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  • Model of technical systems management

    We consider the technical systems at the operational stage of the process and study their possible development. The generalized law of the development of technical systems as a function of its components can form the main factors influencing the evolution of the technical system and the process of their modernization.

    Keywords: the evolution of the network, structure, system, process, modification, chains, model development, dependence

  • Technique of microinjection in axons of nerve cells, surrounded by dense glial sheath, using ultrasound vibration of microcapillary

    Intracellular microinjection - a method of direct introduction of cellular organelles and solutions of substances into living cells. The technique of microinjection into nerve cells by puncturing their processes - axons , which are often surrounded by a dense glial sheath, are described. To puncture the sheath a special injector transmitting microvibrations of ultrasonic frequency on the injection capillary was designed. The results of using the proposed microinjection technique for introducing fluorescent marker in large axons of model object - crayfish ventral nerve cord, to visualize the morphology of axons, were shown.

    Keywords: intracellular microinjection, neuron, axon, glial sheath, ultrasound vibration, piezoelectric transducer

  • Stability of the ordinary chernozem to the combined contamination with lead and the electromagnetic field

    The article discusses the stability of the chernozem biological properties in the combined pollution of lead and an alternating magnetic field. Soil parameters such as the activity of catalase and dehydrogenase, soil biomass, soil phytotoxicity are considered. The main contribution to the change in the biological properties of the soil in the combined pollution by lead and an alternating magnetic field makes lead pollution. The contamination alternating magnetic field with a high level of induction (3000 mkTl) over only reduces the amount of lead pollution of soil biomass, but increases the activity of soil enzymes. At a lower level of induction (300-1500 mkTl) with combined pollution increases the activity of enzymes and biomass is virtually identical to the activity only if contaminated with lead. Phytotoxicity indicators of soil pollution with lead and an alternating magnetic field induction of 300 mkTl did not differ from those of soil contamination only lead, but with an increase in the level of induction to the 1500-3000 mkTl phytotoxicity indicators declined in comparison with the lead pollution at 18-27%.

    Keywords: soil, combined pollution, alternating magnetic field, lead, biological properties of soils

  • Software tools and biological databases for building hypothesis on protein-protein interactions after proteomics profiling

    The authors suggest two approaches to constructing hypotheses about the interactions of proteins on the basis of the results of tracking the changes in their levels during the studied biological process. The first approach is based on the use of machine mining of biological texts, which are freely available on the Internet. The second is related to the execution of database queries on binary protein-protein interactions . To specify the experimental context in obtained protein networks, filtering of the protein entities on the basis of needed ontology from database Gene Ontology was used.

    Keywords: text mining, data base, protein-protein interaction, protein networks

  • Application of the system of voluntary certification of works on labour safety at the enterprise, as a factor of improvement of OSH

    In this article showed the data about the system of voluntary certification of works on labour protection. The certification process involves the confirmation of compliance of the enterprise (organization) on security and labour protection, to the established state normative requirements. Implementation of the procedure of certification of the state of labour protection works is the main condition for the improvement of the OSH management system in the organization.

    Keywords: certification of works on labour protection, assessment of the state of labour protection in the organization, improvement of OSH

  • Culture of labour safety in civil engineering - as the new concept

    In article the statistical data of a traumatism and breakdown susceptibility in building are cited. Concepts of culture of labour safety are reflected.

    Keywords: The risk, injuring factors, labour safety, culture, safety, traumatism

  • System approach to monitoring of a technical condition of buildings and constructions

    In article the safety mechanism in construction is shown. Main types of monitoring of unique buildings and constructions are opened

    Keywords: risk, construction, monitoring, labor protection, safety

  • Methodology of planning of performance of load-lifting works

    In article questions of planning of load-lifting works are reflected and the assessment of category of degree of risk is carried out

    Keywords: risk, load-lifting mechanisms, labor protection, safety, technological cards

  • Features of the feasibility study on organizational and technological design of reconstruction

    In recent years reconstruction of buildings and constructions became one of the main directions in the field of construction. Considering that at reconstruction capital investments it is significantly less, and payback is higher, than at new construction, the share of capital investments in reconstruction will increase.
    It is necessary to apply intensive methods of repair and reconstruction of buildings and constructions as one-time costs of reconstruction and repair there are less than one-time costs of new construction in construction production. Considering a significant amount of the factors significantly influencing the organization of construction at reconstruction of buildings and constructions, previously before development of organizational and technological documentation it is necessary to prepare the list of the data necessary for the organization of construction works and to make their analysis which concerns the analysis of projects and the territory of a building site, including situational plans.

    Keywords: reconstruction, specifics of the organization, factors, systematization, analysis, feasibility study

  • Opportunities Project Server Event Handler

    The possibilities extend the functionality of Project Server through event handlers. Features handlers and their use

    Keywords: project management, event handler, Project Server, administration, project schedule

  • Features of mm communications systems design

    The problems of mm propagation: rain attenuation,  depolarization and gaseous absorption are considered, and the estimate of the energy potential of wireless mobile data transport networks is given. The dependence on the output power of the distance and the total losses, and the necessary signal levels for different types of modulation being shown.  The estimate of the interfering transmitters effect of side lobes of the antenna is given.  

    Keywords: radio wave propagation, mm range, energy potential, rain clutter, side lobes, polar pattern

  • Comparative analysis of the artificial neural network training algorithms

    There has been carried out the comparative analysis of the training algorithms of artificial neural networks of perceptron type: genetic, adaptive and hybrid.The comparison revealed that the adaptive algorithm is better coped with the task than the other algorithms. It is better to use the hybrid algorithm to solve the problem with complex target multiextremal function for which the adaptive algorithm is less convenient.

    Keywords: artificial neural networks, multilayer perceptron, genetic, adaptive, hybrid algorithm

  • Concept of safe urban planning complex development of urbanized territories

    The article is devoted to the scientific basis for the concept of safe principles of sustainable development in the process of urban planning and selection of investment and construction projects of development of urban territories. The author on the basis of the analysis of legislation and normative and legal basis discussed approaches to the characterization of the safe development of the urban environment, studied the principles of sustainable development-based approach to the application of the concept of acceptable and reasonable risk in the planning of urban development of urban territories, identifies areas and the boundaries of their realization.

    Keywords: concept of security, urban planning, integrated development, urban territories, the risk of

  • Properties of coverings an alloy the zinc-nickel, received from the electrolytes containing chloride of ammonium

    The characteristic of ammonium electrolytes for electrodeposition of an alloy zinc-nickel is given. Corrosion properties, microhardness and phase structure of coverings by an alloy zinc-nickel are studied.

    Keywords: electrodeposition, properties of coverings an alloy zinc-nickel, the electrolytes containing chloride of ammonium

  • On matters concerning improvement of energy performance of multi-storey housing blocks

    At the present stage, energy-efficient construction is one of the important issues included in the legislation in most countries. One of the promising ways of lowering thermal energy demand for heating is to reduce heat losses with air exchange in buildings, which accounts for over 60% of heat loss.
    Civilizational development of the society is only possible with the decrease in specific energy consumption and economical use of heat. The article discusses the main methods to improve energy performance of buildings under construction and operation. It also addressed issues of investment in energy efficiency projects. The article substantiates the effectiveness of the combined extract and input ventilation with heat recovery of vented emissions in Rostov- on-Don.  

    Keywords: energy conservation, improvement of the energy efficiency, efficiency assessment, investment, energy-saving measures.