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  • Game theoretic formalization of the trust level between subjects of social partnership in the system of optional professional education

    A cooperative game theoretic model of dynamics of the trust level between subjects of the system of optional professional education is proposed. Some approaches to the model identification and investigation based on simulation modeling and differential cooperative game theory are considered.

    Keywords: social partnership, optional professional education, differential cooperative games, simulation modeling, identification

  • Models of cooperation in the system of social partnership

    Relations between subjects of the system of social partnership in the domain of optional professional education are modeled by a voting game. For the 3-person voting game a comparative analysis of such optimality principles as C-core, NM-decision, and Shapley value for the typical values of the players' voices is conducted.

    Keywords: social partnership, optional professional education, voting games, C-core, NM-decision, Shapley value

  • Statistical analysis of selections of exchange rates by means of rank criteria

    In presented article rank criteria for the statistical analysis of two selections are considered. These criteria check statistical hypotheses. Three groups of rank criteria were considered: about equality of the central tendencies, scopes of a variation and distribution laws. Researches were conducted on data on exchange rates in two next days in nine banks. Correctness of criteria was estimated proceeding from an US dollar exchange rate established by the Central bank of Russia. To these data rank criteria of Wilcoxon, Van der Waerden, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and others were applied rubbed. Coinciding values of two selections were estimated by means of a method of an average rank. For all examples rank criteria gave the correct assumptions of equality of two selections.

    Keywords: statistics, rank, sample, hypotheses statistical, critical value, normal distribution, the interfaced couples

  • Modelling problem for surfaces of the second order of positive curvature

    In work infinitesimal bendings surfaces of positive curvature with edge, subordinates on edge of external communication of the mixed type are studied. It is established quasicorrectness such external communication provided that the vector field belongs to a surface

    Keywords: a surface of positive curvature, infinitesimal bendings, a field of displacement, a field of rotations, own vector field, modelling problem

  • Program realization of a three-dimensional mathematical model sediment transport in the shallow waters

    The work is devoted to modeling sediment transport in shallow waters. Results of mathematical and numerical modeling can be applied in practice to justify the design and construction of hydraulic structures to predict the formation of the bottom topography (eg predicting sediment transport), to address issues related to the protection of the recorded ports and channels, weather impacts to the design, to determine the optimal routes maritime access channels, etc.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, hydrodynamics, transport of substances, the Navier-Stokes equation of diffusion-convection-reaction

  • Using agent-based modeling approach for social conflicts analysis ethnic groups

      This article presents an agent-based computational model of civil violence. In the model a central authority seeks to suppress communal violence between two warring ethnic groups. To describe model UML diagrams are presented. Article also shows a number of experiments with model which shows such benefits of model as guiding data collection, revealing dynamical analogies, discovering new questions and decision support in crisis situations.

    Keywords: Legitimacy, agent based modeling, simulation, risk aversion, jail, neighborhood patches, radius vision, expressed political tension, latent political tension

  • A model of optimal biological resource exploitation with corruption

    The paper reports on dynamical model of optimal biological resource exploitation with corruption. Particularly, it is allowed a fish quota increase after paid a bribe. The research has been realized with the sustainable development conception by the Pontryagin's maximum principle. A time moment, where the bribe is profitable, is considered. Fight corruption methods are presented.

    Keywords: Mathematical model, optimal exploitation, corruption

  • Mathematic modeling of ring dynamic on two bearings with application of basic functions

    The  researches results of possibility of  equations simplification of ring dynamic, which is based on two bearings with the help of task of special base functions system, in accordance with conditions of  zero transmissions in bearings points are represented. The calculation of the coefficients of the basis functions of a linear function and the polynomial of degree  two and three.

    Keywords: ring based on two bearings, zero displacement at points bearings, system of basis functions

  • Mathematical model uncertainties management systems and methods used for their research

    Describes the mathematical model uncertainties of the most common in systems of automatic control. The methods of research of automatic control systems in the presence of uncertainties, allowing to reach the target of control.

    Keywords: mathematical models, uncertainty management systems, methods of research, robust stability, interval methods

  • Developing of the algorithm of maximum flow of minimum cost finding in a fuzzy dynamic network

    The article considers the problem of maximum flow of minimum cost finding in fuzzy dynamic transportation network. The relevance of the problem is in its wide practical application on the rail, air, sea and other roads in finding of routes of minimum cost. The feature of the problem statement is that fuzzy nature of the network parameters, such as arc capacities and costs is taken into account. It allows us to make decisions more sensitive to environmental changes. The dependence of network parameters from flow departure is also considered, that allows to introduce the notion "dynamic" network as opposed to "stationary-dynamic", examined in the literature. The algorithm for solving the described problem in fuzzy conditions is proposed. To illustrate the algorithm a numerical example is presented.

    Keywords: dynamic network, maximum flow of minimum cost, fuzzy numbers, arc capacity, transit time

  • A New Hybrid Table/Analytical Approach to MOSFET Modeling for Cryogenic Technologies

    In this paper, a new simple and accurate hybrid table/analytical model of the MOSFET drain current based on the interpolation of table parameters is proposed. This new hybrid table model has an accuracy similar to the pure table models but requires no complex parameter extraction. The drain current in the hybrid model is calculated as the product of the analytical model current and the correction factor approximated by two-dimensional series.

    Keywords: MOS-transistor, MOSFET parameters, cryogenic temperature, parametric identification

  • Perception of a political order among students of Vladikavkaz in 2012

    Research presented the analysis of the cognitive components of the perception of the political order based on the pilot questioning in Vladikavkaz in 2012. 47 respondents took part in questioning. The questionnaire included a subjective assessment of the following levels the participation in political processes; the emotional involvement into them; discussion of the these processes; economic welfare; social protection; life prospects. In addition, the questionnaire included questions about the degree of religiosity, and also the general questions characterizing the respondent (a sex, age, a nationality, level of parents education). To assess the level of deprivation used the subjective opinion of respondents on the levels of economic welfare and social protection, assessment of prospects in life, and also the degree of involvement in various political processes. Received, the level of involvement of young people in Vladikavkaz in the political processes in society - 1.28, the level of emotional involvement - 1.91. Average consistent level comments political processes in the family - 2.15.  The level of economic well-being and average level of social protection of students: 2.27 and 2.34. Assessment of prospects in life is average - 2.96. It was revealed in 2012, there is a low level of participation in political life with a low level of involvement in the political process. Some parameters of relative deprivation is average, and it is expected that this component will not lead to the formation of political tension.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Dynamics of a cognitive component group setting among students of Grozny in relation to a political order (according to 2011 - 2012)

    Researches based on results of the questioning among the students of Grozny (GGNI), conducted in 2011 - 2012. Over the entire study period, 525 people were interviewed. The questionnaire consisted of questions focused at identifying the subjective opinions on own relation of respondents to a political order, and also questions opening level of a group relative deprivation. The received results of a cognitive component were processed by a method of the statistical analysis in software package SPSS. It is revealed, increase the level of relative deprivation among a group of students, which may indicate an increase in the level of political tension. Detected, reducing the level of emotional involvement in the political life of the Republic, which is exacerbated by increased levels of alienation from the political process. In the identification of situations among student of Grozny need to direct efforts local government at ending the fall of the level of emotional involvement, as well as to control the level of relative deprivation with fixing it to reach the middle level.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Prospects for the use of genre classification of Web documents in search engines

    The paper discusses possible options for the use of genre classification results of Web documents in search engines. The proposed methods can improve the quality of search engines.

    Keywords: Web document classification, text documents, search engines, search engine results page, search quality, diversity

  • The system of automated construction of the social network graph

    To analyze social network graph effectively one needs a web-based tool, to parse network data automatically. In the first part of the paper we descibe a structre of the data we gain, including who comments whom information. Then we explain usage of Drupal CMF with Feeds module to parse network data and save it to database. The data obtained consist of name of the comment author, date posted, journal author, comment text, title of the comment. Prepared graph can be exported for further use.

    Keywords: social network graph, web-page parser, drupal cmf, feeds module, comments importer, comments graph

  • Development of generator of random numbers on the points of the elliptic curve

    The article is about generators of random numbers (GPN) constructed on points of an elliptic curve and algorithms of development irreducible polynomials over prime fields. It describes their advantages and main features. The authors analyzes the algorithm of development GPN constructed on points of an elliptic curve with using irreducible polynomials of degree three over finite fields. In this approach, calculations were made in the system of residual classes. According to the results of computer simulation shows the advantages of algorithm in speed and security of a cryptosystem.

    Keywords: the generator of pseudo-random numbers, elliptic curve, system of residual classes, cryptographic security, irreducible polynomials

  • Synthesis interpolation algorithm line segment for planning trajectory of confluent two-tier mechanism

    Considered original interpolation method of the working tool path using confluent two-unit manipulator. This method is based on the separation of the links on the master and slave and the use of polar coordinates to determine the incremental rotation of angle units. It is adapted for use calculating hardware with floating point.

    Keywords: two-tier mechanism, circular interpolation, the kinematic model, floating point operations, the static accuracy of interpolation

  • Nested metagraphs as models of complex objects

    "The concept of the nested metagraph as the model of a complex object with different levels of generalization is introduced. It is shown that the nested metagraphs reflect the general system concept for description of complex objects with synergistic effect. This approach enables moving from the set-theoretic description of complex objects to their algebraic-theoretic description, thus increasing the model adequacy to real-life objects. The application of the nested metagraphs, in particular to business-intelligence and semantic search is considered. "

    Keywords: nested metagraphs, complex object, hyperedge as the essence, business analysis, a semantic network

  • Coalition model of multi-agent resource conversion process

    The paper focuses on one of possible approaches to decision support problem, which is based on multi-agent simulation modelling. Most decision support cases generally consist of a set of available alternatives definition, estimation and selection of the best one. When choosing a solution one needs to consider a large number of conflicting objectives and, thus, to estimate possible solutions on multiple criteria. Multi-agent resource conversion process model was developed on the basis of several approaches integration: simulation and situational modeling, expert and multi-agent systems, object-oriented approach. The multi-agent resource conversion process model was extended elements coalition. Apparatus of conflict modeling was extended communications. Creation and disintegration processes of coalition are starting structural and parametric changes in multi-agent resource conversion process model. Coalition multi agent model of resources conversion process was implemented in decision support system BPsim.

    Keywords: resource conversion process, multi-agent system, intelligent agent, coalition, decision making

  • Using of modeling of the road motion for estimation of the ecological condition is exposed-road network

    In the publication the problematics of an estimation of emissions of polluting substances from motor transport is stated. Aplying foreign experience in estimation of the ecological situation at modelin  

    Keywords: soiling the air pool, surge polluting material from motor transport, features of the transport flow.

  • The analysis of on-line transaction processing systems’ model with replication of database fragments designed by using principles the cloud environment

      The model of on-line transaction processing system architecture constructed by a principle of cloud structure is considered. The mathematical model of OLTP-system as the queuing system is offered. Results of modeling and their analysis are led.

    Keywords: On-line transaction processing system, Cloud architecture, Distributed database, Queuing system

  • A new approach to provide web accessibility for the blind users based on the enhance of navigational characteristics of web pages

    Most of web pages of the Web are inaccessible for the blind users. And the main reason is a lack of the semantics at the source code (technical) level of web pages and absence of the navigational components. In this work we propose a new web page representation---multiaxial navigation model---representing web documents in the form convinient for the blind users. Moreover, we present methodology for the navigation on the model proposed, that ensure an efficiency of user mobility. Automatic transformation of a web page into the multiaxial navigation model and navigation means are realized in the Blindzilla prototype. An efficiency of the proposed concepts is proven experimentally regarding contemporary screen readers, such as JAWS, Window-Eyes, and Fire Vox.

    Keywords: web accessibility, navigation, web page, web technologies

  • The emotional component of the group's political attitudes of students Rostov state university of civil engineering at the end of 2012

    Monitoring group's political attitudes among students RSUCE was conducted in November - December 2012, as a continuation of the long-term research. Primary data were collected by means of the questionnaire survey conducted by the method of semantic differential. Osgud's classical questions are put in a basis of the questionnaire. Students were offered to estimate the relation to four types of political orders. Two real, local and Central orders. And two ideal orders: the perfect positive political order that the Respondent satisfied in all respects, and the perfect negative, completely not arranging the respondent. According to the obtained data the average semantic portraits characterizing group perception of two real and two ideal political orders were constructed. Group emotional perception was estimated according to the degree of closeness images of real orders to the images of the corresponding ideal constructs in the space of the primary signs and in the space of the identified factors. Linear approximation according to which level of emotional perception is proportional to half-difference of relative distances from an image of a real order to images of negative and positive orders respectively was used. It is received that for the end of 2012 the students RSUCE perceived both local and central political orders negatively, with levels of emotional perception rloc=-0,26 and rCentr=-0,39. The estimation of the confidence of these results was carried out. It was equal 0,8.

    Keywords: questioning, semantic differential, political order, level of emotional perception, theory of an ideal point, linear approximation, confidence level

  • Numerical solution for a plane area containing the unknown interface

    The numerical algorithm consists of in determination of a minimum of some functional, defined in the area containing in advance unknown interface. The unknown interface is obtained from a minimization condition of the functional together with unknown functions. The problem for plane area dares a method of grids.

    Keywords: algorithm, functional, minimum, genetic algorithm, grid, function, area, interface

  • Identification of the structural features of layered minerals by X-ray diffraction

    The paper is devoted to developing an approach to solving the problem of structure identification of layered minerals of the kaolinite group by the Rietveld method. The calculations of the intensity of the diffracted X-ray radiation are performed for the koalinit samples obtained from different fields. Qualitative agreement between calculated and experimental results has managed the solution of the identification problem for the kaolinite unit cell Glukhovtsy deposit. The obtained results indicate the possibility of identifying the features of the crystal structure of layered minerals by direct calculation of diffraction patterns.

    Keywords: layered minerals, crystal structure, group of koalinit, diffractogram, X-rays, Voigt function, phase composition