Psychosemantical analysis of perception the political order in a stressful condition
Psychosemantical analysis of perception the political order in a stressful condition
This paper focuses on defining the elements forming the political tension - on the emotional component of a group of political attitude. Baseline data were obtained by questionnaire. All were interviewed 66 patients. Respondents were asked to rate 20 attributes-antonyms two "ideal", positive and negative political orders. And two real order: in Region and in Russia as a whole. It is shown that the investigated audience is characterized by low political activity, and the activity of the emotional perception of the existing orders of magnitude higher than the perception of ideal constructs. An unexpected result of a negative perception of the political order in Russia in a whole, the local order in due permanent stressful situation for the given audience. People normally (or neutral) treat policy which always acts them through region policy. And of the troubles accuse (probably unconsciously) change of a political system which associates at them with center policy.
Keywords: political order, semantic differential, factor analysis, the emotional component, questionnaire