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  • Feasibility study of the choice between active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression in liquid filling shops

    Occupational safety is one of the important aspects of the organization of work in production. Domestic machines and units used in the food industry do not yet allow to exclude the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors, to make the work of employees safe. In this context, it is important to study active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression, their effectiveness in ensuring normalized working conditions of workers on the example of a specific production. Existing research, as a rule, focuses on one criterion when choosing protection methods. However, an integrated approach is advisable in solving this problem. The purpose of this study was to choose a rational method of protecting personnel from the effects of noise and vibration based on the economic justification of effective technical solutions. The obtained research results make it possible to take into account the criteria for evaluating the validity and acceptability of choosing a particular protection method, including from the standpoint of technical and economic calculation, when designing a security system. The above study showed the expediency of import substitution in the food and beverage industry, as well as the correlation between the introduced protection systems and an increase in the level of safety. The given algorithm of the feasibility study has the properties of scale and generality. It can be successfully implemented when choosing methods of protection from the effects of other harmful production factors found in various industries.

    Keywords: acoustic factor, protection methods, active and passive methods, economic justification, sound pressure levels, experimental data

  • Automatic asphalt concrete mix composition selection program considering Vietnam conditions

    Asphalt concrete mixes are the primary construction material for road surfaces, and precise design of their composition plays a key role in the quality and durability of road pavements. This article discusses the challenges associated with designing asphalt concrete mix compositions and presents a developed system for automatic mix selection. The automatic asphalt concrete mix composition selection system is a powerful tool for optimizing the material selection process used in road construction. This system can calculate the optimal mix composition, taking into account technical and economic constraints, leading to increased accuracy and reliability in mix selection. The advantages of this system include reducing the time and cost of the selection process, enabling testing and analysis of various mix options, ultimately improving the quality and durability of road pavements.

    Keywords: asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete mix, composition selection, least squares method, linear programming method, software, automation, Python, Microsoft Access

  • A way to increase the bearing capacity of columns during the reconstruction of buildings

    The article presents a way to increase the load-bearing capacity of a reinforced concrete column due to metal clips from the corners with an increase in the load on it. To ensure the joint operation of the existing column and the metal cage, the corners are subjected to prestressing, which is achieved by compressing the corners with jacks.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete column, column reinforcement, metal cage, prestressing of the cage

  • Development of a mathematical model for testing the natural ventilation: a case study for the Yemeni residents

    The article gives an insight into the traditional passive cooling techniques utilized in Mediterranean and hot climate regions, showcasing the effectiveness of natural ventilation and central patios in improving indoor thermal comfort and reducing energy consumption. The integration of these traditional design elements with modern technologies is crucial for creating environmentally friendly and culturally significant architectural solutions for the future. The discussion then transitions to the importance of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in modern building design, highlighting the use of Ansys Fluent software for modeling natural ventilation in a residential apartment in Yemen. The article emphasizes the need for engineering and architectural solutions to achieve high performance in energy efficiency and environmental safety in contemporary construction practices.

    Keywords: natural ventilation, Yemeni houses, Spalart-Allmaras model, civil engineering, Ansys Fluent

  • Organizational and technological solutions for eliminating cracks in reinforced concrete foundation slabs

    In order to negate the loss of strength, that can lead to collapse of constructions, we should take measures to prevent cracking. Every crack emersion in reinforced concrete indicates that the accumulated stress has been released in this area of the structure. The cause of cracks are internal tensile stresses that can occur due to internal processes in the element and from external loads on the structure. It is possible to eliminate cracks that have already appeared with the help of repair compounds that fill the volume of cracks in various ways. Injection, as one of the solutions, will help to maintain the strength and durability of the structure.

    Keywords: cracking, concrete, reinforced concrete slab, crack, defect, deformation, strength, soil, repair compound, foundation, foundation slab, injection

  • Automatization system for holding rolling stock

    Digital twins of railway stations are necessary for planning work and taking the most effective management actions. An important factor is the compliance of the planned time costs with the actual ones. One of the tasks that are difficult to formalize at railway stations is the process of holding the rolling stock. This is due to the fact that the holding time depends on the human factor and the holding rolling stock. To create an automated station controlled by a digital twin, it is necessary to develop an automated holding system. One of the tasks in developing such a system is the problem of device location. This problem can be formulated as follows: it is necessary to place the minimum allowable number of holding devices in the controlled area in such a way that reliable holding is provided for any configuration of the rolling stock. As a tool for solving this problem, the most effective will be the use of methods of genetic algorithms. In this article, the authors consider the relevance of this study and the relevance of automating the holding of rolling stock.

    Keywords: digital railway station, automation, brake shoes, UTS-380, DUZS, traffic safety.

  • Analysis of the stability of the technological system for the production of caramel

    The paper considers the operator model of the technological system for the production of caramel, assesses the stability of the subsystems and the content of the technological system. For a consistently stable caramel formation subsystem using the Shewhart map under specific production conditions, an analysis of the stability of the subsystem was carried out.

    Keywords: operator model, subsystem, system integrity, process stability, control charts, average values, range

  • Application of Agile methodology when working together on UI/UX projects in a specialized layout editor

    For prototyping virtual resources, there are modern UI/UX development applications that have the means to build highly productive interaction algorithms, for example, Figma or its promising new competitor Pixso. These programs support the joint redating of projects, and also allow planning and discussion of ideas and stages of work here, in the environment. The correctly chosen method of interaction leads to a multiple increase in productivity. One of the recognized approaches to project planning and management is the Agile design methodology.

    Keywords: team, layout, prototype, website, methodology, formal language, brainstorming, frame, project, interface, plugin, editor

  • Decision support for choosing a strategy in the digital technology market

    The work is devoted to the problems of strategic planning in the digital technology market. The aim of the work is to build a decision support procedure for choosing a strategy, based on internal (related to the characteristics of the firm choosing the strategy) and external (conditioned by the state of the market) factors. It is assumed that the elementary strategy is described by the type, direction and applied area of activity. In this case, the possibility of combining several elementary strategies is considered. The main result of the work is a procedure for choosing a combined strategy based on the application of a genetic algorithm. The use of the methodological apparatus of evolutionary calculations is due to the large number of possible options for combined strategies and the complexity of their evaluation, which makes a complete enumeration of options impractical. The final choice is made by the decision maker based on their own preferences.

    Keywords: IT market, decision support, genetic algorithm

  • The use of cluster analysis in the formation of a statistical sample of objects of a stationary trade network in the establishment of standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste

    The reliability of assessing the amount of accumulated waste in the context of an imperfect scientific and methodological base for standardizing MSW, in the absence of generally accepted calculation methods, is not high enough. The possibility of using cluster analysis in the formation of a statistical sample of objects of a stationary trade network in setting standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste is shown. A methodology for the formation of a representative statistical sample of objects of a stationary trading network has been developed when setting standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste based on cluster analysis.

    Keywords: waste accumulation, municipal solid waste, MSW generation standard, stationary trade network object, cluster analysis, representative sample

  • Characteristics of the process of accumulation of municipal solid waste at retail facilities of a stationary trading network

    The problem of developing an optimal waste management system is very relevant in many countries. To solve it, it is necessary to study the processes of waste accumulation, to systematize the factors and conditions that affect the generation of waste, to determine the features of establishing waste accumulation standards for various objects. The article discusses the features of the accumulation of municipal solid waste and the establishment of standards for their accumulation for stationary objects of the distribution network.The volume and mass values ​​of daily indicators of accumulation of MSW from a trading area of ​​a certain type and the total value of accumulation indicators (over the entire trading area) are found. The formats of retail facilities with the maximum average daily indicators of MSW accumulation have been established. Standards for the accumulation of MSW for the category under consideration have been established for 1m2 of retail space with food products, 1m2 of retail space with non-food products.

    Keywords: waste accumulation, municipal solid waste, MSW generation standard, stationary trade network object, volume indicator, mass indicators

  • Configurable test environment for RTL simulation and performance evaluation of Network on Chip as part of SoC

    Nowadays, the System on Chip (SoC) industry is rapidly developing. One of the objectives of SoC developers is to provide the most efficient communication between computational units. One of the possible solutions is using Networks on Chip (NoC) of various topologies with different routing algorithms. In this paper, a configurable test environment designed for cycle-accurate NoC simulation as part of a SoC, used to provide statistics about network behavior during test process, is presented. The environment is designed to evaluate NoC performance as part of a specific SoC at the development stage, when there is a full or partial RTL description of the system. The environment configuration options, its application area, general scheme and calculated NoC performance characteristics are considered. As a conclusion, an example of using the environment to evaluate the performance of a specific NoC is described in detail.

    Keywords: network on chip, system on chip, performance evaluation, verification

  • Analysis of forest machines production in Russia

    At present time, there are attempts to design and produce forest machines of highly-demanded classes in Russia. The paper evaluates the efficiency of forest machines under identical operating conditions. The analysis showed the possibility of using harvesters and forwarders of joint Belarusian and domestic production for logging works as an alternative to foreign forest machines. Evaluation of proposals revealed advanced Russian and Chinese models of forest machines. The research showed that in our country there are prerequisites for the development of forestry machine-building, while the main problem is the lack of production technologies for the manufacture of modern technological equipment and components. Under these conditions, the evolution of production on the national territory of forest machines and technological equipment without involving domestic or foreign capital and innovative technologies is a difficult task.

    Keywords: domestic forest machine building, development prospects, forest machines, production

  • Model of brinkmanship and its simulation study

    The topic of balancing on the brink is extremely relevant under present conditions of the real threat of nuclear war. A game-theoretic model is presented that describes the process of brinkmanship using the Caribbean crisis as an example. The results of research on such models and, accordingly, recommendations for decision makers depend significantly on the specific numerical values ​​of the players' payoffs and the probabilities of certain events. Therefore, it is advisable to develop a software package that allows you to set different values ​​of these parameters and conduct simulations for various control scenarios. The article proposes a program for implementing this approach.

    Keywords: brinkmanship, extended form games, simulation

  • Development of an intelligent lighting control device for industrial enterprises

    Electronics is the most capacious and rapidly developing industry in our country. Modern methods of designing electronic devices are unthinkable without the use of computer technology, in particular, specialized programs for computer analysis and modeling of circuit diagrams of the devices being developed. Intelligence is the key link in electronics at the present stage of its development. This is due to the emergence and widespread adoption of microcircuits such as microcontrollers. This aspect provides fundamentally new opportunities for solving a wide variety of tasks, including tasks of a strategic orientation that require prompt solutions. All this became possible primarily because devices based on a microcontroller require algorithmic and further software, which makes it possible to create intelligent systems and devices. One such device will be discussed in this article. The developed device is a system consisting directly of a control system, an actuating device, which is a decision-making device, a power unit and peripheral devices. The article explains the idea, the principle of operation of the developed device, the structural and schematic diagrams of the developed main blocks of the device, as well as their algorithmic support, which is based on the principle of intelligent control. The developed device is designed to automatically maintain the level of illumination at the level set by the operator in the premises of industrial enterprises.

    Keywords: intelligent control, sensor unit, binary code, synchronization circuit, transistor switch, bus driver, optosimistor, control system, actuator, power unit