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  • Determination of the parameters of the device of the underground part in large-block construction

    This article discusses the problem of determining the parameters of the underground structure during large-block construction. The construction of buildings from large modules is a method of building construction, which is based on the use of ready-to-assemble modules of large sizes. This construction method allows you to significantly speed up the process of building construction, reduce construction costs, and ensure a high level of quality and functionality of structures, primarily due to the fact that these structural blocks are built in factory conditions. They can be made of various materials such as concrete, steel or composite materials. These modules can include not only walls and partitions, but also floors, ceilings, electrical wiring, plumbing and other elements, which reduces the assembly time on site.

    Keywords: large-block construction, construction of the underground part of a large-block structure, building structures, technologies and organization of construction production.

  • To calculate the stability of a П-shaped frame with hinged support

    The stability calculation of a П-shaped hinged frame is considered. The concept of r-like frames is introduced as frames with the same ratio r of the linear stiffnesses of the transom and the strut. It is shown that the parameter vcr , which determines the critical load on the frame, is the same for r-like frames. Approximate formulas allowing to determine the critical load parameter vcr and design lengths of compressed bars with an error not exceeding 2% are obtained.

    Keywords: flat frame, stability, critical force, reduced length coefficient, r-like frames, approximation, least squares method

  • Modern trends in the design of multifunctional residential complexes

    The article examines current trends in the design of multifunctional residential complexes (MHCs), reflecting changes in the requirements for the urban environment and social demands. The historical stages of the evolution of the MCC are analyzed, starting with ancient civilizations and ending with modern concepts of sustainable development. Special attention is paid to such key aspects as flexibility and adaptability of spaces, environmental sustainability, integration of high technologies, as well as social and community integration. The article also highlights additional trends such as polycentricity, autonomy, regulation of the boundaries of responsibility of residential units, functional and typological intensification of courtyard spaces, the principle of openness and transparency. It is concluded that modern housing and communal services strive to create a sustainable and comfortable urban environment capable of adapting to changes and meeting the needs of residents.

    Keywords: multifunctional residential complex, sustainable architecture, autonomous architecture, adaptive architecture, residential environment, residential buildings

  • Multidisciplinary research

  • Development of compaction intelligent quality control system of the asphalt concrete mixture for rollers

    The problem of building a model of an intelligent system for continuous monitoring of the density of asphalt concrete mixture for vibrating rollers is considered. The methodology and theoretical foundations of the construction of such systems for road machines were considered by the author earlier in the author's publications. Four models of functional dependencies of compaction quality indicators on variable dynamic parameters of the system are proposed. An algorithm that implements the proposed method is presented, as well as scientific results obtained on the basis of measured signals of vibration parameters in a field experimental study during the construction of the upper layer of asphalt concrete pavement of a highway. Scientific results were obtained on the basis of the analysis of data of variables in the time domain.

    Keywords: intelligent system, fuzzy neural network, asphalt roller

  • Digital color holography with direct registration on a photodetector matrix

    A method for recording holograms using digital cameras with high spatial resolution is considered. To register holograms obtained in optical setups with an inclined reference beam, a high resolution of registration systems is required. To do this, it is necessary to use media with a resolution of 2000-4000 lines per mm. The use of photographic plates requires a fairly long exposure and development time, which is usually done separately from the optical setup. In the case of holographic interferometry systems, it is necessary to provide for mounting the hologram back into the optical setup with sufficiently high accuracy. Therefore, digital holography methods have been developed to record holograms on photomatrices with limited resolution. These methods are based on the use of optical schemes at small angles (less than 5 degrees) between interfering beams. Recently, sensors with a single element size of 1.33 µm and 0.56 µm have appeared. This resolution makes it possible to return to registration schemes with angles between interfering beams of 30-60 degrees. This allows us to hope for the revival of holographic methods and methods of holographic interferometry at the modern level without the use of intermediate recording media.

    Keywords: digital holography, high spatial resolution photo matrix, tilted reference beam holography, Fourier transform

  • Calculation of spherical shells under ring loads

    Nowadays, numerical methods are widely used to realise complex calculations.Verification of the correctness of the numerical calculation results is a relevant task. The validity of the results can be confirmed by determining the stress-strain state by various methods. This paper presents the results of the calculation of thin isotropic ring spherical shells of constant thickness with half-shell angle in the range of (90-170) degrees by two numerical methods. The results of solving the system of differential equations of the general moment theory of shells with the use of the computer mathematics system (Maple 2017) and the finite element method (FEM) are discussed. The given examples show that the calculation results with the use of the selected finite element KE-44 coincide with an accuracy of 10-15 % for shells with a half-shell angle of 120 degrees. When the angle is increased to 170 degrees, the difference in function values becomes significant. The paper gives some examples of calculation of ring spherical shells under the action of one and three annular loads. The variation of axial and radial displacements, of meridional bending moment for shells with the ratio of radius of the curvature to shell thickness 25, 50, 100, 200 is shown. Plots of meridional bending moment and moment isopole are given.

    Keywords: elastic, spherical shell, numerical method, computer mathematics system, finite element method.

  • Statistical analysis of experimental electromagnetic characteristics of submersible electric motor rotor packages

    One of the causes of local overheating of submersible electric motor caused by the presence of a significant variation of electromagnetic parameters of rotor packages (RP) in the assembly of submersible electric motor is investigated in this paper. Due to the presence in the assembly of RPs with an active resistance much lower than the average resistance of the assembly, the electrical losses in RPs with resistance higher than the average increase, respectively, their heat generation increases. With the help of statistical analysis methods, the distribution of electromagnetic parameters as a two-dimensional random variable was investigated, the "convolution" of the two-dimensional distribution law was constructed. The analysis of the "convolution" of the two-dimensional law of distribution of electromagnetic parameters of the RP showed that there is a high probability of a significant scatter of parameters of the RP in the assembly.

    Keywords: submersible electrical motor, rotor package, statistical analysis, local overheating, interrepair period

  • Algorithm for modeling the characteristics of crop production under unfavorable conditions

    The paper presents an algorithm for modeling production and economic characteristics for obtaining crop products, with the help of which planning problems are solved using multi-level parametric programming methods under average and unfavorable operating conditions for commodity producers. Since time series of characteristics associated with the production of products can be described by trends to assess adverse events, an algorithm for their identification was used based on the construction of multi-level trends according to the idea of ​​​​the hierarchical structure of the time series. When using this algorithm, a sequence of local minima is formed from the original series, a trend is built, and levels located below this trend, called unfavorable events, are identified. The assessment of the probabilities of these events is determined by the distribution law, which describes a number of differences in actual data and trend values ​​of a sequence of local minima. In the absence of trends and considering series of characteristics in the form of random variables, statistical and physical criteria are applicable to identify unfavorable events. As such, it is proposed to use the average value of local minima. Of the adverse events received, the smallest of them are distinguished, which represent rare events. Based on the identified events and other characteristics, the problem of optimizing the production of agricultural products is formed, the solution of which allows us to obtain optimal production volumes in accordance with maximum incomes corresponding to the calculated probability of events. A comparative analysis of planning results under average conditions and taking into account unfavorable events shows the likely losses of commodity producers at the enterprise and municipal district level.

    Keywords: parametric programming, trend, adverse event, production and economic characteristics, crop production, losses, risks

  • Development of a model for forecasting livestock performance using Kolmogorov-Arnold networks

    This article explores various architectures of neural networks in order to create models in the field of agriculture, with an emphasis on their use in livestock farms. The paper describes the architecture of Kolmogorov-Arnold networks, considers the stages of data collection and preliminary preparation, the learning process of neural networks, as well as their implementation. As a result, models were developed using Kolmogorov-Arnold networks and a multilayer perceptron. The study compared the effectiveness of the proposed architectures. The experiment demonstrates that Kolmogorov-Arnold networks have higher accuracy in predictions, which makes them a promising tool for forecasting. The developed model has been integrated into the livestock information system being developed to predict the growth, health and other indicators of animals, allowing for more accurate management of the growing process.

    Keywords: precision animal husbandry, Kolmogorov-Arnold network, modeling, neural network, monitoring, cultivation, data modeling, forecasting

  • Numerical methods of calculation of thin isotropic rotation shells

    Numerical methods for calculating shells provide a wide range of solutions when varying various parameters. The object of this study is a mathematical model of thin isotropic elastic shells of revolution of constant thickness. The problem is solved from the position of moment theory.To determine the stress-strain-state of the shell, the solving system is obtained by transforming the basic systems of equations of rotational shells by moment theory and the variables separation. All SSS and load components are decomposed into Fourier series along the circumferentail coordinate. A programme in the Python programming language was written to verify the numerical solution by a computer mathematics system (CMS-Maple 17). Matplotlib library was used for plotting graphs. Examples of numerical calculation of ring spherical shells for the action of ring loads are given. The variants of action of one and two ring loads on shells with different conditions of support along the contours and different half shell angles are presented. The difference between the calculation results of the two methods for bending moment functions and displacement functions is tabulated. The highest value of the difference is 0.0015%. Plots of the variation of meridional bending moment under the action of two ring loads are presented. The variants of rigid pinching along the contours and hinged support are considered. Exsmples are given for shells with the ratio of radius of curvature to shell thickness equal o R/h = 25, 50, 150, 200. Considered of the half shell angles equal to 90, 100, 130 degrees.

    Keywords: rotation shell, spherical, isotropic, elastic, computer mathematics system, Python programming language

  • Time management in clinical engineering

    The article shows the importance of the role of clinical engineering departments in ensuring high-quality comprehensive control of the state of medical equipment at all stages of its life cycle. The main resource of such departments is the resource of working time of clinical engineers. In order to rationalize the use of this resource, we analyzed data on the time budget for the maintenance of 2459 units of medical equipment in medical institutions of Volgograd. The results of the analysis allowed us to identify 3 subgroups of medical equipment in the general data array that have statistically significant differences in the time characteristics of their maintenance and require a different approach to managing the time of clinical engineers servicing them. At the final stage of this study, ABC-XYZ analysis was used. Its results allowed us to formulate recommendations for rationalizing the use of working time of clinical engineers to work with the subgroups of medical equipment identified in this study in practical conditions.

    Keywords: clinical engineering, clinical engineer, time budget, maintenance of medical equipment

  • Reports on current research

  • Development of the educational and research laboratory stand based on the programmable logic controller SPK110

    The laboratory base in higher educational institutions should be equipped with modern stands with equipment that corresponds to the technological level of the real equipment of industrial enterprises. Practical training of highly qualified engineering personnel in the field of industrial automation is one of the key factors in the technological development of the material production sectors of our economy. The formation of students' skills required by the real sectors of the economy is possible only during practical and laboratory classes using laboratory stands based on modern domestic equipment. The article discusses the issues of designing and constructing a mobile multifunctional laboratory stand for the industrial automation based on the programmable logic controller of the national production SPK110, provides a functional diagram and wiring diagram of the laboratory stand, provides a complete list of electrical components used to create the stand. The performed economic assessment of the manufacture of the laboratory stand gives grounds to conclude that it is economically feasible to produce such stands by the staff of the departments of industrial automation. The article also shows the experience of introducing this laboratory stand into the educational process of bachelor's degree preparation in the direction of 15.03.04 “Automation of technological processes and productions". The laboratory stand based on the SPK110 is a multifunctional, mobile stand designed to implement multi-level tasks of industrial automation, which can also be used as a visual aid when conducting career guidance and exhibition events in extracurricular premises. The project to create the laboratory stand can be scaled up in other higher educational institutions of our country without spending time on the preparatory and research parts.

    Keywords: programmable logic controller, laboratory stand, industrial automation, automation of technological processes and productions

  • The use of automated systems to improve the quality of metrological support of measuring instruments

    This article discusses the automation of metrological ensure at manufacturing enterprises and in metrological laboratories with a special focus on innovative technologies, including the introduction of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP systems) and the use of calibrator standards. The functioning of automated measuring systems that implement pre-established algorithms for control and testing measuring instruments is considered. An analysis of existing solutions on both the domestic and foreign markets was carried out. In particular, the focus is on a meter designed for testing integrated circuits. The possibility of integrating these measuring systems with software at various levels is discussed, as well as the prospects for their use in mass calibration of measuring instruments. The use of automated measuring systems can significantly speed up the calibration process, eliminating the need for manual voltage regulation and thereby minimizing the influence of the human factor on the accuracy of measurements. The adaptive capabilities of the software are discussed, which allows the system to be used for various types of measuring instruments, such as ammeters and ohmmeters. The findings confirm that automation of calibration processes not only significantly speeds up this operations, but also ensures strict adherence to all procedures, which helps improve the quality and reliability of the resulting measurements.

    Keywords: Measuring systems, verification, calibration, measuring instruments, , automation, voltmeter, verification procedure

  • Methodology for the development of the test data generation tool "QA Data Source"

    The article discusses the author's methodology for designing and developing a test data generation tool called "QA Data Source", which can later be used in software testing. The paper describes the basic requirements, application functionality, data model, and usage examples. When describing the application, methods of system analysis and modeling of information processes were used. As a result of the application of the proposed model for the implementation of information processes, it is possible to significantly reduce the time and resources for generating test data and subsequent product testing.

    Keywords: quality assurance, software testing, test data, information technology, data generation, databases, application development

  • On the possibility of using artificial intelligence in managing the quality of Russian legislation using the example of anti-corruption examinations of regulatory legal acts

    In this article, we consider the system of quality management of legislation in the Russian Federation: we define its basic elements, the main tools for quality control (management) in the form of legal examinations, provide a generalized algorithm for quality assessment, propose a simple general classification of controlled factors in legal examinations, and introduce the concept of a bill readiness indicator. The most important legal examination - anti-corruption (ALE) - was chosen as an example for conducting quality control of legislation. Within the framework of general trends in automation, informatization, and digitalization, we considered the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for the purposes of conducting ALE, which, in some cases of "routine work", could provide all possible assistance to specialists in the field of legal examinations and their digitalization. In this regard, a step-by-step algorithm for pre-training AI was formulated using examples from regulatory legal acts (RLA) containing corruption factors (CF); a classification of CF was carried out; a scale of AI errors in detecting CF was developed; frequency characteristics of AI errors were determined; Preliminary conclusions were obtained on the possibility of using AI in AEC.

    Keywords: artificial intelligence, corruption factor, anti-corruption expertise, normative legal act, corruption factor indicator, pre-training, algorithm, errors, frequency distribution, classification, dialogue.

  • Research and modernization of the automated oil filling system

    The article discusses the issues of modernization of the automated system for filling petroleum products (ASN). The complexity of maintenance of the automated control system due to the lack of up-to-date documentation and updated software, as well as periodic failures and high cost of spare parts became the main reasons for the implementation of modernization. Automatic control systems based on the law of proportional-integral-differential regulation have been developed: using a shut-off control valve with a positional actuator or a frequency converter to control the ACN. Mathematical models of the automatic control system have been developed in the MATLAB program using the Simulink library. An experimental model of a pumping station was assembled in laboratory conditions, and simulation modeling of the operation of an automated control system for a discharge and filling station was carried out. According to the results of experimental studies on the direct characteristics of assessing the quality of the transient process, the graph of a circuit with a frequency converter demonstrates the best results.

    Keywords: automated pumping station, petroleum products, mathematical models, PID controller

  • Feasibility study of the choice between active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression in liquid filling shops

    Occupational safety is one of the important aspects of the organization of work in production. Domestic machines and units used in the food industry do not yet allow to exclude the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors, to make the work of employees safe. In this context, it is important to study active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression, their effectiveness in ensuring normalized working conditions of workers on the example of a specific production. Existing research, as a rule, focuses on one criterion when choosing protection methods. However, an integrated approach is advisable in solving this problem. The purpose of this study was to choose a rational method of protecting personnel from the effects of noise and vibration based on the economic justification of effective technical solutions. The obtained research results make it possible to take into account the criteria for evaluating the validity and acceptability of choosing a particular protection method, including from the standpoint of technical and economic calculation, when designing a security system. The above study showed the expediency of import substitution in the food and beverage industry, as well as the correlation between the introduced protection systems and an increase in the level of safety. The given algorithm of the feasibility study has the properties of scale and generality. It can be successfully implemented when choosing methods of protection from the effects of other harmful production factors found in various industries.

    Keywords: acoustic factor, protection methods, active and passive methods, economic justification, sound pressure levels, experimental data

  • On the relationship between personal data leaks and cybersecurity indicators

    The relevance of the study is justified by the growth of breaches in the field of information security, especially personal data on the global network. The study puts forward 2 hypotheses. The 1st - about the inverse relationship between the density of hacked accounts per 1000 people and the GCI and NCSI cybersecurity indices. At stage 1, this hypothesis was refuted. The 2nd hypothesis - about the existence of factors interacting with cybersecurity factors and affecting the leakage of personal data, was confirmed Then, data outliers were identified and excluded, the final sample was 149 countries. The identified factor was the GDP per capita indicator. After eliminating the influence of this factor, the correlation analysis confirmed the presence of an inverse relationship between the personal data leakage indicator in the form of the density indicator and the GCI and NCSI cybersecurity indices. The correlation coefficients were -0.43 and -0.48, respectively. The study suggested that there were problems with the completeness of the factors taken into account in the KB indicators and the reliability of the data received from governments, which requires further research.

    Keywords: cyber breach, cybersecurity, GCI, NCSI, data leak, account hacking, personal data, sensitive information, data analysis, correlation

  • Urban target detection algorithm based on multi-modal fusion of UAV

    The use of small drones to detect urban targets such as vehicles at low altitude in cities has gradually become a mainstream means. In view of the existing problems of low detection accuracy of single-mode detection network caused by visible light detection, inability to work at night and blurred edge of infrared detection targets in actual scenes, In this paper, a multi-modal UAV detection algorithm based on image fusion and deep learning network is proposed. Firstly, based on DUT-VTUAV visible-infrared registration data set and TIF image fusion algorithm, multi-mode fusion data set is constructed. Secondly, by comparing the detection accuracy, speed and number of parameters of the existing YOLO series network, the lightweight network YOLO v5n which is most suitable for the mobile deployment of UAVS is selected. Finally, a multi-modal fusion detection algorithm is formed by combining image fusion algorithm and target detection model. Comparative experiments on vehicle data sets show that compared with single-mode detection, the detection accuracy of the proposed algorithm is effectively improved, with mAP up to 99.6%, and a set of visible-infrared image fusion detection can be completed within 0.3s, which has high real-time performance.

    Keywords: target detection, YOLO, multimodal fusion, data fusion, TIF algorithm