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  • Determination of the parameters of the device of the underground part in large-block construction

    This article discusses the problem of determining the parameters of the underground structure during large-block construction. The construction of buildings from large modules is a method of building construction, which is based on the use of ready-to-assemble modules of large sizes. This construction method allows you to significantly speed up the process of building construction, reduce construction costs, and ensure a high level of quality and functionality of structures, primarily due to the fact that these structural blocks are built in factory conditions. They can be made of various materials such as concrete, steel or composite materials. These modules can include not only walls and partitions, but also floors, ceilings, electrical wiring, plumbing and other elements, which reduces the assembly time on site.

    Keywords: large-block construction, construction of the underground part of a large-block structure, building structures, technologies and organization of construction production.

  • Organizational scheme of major repairs of radiation diagnostics facilities

    The article deals with the issues of major repairs of rooms for radiation diagnostics in medical institutions, which is becoming more and more relevant in modern conditions. Functional diagnostics plays a key role in early detection of diseases, correct diagnosis and effective treatment of patients. With the development of technology and the advent of high-tech diagnostic equipment, there is a need to upgrade medical institutions to integrate such equipment. The study, conducted on the basis of an analysis of regulatory and technical documentation and scientific papers, highlighted the main stages of major repairs of radiation diagnostics facilities, identified the main participants in these stages. Organizational charts have also been developed for each stage, which emphasize the importance of coordination between all project participants, including builders, engineers, architects and medical specialists. The implementation of such schemes helps to minimize time and financial costs, ensures the implementation of all necessary requirements and standards, and guarantees the high quality of the work performed. As a result, we receive an organized repair process that allows medical institutions to effectively use new diagnostic equipment to improve the quality of medical services and improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

    Keywords: major repairs, healthcare facilities, radiation diagnostics facilities, medical organization, project documentation

  • Factors affecting the effectiveness of major repairs of healthcare facilities

    This article is devoted to identifying and analyzing the main factors that influence the effective overhaul of medical institutions, which have a great impact on the quality of life of the population, but do not meet modern standards and new trends of the Industry 4.0 concept. During the study, a comparative analysis of regulations governing the overhaul of medical institutions was carried out, design and working documentation was studied, and practical examples of the implementation of such projects were analyzed. As a result of the study, the most significant factors influencing the effectiveness of capital repairs of healthcare facilities were identified. Identified factors include: the lack of a modern legislative framework on capital repairs, insufficient quality of project documentation, ineffective planning and execution of capital repair projects, and lack of consideration of innovative approaches and technologies. These factors entail a number of additional risks, leading to increased costs and timing of work, as well as a decrease in the quality of work performed. In conclusion, recommendations are presented for optimizing the process of carrying out major repairs of medical institutions, including a detailed study of regulatory documents in order to update them in accordance with modern needs, and the involvement of a technical customer for the purpose of control from the initial stage to the commissioning of the institution.

    Keywords: major repairs, healthcare facilities, medical institutions, modern standards, project documentation

  • Systematization of criteria for determining the priority of major repairs of common property in apartment buildings

    In order to determine the general principles for the formation of regional programs for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in the territory of the Russian Federation, an analysis of regulatory legal acts of 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation was carried out. The main section of the regional program is the sequence of overhaul, which is determined by the criteria. As a result of the study, 47 unique criteria for the order of overhaul were identified and systematized, the relevance of the study and the need to improve the overhaul system were confirmed.

    Keywords: overhaul, regional program, criterion, territorial development fund, overhaul fund, apartment building, common property, planning, sequence of overhaul, pace of work

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: finishing works, construction control, factors of influence, expert survey, residential real estate, construction market

  • Features of the interaction of participants in the system of construction control of capital construction projects

    This article discusses the system of construction control of capital construction objects, its participants and their interaction. Purpose: analysis of the building control system, interaction of its participants, determination of the main factors influencing the functioning of the building control system. Methods: the method of synthesis and scientific analysis was used. Results: the authors identified the main factors influencing the efficiency of the construction control system. Conclusions: the identified main factors provoke a decrease in the efficiency of the construction control system. The prospect of the study is further analysis of the factors to find their elimination.

    Keywords: construction control system, interaction of participants, factors

  • Typification of defects in the production of finishing works

    In view of the trend of transition to the Western experience of construction, which implies the delivery of objects with a complete set of finishing works, developers and investors have a need to involve the technical customer service to carry out construction control, at the stage of finishing works. Since a clear system of controlled indicators has not been established to improve the quality of finishing works, this article is devoted to the identification of the main cycles of finishing works and the typification of the most common defects, with a reserve for the establishment of factors that affect the manifestation of these defects in the production of finishing works.

    Keywords: finishing works, quality control, technical customer service, type of finishing works, complex of technological processes, defect, cycle

  • Time simulation of procedures at the stage of preparing an object for construction. Building a basic organizational and management model

    Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify the duration of the implementation and linkage between procedures and the development of a basic organizational and management model for their passage by the technical customer (developer) at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of the facility for construction. Carrying out this study is relevant, since today there is a single regulation for a technical customer (developer), describing the sequence and the possibility of paralleling and the duration of functions during the passage of procedures at the stages under consideration. Methods: The conducted research is based on the analysis of scientific and technical literature, regulatory and technical, regulatory and legal documents, the method of expert assessments is also applied. Results: The processing of the arrays of data from the questionnaire survey of experts made it possible to determine the intervals of the duration of the procedure by the technical customer (developer) and to link them with each other in time at the stages under study. As a result, a basic organizational and managerial model was developed for the passage of procedures by a technical customer (developer) at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of an object for construction. Conclusions: The use of the basic organizational and management model by organizations performing the functions of a technical customer (developer) will simplify the planning and management of processes when going through the procedures at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of an object for construction.

    Keywords: technical customer, developer, pre-project and project preparation, organizational and management model

  • Identification of averaged time parameters for the passage of procedures at the stage of pre-design and design preparation of an object for construction

    The purpose of the study is to identify the average time parameters of the passage of procedures at the stage of pre-design and design preparation of the facility for construction. Determining the actual time spent on going through the procedures required to obtain a building permit is relevant at the present stage, since their passage is accompanied by huge time and financial costs for investors, developers, technical customers. The research is based on the method of expert assessments. The processing of the obtained data sets was carried out according to the following algorithm: correlation analysis, construction and solution of the linear regression equation, assessment of the quality of the regression equation using Fisher's F-criterion, conclusion. The processing of arrays of data from the questionnaire survey of experts made it possible to determine the average time intervals for the passage of procedures by a technical customer (developer) at the stages under study. The results for all considered procedures were summarized in a summary table. The obtained averaged time intervals will allow developers, investors, technical customers to determine the duration of implementation and rationally allocate labor and financial resources at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of facilities for construction.

    Keywords: technical customer, developer, pre-design and design preparation, time intervals