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  • Feasibility study of the choice between active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression in liquid filling shops

    Occupational safety is one of the important aspects of the organization of work in production. Domestic machines and units used in the food industry do not yet allow to exclude the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors, to make the work of employees safe. In this context, it is important to study active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression, their effectiveness in ensuring normalized working conditions of workers on the example of a specific production. Existing research, as a rule, focuses on one criterion when choosing protection methods. However, an integrated approach is advisable in solving this problem. The purpose of this study was to choose a rational method of protecting personnel from the effects of noise and vibration based on the economic justification of effective technical solutions. The obtained research results make it possible to take into account the criteria for evaluating the validity and acceptability of choosing a particular protection method, including from the standpoint of technical and economic calculation, when designing a security system. The above study showed the expediency of import substitution in the food and beverage industry, as well as the correlation between the introduced protection systems and an increase in the level of safety. The given algorithm of the feasibility study has the properties of scale and generality. It can be successfully implemented when choosing methods of protection from the effects of other harmful production factors found in various industries.

    Keywords: acoustic factor, protection methods, active and passive methods, economic justification, sound pressure levels, experimental data

  • On the development of requirements for rescue stations in water bodies of the Russian Federation

    In the article the urgency of development of requirements to rescue stations, carrying out safety of people on water οbjects of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as RF) on οsnοve analysis of earlier scientific works is disclosed. The results of the development of the requirements are presented, which include: ο analyzing normative and legal documents, introducing a termοlοgicheskοy system for ο οnsuring the safety of people on water, classifying rescue stations, criteria for ο determining the number of rescue stations and rescue posts, as well as the requirements for workers, οmployees, οsupply, territory, buildings, and supplies. Conclusions are formulated that the existing legal framework, structure, The material and technical οsnο-technical οsnο systems of οsupport for people on water are not in accordance with the current requirements and οdetermined conditions for making radical decisions in οrganizational, technical, and legal οrganizational areas. As one of the measures for solving the problematic οprusοsο suggested ο the development and adoption of the standard “Ο rescue stations ο providing οnο rescue of people in οοbjects”, the realization of kοtοrοrοgο pοluidο will substantially increase the level of οnοsupport in οnοbjects.

    Keywords: safety, rescue station, rescue station, rescue post, rescue service, rescue service, inοdnο-rescue fοrmirο, on-duty rescue unit in aquatοrium, rescue zone, patrolling aquatοrium, pοiskοvο-rescue service, rescuer in aquatοrium

  • Using the Monty Hall paradox in project management tasks. Part II. Use in combination with Blotto game models. A task with random intelligence

    In this paper, we investigate the possibility of applying the theory of Monty Hall's paradox in tasks that require the need for an optimal choice of a strategy for developing the innovative potential of an enterprise. The article provides recommendations for taking into account and constructive use of the effects that affect the involved experts, in particular, the Condorcet principle and paradox. The paper explores the limits of applicability of the Monty Hall paradox theory. Its applicability is determined, together with considerations about the profitability of changing the initial choice in problems with the so-called "random intelligence".

    Keywords: decision support systems, mathematical modeling, expert evaluation, Monty Hall's paradox, project management, collective assessment, Condorcet's paradox, enterprise management, assessment of enterprise characteristics

  • Analysis of the objectivity of the use of BIM technologies in construction

    This article analyzes trends and examples of the use of digital technology in order to increase the efficiency and improve the quality of construction projects. BIM technologies already at the design stage make it possible to provide as much as possible all the signs that affect the construction object at the beginning of construction and its further operation. The number of these signs increases, due to the fact that the complexity of the construction process of construction objects increases, as the scale of construction increases, the volume of construction products and building materials increases. In this connection, the requirements for the general designer, contractor, customer, etc. are increasing. At the same time, the customer expects to find, in addition to the project, a solution to reduce costs and increase the functionality of the construction object with the highest parameters. The need for high-performance special technologies and methods of organizing the management of construction works is becoming more acute. BIM technologies are the physical and functional characteristics of a construction object presented in digital form. Digital technologies are an integrated special resource of competencies in order to obtain information about a construction object. It provides the basis for the possibility to accept special decisions of a construction object from construction to the moment of its demolition. This model provides an opportunity to delegate a virtual digital model from the creators of the project to the subcontractor, general contractor, owner, as well as the manager of the construction object. The technical tasks of using information modeling technologies are the starting point for planning an investment project both from the customer's position, since they define the scope of using a BIM model at all phases of the operation of a construction object according to the criteria for evaluating information, and from the position of the contractor, since it acts as the basis for generating a plan when a BIM project will be implemented. The list of characteristic technical tasks of BIM modeling application at different stages of the construction object life cycle is determined. The BIM project algorithm is proposed.

    Keywords: information modeling of the construction of objects, labor productivity, physical wear, defects, reliability, diagnostic tasks

  • Development of a system for remote monitoring and control of spatially distributed objects using LoRa network technology

    Relevance and goals. The article describes a project in the field of solving the problem of managing organizational systems through the development of a system for remote monitoring and control of spatially distributed objects using LoRa network technology. Materials and methods. The project provides testing and practical use of LoRa networks. The developed system consists of 3 main modules: Devices, server part, and client application. In turn, devices are divided into gateways and end devices. Results. An automated system for managing spatial objects was designed, gateway devices and end devices that form a prototype of the Internet of Things network were developed and tested, as well as the server part of an automated system for remote control of spatially distributed devices. Conclusions. The system was tested and debugged, and a streamlined system for remote monitoring and control of spatially distributed objects was obtained based on the concept of the Internet of Things using LoRa network technology. It is assumed that the results of R&D will be in demand in organizations whose activities involve the use of spatially distributed resources.

    Keywords: Internet of things, management of geographically distributed systems, LoRa networks, geosystem approach, spatial data infrastructures

  • Aspects of the rational use of the road infrastructure of intra-block streets in the city

    The sustainable functioning of the road transport system of any city is inextricably linked with the rational use of road infrastructure. The article deals with the problem of irrational use of road infrastructure and increased transport delays when vehicles are left on the roadway, using the example of Tyumen. In a scientific study, a simulation of traffic flow on a two-lane section of the street was carried out. The PTV Vissim software was used to obtain the results. The dependence of the influence of transport demand on the average delay time when one lane is blocked by stationary vehicles is obtained. The consequences abandonment of unattended cars on the roadway are described. Approaches to solving the problem are proposed. The results can be used by municipalities to effectively manage the process of using road infrastructure, and the results can also be used by scientific organizations for research in the field of traffic management.

    Keywords: traffic, simulation, parking, unattended vehicle, lane occupancy

  • Development of an educational model for learning of online courses within network programs

    The work is devoted to the development of an information model based on ontological approach in the framework of an educational course. The aim is to reduce the communication time between the participants of the educational process: coordinators, students and tutors. The concept of the solution was formed, namely analysing the activity of the course coordinator in the ‘Telegram’ chats within the course ‘Digital district of electrical networks’ of the network university ‘Energynet’. Based on this, ways to reduce time costs were identified by creating a Telegram bot based on an ontology model. The method reduces the time cost of communication between the coordinator, tutors and students. The results of the study showed that the chatbot built on the ontological model of the educational process within the course ‘Digital district of electrical networks’ helps to significantly reduce time costs of the communication process within the educational model.

    Keywords: ontology, networked learning, educational model, chat bot, ontological model, telegram bot, online education, energy, digital university

  • Forecasting the risk of destruction of building structures

    The article is devoted to the assessment of signs that can lead to the destruction of building structures that undergo physical wear over time. The destruction of the elements can lead to adverse consequences. A mathematical basis is used to diagnose structural failure. With its help, it is possible to determine the influence of signs contributing to the destruction of the structure on the degree of destruction. This article discusses the main provisions of the general kinetic theory, as well as methods of its application in order to determine the emergency condition of structures. The technical condition of the structures is considered from the standpoint of the determinational theory. The concept is based on the principle of reliability of the structure before the first failure. The object's trouble-free operation model embodies the science of the speeds of processes in the field of structuring and decomposition of complex system structures throughout the life cycle and shows the adaptive response of structures to factors that shorten the service life of the object. This concept makes it possible to more accurately assess the risks of structural failure from the effects of certain adverse factors.

    Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, reliability, diagnostic tasks, diagnostic methods, efficiency

  • Decision-making in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in conditions of risk and uncertainty

    The article considers key aspects related to the process of managerial decision-making and the formation of managerial influence in conditions of uncertainty associated with risk, in such a complex and numerous social organizational system as internal affairs bodies, when the subject of management does not have reliable or does not fully possess sufficient information about the current state of the operational situation. In the organization of information and analytical activities of internal affairs bodies are highlighted in order to determine priority areas of law enforcement activity in accordance with their main functions, forecasting possible adverse trends and processes in society, substantiating ways and means of resolving identified problematic situations in law enforcement and developing appropriate preventive measures in various information situations according to probabilistic realizations of various outcomes. The application of the main types of selection criteria and formalized models for determining the relationship between planned organizational measures and the results of their implementation in the presence of uncertain factors affecting effective decision-making in situations of rapid changes in the elements of the operational situation and the irrational use of resources available in the internal affairs bodies is considered and illustrated. Using concrete examples, the mechanism of finding the optimal management solution in the field of law enforcement and public safety is demonstrated, the existing problems of choosing a solution in conditions of risk and uncertainty are identified and ways to resolve them are proposed, an analysis is made regarding the results of the study.

    Keywords: "managerial decisions, managerial activity, decision-making in conditions of risk and uncertainty, situational management, internal affairs bodies, law enforcement, information, information and telecommunication technologies, decision-making criteria

  • Algorithmization of the solution of the task of compiling a comprehensive service taking into account the emotional preferences of customers based on the modification of the method of branches and boundaries

    The article considers the issue of taking into account the emotional preferences of customers in the process of compiling a comprehensive service to increase customer satisfaction. The problem of forming an optimal set of services is solved, taking into account the emotional preferences of the client and the economic constraints in the form of the client's budget. Modifications to the method of branches and boundaries are proposed, reducing the number of calculations. An algorithm for solving the problem is developed and the results of a numerical experiment are presented, showing that the developed algorithm has basically a linear increase in execution time depending on the number of services. The advantage of this method is a significant reduction in operating time, as opposed to a complete search, as well as ease of implementation.

    Keywords: formation of an optimal set of services, consideration of emotional preferences, the method of branches and boundaries

  • Digital Transformation of Education: Cognitive Models of Collective Cognition and Communication

    The article shows the relevance of solving the problem of conceptual analysis of traditional and digital educational structures integrated in the process of transformation, identification and evaluation of their effective interaction. It is proposed to use the methodology of the cognitive analysis that has already passed the stages of approbation in the subject environment of education. It is noted that the educational process includes continuously generated and continuously modified cycles of cognition of reality. Within the framework of generalized descriptions presented by models of cognition, a transition is naturally made from individualized cycles of cognition to a collective study of reality, in which models already control collective cognition, forming a cycle of cognition based on collective communication. An initial cognitive model has been developed which illustrates the situation that has developed in the modern educational system under the powerful influence of the "technocratic" point of view on digitalization. A cognitive model of collective cognition and communication in the digital environment is proposed, which systematically integrates three important parts from the point of view of transformational processes in education, namely, the traditional structure of cognition of reality, the newest structure of digital communication built in the paradigm of the collective subject of cognition, and, finally, the structure of strategic management based on the socio-cultural development of society and the country.

    Keywords: Cognitive model, education, digital transformation, cognition, communication

  • Determination of the technical condition of building structures by the maximum likelihood method

    This article analyzes the assessment of the signs leading to the possible destruction of the studied building structure. To determine the degree of influence of signs (or groups) on the level of structural failure in their direct diagnosis, it is possible to use a mathematical basis, in particular, the Bayesian approach. The essence of the implementation is to compare the probability of failure for each structure under study. The result of the work is to identify and describe not only the features of the relationship between each feature affecting the destruction of the structure and the calculated probability of destruction, but also their degree of influence on increasing or decreasing the probability of an accident. According to the estimates of the mathematical definition of the signs affecting the destruction of the building structure, it is possible to more objectively assess the effectiveness of the method used to check the condition of the building structure.

    Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, reliability, diagnostic tasks, diagnostic methods, efficiency

  • Evolution and state of the art of Question Answering Systems: Intent and Named Entity Recognition Technologies using the BERT model

    This paper explores in detail the technological evolution and current state of question and answer (Q&A) systems. Using an example of an airline customer service task, a BERT-based model is developed that is capable of recognising user intentions and extracting named entities. The paper provides a detailed description of the dataset preparation, data analysis methods and data exploration techniques of the project. A description of the model and parameter settings during the model tuning process and the model training process is presented. The model developed in this project is named RNEEMAviCS-BERT, which achieved an intent recognition accuracy of 98.2% and named entity recognition accuracy of 83%. We have created a semantic analysis module for the question and answer system. The next stage of our work will be to integrate the dataset to complete the query-response and response generation components of the Q&A system.

    Keywords: question-answering systems, ChatGPT, BERT, machine learning, neural networks, pre-trained models, intention recognition, named entity recognition, data analysis, model training

  • Support for management decision-making under emergency risks based on the use of methods for analyzing multidimensional statistical data

    The article is devoted to applied issues of improving regional security management processes through the development of methods for analyzing data on emergency situations. In order to identify patterns in the occurrence of emergency situations, multidimensional methods of processing statistical data were used. A multidimensional classification of data in the field of emergency situations based on fuzzy logic is proposed. The classification was performed using a fuzzy inference system with clear membership functions. As statistical data, data on emergency situations of a man-made, natural and biological-social nature that occurred in the federal districts of Russia in 2020, including data on dead and saved people, were considered. An analysis of data samples on regional emergency situations was carried out according to 5 criteria, and clustering of regions was carried out.

    Keywords: emergency situations, fuzzy multidimensional clustering, fuzzy logic, fuzzy inference system, computer program, mathematical model, forecasting, decision making

  • Assessment of the principles of placement of the territorial-property complex of mining companies

    The principles of placement of the territorial property complex are closely related to the specifics of the production activity of the enterprise, and therefore are often repeated within the same industry. This paper analyzes the placement of the territorial and property complex of the world's largest mining companies engaged in the extraction and processing of potash ore. A conclusion is drawn about the formation of general principles for the placement of the territorial and property complex of KCl mining companies, which were taken into account in particular during the design and construction of the mining and processing plant in the Volgograd region of EuroChem-VolgaKaliy LLC.

    Keywords: property complex, territory, production placement, mining, potassium

  • Research of existing approaches and development of a model of the scientific and production potential of the region in strategic planning

    The article synthesizes several approaches to the development of the social environment of neighborhoods and clusters, taking into account scientific developments in assessing the potential of territories in terms of building density, number of floors and capacity saturation of schools, preschool institutions and production areas. Options for implementing the strategy are outlined based on multi-product models for calculating capacity and scientific and production potential for the development of territories.

    Keywords: cluster, quarter, region, potential, strategic planning, production capacity, multi-product models, building density, schematic map, optimization

  • Model and methodology for calculating the placement of rescue units to ensure the safety of people in places of mass recreation in the water area and beaches (on the example of the subject of St. Petersburg)

    In the article, the author examines the organization of the placement of rescue units of the search and rescue service of St. Petersburg and identifies problematic issues of ensuring the safety of people in places of mass recreation of the population in the water area and beaches. The purpose of the work is to develop a model and methodology for calculating the necessary and optimal number of rescue forces and means to improve the safety of people in the water area. As a result of the research, a model and methodology for calculating the required number of rescue forces and means in places of mass recreation of the population and beaches, on the example of water bodies of St. Petersburg, have been developed and proposed. A comparative analysis of the compliance of the data obtained in the calculations on the necessary and sufficient number of rescue stations and rescue posts on the beaches, taking into account the specifics (features) of the water area and the current standards of their (rescue stations and posts) placement on the water bodies of St. Petersburg.

    Keywords: rescue stations, rescue posts, area of responsibility, search and rescue operations, calculation model and methodology, safety in the water area, safety on beaches and in places of mass recreation

  • Identification and classification of defects in building structures according to the established criteria of operational wear

    By conducting a construction and technical expertise on the inspection of building structures and identifying several signs that can lead to their destruction, it is possible to identify a defect in which the destruction and accident of the structure under study is most likely to occur. It is proposed to use a Bayesian approach to evaluating the effectiveness of methods for determining defects affecting structural failure. The use of knowledge on the inspection and testing of building structures of buildings and structures is to determine the degree of relationship between the possible destruction of a building structure and its inspection, based on methods developed in the theory of reliability of technical systems. Based on the results of mathematical determination of the degree of malfunction, it is possible to more objectively assess the effectiveness of the method used to check the condition of the building structure. The method of using construction and technical knowledge to determine the technical condition of structures in an emergency state, in relation to the use of the Bayes formula, is considered. According to the proposed methodology, examples of determining the defect and the degree of destruction of building structures are given.

    Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, reliability, diagnostic methods, wear, efficiency

  • An integrated approach to assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise

    The article presents an integrated approach to assessing the competitiveness of a scientific production enterprise. The methodology includes an analysis of seven key performance indicators of an enterprise that have the greatest impact on its competitiveness: product competitiveness, staffing, reputation, innovation potential, sales activities, internal organization, partnerships. As a result of the study, recommendations were formulated aimed at the formation and strengthening of competitive advantages.

    Keywords: enterprise competitiveness, efficiency assessment, complex assessment method

  • The method for evaluating the effectiveness of organizing the evacuation of people from a public building in case of fire using an agent-based approach

    The article is devoted to the study of crowd behavior in public buildings during a fire. A method for evaluating the effectiveness of organizing the evacuation of people from a public building is proposed, which makes it possible to take into account the spread of panic among evacuees. The method is based on the development of an evacuation simulation model that takes into account the impact of certain factors on the degree of people's panic, which implements an agent-based approach. The proposed method allows, when describing the psycho-emotional behavior of each agent separately in the process of evacuation, to evaluate the effectiveness of organizing the evacuation of the crowd as a whole. The simulation results on the example of a shopping and entertainment center show that possible panic conditions of evacuees can affect the efficiency of evacuation.

    Keywords: evacuation, panic, simulation model, efficiency assessment method, shopping and entertainment complex, agent-based approach

  • Interaction of Tello EDU and Turtlebot3 in rooms with a weak signal using a local network and the ROS operating system

    The article explores the interaction of Tello EDU, a small-sized educational drone, with Turtlebot3, an unmanned ground vehicle, in rooms with a weak signal. The article examines how, using a local network and the robot operating system (ROS), it is possible to achieve effective collaboration between these two devices. It analyzes how a local network can be used to broadcast data and monitor devices in conditions of a weak external signal. The role of ROS as the main tool for managing and interacting with devices is being investigated. In addition, the article examines specific use cases, including interaction and coordination between Tello EDU and Turtlebot3. A diagram of the interaction of two unmanned vehicles is also presented, a detailed description of their operation is described, and Python code is presented using various libraries based on the ROS robotic operating system.

    Keywords: Tello Edu, operating system (ROS), UAV, local area network, Wi-fi, nodes, SLAM, weak signal, route planning, autonomous robot, Turtlebot3

  • Modeling of the development of the accident rate of building structures

    This article analyzes the assessment of the signs leading to the possible destruction of the investigated building structure. Using the mathematical basis for diagnosing the destruction of a building structure, it is possible to determine how the signs that affect the destruction of the structure or their groups affect the determination of the degree of destruction. Applying the Bayesian approach to determining the degree of malfunction of a building structure and its destruction, a comparison of the probability of destruction of each investigated building structure is given. It was found out how the calculated probability of each structural failure was affected by the presence of each feature and what contribution to the increase or decrease in the probability of an accident was made by the analyzed feature affecting the destruction of the structure. It is proposed to use artificial, model destruction of building structures to determine the influence of various factors on determining the degree of destruction, so to speak, in its pure form and in various variants. In addition, you can get test cases to test the effectiveness of various diagnostic methods and find out a number of theoretical questions. Considering this, and the other goals listed above, models were built. An assessment of the influence of a feature that affects the probability of destruction of a building structure in one of many ways is shown. According to the proposed methods, the values of the sign affecting the destruction for the structure are determined. The probability of destruction is determined.

    Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, reliability, diagnostic tasks, diagnostic methods, efficiency

  • Aspects of city buses life cycle management

    Public bus transport is an important part of the life of most residents of the city. The age of a city bus affects its safety, efficiency and competitiveness. Based on the above, the life cycle of buses needs to be managed. The purpose of the study is to analyze the life cycle of urban buses and develop management solutions. The research period is from 2012 to 2022. The place of collection of information is Tyumen. The uneven renewal of rolling stock can lead to a significant financial annual burden on the city budget. The experience of the functioning of the urban transport system has shown the demand for the use of buses of particularly large and high capacity. Such a management decision helps to increase the comfort of passengers and increase the level of road safety. The dependence of the influence of extensive bus renovation on the share of budget expenditures in Tyumen is presented. It is proposed to distribute the annual cost of buying new buses evenly. It is necessary to strive for an equilibrium system, when planning an extensive development path for the urban public transport system. The methodology of this research can be used by legislative and executive authorities when planning the city budget.

    Keywords: urban transport system, city bus, life cycle of urban buses, public transport

  • The method for the technical and economic assessment of options for building an organizational and technical system of the "cyberpolygon" class

    The article is devoted to the study of problematic issues of the formation of organizational and technical systems of the "cyberpolygons" class using the original methodological apparatus for the feasibility study of system engineering solutions for their construction. The features of existing approaches to the justification of system engineering solutions for the construction of organizational and technical systems, information technology and technical systems are considered. Directions for their development are proposed, taking into account the dynamics of the phased creation and modernization of organizational and technical systems with simultaneously developing infrastructure projects and solutions. Formal aspects in the methodological apparatus are reflected in the change in the composition of the functional components in the conceptual and analytical models, the corresponding formal descriptions of their relationships and characteristics, as well as in the modification of the procedures for the technical and economic assessment of options for building a cyberpolygon. The method of technical and economic evaluation of options for constructing a cyberpolygon proposed in this study makes it possible to rank alternative options for the infrastructures of the created cyberpolygon according to the value of their technical and economic efficiency and to select the rational one from them.

    Keywords: information security, infrastructure, cyberpolygon, feasibility study, means of protection

  • Personnel management in a real estate agency

    The dynamic model of personnel management in a real estate agency is investigated. The structure of the management system includes a real estate company as a Leader and a realtor as a Slave. The relations between them are built on the basis of a hierarchy corresponding to the information regulations of the Stackelberg games. Motivation is used as a method of hierarchical management. Algorithms for achieving equilibrium in different information regulations are presented. The numerical implementation of these algorithms is based on simulation modeling, the results are analyzed.

    Keywords: real estate company, hierarchy, simulation, stackelberg's game, stackelberg's game with feedback, motivation, leader, slave, dynamic system