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  • A fuzzy comparison method for managing the functioning of an organizational system

    Modern digitalization processes involve the use of intelligent systems at key stages of information processing. Given that the data available for intelligent analysis in organizational systems are often fuzzy, there is a problem of comparing the corresponding units of information with each other. There are several known methods for such a comparison. In particular, for random fuzzy variables with known distribution laws, the degree of coincidence of these distribution laws can be used as a criterion for the correspondence of one random variable to another. However, this approach does not have the necessary flexibility required to solve practical problems. The approach we propose allows you to compare fuzzy, fuzzy and clear, as well as clear and clear data. The paper will provide an example illustrating this approach. The material presented in the study was initially focused on managing organizational systems in education. However, its results can be extended to other organizational systems.

    Keywords: fuzzy data, weakly structured problems, comparison criteria, hierarchy analysis method, systems analysis, fuzzy benchmarking

  • On the issue of data mining to assess the risks of emergencies in the Arctic zone of Russia

    The article examines the man-made risks in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, methods of working with data related to the use of intellectual analysis, and the use of information systems for forecasting risks and is designed for the widest range of readers. The conducted research demonstrates that the use of data mining methods opens up broad prospects for data integration. This process includes the adaptation of the system to specific emergency situations typical of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as the development of appropriate interfaces for interaction with external subsystems. As a result of the conducted research, the conclusions were obtained: 1. Intelligent methods allow you to analyze large amounts of data and identify hidden patterns, which helps you make more informed decisions. The quality of decisions is improved. 2. Intelligent data processing allows you to automate routine tasks and optimize business processes. This leads to increased productivity and lower costs. The efficiency of business processes increases. 3. Intelligent systems can analyze data about past events and predict future trends. This allows you to take measures to reduce risks and ensure safety. These processes make it possible to reduce risks. 4. Intelligent algorithms can process data in real time, which allows you to quickly respond to changes in the external environment. 5. In the future, it is planned to work out the issue of introducing intelligent data analysis algorithms into man-made emergency forecasting analytics systems and the development of the data science concept, such as the GIS Atlas of Natural Hazards and Risks.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • On the possibility of using artificial intelligence in managing the quality of Russian legislation using the example of anti-corruption examinations of regulatory legal acts

    In this article, we consider the system of quality management of legislation in the Russian Federation: we define its basic elements, the main tools for quality control (management) in the form of legal examinations, provide a generalized algorithm for quality assessment, propose a simple general classification of controlled factors in legal examinations, and introduce the concept of a bill readiness indicator. The most important legal examination - anti-corruption (ALE) - was chosen as an example for conducting quality control of legislation. Within the framework of general trends in automation, informatization, and digitalization, we considered the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for the purposes of conducting ALE, which, in some cases of "routine work", could provide all possible assistance to specialists in the field of legal examinations and their digitalization. In this regard, a step-by-step algorithm for pre-training AI was formulated using examples from regulatory legal acts (RLA) containing corruption factors (CF); a classification of CF was carried out; a scale of AI errors in detecting CF was developed; frequency characteristics of AI errors were determined; Preliminary conclusions were obtained on the possibility of using AI in AEC.

    Keywords: artificial intelligence, corruption factor, anti-corruption expertise, normative legal act, corruption factor indicator, pre-training, algorithm, errors, frequency distribution, classification, dialogue.

  • On development of an electronic notification system for students in an educational institution

    The article describes the prerequisites for creating an electronic notification system for students in an educational institution. A use case diagram is provided that describes interaction with the system from the point of view of the user-employee of the educational department and the user-student. A diagram of the physical database model is presented and a description of the purpose of the tables is given. The system uses two types of client applications: an administrative client for organizing the work of educational department employees and a Telegram bot for working on the students’ side. A scheme for working with user data when processing chatbot commands is defined in the IDEF0 notation. The choice of the interlocutor program as a communication tool was made based on the popularity of this technology. The administrative client is implemented in C# using Windows Forms technology, the chatbot is implemented in Python using the “schedule” time planning library, “time” working with time and “threading” multi-threading support.

    Keywords: chat bot, Telegram bot, messenger, message, mobile device, information system, database, computer program, application

  • Automation of testing of cloud database management systems using the example of DBaaS Postgres Pro

    The article is devoted to the design of a test automation system for the DBaaS Postgres Pro cloud database management manager. New approaches, concepts and definitions of the theory of test automation are formulated and old ones are updated. An analysis of modern tools widely used in commercial software development is carried out. The features of the system under test were studied, including the specifics of working with cloud computing and the Postgres DBMS. Based on the data obtained, an optimal technology stack was formed that is planned to be used in development, and functional requirements for the test automation system were developed. In practical terms, the use of this system on a DBaaS project will reduce labor intensity and speed up work at the testing and development stages, increase the efficiency of testing and the quality of the software product.

    Keywords: software testing automation, DBaaS, cloud database, Postgres DBMS, GO programming language

  • Development of algorithmic and software for an automated web-based information system for electronic document management in the educational field

    The article is devoted to the development of automated information systems (AIS) for electronic document management in the educational field. Using the example of the process of accreditation monitoring of basic professional educational programs implemented in university departments, functional requirements, user algorithms and a prototype AIS (web system) for generating documents have been developed. The use of the considered AIS allows you to flexibly customize the structure of documents and data completion forms for accreditation monitoring, add and edit the required data about teachers in visual web interfaces, automatically generate documents based on information stored in the database, manage the life cycles of documents, evaluate the quality of the documents compiled. The labor intensity of working with documents is significantly simplified compared to existing business processes. The proposed approach can be applied to the development of document flow subsystems for various business processes of a university within the framework of educational, methodological, scientific and other types of activities of employees and, as a result, towards the creation of a unified AIS for electronic document management of the university, based on the integration of all subsystems. The described functionality and algorithms can be adapted to the creation of web systems for electronic document management of computer training complexes (CTC) for collecting and processing data on the progress of students, managing the life cycle of developing exercises for the CTC and performing them by trainees.

    Keywords: automated information systems, electronic document management, information technologies in education, document life cycle, UML graphic notation

  • On the issue of forming a management decision-making system aimed at improving the safety of activities in the field of transportation

    The problem of ensuring the safety of transportation activities is considered. The main components of the safety of transport activities in the context of management decisions are formulated. The causes of transport and environmental risks in relation to the stages of the vehicle life cycle are determined. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of traffic accidents caused by truck drivers, the theoretical dependence of the distribution of the random magnitude of accidents is determined. The influence of environmental factors on the mechanism of ensuring safety in the provision of transport services is considered. A model of the process of searching for an optimal management solution is presented, taking into account a limited number of criteria. It is recommended that the criteria include the probability of security risks depending on the source of the risk. The directions of improving the management decision-making system through the introduction of digitalization tools are formulated.

    Keywords: transport process, vehicle, safety, risk, management decision, model of the process of finding the optimal management solution

  • Peculiarities and problems of street lighting design based on automated lighting control systems

    The article analyses the current state of automated control systems for street lighting: advantages and disadvantages, problems faced by manufacturers and operators of such systems. The article describes the basic principles of automated control systems, such as the use of motion sensors, light sensors and communication technology to optimise the operation of street lighting. The article also discusses the features and problems of designing street lighting based on automated lighting control systems, and possible problems associated with their implementation and operation.

    Keywords: lighting control, digital twin, automation, sensor, light sources, LED lighting fixture

  • Problems arising between the customer and the general contractor (subsidiary of the customer) during the implementation of investment projects in the field of capital construction, and ways to solve them

    This paper examines the problems and obstacles that arise during the implementation of investment projects in the field of capital construction, between the customer and the general contractor (a subsidiary of the customer). To solve the problems, it is proposed to develop specific measures to modernize the investment and construction activities of the customer company, in accordance with the economic development strategy adopted in Russia, based on digitalization. Information systems and technologies offer great opportunities for the development of various aspects of economic activity. One of them is information systems for managing investment projects. As a result of the work, the authors formulated the main directions of development and proposed solutions for modernizing the investment and construction activities of the customer company.

    Keywords: investment and construction activities, investment project, industrial construction, customer, general contractor, information systems and technologies

  • Modeling of the activity of an enterprise for the production of asphalt and asphalt concrete mix

    A mathematical model for managing a commercial organization that specializes in the production and sale of asphalt and asphalt concrete is presented and analyzed in this paper. The study is based on mathematical modeling principles and management theory. An organized two-tier management system has been proposed, consisting of an asphalt manufacturer and its clients. The problem was considered numerically using various types of input data, and the company "FIRM PROFILE LLC" provided necessary information for calculations. The paper analyzes the results obtained and offers practical recommendations for improving the management of this enterprise.

    Keywords: optimal management, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling, enterprise model, hierarchical system

  • Making compromise decisions in the internal affairs bodies when analyzing the operational situation

    The article considers one of the approaches to solving the problem of multi-criteria optimization with the choice of a balanced compromise option in the implementation of management activities in the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the operational situation in conditions of uncertainty and in the presence of existing restrictions and existing at the disposal of the subject of management of resource capabilities.. The emphasis is on the rational alignment of a set of mutually contradictory goals with the preferences of a person competent to make managerial decisions. It is shown how information on the relative importance of normalized values of vector estimates according to optimality criteria should be used to implement a reasonable narrowing of the achievable Pareto set and subsequent implementation of the best choice. The solution of the practical problem of vector optimization to determine the effectiveness of the use of forces and means of law enforcement agencies in detecting and suppressing crimes in public places is given.

    Keywords: internal affairs bodies, law enforcement, operational environment, management decisions, management activities, multi-criteria optimization task, compromise in decision-making, Pareto set, decision support methods

  • The research of the dynamic model of innovation in organizations

    The two level dynamic model is presented, representing the process of innovation implementation. The main task of this paper is conducting an analytical research of the model and different information regulations, designing solutions based on information regulations to find the best possible management of the subjects of the system. The system consists of several management entities (center, agents), the system is hierarchical. The Center manages the innovation process, agents promote innovations. But at the same time, agents have third-party income from activity that is not related to the promotion of innovations. The Pontryagin maximum principle is used for analytical research, the information regulations of the Hermeyer games G1, G2 are used. Numerical solutions are constructed, experiments are carried out, and the results are analyzed during the research.

    Keywords: analytical research, Pontryagin's maximum principle, motivation, compulsion, Hermeyer games G1, G2, optimal management

  • Determining the principles of semantic and formal management in the process of monitoring the regulatory framework for ensuring fire safety in the Republic of Vietnam

    The article examines methods for identifying semantic and formal management guidelines in monitoring the regulatory framework for ensuring fire safety in the Republic of Vietnam. The research includes in-depth semantic analysis, multi-level security parameters, the use of neural networks and innovative approaches to improve the effectiveness of the fire safety system at various levels. The work emphasizes the relevance of developing methods and tools for determining risk levels in the absence of clear numerical values of the accepted risk in legislation.

    Keywords: in-depth semantic analysis, multi-level security parameters, neural networks, regulatory monitoring, fire safety, risk management, regulatory legislation, security innovations, fire inspectors, Republic of Vietnam

  • An integrated approach to optimizing the provision of resources in critical conditions: from linear models to dynamic modeling

    The article is devoted to the problem of optimizing the provision of resources in organizational systems, taking into account the factors of an aggressive external environment. The main task is to develop a model that will reduce costs when providing resources under various criteria and restrictions. The author proposes to use mathematical modeling to solve this problem. It examines various modeling and optimization approaches, including the use of linear and nonlinear functions, consideration of time and other parameters such as time, weather and possible risk. The article also discusses specific models of the external environment that can be used when calculating the effectiveness of the “Resource Provision - External Environment” system. In conclusion, the author suggests that the proposed approaches will help improve understanding of optimization processes and application of models in real-world settings.

    Keywords: providing resources, mathematical modeling, optimization, risk management, organizational systems, external environment.

  • The problem of detecting faces in a video stream: a review of technologies

    With the rapid development of technology and the widespread use of video surveillance, modeling the architecture of neural networks for human recognition in video is attracting increasing attention from researchers. This article presents a study of the use of neural networks (NN) as an interdisciplinary model for classifying objects in video, including solving the problem of face search. This highlights the versatility of neural networks in integrating trained data and accurately classifying objects, which is critical for ensuring security and efficiency of video surveillance. The study uses an analysis of various neural network architectures, as well as a study of their operating algorithms. Data obtained from a literature review and experimental results allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of solving the task of classifying objects in video using various architectures, without tying the study to a specific data set. The study confirms the possibility of using modern neural network architectures for human recognition in real-time video based on the experience of experts in the field of computer vision and machine learning. The active use of neural networks as a tool for video surveillance increases the safety of infrastructure facilities and the efficiency of security services. Ultimately, this article presents an analysis of neural network architectures for facial recognition in video streams, advocating their use as a key element in the development of modern video surveillance systems and ensuring public safety.

    Keywords: neural networks, neural network architectures, video surveillance systems, real-time recognition, improving security, social well-being

  • Theoretical justification of examination mechanisms using expert assessment methods to analyze the vulnerability of an important government facility

    The article discusses issues of theoretical substantiation of examination mechanisms using expert assessment methods to analyze the vulnerability of an important government facility. The article discusses the theoretical justification of the mechanisms of development examination for two cases. The first is taking into account the interest of experts in the results of the examination, when experts strive for a minimum discrepancy between their true assessment and the resulting expert assessment of the project. In the second case, they show interest in increasing their rating. For both cases, we define the objective functions of the experts and find the conditions for the existence of a Nash equilibrium situation.

    Keywords: comprehensive security, methods, models, security forces, violators, important government facilities, expert assessment methods, vulnerability analysis

  • An artificial intelligence model to support management decisions to increase the efficiency of preventive measures to prevent fire

    The proposed work considers two types of neural network models for describing fire risks depending on the size of the population and preventive measures. Neural network models make it possible to consider fire risks integrally, taking into account the type of municipality or separately for each of the three existing types. Based on these models, a response surface for fire risks - population and prevention has been implemented, which allows you to assess the magnitude of risks based on input data to optimize decisions made. For a given value of the standard risk, the dependence of optimal prevention was obtained depending on the number of deposits in the municipality, which makes it possible to guarantee fire risks less than or equal to the standard indicators. The article analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of preventive measures using neural networks. The input data for training the neural network includes fire data collected in Vietnam and Russia (population, number of fires, number of deaths, number of preventive measures). Based on these indicators, the effectiveness of preventive measures is predicted. Based on the forecasting results, decisions can be made to ensure fire safety in the state. The results obtained indicate the possibility of predicting the absolute value of the effectiveness of preventive work based on quantitative and categorical variables. A relatively large forecast error is associated, on the one hand, with the need to take into account a larger number of input parameters, and on the other hand, with the need to increase the size of the neural network training base. After refining the model, the results obtained allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive measures for provinces and cities.

    Keywords: fire safety, preventive measures, neural network, management decision support, prediction model

  • Identify and rank threats at a critical government facility

    The article discusses the issues of identifying and ranking threats at an important government facility. The classification of threats by type is described. The article discusses the concepts of “design-based threats” and “the most dangerous variant of the violator’s actions” and their differences. An example of ranking threats and reducing their number to reduce the dimensionality of the vulnerability analysis problem is considered. An important government object is considered as an object in the example. Experts are tasked with ranking threats according to the level of potential losses for an important government facility if they are realized. In practice, the implementation of an accepted design threat may lead to lower potential losses than the most dangerous option for violators and, as a result, to lower requirements for the effectiveness of the physical protection system.

    Keywords: comprehensive security, methods, models, security forces, intruders, important government facilities, clashes between security forces and attacks, ranking of threats

  • Time management in clinical engineering

    The article shows the importance of the role of clinical engineering departments in ensuring high-quality comprehensive control of the state of medical equipment at all stages of its life cycle. The main resource of such departments is the resource of working time of clinical engineers. In order to rationalize the use of this resource, we analyzed data on the time budget for the maintenance of 2459 units of medical equipment in medical institutions of Volgograd. The results of the analysis allowed us to identify 3 subgroups of medical equipment in the general data array that have statistically significant differences in the time characteristics of their maintenance and require a different approach to managing the time of clinical engineers servicing them. At the final stage of this study, ABC-XYZ analysis was used. Its results allowed us to formulate recommendations for rationalizing the use of working time of clinical engineers to work with the subgroups of medical equipment identified in this study in practical conditions.

    Keywords: clinical engineering, clinical engineer, time budget, maintenance of medical equipment

  • Correlation analysis of the fire and rescue units functioning parameters

    The article examines the experience of using correlation analysis to assess the nature of the relationships between various parameters of the organization and activities of fire and rescue garrisons in Russia. The analysis of absolute and relative parameters is carried out. The influence of the size of the service areas of fire departments on other response parameters, as well as the negative impact of population density and the number of fires on the speed of fire trucks is shown. The paper proposes a method for calculating the built-up area of settlements and a method for calculating the coefficient of non-straightness of the street and road network along arbitrary routes.

    Keywords: fire service, analysis, fire statistics, large city, urbanism

  • Using fuzzy cognitive maps to solve the problem of municipal development

    In the context of rapid urbanization of society, modeling the processes of sustainable urban development has attracted considerable attention from scientists. This paper presents a study of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) as an interdisciplinary model for simulating urban development processes. This highlights the versatility of FCM in integrating expertise and quantifying the impact of indicators that shape urban space, from infrastructure and housing to environmental sustainability and community well-being. The study uses a synthesis of an extensive literature review and expert opinions to create and refine a cognitive map tailored for municipal development. The methodology outlined formulates a systematic approach to selecting concepts, assigning weights, and validating the model. Through collaboration with cross-disciplinary experts, the study confirms the value of FCM for identifying cascading effects in the decision-making process when shaping urban development strategies. Recognizing the limitations of expert methods and the fuzzy nature of data, the article argues for the effectiveness of FCM in not only identifying but also addressing emerging urbanization problems. Ultimately, this article contributes a nuanced perspective to strategic planning discourse by advocating for the use of NCC as a management decision support tool that can assist policymakers in achieving a sustainable and equitable urban future.

    Keywords: fuzzy cognitive maps, urban development, urban planning, sustainable urbanization, expert systems, social well-being

  • Intelligent support for adaptive construction of project trajectory

    The article is devoted to the problems of managing the implementation of multi-scenario, multi-stage projects under conditions of uncertainty. The proposed approach is based on representing the project model in the form of a scenario network. The developed fuzzy linguistic model of a project stage is a set of linguistic variables corresponding to the stage indicators and external factors influencing the subsequent implementation of the project. The decisive rules for choosing the arc of transition to the next stage are constructed in the form of fuzzy products, the left parts of which are fuzzy statements regarding the preference of possible options. The constructed decision support procedure is based on the use of the Mamdani fuzzy inference algorithm, which has high interpretability. The proposed approach allows for multi-scenario planning and adaptability of management of the implementation of multi-stage projects.

    Keywords: multi-scenario multi-stage projects, adaptive project management, scenario network, decision support, linguistic variable, fuzzy inference

  • The use of automated systems to improve the quality of metrological support of measuring instruments

    This article discusses the automation of metrological ensure at manufacturing enterprises and in metrological laboratories with a special focus on innovative technologies, including the introduction of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP systems) and the use of calibrator standards. The functioning of automated measuring systems that implement pre-established algorithms for control and testing measuring instruments is considered. An analysis of existing solutions on both the domestic and foreign markets was carried out. In particular, the focus is on a meter designed for testing integrated circuits. The possibility of integrating these measuring systems with software at various levels is discussed, as well as the prospects for their use in mass calibration of measuring instruments. The use of automated measuring systems can significantly speed up the calibration process, eliminating the need for manual voltage regulation and thereby minimizing the influence of the human factor on the accuracy of measurements. The adaptive capabilities of the software are discussed, which allows the system to be used for various types of measuring instruments, such as ammeters and ohmmeters. The findings confirm that automation of calibration processes not only significantly speeds up this operations, but also ensures strict adherence to all procedures, which helps improve the quality and reliability of the resulting measurements.

    Keywords: Measuring systems, verification, calibration, measuring instruments, , automation, voltmeter, verification procedure

  • Mechanisms for adapting the development of development strategies for a modern mining enterprise

    The factors of sustainable development of a modern mining enterprise are considered. The main operating factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise are determined. The basic conceptual provisions underlying the formation of an effective, modern, strategic platform for the formation of strategies for the development of a mining enterprise are considered. The possibilities of applying a particular strategy for the development of a mining enterprise are analyzed, depending on the combination of phases of rise or decline in the level of impact of factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The algorithm developed by the authors of this work for choosing the optimal model of enterprise development is proposed, taking into account the phases of the impact of external and internal environmental factors and the development strategy of a modern mining enterprise chosen in accordance with them. Recommendations on choosing the optimal strategy for the development of a mining enterprise and building a development model based on it are proposed.

    Keywords: mining enterprise, economics, risk management, innovative development, development strategy, ecology, social policy

  • Methods and means of forming and evaluating the competencies of specialists in the field of information security based on a multifunctional software and hardware complex

    The article discusses various aspects of the organization of training of specialists in the field of information security on the basis of a cyberpolygon – a multifunctional software and hardware complex. The analysis of the essence of cyberpolygon as a computer learning technology within the framework of the digitalization of education and the formation of students' competencies, for example, digital culture and cyber hygiene, is given. Based on the analysis of the capabilities of the cyberpolygon for the training and retraining of specialists of various profiles, the requirements for the specifics of methods and means of training and assessment of their competencies are formulated. The problems of conceptual design of the educational content of the cyberpolygon, the need for a formalized description of the essence of competencies and their components, fixing cause-and-effect relationships for the scenario design of educational trajectories are discussed. Special attention is paid to the specifics of pedagogical design, the use of active and group approaches to learning, the need for role allocation in solving team tasks. New formal approaches to the conceptual design of the entities of competencies are proposed, taking into account this specificity, methods of automated distribution of participants by roles of educational projects and educational tasks, new conceptual models for assessing competencies based on covering them with suitable competence-oriented tasks. The proposed conceptual models formed the basis of the software architecture of the cyberpolygon information components for the management of educational trajectories and are presented at the level of design artifacts of the logical level of the cyberpolygon management system.

    Keywords: cyberpolygon, information security, cyber hygiene, digitalization of education, digital culture, conceptual design, methods of automated distribution, competency assessment models, design artifacts