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  • A comparative review of the security of popular corporate messengers

    This article examines the security of currently popular corporate instant messaging applications (messengers). A comparative analysis of the security of some solutions for corporate use has been carried out. The main result of the review is the conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of the considered systems, which can be used by organizations to choose the appropriate solution.

    Keywords: Information security, corporate messenger, messaging, internal communications, instant messaging systems, end-to-end encryption

  • Feasibility study of the choice between active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression in liquid filling shops

    Occupational safety is one of the important aspects of the organization of work in production. Domestic machines and units used in the food industry do not yet allow to exclude the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors, to make the work of employees safe. In this context, it is important to study active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression, their effectiveness in ensuring normalized working conditions of workers on the example of a specific production. Existing research, as a rule, focuses on one criterion when choosing protection methods. However, an integrated approach is advisable in solving this problem. The purpose of this study was to choose a rational method of protecting personnel from the effects of noise and vibration based on the economic justification of effective technical solutions. The obtained research results make it possible to take into account the criteria for evaluating the validity and acceptability of choosing a particular protection method, including from the standpoint of technical and economic calculation, when designing a security system. The above study showed the expediency of import substitution in the food and beverage industry, as well as the correlation between the introduced protection systems and an increase in the level of safety. The given algorithm of the feasibility study has the properties of scale and generality. It can be successfully implemented when choosing methods of protection from the effects of other harmful production factors found in various industries.

    Keywords: acoustic factor, protection methods, active and passive methods, economic justification, sound pressure levels, experimental data

  • Automatization system for holding rolling stock

    Digital twins of railway stations are necessary for planning work and taking the most effective management actions. An important factor is the compliance of the planned time costs with the actual ones. One of the tasks that are difficult to formalize at railway stations is the process of holding the rolling stock. This is due to the fact that the holding time depends on the human factor and the holding rolling stock. To create an automated station controlled by a digital twin, it is necessary to develop an automated holding system. One of the tasks in developing such a system is the problem of device location. This problem can be formulated as follows: it is necessary to place the minimum allowable number of holding devices in the controlled area in such a way that reliable holding is provided for any configuration of the rolling stock. As a tool for solving this problem, the most effective will be the use of methods of genetic algorithms. In this article, the authors consider the relevance of this study and the relevance of automating the holding of rolling stock.

    Keywords: digital railway station, automation, brake shoes, UTS-380, DUZS, traffic safety.

  • Using the Monty Hall paradox in project management tasks. Part I. Optimal choice of a strategy for increasing the innovative potential of an enterprise

    In this paper, we investigate the possibility of applying the theory of Monty Hall's paradox in tasks that require the need for an optimal choice of a strategy for developing the innovative potential of an enterprise. The article provides recommendations for taking into account and constructive use of the effects that affect the involved experts, in particular, the Condorcet principle and paradox. The paper explores the limits of applicability of the Monty Hall paradox theory. Its applicability is determined, together with considerations about the profitability of changing the initial choice in problems with the so-called "random intelligence".

    Keywords: decision support systems, mathematical modeling, expert evaluation, Monty Hall's paradox, project management, collective assessment, Condorcet's paradox, enterprise management, assessment of enterprise characteristics, innovative potential of an enterpris

  • The use of cluster analysis in the formation of a statistical sample of objects of a stationary trade network in the establishment of standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste

    The reliability of assessing the amount of accumulated waste in the context of an imperfect scientific and methodological base for standardizing MSW, in the absence of generally accepted calculation methods, is not high enough. The possibility of using cluster analysis in the formation of a statistical sample of objects of a stationary trade network in setting standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste is shown. A methodology for the formation of a representative statistical sample of objects of a stationary trading network has been developed when setting standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste based on cluster analysis.

    Keywords: waste accumulation, municipal solid waste, MSW generation standard, stationary trade network object, cluster analysis, representative sample

  • Comparative analysis by digital technologies of moments in the reinforced concrete beam of the coating reinforced with a channel or I-beam

    Effective reinforcement of the coating beam, by means of the construction of a framing frame around it, implies a reasonable choice of a construction from a range of rolled metal. The frame creates a single system with the coating beam by means of tension devices, the change of forces in which provides state control. In the article, a comparative analysis of moments in a frame made of an I-beam and a special steel channel, as having potentially equal performance characteristics, is proposed for a comparative study. The research was carried out on the basis of numerical modeling by the finite element method using the Etabs software product. The result of the experiment was the transverse forces and moments determined in the newly formed system – the coating beam plus the frame – from the applied loads and the percentage of reinforcement of the beam when taking into account the frame. The array of numbers obtained as a result of the numerical experiment was processed by digital mathematical analysis.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete beam, I-beam reinforcement, channel reinforcement, moment, percentage of reinforcement, load, numerical method, mathematical model, comparison of results, Etabs and wxMaxima software packages

  • Crack resistance at the shear span of the I-shaped beams with using basalt fibre reinforced bars as a transverse reinforcement

    The article presents the results of experimental studies of crack resistance of inclined cross sections of I-shaped beams using basalt fibre reinforced bars as a transverse reinforcement . The data of previously conducted experiments were studied and the test of own samples was carried out. The beams had the same geometric characteristics and differed from each other in the angle of inclination of the transverse reinforcement, the percentage of transverse reinforcement and the shear span to depth ratio. The influence of variable parameters on the load of formation of inclined cracks and the width of their opening is analyzed. In most cases, the width of the opening of inclined cracks does not exceed the permissible values established by the codes of different countries. The exceptions were mainly samples with the lowest percentage of transverse reinforcement.

    Keywords: crack resistance, I-shaped beams, transverse reinforcement, inclined cross sections, shear span, basalt fibre reinforced bars, inclined cracks

  • A method for determination of the medium chirality parameters based on the analysis of material equations

    This article presents one of the methods for analyzing the chirality coefficient of a medium depending on such parameters as concentration n, frequency f, dielectric constants of both the container material, the medium itself, and left- and right-handed spirals distributed in this material. As a result of this work, the frequency characteristics of the chirality coefficient were obtained at various concentrations of the container trace elements.

    Keywords: chiral medium, Telledzhene element, chirality coefficient, dielectric constant of the medium, magnetic permeability of the medium, spiral structure, metamaterial substrate, bulk concentration, metamaterial, spiral inclusions

  • Geo-economics as a tool of intellectual wars: coercion or freedom of choice?

    the article analyzes the economic instruments used by states in domestic and foreign policy from the point of view of identifying the existing coercive mechanisms in modern social practices. The study revealed how states use economic instruments as the preferred means of geopolitical struggle. In addition, the work separately reflects the fact that States should preserve the right to an original socio-economic model of development. We should also not forget about the negative consequences of unilateral coercive measures. Using the method of cognitive modeling and constructing cognitive maps, the authors identify the connections in the analyzed social practices from the perspective of studying the means of geo-economic pressure.

    Keywords: cyberwarfare, cyberattacks, cybersecurity risks, communication networks, transport systems, tactical, operational and strategic initiatives

  • Mathematical models of the measurement error of the main magnetization curve of electrical steel sheet

    The paper considers mathematical models obtained on the basis of experimental studies of electrical sheet steel. The models reflect the error in determining the main magnetization curve of electrical steel. The magnetic properties are determined in the center and at the edge of the cut of sheet samples with a size of 150 × 150 mm, made by cutting with guillotine shears and laser cutting. The choice of scale factors for calculating the main magnetization curve with an error of ± 5% according to the measured Weber-ampere characteristic has been substantiated. The study was carried out using a device for express control of the magnetic characteristics of electrical sheet steel. The main curve of magnetization of the sample material from sheet electrical steel was determined in an alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 50 Hz, along the direction of rolling. Investigated samples of isotropic sheet electrical steel grade 2212.

    Keywords: mathematical model, electrical steel, magnetic properties, magnetization curve

  • Research of the difference model of coordination of public and private interests of resource allocation in marketing networks by simulation methods

    The article deals with the difference model of coordination of general and private interests in the distribution of resources in marketing networks. The dynamics of a managed system describes the interaction of members of the target audience (base agents), leading to a change in their opinions (spending on the purchase of goods and services of firms competing in a certain market). The gain of each firm includes two components: the total opinion of the base agents, taking into account marketing costs (the common interest for all agents of influence) and the return on investment in some private activity. The Coordinating Center determines the marketing budgets of the firms and maximizes the total opinion of the base agents, taking into account the resources allocated to the firms. The total discounted income of the Center and the agents of influence are found. The results are analyzed and the optimal allocation of resources is concluded.

    Keywords: models of coordination of public and private interests, simulation, modeling, marketing, resource allocation, budget, private activity

  • Simulating of an optical vector analyzer with high-resolution and high-accuracy based on optical double-sideband modulation and stimulated Brillouin scattering

    The article discusses an optical vector analyzer with high resolution and high accuracy based on optical double-sideband modulation and stimulated Brillouin scattering. A model of an optical vector analyzer is presented.

    Keywords: optical vector analyzer, double-sideband modulation, stimulated Brillouin scattering, fiber Bragg grating with phase shift, simulation, Optisystem

  • Study of the operation of a local recirculation diffuser in an office space during the period of operation

    a study of a ventilation system with a local recirculating diffuser was carried out. A three-dimensional model of the office space has been built. Using the STAR-CCM + hydrodynamic computing complex, a numerical simulation of the ventilation system has been performed. The calculation results are analyzed, the advantages of the investigated system are given.

    Keywords: ventilation systems, local recirculating diffuser, indoor air quality, energy saving, numerical simulation, STAR-CCM +

  • Bayesian approach in justifying the number of necessary experimental measurements in environmental quality control

    Based on the Bayes approach, a representative number of experimental measurements was determined when assessing the quality of the environment, in particular, when monitoring the quality of the atmosphere and checking the compliance with the standard for the accumulation of solid municipal waste

    Keywords: Bayesian approach, quality control, experimental measurement, a priori data, a posteriori data, distribution density

  • Recognition of defects on metal alloys using OpenCV computer vision algorithms

    The purpose of this work is to develop an algorithm for recognizing shrinkage defects on metal alloys. The steps for image processing are described. When analyzing the algorithm, a description is presented for each step, followed by a software implementation. The final step, after using the methods of the algorithm, is to count the contours of the defects. To demonstrate the functionality of the software, random photos of the metal body in the section were taken, where defects in the form of gas pores can be directly observed. The software, with the correct selection of input data, processes the image with high accuracy, minimizing errors in calculating defects. Using the proposed algorithms reduces the diagnostic time. The article presents a comparative description of the manual and automated methods, showing the effectiveness of the second method in comparison with the first. To write the software, the Python 3.7 programming language was used, as well as the OpenCV computer vision algorithms library.

    Keywords: defect detection, computer vision algorithms, OpenCV, metal defects, shrinkage defects