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  • Simulation of the converter devices transformer in Simulink

    The analysis of electromagnetic processes of thyristor controlled voltage regulator consisting of triple-wound transformer with thyristor units is possible only by means of computer modeling. The synthesis of triple-wound transformer  by means of block diagram method is concerned here. As a platform for modeling use visual simulation package Simulink. Key assumptions in the development of nonlinear mathematical model of the transformer are generally accepted.

    Keywords: three-phase transformer, thyristor voltage regulator, simulation, Simulink

  • Ab initio modeling of reactions of acrylamide with aliphatic di-, tri-, tetra- and pentaamines

    The paper studies the possibility of interaction of acrylamide with aliphatic di-, tri-, tetra- and pentaamines using quantum chemical ab initio modeling. The interest to the preparation of these compounds can only increase since they may serve as feedstock for the production of other useful materials which may find adequate application. The choice of reaction conditions depends on the thermodynamic principles of the process, and for that reason, the paper determines thermodynamic parameters and the logarithms of the equilibrium constants of acrylamide reaction with aliphatic amines in ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 in the gas phase by quantum-chemical method based on density functional theory using a hybrid exchange-correlation of B3LYP functions in the basis of 3 -21G* within 273 ÷ 450 K temperature range and pressure of 0.1 MPa. These calculations served as a base for defining the conditions that must be followed when developing the technology for these compounds, and it was shown that the reaction of their synthesis with high probability of acrylamide - amine reactants ratio of 2:1 should be conducted under relatively mild conditions. Theoretical calculations comply with the experiment, because the interaction of acrylamide with amines at various ratios of reagents and temperatures within 325 ÷ 330 K leads predominantly to the transformation at acrylamide-amine 2:1 reagent ratio, as evidenced by the number of reactive reagents, and frequency analysis of FT-IR, NMR 1H and 13C spectra.  Thus, the possibilities of mathematical modeling allow determining the highest probability of spontaneity for a particular reaction, using the method of computer simulation by changing the process temperature (within the model) without performing any technological experiments.

    Keywords: Acrylamide, aliphatic amines, ethylenediamine, diethylenetriamine, triethylenetetramine, tetraethylenepenta-amine, thermodynamic parameters, Gibbs free energy, isobaric-isothermal potential, equilibrium constant.

  • The informational structure post of diagnosting of the cars

    In article the main approaches to creation of information structure of a post of diagnosing of the car, providing an optimum combination of the logical conditions solved automatically and non-automatic, raktsionalny distribution of information on types and form representations when developing a method and means of diagnosing are stated

    Keywords: diagnosing, post, information structure, model

  • Microwave method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways

    The paper describes the method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways using microwaves. The method is based on the triangulation system of two georadars and allows to determine a contact wire zigzag and height from the rail head. The proposed method is all-weather with the possibility of continuous monitoring of the overhead contact wire in plan and profile with the opportunity to automate the processing and signaling abnormalities.

    Keywords: railroad contact line, contact wire location, GPR, automatic control systems

  • Developing a model for calculation of the stress-strain states in semiconductor structures due to laser processing

    A model is presented for the calculation of thermoelastic stress and displacement  in semiconductor structures
    due to laser processing. Developed software based on the model allows to determine the optimal parameters of laser processing with taking into account the physical and topological parameters of the structure. The model is divided into two tasks: the non-stationary heat  conduction equation is solved, and the equilibrium equations and Hooke's law. For equations solution was used the finite difference method.

    Keywords: Laser processing, thermal stress, finite difference method

  • Modeling of three-level vertical marketing system

    An original mathematical model describing different activities of actors in the vertical marketing system is presented. They are a provider, a agent, a trading enterprise are presented as a controlling subjects. The model is based on the game-theoretical and hierarchical approach. An equilibrium of Germeyer G1 game in terms of sustainable development is established. The method of impulsion is used as a method of hierarchical control to solve this model. The main system operation laws based on numerical experiments are presented.

    Keywords: game theory, hierarchical, three-level control system, method of impulsion

  • Mathematical model of straining of orthotropic conical shells

    The article presents a mathematical model of deformation of thin-walled conical shells, considering orthotropic material, geometric nonlinearity and transverse shear. Showing geometric relationships, physical relationships, the functional of total energy of deformation and boundary conditions.

    Keywords: conical shell, tapered panel, mathematical model, geometric nonlinearity, orthotropic, lateral shifts

  • Mathematical model and optimization of parameters of work of a lamellar recuperator

    Use nonconventional and renewables has important economic value for energy saving. Lamellar recuperators are applied to a reuse of heat of departing air in system of ventilation of buildings. Its functional mathematical model is developed for increase of energy efficiency and optimization of parameters of work of a lamellar recuperator. On the basis of mathematical model the criterion of optimization is defined and optimum modes of functioning of a recuperator of ventilating air are established. As a result of researches it is established that the heating of external air is necessary for increase of overall performance of a recuperator before an entrance to a recuperator. For the solution of this task it is offered to use soil the heat exchanger.

    Keywords: mathematical model, lamellar recuperator, nonconventional power sources, optimization, energy saving

  • Simulated modeling as a means of traffic network section modernization

    The main laws valid for a series of traffic jams relating to a series of intersections are considered. Their usage facilitates optimization of simulated models of a traffic network section. The problems of traffic jams emergence on the I thoroughfare of Volgograd are investigated with the help of simulated modeling.

    Keywords: simulated modeling, series of traffic jams, traffic flows, genetic algorithm, traffic capacity

  • The modeling of distribution of felling area in conditions of territorial inconsistency of timber consumers.

    This paper presents mathematic model of optimization of expenses of stock-piling of timber and logging timber from felling areas to timber consumers by transport networks. This model optimize technological processes which appears during the process of stock-piling of timber and logging timber. 

    Keywords: log truck, rail transportation in timber processing complex.

  • Features of error model construction of MEMS sensors for navigation task solution

    The paper describes the development and research of MEMS sensors error model using experimental data approximation of fourth degree polynomial with coefficients computed by least square method and written using of graphical programming language LabVIEW

    Keywords: Navigation, MEMS sensors, error model.

  • Studying of dependence of birth rate of the population from security with the medical personnel and expenses on health care, physical culture and sport by means of econometric models

    One of the most important problems of demographic statistics is studying of natural movement of the population. One of the major indicators of studying the natural movement is the rate of birth. In this article econometric models of linear regression of dependence of birth rate of the population from security with the medical personnel and expenses on health care, physical culture and sport were constructed.The importance of the constructed models and their parameters is checked, the forecast becomes.

    Keywords: birth rate of the population, demographic policy, econometric models, multiple and pair linear regression, importance of model

  • Monitoring and mathematical modeling of microbial air pollution near highways Volgograd

    The aim of this work was to conduct monitoring and make a regression model of the microbiological air pollution in Volgograd near highways. The work carried out monitoring of microbial air pollution in the residential district of Volgograd near two major highways - first and second longitudinal lines. On the first phase of research the microbial monitoring of air pollution in the residential district of Volgograd was conducted, depending on the proximity to the highway. Number of microbial cells (MC) was evaluated by sedimentation. The assumption is made about the nature of the regression relationship between microbial air pollution and the distance from the highway. Approximating functions and regression coefficients are constructed for the first portion of the longitudinal line at different levels of traffic road. Function is obtained, which allows to calculate the value of microbial contamination of the air, depending on the distance to the road and number of vehicles. In the case of high levels of the microbiological monitoring of the basin air it’s necessary to carry out measures to reduce microbial contamination of the air, for example, regular watering roads, tree planting, vegetative barriers adsorbing pollutants, chemical treatment of disinfectants. The calculation of microbial contamination of the air near a residential building located at a distance of 10 meters from the highway in the central region of Volgograd is conducted using proposed in function prediction of microbial contamination. The developed technique allows us to make calculations without setting up experiments in a specialized microbiology laboratory.

    Keywords: monitoring , microbial contamination of air , the regression model , mathematical modeling

  • The structure of group installations the politically active part of the population of the Rostov region (according to 2014).

    Work represents research of structure of group installations in relation to a political order. The studied audience - politically active part of the population of the Rostov region. Measurement is carried out using questionnaires. The survey involved 402 respondents. Age from 19 to 73 years. It is measured an activity relation to the political life of society, there is assessment of relations to the political authority, the current political situation and the level of relative deprivation. It is received, among the interrogated group there are pro-government moods, with support of work in the government, for the purpose of support to the existing regime – 44,8%. It is revealed, the majority of respondents have a negative attitude to the protest actions. Thus the increased level of an emotional involvement and participation in political processes is observed.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Calculation and assessment of an indicator of reliability at design of thermal networks

    Reliability of existing structure of thermal networks and search of an optimum zone of connection of new consumers taking into account the received indicator is investigated.

    Keywords: Reliability, thermal networks, diagnostics, heat supply system, reliability indicator

  • Simulation modeling as a means of training for drivers

    Сonsidered the main contents of the method of simulation within complex software development of object-oriented programming and the use of means of creating and editing three-dimensional graphics and animation. Program animation is done on the basis of GOST R 52289-2004, traffic rules specified performance cars motion parameters of the roadway. The complex is designed for both group and individual lessons.

    Keywords: qualitative analysis, simulation, development environment, software animation, traffic situations, precise image scaling

  • Method for railway car numbers block recognition based on committee neuroimmune classification

    This paper presents a new neuroimmune-based method for block recognition of railway rolling stock inventory numbers. The advantage of such approach is  classification without using of negative samples. Developed technique combines segmentation and classification that allows to achieve higher noise robustness, segmentation possibility of fuzzy combined digits which have different fonts and typeface, and invariance of existing numbers to scale changes. Proposed method allows to constantly increase the training set for the improvement in classification accuracy by new committee classifiers statistics due to the data reduction property achieved by using the immune clustering mechanism. Research results were implemented in the software system of automatic recognition of cars numbers (ARNV), which is operated on the JSC Russian Railways.

    Keywords: Method for letters block recognition, the committee neuroimmune classification model, identification, automatic recognition car number, duplicate number

  • Adaptive agent's behavior: the effects of actions and acceptor efferent synthesis

    Peculiarities mechanisms predict and evaluate the results of actions of an intelligent agent. Building and planning procedures and correction strategy and tactics based on the behavior of a cybernetic circuit functional systems. This scheme is a concept of an intelligent agent architecture.

    Keywords: Intelligent agent, adaptive behavior, the model achieve the goal, the efferent mechanism synthesis

  • Some features of the mathematical description of forests production technological processes on the example of timber harvesting technology with the round logs production for wooden construction.

    A timber industry complex is a complex of technological processes linked with timber harvesting, wood transport and woodworking. For their optimization are used mathematical and economic methods. The brief overview of the application of mathematical modeling methods for the analysis and optimization of technological processes in the forestry sector is given in the article. Queuing theory is used for analysis of forestry process. For example harvesting technology with the round logs production for wooden construction is considered as G/G/1 queuing system. Well-developed models of queuing theory are recommended for analyzing of forestry process. Simulation models are recommended for deep analysis of forestry process.

    Keywords: Forestry process, woodworking, cylindering, queuing theory, timber industry manufacture, wood construction

  • RGSU students relation to political life at the end of 2013

    The work is aimed at studying the relationship of young people to the political sphere of society. Research was carried out the end of 2013 using questionnaires. In the survey of 185 people attended. There is a low level of participation in the political process, and the average level of emotional involvement. It is received, the low level of political activity of young people: weak electoral activity and indifference to social movements. Assessment of the political situation on the value of the average in the Region - 2.39 and Russia - 2.04.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Simulation of the process of optimal placement of goods in stock self-service by evolutionary search algorithms

    The paper contains a description of a new method for automatic generation of maps of goods placement. Map of goods placement created by the author's search algorithm. The algorithm is based on ideas of evolutionary search. The proposed algorithm works with a population of constant size, allows not use complex search methods and for a reasonable time find a solution close to the optimum.

    Keywords: simulation, evolutionary computation, multicriteria optimization, genetic algorithms

  • The internal structure of the emotional perception political order of DGTU students

    This paper presents a method of processing and interpreting data from the semantic differential technique. It is shown, the emotional perception calculated on the standard method of average values gives an incomplete picture. The technique is approved in research of emotional perception of the political order among DGTU students. It is obtained, distribution of the studied group is inhomogeneously on emotional perception of political orders. For audience as average, and the most probable levels of perception of local and central political orders are positive and equal 0,1. However, 27% of students are characterized by a negative level of emotional perception of political order, with the average value -0.3.

    Keywords: modeling, political order, group settings, the affective component, semantic differential, questionnaire

  • Engineering and psychological assessment of processing equipment of the enterprises of the motor transport at a design stage

    Questions of an engineering and psychological assessment of the equipment of the enterprises of the motor transport at a design stage on the basis of the algorithmic description of activity of operators are considered. It is shown that on in the analysis of algorithms at a design stage it is expedient to use the device of fuzzy logic.

    Keywords: algorithm, equipment, design, fuzzy logic

  • Fuzzy decision-making methods to search for objects on the sea

    Some aspects of the use of fuzzy logic to generate a mathematical model to search for objects on the sea. Describes how to use the algorithm Mamdani, to create a model of fuzzy inference. Section gives an example of the use of Fuzzy Logic Toolbox package Matlab, for the simulation of fuzzy search engine and determine the optimal solution of the problem to find the object.

    Keywords: mathematical model, fuzzy logic, object search algorithm Mamdani, membership function

  • Position predication of a dynamic agent tracked by quadrotor using neural networks

    Specialized robots are occupying a vast share of researches worldwide. In terms of aerial specialized robots, autonomy is the one of the major subjects that are being studied. As  known, flight autonomy is consisting of three parts: Mission planning, trajectory generation and path tracking. While it exists variety of local and global generation algorithm, UAV path planning is always associated with machine vision. This intellectual approach is solid because it can give a dual supervision link to the situation being surveyed. The operator has always the authority to step in and stop any unwanted action. The machine vision based algorithm has a huge disadvantage due to homogeneity and identity factors. This is because from distance object tend to look the same geometrically as well as color wise. In this paper we offer a solution to tackle the homogeneity problem between tracked agents which can cause local minimum problems. The UAV will forecast the next position of the tracked agent using Artificial Neural Networks. Position estimation is based on registered previous coefficient.

    Keywords: position prediction, path planning, quadrotor, neural networks