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  • Multicriteria decision making under risk based on the integration of multi-agent, evolutionary modeling and numerical methods

    Decision making in the organizational and technical systems is complicated by the risk of various events emergence in the systems with a given probability. The article describes a method for supporting decision making under risk on the basis of integration of evolutionary, multi-agent, simulation models and numerical methods. In the course of the method's work the following steps are performing: a set of alternatives solutions is formed;  transition to a one-criterion alternatives evaluation is fulfilled by using linear convolution; transition to the system behavior certainty is fulfilled with the use of numerical optimization Bayes-Laplace criterion. The developed method is applied to solving the projects scheduling problem; the results agree with the problem solution that has been performed by using genetic algorithm method under certainty.

    Keywords: decision making risks, multi-agent modeling, numerical methods of decisions optimization, scheduling problem, evolutionary modeling

  • An approach to the construction of a model of the distal vessels suitable for the evaluation of blood pressure

    This article describes an approach to create a model based on neural network for use in photoplethysmography. Using this model the development of a method for measuring blood pressure in the distal vessels. Such an approach allows for comfortable removal of diagnostic parameters for the need for long-term testing. These methods can be used to analyze the state of the human operator, and in particular, the driver at pre-shift control for skrinningovyh surveys.

    Keywords: photoplethysmogram, cardio-vascular system, neural network modeling

  • Modifications of BM25 using a genetic algorithm

    The rapidly growing information space combined area networks creates new needs for management, reporting, and especially in the search for data. On the first place there is the criterion of relevance, which allows for its correct use to increase the efficiency of information retrieval. There is a fairly large number of schemes and models for solving search problems, one of which is the BM25.

    Keywords: genetic algorithm, information retrieval, modification BM25

  • Psychosemantical analysis of perception the political order in a stressful condition

    This paper focuses on defining the elements forming the political tension - on the emotional component of a group of political attitude. Baseline data were obtained by questionnaire. All were interviewed 66 patients. Respondents were asked to rate 20 attributes-antonyms two "ideal", positive and negative political orders. And two real order: in Region and in Russia as a whole. It is shown that the investigated audience is characterized by low political activity, and the activity of the emotional perception of the existing orders of magnitude higher than the perception of ideal constructs. An unexpected result of a negative perception of the political order in Russia in a whole, the local order in due permanent stressful situation for the given audience. People normally (or neutral) treat policy which always acts them through region policy. And of the troubles accuse (probably unconsciously) change of a political system which associates at them with center policy. 

    Keywords: political order, semantic differential, factor analysis, the emotional component, questionnaire

  • Infrastructure model of a cultural complex

      It is shown that the simulation as part of the cultural complex social simulation developed within the general methodological trends inherent in sociology as a whole. To study the possibilities and patterns of cultural complex of the Rostov region (for example cultural complex in Rostov-on-Don), as a complex socio-economic system is the most productive synthesis of systems analysis, simulation of socio-economic processes and mapping method. The model, built with the help of a simulation tool AnyLogic 6, there are two levels of sub-system: the level of the model with a high degree of abstraction to model the interaction of people and the cultural infrastructure of the region - for implementation using multi-agent approach and the level of the model with an average level of abstraction for simulations Queuing (cultural needs of the population) at cultural complex. Based on the data obtained in the course of the experiment the number of dissatisfied cultural infrastructure remains about the same - about 16-17% of the total number of residents who use the cultural complex.

    Keywords: simulation, infrastructure, AnyLogic, multiagent approach, the processes of social interaction

  • The integrated cognitive architectureof models of sicial systems

      The article deals with the scientific principles of modern cognitive modeling offered in foreign practice to combine already existing and new models in the future in the form of cognitive architectures. Our approach is based on the concept of a unified theory of cognition, described by Alan Newell, which offers the general provisions for cognitive models used in all areas. In the computer environment, the theory is realized in the form of cognitive architectures. Shown, cognitive architecture is a system integration of static and behavioral models, which provides a solid approach to modeling knowledge of social processes, from the empirical data to quantify the simulation  of results, from level of the neural description to system level, thus the cognitive model is scaled to higher level with preservation of qualitative properties, and as a platform for integration the storage of data serves. Formally described by the level of integration corresponds to the construction of integrated information environment that combines unified storage of data with appendices of analytics.

    Keywords: cognitive modeling, theory of knowledge, cognitive architecture, information environment, storage of data

  • Research of the cognitive component of group political installation in the stressful situation

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the political tensions among the population in relation to the political process. Respondents were asked to rate a five-point scale: the level of their involvement in the political processes occurring, the degree of their emotional involvement in the political process, whether in the family to talk about politics, the level of their economic well-being, level of social protection and perspectives on life in a whole. The questionnaire included questions of religiousness level, and also the general questions characterizing the respondent (a sex, age, a nationality, level education). This paper focuses on the analysis of the cognitive component of group policy settings. The data of the cognitive and emotional component identifies: the people being in a stressful situation in the troubles are inclined to blame a general political system for Russia, instead of regional structures. The group of respondents in a critical situation was alienated. Presence of a hopelessness, isolation on the problems does people by the most passive in occurring political life. Therefore, there is a neutral and indifferent to your local and regional political organizations. Average indicators of levels of economic welfare, social security and prospects on the future talk about the stability and steady average level of assessments. Thus, this indicates a low level of deprivation study audience.

    Keywords: political order, relative deprivation, descriptive statistics, group attitude in relation to the political order, the cognitive component, questionnaire

  • Algorithm of construction of development of surfaces

    In article the algorithm of construction of development not linear surfaces is de-scribed. The algorithm is realised on technology ObjectARX for AutoCAD. It has allowed to integrate algorithm in AutoCAD. The developed algorithms can be used in various technical problems where there is a necessity of construction of development of surfaces.

    Keywords: nonlinear surface, surface development, triangulation method

  • Evaluation of the quality of exercise on a computer simulator handling machine using fuzzy sets

    The article is devoted to the development of the new algorithm performance-training exercises on a computer simulator handling machine. The problem of training of operators handling machines, development of structure-aided training exercises for operators handling machines, the criteria for the exercise on a computer simulator handling machine, the calculation of the coefficient of absorption, using fuzzy logic, the algorithm of the exercise are discussed in the article. The work was supported by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation  (contract № 13.G25.31.0093) as part of the RF Government Decree № 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing complex projects on high-tech production"

    Keywords: Handling machine, a computer simulator, computer-aided learning, learning coefficient, fuzzy output

  • Мobile training complex network infrastructure

      The problem of organizing network infrastructure of the training complex is considered in this paper. Described training complex designed for loading/unloading machine operators training.  The variant of the solution that satisfies the requirements is proposed.  The work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education (contract № 13.G25.31.0093) as part of the RF Government Regulation № 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing complex projects on high-tech production"  

    Keywords: Computer training complex, architecture, control, crane

  • The mobile training complex of loading and unloading device architecture

    This paper considers the problem of constructing the architecture of the mobile training complex of the  loading/unloading machine, which includes a crane and crane control. The work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education (contract № 13.G25.31.0093) as part of the RF Government Regulation № 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing complex projects on high-tech production"

    Keywords: Computer training complex, architecture, control, crane

        Management of large flows of people involves the use of automated software and hardware systems. The main aspect of the design of such systems is considered in paper, itt also analyzed family of IDEF methodologies as annotation for building models of their functioning. It identified the key disadvantages andfurtherrefinementof the model.

    Keywords: access control system, hierarchical model, IDEF, system analysis methodologies

  • The reasons of occurrence of interval values in mathematical models of robust research the stability of control systems

    Examines the historical stages in the development  of the theory of systems research management of the uncertainties, the reasons for they arise in the mathematical  model, this is reflected in an interval values in the transfer  function of the object of control. It is proposed algorithm for obtaining experimentally the interval of values.

    Keywords: interval values, robust stability, the transfer function, parametric uncertainty, a mathematical model of the management system

  • Level of emotional perception of a political order by students of RSUCE on the beginning of 2012

    Results of the flight research spent in April - among students of RSUCE are brought May, 2012. The Main objective of research - definition of the emotional relation of students to local and central political orders. Primary data are received by questioning on a method of semantic differential. By the received results semantic portraits of four types of political usages (two ideal constructions and two above-stated real orders), relative distances in semantic space between images of these usages are defined. That has allowed to calculate levels of emotional perception of local and central political usages in linear approach.

    Keywords: questioning, semantic differential, affective component, group installation, political order, level of emotional perception

      The model of optimization of a cargo transportation of production of the timber industry enterprise which describes process of transportation of wood from wood-procuring enterprises to wood-processing enterprises is offered in this article. Search of an optimum multiple contour of a transport network is considered in model.

    Keywords: mathematical model, optimization of a cargo transportation, automobile forest transport, multigrocery transport problem

  • Algorithm for calculation of reflection on the basis of geometric model

    The algorithm of construction of reflections from the screens of complex shape. Geometric modeling based on the proposed algorithm makes it possible to conduct a rapid assessment of the distances between the fire building complex geometry, and between the process equipment, which is characterized by heat. Analytical dependences describing the process of building reflections, software algorithms and examples of calculations.

    Keywords: geometric modeling, geometrical optics, geometrical acoustics, the laws of reflection

  • Methods of experimental study of pre-stressed in the sample at the indentation of the indenter

    The problem of a radial compressive stress in the sample to assess their impact on the parameters of these stresses pressing indentors

    Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive

  • Modification of Prony algorithm for vector-scalar array

    The algorithm, which allows to apply the Prony method to estimate of the sources parameters using vector-scalar receiving array is discussed. Noise immunity of the proposed algorithm is very high, so as the measured components of the acoustic field does not contain a noise.

    Keywords: Prony algorithm, vector-scalar array, dynamic sea noise, the covariance, the flow of power

  • The problem of implementing a static conical indenter into the region with radial initial stresses

    We consider the problem of pressing a conical indenter in pre-compressed radial force elastoplastic medium. The influence of the initial stresses on the parameters of the indentation.

    Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive

  • On the computation the spread for the generalized (B, S)-market in case of buying up shares

    This paper presents a method for calculating the spread for the generalized (B, S)-market in case of buying up shares. A brief description of the relevance of tasks, related to the calculation of market value of derivative of assets and concomitant calculations. Substantiate the use of Martingale ideology in studies of financial markets. Describes the essence of the generalized model (B, S)-market in case of buying up shares, as well as the principle of calculating of upper and lower value of the option-call European type.

    Keywords: financial market, option, spread, model completeness, arbitration, financial strategy, the model of Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, financial liability, the martingale

  • Development of data-processing system based on multi-dimensional data warehouse

       The authors created information-analytical system based on OLAP and using data mining algorithms for the development of automated technology point-rating system of student assessment to monitor and to analyze the quality of the educational process in the course of the monthly student achievements' assessment  and monitoring of the results of examinations. As a result, managers on various levels have increased the level of control and efficiency of the university, received timely consistent and accurate information.

    Keywords: data processing, OLAP, Data Mining, Microsoft SQL Server, education, university, reports, information and analysis system, multi-dimensional data warehouse

  • Mathematical model of deformation of reinforced shells of revolution with an allowance for variable material properties

    Mathematic model considers the geometrical and physical nonlinearity, the adaptability of creep flow. Arc work is accounted for by the method of constructive anisotropy, but with due regard for shear and torsion rigidity. In solving physically nonlinear problems, secant modulus is defined directly from the «σ-ε» curve, found experimentally. Mathematic model is written in the form of functional of total deformation energy. This model can be used for comprehensive analysis of the stability of reinforced shells of revolution.

    Keywords: stability of reinforced shells of revolution, linear-elastic problems, the nonlinear-elastic problems, the problem of creep flow.

  • Software τ-completeness of (В, S)-market model in case of Haar special filtration with acception of arbitrage.

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the software (В, S)-market model in case of Haar special filtration is under observation.

    Keywords: completeness, τ-completeness, arbitrage, (B,S)-market model

  • The use of hybrid self-organizing neural networks and fast discrete wavelet transform for the construction of systems of classification of signals

    In this paper we consider the problem of constructing a classification algorithm signals using self-organizing hybrid neural networks and fast wavelet transform, which is a special type of linear transformation of the signals and these signals are displayed physical data about the processes and physical properties of natural environments and objects implemented using fast neural networks.

    Keywords: signal, classification, neural network, self-organization, the wavelet.

  • Multiagent system for modeling of electricity energy consumption and production in hres

      ▼ Меню                                 Журнал→Номер 2, 2012 г.→Статья Abstracts  Аннотация или Abstract                   Figovsky O.L. «The review of the latest western nanotechnologies (on materials of the international NanoIsrael-2012 conference) » Recently (on March 26-27 of this year) there passed the international NanoIsrael-2012 conference which showed considerable successes of the world community as in basic researches in the sphere of nanotechnologies, and in creation of real innovative productions in this area of the industry. One of the main sponsors of conference was also RUSNANO which presented information on nanoindustry development in Russia. The review of the western nanotechnologies presented at conference is provided in article.
    Keywords: nanotechnologies, the Israeli companies in the field of the nanotechnologies, the nanostructured polyurethanes, technology of nanoreinforcing, a nanowire, nanostructure. Vasilenko D.M.  «Rational use of different types of resources in the system of priorities of economic modernization of the North Caucasus Federal District» The implementation of a regional policy aimed at ensuring the economic development of regions, advances as a primary focus of sustainable development effective use of the resource potential of providing a regional process of reproduction. It is particularly acute issue of increasing the efficiency of the resource potential of the regions.
    Keywords: The resource potential of the territory, a savings component of the resource potential of the region, the labor component of the resource potential of the region, institutional management tools economies in the region. Azhmukhamedov I.M., Marenkov A.N.  «The search and estimate of anomalies in network traffic on the basis of the cyclical analysis» The mathematical model for automation of search and an assessment of anomalies of volume of a network traffic is offered. The developed model can be used in a traffic control system for the analysis of a condition of the computer network for the purpose of detection of malfunctions of the network equipment, identification of casual and deliberate actions from users, and also action of malefactors.
    The offered scheme can be used in a control system of a traffic both internal, and an external network. Input parameters can be described by qualitative values that allow developing base of rules for elaboration of response to the arisen situation.
    Keywords: Computer Networks, analysis and forecasting network traffic, anomalies in traffic.   Subbotina I.U. «Sociolabor relations goodwill systems «Person-manufacture»
    In article formation of sociolabor relations goodwill systems «person-manufacture» which is the consolidated process of personnel selection of the enterprise is considered and mentions all stages of organizational work with the personnel
    Keywords: Sociolabor relations, personnel selection, goodwill system «person-manufacture», personal and professional qualities of workers, labor potential, motivational audit.   Vasilenko D.M.  «Development tools of correction of social and economic policy in the regions north Caucasus federal district»
    The complex nature of the institutional problems of the North Caucasus federal district determines the need for the correction of social and economic policy of the state in part, due to the redundant labor force regions. An example of effective implementation of such policies is the work created in the 2010 Inter-Regional Resource Center.
    Keywords: The resource base area employment potential of the region, Management tools and their application in the management of socio-economic development entities SKFO.   Baranova D.A. «Mathematical model of deformation of reinforced shells of revolution with an allowance for variable material properties»
    Mathematic model considers the geometrical and physical nonlinearity, the adaptability of creep flow. Arc work is accounted for by the method of constructive anisotropy, but with due regard for shear and torsion rigidity. In solving physically nonlinear problems, secant modulus is defined directly from the «σ-ε» curve, found experimentally. Mathematic model is written in the form of functional of total deformation energy. This model can be used for comprehensive analysis of the stability of reinforced shells of revolution.
    Keywords: stability of reinforced shells of revolution, linear-elastic problems, the nonlinear-elastic problems, the problem of creep flow.   Boiko N.I., Fisenko K.S. «Investigation of the surface quality of weld metal cylindrical part machined in hot condition» Investigated the quality of the surface layer of weld metal cylindrical part in the combined processes of under the flux layer welding and cutting, as well as follow grinding of weld metal in the hot and cold. Showing photos of the weld surface and the machined part and its structure. Keywords: grinding, hot weld metal, structure of the metal, micro hardness.   Guskova N. I., Brumshtejn J. M., Travova E. S. « The medical equipment for home application: analysis of park of equipment available on sale and its actual use by the population» The expediency of in-home population health services development is shown, forms of such service are specified. Advantages of medical equipment for in-home application (MEfIHA) usage from positions of patients are proved. Results of the population questioning, concerning with MEfIHA usage, executed by authors are presented. Structure MEfIHA available in sale and actually used by population is compared. For the majority of MEfIHA kinds their functionality, ranges of costs, features of application by patients are characterized. Variants of maintenance service for MEfIHA are investigated. The conclusion, that volumes of population MEfIHA usage are insufficient, are substantiated. Keywords: the Medical equipment, in-home application, Availability of medical service, Quality of medical service, Technological level, Questioning.   Veselov S.L.  «Formation of competitiveness of production in housing» This article specifies and analyses various factors affecting consumer choice in the purchase of residential real estate in buildings under construction. The work sets forth a structured and specifies hierarchy of such factors. Keywords: Incomplete housing, consumer preferences, competitiveness of construction production, residential real estate.   Nazarenko I.S.  «The CRM technologies in logistics process of modern enterprise»
    The author's vision of CRM systems with their orientation to maximize the mastering potential of all stakeholders of the enterprise is presented in the paper. The objectives and results of implementing CRM systems are systematized; their comparative characteristic is represented, as well as results of the analysis and selection of a CRM system for a modern industrial company “RUSAL” with accounting the strategic aims and directions of development.
    Keywords: CRMsystems,logisticsprocess,logisticsoperations,Logistics Department,informationsupport, software, operatingsystem, 1 C: Enterprise.Thebasicversion, informationproducts. Trishkina N. U.  «Features of evaluating the effectiveness of educational services»
    In the information society education is a factor in the effective functioning of public and political system. In this regard, management of the education system is of particular importance. The most important are the issues with the system analysis of factors influencing the development and modernization of the education system, effective use of resources in this sphere, the quantitative and qualitative assessment of performance of educational institutions functioning in a market economy.

    Keywords: market economy, social sphere, the sphere of services, the education system, the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the effectiveness and quality of educational services. Abullaev R.R. «The basic directions of stimulation of development of business in the Rostov region»

    In article directions of the enterprise activity, capable to provide development of economy of the Rostov region are considered. The author considers as those manufacture of agriculture production and innovative sphere. Ways of development of branches of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of a business cycle forecast of the given segment of the world market are considered. The special attention is given a problem of creation of favorable conditions of managing for innovatively active individuals.  The making very small percent from all population. Actions of state support of enterprise activity are offered; positive changes of economic expectations of inhabitants of region become the main which result of realization. Keywords: Business, agrarian and industrial complex, innovative sphere, the state support of business men. Magomadova H.A. «The principles of the economical utilization of natural resources. Molding of the ideas of steady development»
    Is analyzed the problem of the principles of the economical utilization of natural resources of strategy of ecologically steady social and economic development taking into account market conversions in Russian economy.  Anthropogenic processes in the biosphere, including connected with the environmental pollution, should be evaluated in connection with the stability of natural systems. From an ecological point of view steady development must be provided by the integrity of biological and physical natural systems.
    Special importance has a viability of the ecosystems, on which depends the global stability of entire biosphere.

    Keywords: Are natural resources, biosphere, steady development, market use of natural resources. Sannikov N.I., Adigamov K.A., Alekhin S.N., Denisenko E.A., Alekhin A.S. «Mathematical representation of the characteristics of the interphase boundary surface of the transition layer»
    It is shown that to describe the phenomena and processes in a transition interfacial layer having a certain thickness, it is useful to distinguish the boundary layer of the surface and boundary diffusion layer, which lies entirely in the less condensed phase related. In accordance with this energy and power characteristics of the transition layer should be attributed to the boundary surface of the interphase transition layer. The basic equation of electro capillary boundary of the surface layer, establishing the dependence of the surface tension of this layer on the chemical composition of the second phase, and bordering the jump of electric potential between them. Keywords: Interphase layer, Entropy, Concentration, Adsorption, Surface tension boundary layer, the surface energy, electrochemical electrode. Ananyev A.S., Butenko D.V., Popov K.V. «Intelligent technologies for design information systems. The method of design software products in the presence of a prototype»
    The method of design new information systems with the list of procedures which it allows you to create new non-trivial projects, for example,  software of psycho semantic analysis of audio data. In article describe that base on existing requirements, in the presence of the prototype, these technologies allow us to formulate requirements to the functional structure of the future system, to determine its operating principles, and present options for technical solutions.
    Keywords: conceptual design, intelligent technologies, information technologies, digital signal processing. Bereza N.V. «Modern trends of developmentthe globaland the Russian marketof information services»
    This paper presents an analytical overview of the global and national market of the information services, and examines the main trends and prospects of development of the information market.
    Keywords: Market of the information services, IT outsourcing, cloud computing, data centers, information security, green computing, green IT. Glazunova L.V. «The thermal stabilization system in the combined equipment» The thermal stabilization system of combined equipment based on methods evaporation-condensation and liquid cooling was engineered and produced.  Some constructive decision of device fluid cooling, results of heat and hydromechanics simulations and testing was presented. Keywords: thermal stabilization system, combined equipment, cooling, thermal simulation. Glukhov A.U., Neginsky I.V. « Digital synchronous measuring of the surface impedance» We describe the hardware and software package designed to get the dependencies of instantaneous values ​​of the electric field E of the magnetic field H, and, depending on the module surface impedance and phase shift of the electric and magnetic fields on the amplitude of the alternating magnetic field. The digital synchronous detection method applied in this article to analyze the spectral response of the substances. This article gives the results for ferromagnetic materials, paramagnetic materials and dielectrics.

    Keywords: surface impedance, ferromagnetisms, alternating magnetic field, alternating electric field, digital synchronous detection. Grinenko S.V. «Marketing research as an instrument of monitor the migration of graduates of vocational education»
    The article presents approaches to the development of information and analysis subsystem in the formation and development of scientific and educational infrastructure of the professional community to improve the coordination of interests of the labor market, which determines the balance between supply and demand on the basis of monitoring the migration of young professionals.
    Keywords: The labor market of graduates of vocational education, market research, scientific and educational infrastructure of the professional community, information and analysis subsystem, migration. Guguev I.K., Pershin V.A. «Universal stand and methods of diagnostics of elements of gidrosistem of machines of the communal appointments».
    In article the schematic diagram of the universal stand used at diagnostics of elements of hydro systems of domestic cars by a thermodynamic method and a method of similarity of functioning of technical systems is presented. Conclusions by efficiency of use of the stand and methods are given. Keywords: hydro system, a technical condition, universal stand, structural and functional parameters. Haiduk V.I., Kalitko S.A., Shevtsov V.V. «Increase of efficiency of use of the mechanism of insurance of risks in agrarian and industrial complex»
    The recommendations for the choice of insurance companies, and new approaches to agricultural insurance for 260-FZ. Identified ways of increasing the efficiency of the mechanism of insurance in the agricultural business.
    Keywords: Risk, Insurance, Insurance premiums and payments, Agriculture. Dobrynin N. F., Levitskiy A. A. «The role of the system the benchmarks in the construction and maintenance of railways»
    The paper proposes a new concept of benchmark system on the railways for the control of the geometric parameters of paths. It can be used for the preparation of projects of reconstruction and repair of roads.
    Keywords: reference system, the rotation angle slopes, lateral leveling, fiducially marks. Kalmykov B. Y., Vysotsky I. Y. «Suggestions for assessing the strength of construction of passenger vehicles»
    The authors propose a method for determining the total impact energy of a bus rollover to the conditions of the Rules of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe № 66 (UNECE) intended for the certification of passenger motor vehicles of category M3. Propose an adjustment to the formula for calculating the height of the fall of the center of gravity of the bus.
    Keywords: The bus, safety of bus construction, strength, deformation, a centre of mass, energy. Capenko I. V., Mironova D. D. «The human capital and innovative factors of its development»
    In article the concept and structure of the human capital, the investment as a basis of its formation are considered; classification and features of investments into the human capital; an optimum parity of market and state investments into the human capital. Creation of the scientifically-educational centers promoting integration of the advanced researches and formation, for the purpose of growth of the human capital in Russia and to its more effective use is offered.
    Keywords: reproduction of the human capital, the investment into the human capital, features of investments into the human capital, components of the human capital, the scientifically-educational center. Obojmova N. T., Dovlatyan G. P. «Study of the socio-economic potential of the territorial development using marketing tools»
    In this article we describe the General and specific regularities of the development of the economy of the city. Mines, the analysis of economic potential of the city, identified internal contradictions and tendencies of development of municipal economy and housing and communal services. According to the results of application of marketing tools in the analysis of territorial development, and it is carried out SWOT-analysis of the development of the city and mentioned vital industry presents forecasts and threats, which can be used for strategic planning.
    Keywords: SWOT - analysis, marketing tools, strategic planning of branch and territory. Troilin V.V. «Methodological basis of the investment strategy for modernization and development of water transport industrial enterprises»
    Efficient investment strategy for modernization and development of water transport industrial enterprises requires using the forecasting methodology aimed at searching for new opportunities of economic development based on intensification of the existing and creation of new competitive advantages of Russian economics. Analysis of regularities in the development of water transport indicates advisability of a four-stage algorithm for the development of a mid-term investment policy forecast and scenarios.
    Keywords: Water transport, Industrial enterprises, Investment strategy. Tsapko K. A."The Methodological Fundamentals of Formation Value-Oriented Backlog of Road-building Complex Design Companies» The article examines features of the backlog of business formation for design companies of road-building complex which apply value-based management system. The most important factors influencing the decision making about inclusion potential projects in the backlog of business are considered. The close attention is payed to substantiation of VBM metrics reflecting the contribution of projects to value creation by analyzed companies, and to value modeling of projects which let to evaluate projects depending on tender prices. Keywords: Backlog of business, value-based management, Design Company, tender.   Karapetyan G.Ya.,DneprovskiV.G.,BagdasaryanA.S.,Bagdasaryan S.A.,NikоlaevA.L.,Kaidashev E.M.«The passive wireless sensor on surface acoustic waves for measurement of gas and liquid environments parameters»
    The sensor design on surface acoustic waves (SAW), representing the delay line with unidirectional inter-digital transducers (IDT) is considered. The factor of reflection of SAW from the unidirectional IDT loaded on impedance depending on value of resistance connected to it is investigated. On dependence of factor of reflection on size of resistance there is almost linear site at values of resistance more than 50 Ohm. The new design of the connected lattices of nanowire of zinc oxide, having the general resistance in a range of 50-250 Ohm which is connected to reflective IDT as loading is developed.
      Keywords: passive sensors, ZnO nanowire, surface acoustic waves, interdigital transducer. Ignatjev V.K., Nikitin A.V., Perchenko S. V., Stankevich D. A. «Dynamic cancelation of additive error of precision analog-to-digital converter» Analog-to-digital converter, with modulation, amplification and demodulation of the input signal is carried out. To compensate the additional error of voltage conversion, concerned with temperature instability, used dynamic cancellation technique, based on the correlation between offset voltage and modulator temperature fluctuation. ADC with response time 0.85 s performs the threshold of sensitivity 1 nV; 8,5 s - 0,31 nV, 85 s - 0.13 nV, 850 s - 0.1 nV, respectively, in the full-scale range 400 mV. Estimation of offset voltage temperature drift is 40 pV / ºC, time drift - 100 pV / h. Keywords: analog-to-digital converter, ADC, error cancellation. Zverev A.P., Zverev D.A. «About use possibility neuronets at the organization of works on elimination of consequences of emergency situations. »
    In article use of neuronets, for elimination of consequences of emergency situations is considered.
    Keywords: emergency situations, a transport problem, neuronets, training of neuronets. Boldyrev S.V. «The use of hybrid self-organizing neural networks and fast discrete wavelet transform for the construction of systems of classification of signals»
    In this paper we consider the problem of constructing a classification algorithm signals using self-organizing hybrid neural networks and fast wavelet transform, which is a special type of linear transformation of the signals and these signals are displayed physical data about the processes and physical properties of natural environments and objects implemented using fast neural networks.
    Keywords: signal, classification, neural network, self-organization, the wavelet. Serbinovskiy B.Yu., Chefranova O.V. «Controlling the realization of the policy and strategy of transport and road complex development»
    The results of the creation of a controlling subsystem as part of the system of strategic management of the transport and road complex (TRC) development are given. Structural
    And process controlling subsystem components for different hierarchical levels of strategic management and state policy in the sphere of TRC development are defined.
    Keywords: strategic management, state policy, road and transport complex, controlling. Shcherbakov M. V., Nabiullin A.S., Kamaev V.A. «Multiagent system for modeling of electricity energy consumption and production in hres»
    In this paper we consider the problem of modeling the production and consumption of energy in hybrid systems. Hybrid power systems combine traditional electricity suppliers and components generate electricity from renewable energy (photovoltaic cells). Simulation allows calculating the optimal number of components and parameters of the receipt of renewable energy as a function of the projected demand for electricity consumption. An approach is proposed based on the allocation of tasks and agentifikatsii agent ¬ collect information on consumption, ¬ agent gathering information about the production and agent modeling. Experiments are shown for different seasons.  

    Keywords: energy efficiency, hybrid renewable energy systems, modeling.