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  • The horseshoe is a symbol, nalchic in architecture the capital city cbd

    Excessive glass area , as well as the orientation of the plane of the lights on the horizon , particularly in the southern regions with hot and dry climate with plenty of clear and cloudy days in a year , helps increase the flow of heat into the room in the summer and extreme cold in winter, which causes additional ex- pluatatsionnye the cost of ventilation and heating of buildings . This article discusses issues related to the selection and design of optimal systems ceiling light industrial buildings to meet specific CCA - tures of the light climate in the southern regions .

    Keywords: Overheating of the premises , thermal radiation, overlap , Shed lights , skylights , maximum temperature , environment settings , the heat transfer coefficient , the scattered radiation , relative humidity

  • The production of foamed glass on the basis of technogenic waste and lithium-containing compounds

    The technology of producing foamed glass on the basis of technogenic waste, in particular high calcium waste and lithium-containing compounds, allowing to solve problems of ecology and resource saving. The possibility of using lithium-containing compounds as mineralizing additives foaming foam glass batch. Studied basic properties of foam glass.

    Keywords: preparation of foam glass, industrial waste, high calcium waste, lithium-containing compounds, foaming foam glass batch, lithium-cobalt-oxide material, building insulation materials

  • Model manufacturing technology of the cost-iron cap of a side bearing

    In this paper developed solid model of the cap of a side bearing. It made of cast iron of (ВАГР- Altai steel casting factory (ASCF). We simulated desing technologikal parametrs, wich give casting disinh without casting defects.

    Keywords: technology, modeling, pig-iron cap of a side bearing, solid-state model of a pig-iron cap of a side bearing

  • Improving the technology of municipal wastewater treatment with the use of the sorbent on the basis of surplus sludge

    In the framework of the given article shall be considered a negative impact on microorganisms of ions of zinc, copper and Nickel concentrations in the incoming wastewater to the wastewater treatment facilities of the cities of the Lower Volga region is unacceptably high, which inevitably reduces the quality of the purified water at the indicated metals exceeding the output after biological treatment is more than 30 times). Further, in the proposed article, we describe the results of studies aimed at disposal and treatment of waste activated sludge. The first attempt to use the resulting after biological purification of waste as a secondary raw material for the adsorption material, which retrieves the designated heavy metal ions from wastewaters prior to biological treatment, which allows further the activated sludge fully interact with other ions without losing their functions. As a result, after the biological cycle treated water at the indicated metals, meets the relevant standards.

    Keywords: urban wastewater, biological treatment, heavy metal ions, sorption, activated sludge, adsorbent, filter segment

  • The algorithm of selection process of measuring instruments for conducting instrumental control of harmful productions factors

    А key element in the system of public administration by labor protection is receiving reliable information about a condition of working conditions depending on levels of influence of harmful and dangerous production factors. Instrumentional monitoring of workings conditions on workplaces is carry on production control of harmful production factors and procedure of a special assessment of working conditions by test laboratories. Thus one of the tasks demanding the decision is development of algorithm of process of a choice of the measuring instruments satisfying areas of accreditation of test laboratory and to the state requirements to performance of these works. For the solution of an objective the author offers a technique of an optimum choice of the instrument equipment which basis the method of expert evaluations (rank correlation). According to basic provisions of a technique in scientific work the algorithm of process of a choice of measuring instruments for carry on of instrumental control of harmful production factors is presented. Criteria of a choice of devices are considered. The mathematical model of process of a choice of measuring equipment including ranging of criteria of a choice of devices is described. According to results of ranging the leading, essential and less significant criteria of a choice for the instrument group participating in experiment are defined. In view of the leading and essential parameters of a choice of the equipment, the complete set of test laboratory by the necessary instrument equipment, according to area of analytical tasks and conditions of measurement install.

    Keywords: instrumental control, monitoring of harmful factors, the method of selection of equipment, means of measurement, method of expert estimations

  • Improvement of water treatment surfactants for water recycling (for example, swimming pools)

    Considered clean water in swimming pools, on nonionic and anionic surfactants with special adsorbents. Water purification pools plavatelnyx unique, first of all, because the water contains various types of pollution, which it is exposed. Most of these contaminants are introduced by the users of the swimming pool and they have to be removed or destroyed (bacteria, viruses, organic, sweat, hair, makeup, etc.). Treatment of swimming pool water is much more complicated because of the need to carry out her many times, than drinking water treatment, which is carried out one-time. Based on these studies, given technological solution to improve the efficiency of purification of circulating water in swimming pools, ensuring high environmental and economic performance of water treatment.

    Keywords: recycling of water, swimming pools, surface-active agents (surfactants), azotoammoniynye organic compounds (AOC), a rapid method of analysis

  • A generalized method for studying the mobility of flat mechanisms manipulators

    Studied mobility planar four-link mechanism of the manipulator in a predetermined area of the workspace. A method for determining the maximum rates for selected destinations for the mechanisms of manipulators with motor redundancy.

    Keywords: own properties mechanisms manipulators, mobility manipulators, robots for the synthesis of movement velocity vector

  • Organizational and technological solutions of energy rehabilitation of housing stock in the 60s xx century building

    Now the technical condition of residential buildings 60s buildings has reached a high degree of wear when you want to repair their mass implementation of energy rehabilitation of housing and upgrading. This scientific article describes the organizational and technological features of the energy rehabilitation of housing built in the 60s of XX century. The article describes the main types of series of houses built in the period of their technical features of buildings energy efficiency class of buildings. A model of information resource and technological ensuring energy rehabilitation of housing, on the basis of which the selection of energy-efficient solutions of residential buildings at the pre-stage reconstruction or repair. The major elements of this system are the blocks of economic and technical evaluation of design decisions on the basis of which is determined by the most effective ones.

    Keywords: organizational and technological support, the organization of repairs, energy conservation, energy efficiency

  • Experimental study of the Electromechanical actuator of the gravitational mixer

    The results of experimental studies to determine the optimum frequency of rotation of the drum and the optimum ratios of the mechanical gear Electromechanical actuator gravity mixers. Recommendations on the use of different types of actuators depending on the scope of use of the machines.

    Keywords: "gravity concrete mixer, Electromechanical actuator, modular design, experiment, mixing drum rotational speed, induction motor, reducer "

  • Method for using pulp and paper industry waste as binder for pelletization flotation potassium chloride

    The possibility in principle of using pulp and paper industry waste as a binder for pelletization flotation potassium chloride bases on conducted researches. Defined technical conditions of pelletization flotation potassium chloride using pulp and paper industry’s waste as binder provide product with good commercial qualities, which are yield of marketable fraction (85.71 %) and resistance of granule (29.51 N). The researches for studying conditions of baking were conducted and subsisted defects on granule surfaces. There are two kinds of defects. One of them is inner defect is represented as caverns and flaws. Another type of defects are outer defects. They are represented as crystallized structural arrangements in the form of coreless tube that has net structure and includes fiber and cubic shaped microcrystals. Granule defects form after baking them with temperature higher than 120ºC.

    Keywords: flotation potassium chloride; pulp and paper wastes; adhesive; commodity characteristics of fertilizers, defects granules

  • The problem of ensuring safety requirements in the construction industry

    The article presents a statistical analysis of non-compliance with safety at work over the past few years, the reasons for violation of safety rules and consequences such as industrial injuries, occupational disease and mortality in the enterprises of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis, the most dangerous in terms of the safety industry are the companies of the construction industry.

    Keywords: labor protection, safety requirements, the company building industry, industrial injuries, occupational disease, labor protection measures, ability to work, harmful and dangerous production factors

  • Analytical dependences for the determination of a rational mode of reducing the speed forestry lorry when road restrictions

    The dependence of allowing to determine the optimal mode of reducing speed when approaching trains to areas with restrictions to ensure maximum road conditions on the average speed. The presented method will accelerate and refine the calculations in modeling the movement of logging trucks.

    Keywords: timber transport, traction calculations, traffic simulation, indicators movement, restrictions, braking

  • Software of reliability technology process of centrifugal rotary finishing-hardening treatment

    In article reviewed advanced theoretical probability models of process quality formation quality of the surface layer in a centrifugal rotary process (CSO) details. Process CSO reviewed from the point of view reliability. Based on the results of theoretical studies were proposed the dependence of the influence of the main technological parameters centrifugal rotary finishing and strengthening treatment on the roughness of the processed surface, the depth of the hardened layer and the degree of hardening. Analysis of the technology processes CSO let to identify the factors exerting a dominant influence on the productivity and quality of processing. Conducted calculations of the influence the tolerances of the main quality parameters of the surface layer and technology modes centrifugal rotary processing of centrifugal rotary treatment on the magnitude of the coefficients offset instantaneous dispersion and stock accuracy which characterize the reliability of technological processes centrifugal rotary process. By results of calculations were constructed charts. Taking the presented methodology you can choose such a combination in choosing technological processes centrifugal rotary processing what will ensure the required quality of the workpiece.

    Keywords: Reliability technology process, centrifugal rotary process, coefficients offset instantaneous dispersion, the roughness surface, the degree of hardening.

  • By definition, the nominal size of a real particle discrete loose body

    In the article the problem of determining the nominal size of real particles of grain materials, which significantly affect the technological parameters of the hoppers and their design parameters. Are specific correction factors for sredenegeometricheskogo razsmera nektoryh ubiquitous forms particles loose body.

    Keywords: Bunker, nominal diameter, bulk body shape factor of particles geometric average particle size

  • Complex projects as a factor of university-production cooperation intensification

    The article shows the effectiveness of university cooperation with industrial plants in the context of joint complex projects implementation, and gives the results of patent-informational search of engineering solutions directed to the effective solid radioactive waste processing

    Keywords: nuclear industry, complex project, patent, radioactive waste, university