorithm of integrated INS-GPS navigation system of the vehicle

    The existing approaches to the integration of relatively cheap strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) based on MEMS-based technology and satellite navigation systems (SNS) are ineffective in relation to motor vehicles. We consider the iterative algorithm for the loosely coupled mode of integration of heterogeneous navigation systems do not intend to use the optimal estimation. The solution is obtained on the basis of the fully nonlinear model of the navigation system of the vehicle and the, therefore, is valid for arbitrary and unknown in advance nature of his movements, and, in the most general assumptions about the level of disturbances acting upon him.

    Keywords: vehicle, integrated inertial navigation satellite system, loosely coupled iterative algorithm

  • Simulation of failures and their elimination on financial markets with the events flow generated by a binary tree

    A financial market on a stochastic basis with a filtration generated by the binary tree is considered. A plugin simulating failures on this market is constructed. We mean by a failure the following situation on the financial market: when passing from a time moment  to the next one new events arise but discounted price of the fixed type stock does not change. A failure generates the incompleteness of the market (the set of martingale measures of this market is infinite). By modelling of a weak deformation it is possible to reduce the set of martingale measures to a unique measure. Thereby the price of every contingent claim is uniquely determined. This price may be considered as "fair price".

    Keywords: Stochastic basis, probability measure, financial market, binary tree, arbitrage free, completeness, weak deformation, martingale measure, plugin.

  • Ration of energy consumption of educational institutions by neural network approach

    The problems concerning the application of neural networks for solving the topical problem of rationing energy consumption educational institutions (EI). A scheme of the neural network approach for determination of the normative costs of electricity and heat EI. In the package Neurosolutions created neural network model of power and heat consumption of classical universities. Advantages of neural networks for solving the problem of rationing

    Keywords: standard consumption, energy consumption, educational institutions, artificial neural network

  • Computing intelligence method based on the molecular interaction model in the cell

    The authours is viewed the new method formalization of computing intelligence, which use molecular interaction model  in the cell. The method parametr adjustment is described. The technological reseach of  marketing verbal proposal  marketing strategies example influence on  the number of potential cliens is introduced.

    Keywords: Computing intelligence, molecular interaction model in the cell, bad formalizable management strategies, business planning

  • Deformed martingales and their properties

    With the help of so-called deformations (that is of probability measures families on sigma-fields forming a filtration) a notion of deformed martingale is introduced. This notion generalizes the classical concept of martingale with discrete time. We differ two sorts of deformed martingales: deformed martingales of the 1-st and the 2-nd type. Similarly deformed sub- and supermartingales of the 1-st and the 2-nd type are introduced. We prove that infimum of arbitrary family of deformed supermartingales is a supermartingale and that convexe function of deformed martingale is a deformed submartingale. In addition, for deformed martingales of the 2-nd type a telescopic property is obtained.

    Keywords: Filtration, probability measure, deformation, deformed martingale, telescopic property

  • Health keeping models of professional socialization of student’s youth in uncertain social conditions.

    The article considers opportunities of model’s approach to practice of health keeping in the context of professional socialization of student’s youth in the modern uncertain social conditions. The author also suggests the health keeping factors model of professional socialization of student’s youth having a personal-focused direction.

    Keywords: health keeping models, professional socialization, student’s youth, conditions of uncertain social, factor’s model, personal-focused direction