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  • Feasibility study of the choice between active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression in liquid filling shops

    Occupational safety is one of the important aspects of the organization of work in production. Domestic machines and units used in the food industry do not yet allow to exclude the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors, to make the work of employees safe. In this context, it is important to study active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression, their effectiveness in ensuring normalized working conditions of workers on the example of a specific production. Existing research, as a rule, focuses on one criterion when choosing protection methods. However, an integrated approach is advisable in solving this problem. The purpose of this study was to choose a rational method of protecting personnel from the effects of noise and vibration based on the economic justification of effective technical solutions. The obtained research results make it possible to take into account the criteria for evaluating the validity and acceptability of choosing a particular protection method, including from the standpoint of technical and economic calculation, when designing a security system. The above study showed the expediency of import substitution in the food and beverage industry, as well as the correlation between the introduced protection systems and an increase in the level of safety. The given algorithm of the feasibility study has the properties of scale and generality. It can be successfully implemented when choosing methods of protection from the effects of other harmful production factors found in various industries.

    Keywords: acoustic factor, protection methods, active and passive methods, economic justification, sound pressure levels, experimental data

  • Geo-economics as a tool of intellectual wars: coercion or freedom of choice?

    the article analyzes the economic instruments used by states in domestic and foreign policy from the point of view of identifying the existing coercive mechanisms in modern social practices. The study revealed how states use economic instruments as the preferred means of geopolitical struggle. In addition, the work separately reflects the fact that States should preserve the right to an original socio-economic model of development. We should also not forget about the negative consequences of unilateral coercive measures. Using the method of cognitive modeling and constructing cognitive maps, the authors identify the connections in the analyzed social practices from the perspective of studying the means of geo-economic pressure.

    Keywords: cyberwarfare, cyberattacks, cybersecurity risks, communication networks, transport systems, tactical, operational and strategic initiatives

  • Research of the difference model of coordination of public and private interests of resource allocation in marketing networks by simulation methods

    The article deals with the difference model of coordination of general and private interests in the distribution of resources in marketing networks. The dynamics of a managed system describes the interaction of members of the target audience (base agents), leading to a change in their opinions (spending on the purchase of goods and services of firms competing in a certain market). The gain of each firm includes two components: the total opinion of the base agents, taking into account marketing costs (the common interest for all agents of influence) and the return on investment in some private activity. The Coordinating Center determines the marketing budgets of the firms and maximizes the total opinion of the base agents, taking into account the resources allocated to the firms. The total discounted income of the Center and the agents of influence are found. The results are analyzed and the optimal allocation of resources is concluded.

    Keywords: models of coordination of public and private interests, simulation, modeling, marketing, resource allocation, budget, private activity

  • Assessment of the suitability of the model of passenger movement between stops of urban passenger public transport to identify hidden patterns of passenger traffic behavior

    The model of passenger traffic movement was evaluated to identify hidden patterns in the processes of passenger traffic formation using standard electronic computers with general-purpose software. Several sessions of simulating the movement of passengers between stops of urban passenger public transport, belonging to different levels of attractiveness of stops for passengers, were conducted. The features of the quasi-deterministic movement of passengers between stops of urban passenger transport that are not included in the list of stops of mass attraction of passenger traffic, and points of mass attraction of passengers are considered. Examples of typical patterns in the choice of destination stops and in the hourly flow of passengers from departure stops are given. The comparison of the number of daily visits to stops of mass attraction of passenger traffic, obtained by processing the simulation results with the initial statistical data, is carried out.

    Keywords: passenger transport, passenger traffic models, passenger behavior patterns, modeling

  • Vectorization and parallelization of the particle-particle method

    This paper considers the vectorization and parallelization of the "particle-particle" method used to take into account interactions between objects in the mathematical modeling of physical processes, using the example of taking into account the space charge when calculating the dynamics of charged particles. Comparison and estimation of time costs are carried out (as a test problem, the expansion of a multicomponent ion beam during one nanosecond with a step of Δt = 10-12 s was considered), taking into account the acceleration due to vectorization and parallelization between processor cores. It is concluded that the results of the work clearly demonstrate that the vectorization of computations can significantly speed up the computation time, and the explicit replacement of scalar operations with vector ones makes it possible to obtain additional speed-up in comparison with the use of automatic optimization of the program code. Key words: parallel computations, "particle-particle" method, vectorization of computations, numerical modeling, Coulomb interactions, dynamics of charged particles, ion beam, program code, equation of motion, mathematical model.

    Keywords: parallel computations, particle-particle method, vectorization of computations, numerical simulation, Coulomb interactions, dynamics of charged particles, ion beam, program code, equation of motion, mathematical model

  • Development of a model of passenger flow movement that is suitable for identifying hidden patterns in the processes of passenger flow creation

    A model of passenger traffic movement is proposed that is suitable for identifying hidden patterns in the processes of passenger flow creation. The passenger flow is divided into four components, for which separate passenger flow submodels are developed: quasi-deterministic passenger flow from leaving stops to points of mass attraction of passengers; stochastic hourly passenger flow from each arrival stop to different districts of the city; stochastic flow that models the distribution of passengers between final stops in accordance with the degree of popularity of stops; chaotic distribution of passenger traffic between stops with a small number of daily visits. The results of calculations of the quasi-deterministic passenger traffic submodel from leaving stops to points of mass passenger attraction are estimated.

    Keywords: passenger transport, passenger traffic models, passenger behavior patterns, modeling

  • Improving the thermal protection of building enclosing structures

    The results of the analysis of quality parameters of building materials used for insulation of walls of residential buildings are presented. The problem of increased consumption of thermal energy for heating needs is identified, the solution of which is to increase the thermal characteristics of the enclosing walls of buildings by means of their insulation and protection by the system of a hinged ventilated facade.

    Keywords: Hinged ventilated facade, thermal characteristics, influencing factors, energy efficiency

  • Assessment and prediction of material properties using molecular modeling

    The present paper presents studies of friction and wear characteristics occurring in the frictional contact zone when various frictional substances are forcibly introduced into the active contact zone by the method of molecular dynamics.

    Keywords: friction activation, special material, method, quantum-chemical analysis, molecular dynamics, tribology, friction, computer simulation

  • Isotherms of Refractions and Spectra of Melts KNO3 - NaSCN

    Concentration changes of refraction and frequency of raman spectrum in melts of salt systems of alkali metals containing nitrate and thiocyanate anions are shown. The change in molar refraction and frequency confirmed the concept of additivity and linearity of isotherms when changing composition.

    Keywords: molten salt, nitrates and thiocyanates of alkali metals, refraction, raman-spectr

  • Improvement of technological process of production of Cabinet furniture due to introduction of system of the automated workplaces with application of technology of bar-coding

    In the present work optimization of technological process of production of Cabinet furniture at the expense of introduction of system of the automated workplaces (AWP) with application of technology of bar-coding on an example of the concrete enterprise is offered

    Keywords: Cabinet furniture, furniture production, automated workplaces, bar-code, bar-coding of details, bar-coding of tasks

  • On improving the monitoring system for air pollution with carbon monoxide in linear cities

    The article considers examples of cities with a linear-elongated configuration. Issues of air pollution are considered, examples of components of pollutants coming from stationary and mobile sources are given. Statistical data on human diseases in the Volgograd region for the period 2008-2017 are presented. Considers the issues of monitoring for the city of Volgograd.

    Keywords: linear city, highway, pollution, carbon monoxide, monitoring, monitoring posts, disease statistics, combined action, vehicles, noise, gas pollution, health, exhaust gases, length

  • Method for determining the sequential algorithm

    the article describes a variant of setting sequential algorithms in the form of bipartite graphs by further defining them, which makes it possible to work with algorithms using graph theory methods in the future. Two forms of the task are considered: modular and functional-predicative. The possibility of setting the algorithm in table-predicate form is shown. It is concluded that in addition to the generally accepted methods of setting the algorithm, it can be set in matrix-predicate or table-predicate form, which allows using methods of matrix theory and methods of predicate theory when working with algorithms. setting the algorithm in matrix-predicate form avoids isomorphism when performing algebraic and set-theoretic operations on it.; setting algorithms in matrix-predicate form allows you to perform almost any operations on them

    Keywords: graph-algorithm scheme, sequential algorithm, predicative block, functional block, pre-definition, bipartite graph, table-predicative form, graph theory, isomorphism

  • Judicial value examination as a tool for resolving a dispute about the value of the original value of the pledged property

    To date, the socio-economic situation in the country creates for the population quite significant obstacles in the implementation of tasks for the purchase of housing and other real estate through mortgage lending. However, when it comes to collecting the amounts owed on the loan, banks are faced with an analysis of the prospects for the sale of mortgaged property, as a result of which, in most cases, come to the conclusion that the original sale price of the mortgaged property with the realities of the market. In the article, the authors consider the judicial practice of determining the initial price of the mortgaged property and analyze the situation in which there is a need for judicial value examination, as well as give the main aspects of the methodology of this type of expertise. The purpose of the article is to form a clear idea of the reader about the process of resolving the dispute arising from the breach of obligations under the loan agreement.

    Keywords: expert, forensic examination, subject of pledge, cost examination, assessment report, methodology

  • Ranking of factors in the assessment of thermal protection of objects

    Made of a priori ranking factors allowing prediction of thermal protection of objects, represented a formalized scheme of the multifactor experiment, the effects of the determining factors for the thermal protection of the object with a different response function.

    Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency, thermal protection of buildings, multifactorial experiment, ranking factors

  • The methods and means used by the expert-builder when conducting judicial construction technical expertizes

    Article is devoted to acquaintance with methods which are used in the work by experts-builders when conducting construction technical expertizes of building constructions, buildings and a construction. The list of the main methods used in researches by the expert is provided and also each method is considered in more detail.

    Keywords: Method, examination, expert, technique, fundamental principle, special case, graphic model, construction designs, construction technical expertize