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  • Disposal of technogenic resources using microbial bioconversion

    Abstract: the Article is devoted to the problem of waste production during construction, operation and liquidation of coal mines of Russia. This work suggests that waste recycling technologies, including for reception of energy based on the modeling and system analysis of the biocenosis. The possibility of realization of innovative methods of processing plethodon using the biocenosis. Quite detailed questions transformation of industrial waste into energy through anaerobic bioconversion. As part of a description of the proposed methodology presents the results of field experiments and action program of recycling of materials at the stage of commercial operation. In particular it justifies the optimization of processing technology on the basis of the selection of the most active biocenosis of microorganisms. Theoretical developments are confirmed by practical data.

    Keywords: disposal, technogenic resources, plothole, biotechnology, biotransformation, biocenosis, recycling

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    It is shown that one of the most important elements influencing the nature of development in the region is socio-ethno-cultural landscape. The study of its characteristics suggests a wide use of methods of social simulation. The purpose of modeling is to estimate the required parameters in conditions of uncertainty, both at the planning stage and during the current administration. Theoretical solutions to this challenge are based on the use of the principle of duality, when the production and analysis of missing information about a managed object, in our case about socio-ethno-cultural landscape, the system is in the process of governance. The duality of the models appears in their dual role as research (for monitoring characteristics of socio-ethno-cultural landscape and, at the same time as the reference models for the management of development in the region. Need of approbation and problem integration of methods of the system analysis, social diagnostics and social and mathematical modeling which will make new scientific methodology of research is shown. To solve the problem of this level is proposed for effective convergence of methodological knowledge in the use of total potential informational, cognitive, and socio-humanitarian technologies.

    Keywords: dsimulation, dual simulation, socio-ethno-cultural landscape, managing the development of the region

  • Mathematical model of optimizing the cost of transportation and storage of wood biomass

    The article discusses the optimization of transport costs and storage costs of wood biomass using mathematical modeling methods. The considered mathematical models allow to optimize transport costs by building the most efficient routes closed.

    Keywords: transport timber, storage timber biomass, mathematical models, optimization

  • The horseshoe is a symbol, nalchic in architecture the capital city cbd

    Excessive glass area , as well as the orientation of the plane of the lights on the horizon , particularly in the southern regions with hot and dry climate with plenty of clear and cloudy days in a year , helps increase the flow of heat into the room in the summer and extreme cold in winter, which causes additional ex- pluatatsionnye the cost of ventilation and heating of buildings . This article discusses issues related to the selection and design of optimal systems ceiling light industrial buildings to meet specific CCA - tures of the light climate in the southern regions .

    Keywords: Overheating of the premises , thermal radiation, overlap , Shed lights , skylights , maximum temperature , environment settings , the heat transfer coefficient , the scattered radiation , relative humidity

  • About results of an assessment of impact on quality of atmospheric air and about definition of necessary extent of cleaning of dust emissions of asphalt concrete plants

    In article results of pilot studies according to influence of dust emissions in the atmosphere from sources of asphalt concrete plants on concentration and fractional composition of dust are given in atmospheric air. The obtained data testify to insufficient efficiency of actions for decrease in the pylevydeleniye in environment applied now at the considered enterprises. The assessment of necessary fractional efficiency of a pyleulavlivaniye in the conditions of the operating production is carried out.

    Keywords: dust, dust emissions, organized source of emissions, concentration, fractional structure, fine particles, fractional efficiency

  • Erecting multistory buildings with monolithic reinforced concrete slab floors by using of precast large-sized spatial structures

    Introduction. The present invention generally relates to construction elements for erecting structures, and also to methods of erecting structures with the use of construction elements. Construction elements for erecting structures are conventionally flat elements, which are assembled at a site of construction for erecting a structure. Such flat constructions elements cannot be too wide because their transportation with the use of conventional transportation means is not possible. It is therefore necessary to use the construction elements with reduced width to allow their transportation, or to produce wide construction elements at the construction site. It is therefore believed that it would be advisable to improve existing construction elements and methods for erection of structures with their use. Result. The new technology of construction, based on the use of precast reinforced concrete large-sized spatial structures with variable geometry, allowing transportation without the special vehicles. After truck shipment and restore the geometry, structure is mounted to final position. As a result of the only one mounting stage, load bearing and (or) enclosure structure, permanent formwork of a monolithic slab floor are erected. The proposed technology is confirmed by the author’s priority (Patent № US 8,615,967 B1 / Dec. 31, 2013) Conclusions. Patent search report and the actual fact of the U.S. Patent allow us to draw a conclusion on feasibility and prospect of new technology.

    Keywords: technology of construction, precast reinforced concrete structures, spatial structures, transportation

  • Model manufacturing technology of the cost-iron cap of a side bearing

    In this paper developed solid model of the cap of a side bearing. It made of cast iron of (ВАГР- Altai steel casting factory (ASCF). We simulated desing technologikal parametrs, wich give casting disinh without casting defects.

    Keywords: technology, modeling, pig-iron cap of a side bearing, solid-state model of a pig-iron cap of a side bearing

  • Method of laser diagnostic of dynamic forms of hydraulic generator rotor

    Method of laser diagnostics of dynamic forms of hydraulic generator rotor is proposed. Measurement of shaft runout to determine the trajectory of the axis of rotation of the shaft. This method allows to measure the surface geometry of the fast moving rotor the hydraulic unit in real time with high precision without interfering with the structure of the generator.

    Keywords: laser diagnostics, beating shaft, hydro, triangular sensor trajectory axis of rotation, the geometry of the surface of the rotor

  • "Polycrystal temperature dependent semiconducting resistances of coaxial type and starting devices based on them "

    Nowadays the rolling stock is equipped with electric drive of high power. Frequency turning regulation, motor protection from overheating and limitation of starting currents are made with the help of semiconductor elements. For reliability improvement of starting and regulating facilities it is reasonable to use low component count. Running through regulating facilities current decrease simplifies electric circuit configuration. The authors propose to use thermal resistors as main elements. In the article the authors examine construct specifications of polycrystal temperature dependent semiconducting resistances of coaxial type and their advantages. There are some theoretical propositions which describe the work of thermal resistors and also some algorithms for synthesis of coaxial type starting devices. The authors made mathematical modeling for starting devices of different types based on thermal resistors. In the article there are some graphical dependences describing starting process.

    Keywords: high power thermal resistors, thermal resistors of coaxial type, current density, specific generations of heat, criteria of similarity, starting device, starting current, synthesis of starting devices

  • Organizational and technological solutions of energy rehabilitation of housing stock in the 60s xx century building

    Now the technical condition of residential buildings 60s buildings has reached a high degree of wear when you want to repair their mass implementation of energy rehabilitation of housing and upgrading. This scientific article describes the organizational and technological features of the energy rehabilitation of housing built in the 60s of XX century. The article describes the main types of series of houses built in the period of their technical features of buildings energy efficiency class of buildings. A model of information resource and technological ensuring energy rehabilitation of housing, on the basis of which the selection of energy-efficient solutions of residential buildings at the pre-stage reconstruction or repair. The major elements of this system are the blocks of economic and technical evaluation of design decisions on the basis of which is determined by the most effective ones.

    Keywords: organizational and technological support, the organization of repairs, energy conservation, energy efficiency

  • Developing french for specific purposes self-study support materials

    The purpose of the research was to develop and implement self-study support materials to facilitate the French for Specific Purposes (FSP) curriculum implementation in mixed-speciality groups of engineering students. The context in which the course emerges and characteristics of mixed-speciality groups of engineering students are given in the paper.The authors hypothesized that such self-study support materials should be developed on the basis of active, student-centered learning and promote 21st century skills. Project-based learning was suggested as the main teaching method. Examples of students’ projects are given and the project stages are described. A blank report form was developed as a mean of project support.

    Keywords: French for Specific Purposes, self-study support materials, project-based learning, mixed-speciality groups

  • Bioethics as an institutional mechanism of social control of modern scientific knowledge

    The place and the role of bioethics in the system of social relations and interactions are shown in article. The bioethics as the formed social institute creates social mechanisms of ethical control of rapidly developing biotechnologies. Its syncretic and multilevel character gives the chance of "maneuver" in development of moral positions and adoptions of moral decisions not only in difficult situations of application of biomedical technologies, but also in certain sociocultural, medical contexts. The author comes to the conclusion that from the point of view of the social relations and interactions the bioethics corrects tension in relationship of science and society, axiological mechanisms of regulation of this tension, ethical mechanisms of realization of medical practice, defining the borders of a moral choice and moral responsibility, it acts as social control of modern scientific knowledge.

    Keywords: bioethics, bioethical discourse, sociological approach, social relations, social interactions, institutional mechanism, social control.

  • The horseshoe is a symbol of Nalchik in the architecture of CBD capital city

    The authors, based on the study of historical materials, analysis of architectural solutions constructed buildings, as well as the design of local architects, associate a symbol, Nalchik - a Shoe with his name. On the basis of various examples show the use of the symbol of the city - horseshoe as an architectural element (image) buildings and structures (entry sign, in Nalchik, the architect W. H. Carter; project stables Nalchik Hippodrome, architect W. L. Aliev; the reconstruction project of the shopping center "Nalchik", architects design Studio "KabBalktelecom"; project Newsstand, in Nalchik, the architect W. L. Eliev). The authors emphasize a pretty bad use of the symbol of the city horseshoe in the reconstruction of the shopping center "Nalchik": designed space-sham construction on the corner of the building facing the intersection of two main avenues, Nalchik, etc. to them. Kuliev, etc. to them. Lenin. In the final part of the article the authors recommend local architects often prinosit national motifs (based on the rich national culture of the indigenous peoples inhabiting the Republic) in the development of their projects, and to use the symbol, Nalchik is a horseshoe, as the architectural tectonics in the projected buildings.

    Keywords: the symbol of the city, horseshoe, architecture, entry sign, architectural composition, race track, shopping centre, Newsstand, ornament.

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.

  • Ecological model of vegetation steppes of the Don basin

    The paper provides information on the results of ordination analysis of Don basin steppes

    Keywords: ordination, Don basin, steppes