The introduction of information modeling technologies (TIM) into construction practice is irreversible all over the world. The effectiveness of the use of TIM has been proven at all stages of the life cycle of capital construction facilities: at the pre-design phase, at the stages of design, construction, operation, repair, reconstruction, de-installation and disposal. A variety of software for digitalization of construction allows you to choose the optimal product for a specific type of task. Until recently, most of the Russian information modeling technology market belonged to software products of foreign IT companies. Due to the changed conditions, there is a forced transition to domestic TIM systems. The challenges that arise in this case require joint actions by government agencies, software developers in the field of TIM, construction companies and educational organizations.
Keywords: information modeling technologies, BIM technologies, the life cycle of a capital construction facility, construction, import substitution, training of specialists, Russian TIM systems
The problems of building human-machine interfaces of automated operational dispatch control systems with a high density of information flow are considered. The article is devoted to the modernization of the graphical part of control systems with the proposal of levels of graphical mnemonic circuits and their description of their advantages. In the second part, the modernization of the previously proposed algorithm for the development of an alarm subsystem is given. The advantages of the proposed approaches for the end user are derived.
Keywords: dispatch control, automated control system, HMI, BMS, SCADA, UX/UI design
The article examines the specifics of the operation of Russian and European tower cranes. With the development of technology, tower cranes are becoming more and more advanced, equipped with modern automation systems. The lack of understanding of the differences in the operation of tower cranes from different manufacturers and the potential problems associated with this remain unresolved and require study. In this regard, conducting a detailed analysis of the features and differences in the operation of this special equipment will avoid problems in the construction industry, as well as reduce the risk of accidents. As part of the study, a comparison of the characteristics and performance of individual Russian and European tower cranes was conducted, on the basis of which the advantages and disadvantages of this type of equipment were identified. In the course of the work, recommendations were proposed to improve the operation of Russian tower cranes, which will contribute to the creation of more competitive equipment on the Russian market.
Keywords: tower crane, tower crane design, operation, specifics of European and Russian tower cranes, automation system
The article discusses the current problems that arise during the construction of oil and gas facilities in remote regions of the Russian Federation, characterized by the lack of a developed transport infrastructure. The main logistical, technical and economic difficulties faced by companies in the implementation of such projects are analyzed. Innovative solutions are offered to optimize the delivery of equipment and materials, the organization of temporary roads and shift camps. Special attention is paid to the application of modern technologies, such as modular construction and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring and delivery. The methods of reducing the environmental burden on fragile ecosystems in construction areas are considered. In conclusion, recommendations are given on an integrated approach to solving construction problems in difficult logistical conditions, taking into account economic efficiency and environmental safety.
Keywords: oil and gas facility, transport infrastructure, logistics, modular construction, shift method, drone, ecology, optimization, innovation, inaccessibility, northern delivery, temporary road, supply, monitoring, efficiency
Green building and construction in the Arctic territories represent two important areas of modern construction, each of which faces unique challenges. The article systematizes world experience in both directions, provides an overview of best practices, technologies and methods. Examples of successful projects demonstrating the effectiveness of using modern technologies for sustainable development in the Arctic regions are given.
Keywords: technology, energy saving, Arctic territories, low resource intensity, waste minimization, renewable energy sources
The effectiveness of advanced pavement defect detection algorithms is considered depending on the data collection devices used, such as cameras, GPR, LiDAR and IMU sensors installed in smartphones. Rational use of these hardware and software tools will allow utilities to identify and eliminate road surface defects in a timely manner, thereby improving road safety.
Keywords: transportation sector, pavement defects, mobile road laboratories, neural network algorithms, computer vision
The problem of concrete strength control when using permanent formwork is considered. The results of the analysis of the experience of using the dependences of concrete strength on temperature-time parameters for forecasting and assessing the strength of concrete during its hardening, including the limits of application of the proposed dependencies, are presented. It is established that the methods of assessing the strength of concrete in a structure by its maturity allow for effective control of the strength of concrete structures concreted in permanent formwork, when there is no access to the concrete surface for non-destructive testing. Recommendations are given on the use of temperature-time dependencies for predicting concrete strength and the equipment used to implement the method, presented on the Russian market.
Keywords: non-destructive methods of testing concrete strength, temperature-time parameters, strength prediction, maturity
The railway transport industry demonstrates significant achievements in various fields of activity through the introduction of predictive analytics. Predictive analytics systems use data from a variety of sources, such as sensor networks, historical data, weather conditions, etc. The article discusses the key areas of application of predictive analytics in railway transport, as well as the advantages, challenges and prospects for further development of this technology in the railway infrastructure.
Keywords: predictive analytics in railway transport, passenger traffic forecasting, freight optimization, maintenance optimization, inventory and supply management, personnel management, financial planning, big data analysis
The purpose of the article is to review various types how to deceive attackers in the network, analyze the applicability and variability of modern deception technologies. The method of investigation - analyzing existing articles in reviewed Russian and foreign sources, aggregating researches, forming conclusions based on the analyzed sources. The review article considers technologies of deception an attacker (Honeypot traps, Honeytoken decoys, moving target defense MTD, Deception platform). The effectiveness of the use of deception in terms of the impact on the mental state of a person is given in the article. The article provides a description of different types of Honeypots, discusses the classification according to the target, place of introduction, level of interaction, location, type of introduction, homogeneity and type of activity. as well as their component parts. Different strategies for using traps in the network are discussed - sacrificial lamb, hacker zoo, minefield, proximity traps, redirection screens, and deception ports. Classification of decoys is given, methods of their application in an organization's network are described, additional conditions that increase the probability of detection of an attacker by using decoys are specified. The basic techniques of the MTD strategy to obfuscate the infrastructure are given. The interaction of these methods with Honeypot and Honeytoken technologies is described. Research that confirms the effectiveness of using MTD in conjunction with traps and decoys is given it he article, the difficulties in using this strategy are pointed out. A description of the Deception platform is given, its distinctive features from conventional traps and decoys are described, and the possibility of its interaction with MTD is given. As a result, the main technologies and strategies to deceive the attacker have been identified and described, their development is pointed, their interaction with attackers and counteraction to them is described.
Keywords: Deception Platform, Honeypot, Honeytoken, Honeynet, MTD
The article presents conditions for ensuring safe performance of construction and installation works at heights when constructing or reconstructing agricultural production buildings on the basis of collective protective equipment. The article shows structural designs and main parameters of fall arrest devices and safety fences that are intended for buildings of those types. In such protective equipment, synthetic netting materials are a defining element that ensures the required safety level. The article specifies the composition of process control and management documentation that determines a procedure and a sequence for use of collective protective equipment during construction and installation works. Types of works are specified that require that protective equipment is used to prevent objects and people from falling from the height of a rigid-frame building under construction. The article suggests the composition of data for determining the quantity of safety fence sections to be installed along the building perimeter. The developed calculation and test procedure for prototypes of fall arrest devices allowed us to establish that the net fabric camber and values of dynamic loads occurring if an object fell onto the net were interrelated to a certain extent. The performed studies produced dependences of net camber values versus the tension value of the securing rope. Taking into account the requirement of injury prevention in the event of a person’s falling onto a net, dynamic effects on the fallen object when caught by a fall arrest device were evaluated. The established negative accelerations of an object falling from height onto a fall arrest device’s net indicate that dynamic overloads occurring at this are within the permissible limit values.
Keywords: construction, safety of work at height, collective protection equipment, network materials, trapping devices, protective fences
A Simulink model is considered that allows calculating transient processes of objects described using a transient function for any type of input action. An algorithm for the operation of the S-function that performs calculations using the Duhamel integral is described. It is shown that due to the features of the S-function, it can store the values of the previous step of the Simulink model calculation. This allows the input signal to be decomposed into step components and the time of occurrence of each step and its value to be stored. For each step of the input signal increment, the S-function calculates the response by scaling the transient response. Then, at each step of the calculation, the sum of such reactions is found. The S-function provides a procedure for freeing memory when the end point of the transient response is reached at each step. Thus, the amount of memory required for the calculation does not increase above a certain limit, and, in general, does not depend on the length of the model time. For calculations, the S-function uses matrix operations and does not use cycles. Due to this, the speed of model calculation is quite high. The article presents the results of calculations. Recommendations are given for setting the parameters of the model. A conclusion is formulated on the possibility of using the model for calculating dynamic modes.
Keywords: simulation modeling, Simulink, step response, step function, S-function, Duhamel integral.
The development, research and construction of devices that speed up the process of interaction between various modules (for example, telemetry and remote control systems), and in general, hybrid communication systems of a digital city that include a variety of systems used in an Intelligent Building is an urgent problem. One of these devices presented in the article is the optimal multi–frequency modem developed. In addition to the developed modem, the article presents examples of the development of similar types of devices and systems by both Russian and foreign researchers. At the same time, the authors proved that the use of the proposed modem provides a gain in spectral and energy efficiency in comparison with analogues. The proposed approach can be used to organize high-speed data transmission over frequency-limited communication channels based on new wired technologies of the digital subscriber line standard, as well as wireless systems.
Keywords: telemetry and remote control system, intelligent building, digital city hybrid communications system, modem, multi-frequency modulation, digital subscriber line, optimal finite signal, modulator, demodulator, wireless communication system
This study describes approaches to automating full-text keyword search in the field of patent information. Automating the search by keywords (n-grams) is a significantly more difficult task than searching by individual words, in addition, it requires morphological and syntactic analysis of the text. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: (a) the full-text search systems were analyzed: Apache Solr, ElasticSearch and ClickHouse; (b) a comparison of the architectures and basic capabilities of each system was carried out; (c) search results in Apache Solr, ElasticSearch and ClickHouse were obtained on the same dataset. The following conclusions were drawn: (a) all the systems considered perform full-text keyword search; (b) Apache Solr is the system with the highest performance, it also has very convenient functions; (b) ElasticSearch has a fast and powerful architecture; (c) ClickHouse has a high data processing speed.
Keywords: search, keyphrases, patent, Apache Solr, Elasticsearch, ClickHouse
The article presents a comprehensive analysis of a systematic approach to the implementation and development of innovative information technologies aimed at preventing offenses committed by foreign citizens. The introduction provides an overview of the growing importance of employing advanced technological solutions in law enforcement, particularly in addressing challenges associated with foreign nationals. The main objectives of the study are to explore how the integration of technologies such as big data processing, artificial intelligence, and geographic information systems can enhance the efficiency of preventive measures. The article details the use of data analysis techniques, machine learning models, and system integration to create a unified information platform. This platform enables the consolidation of data from diverse sources, thereby improving the coordination between different law enforcement units and facilitating faster and more informed decision-making processes. The integration of these technologies also supports process standardization, reducing data inconsistencies and ensuring more reliable operations across various departments. The results highlight the benefits of utilizing big data analytics to process vast amounts of information that would be otherwise impossible to handle efficiently. Artificial intelligence, through predictive models and risk assessment tools, plays a crucial role in identifying potential threats and allocating resources effectively. Geographic information systems contribute by mapping crime hotspots and providing spatial analysis, which aids in targeted intervention strategies. The discussion emphasizes the importance of a unified approach to technology implementation, focusing on the creation of an integrated information system that can adapt to ongoing changes in the social and legal environment. The adaptability of the system is critical for maintaining its effectiveness in the face of new challenges and evolving regulatory requirements. The development of standardized data collection and processing protocols further enhances the system's resilience and operational efficiency. In conclusion, the article underscores that a systematic and integrated use of innovative information technologies significantly improves the effectiveness of crime prevention efforts and the overall efficiency of law enforcement agencies. The proposed approach not only facilitates proactive measures but also ensures a high level of responsiveness to emerging security threats, thereby strengthening public safety.
Keywords: systemic approach, innovative information technologies, crime prevention, foreign citizens, big data, artificial intelligence, geoinformation systems, information platform, standardization, law enforcement agencies, efficiency management, data integration
Abstract. It is revealed that specific forms of a simulation game combined with some peculiarities of training sessions in organizational systems could result in developing adaptable simulation models of a business situation. It is recommended to use a cognitive model in problem analysis of organizational systems, which allows switching from cognitive to simulation models naturally still being in visual topological descriptions. The AnyLogic software platform was chosen for developing a model which provides ample opportunities for creating an innovative educational environment with the elements of game simulations and AI. Cognitive analysis of a game learning process has revealed that the latter should have one cycle of a business game with two interactive nodes to introduce a host and a player into the game. It is noted that business games focused on developing management styles in a conflict are mostly in demand. Therefore, a simulation model has been developed to train executives to counteract an organizational conflict within the variability of authoritarian, democratic and liberal management styles. The model uses a paradigm of systems dynamics and is implemented in the AnyLogic software platform notation. To set the rules, the game host in the initial state or when starting the next game cycle sets the dynamics characteristics of a process while managing the organizational structure, as well as changes characteristics values of a pre-conflict situation. In response to conflict development the player performs management using auxiliary services available to him. In fact, the model is not limited by a list of the game’s tasks or possible options for a player’s decision.
Keywords: management diversification, production diversification, financial and economic diversification goals, production and technical goals to ensure production flexibility
The relevance of the problem of pattern recognition lies not only in the quality of recognition - classification of images, but also in the possibility of their rapid restoration in noisy conditions. Such solutions are useful, for example, for automatic access control systems to a protected area in the case of recognition of license plates or an on-board computer when recognizing license plates in real time. It is shown that a recurrent neural network with the Hopfield architecture copes well with the recognition of simple monochrome images of small size in conditions of their noisiness. The architecture of the Hopfield neural network is given, the peculiarity of which is a small amount of memory, which determines the scope of application of the neural network of this architecture. The algorithm for training the Hopfield neural network is given. Examples and results of recognition of noisy monochrome images are demonstrated using the example of road signs. The results of the experiment on noisy images demonstrate the possibility of image restoration with less than 40% of distorted bits.
Keywords: pattern recognition, recurrent neural network, noisy monochrome image, reference sample, training
The relationship between "old" and "new" concepts/metrics for quality assensing of statistical detection criteria and binary events classification is considered. Independence and consistency assessments of analyzed metrics relative to initial input data volume/composition are provided. Recommendations for the use of "new" metrics for assessing the quality of detection and binary classification events are clarified.
Keywords: Type I and Type II errors, accuracy, recall, specificity, F-score, ROC curve, AUC integral metric
The article provides a rationale for the hypothesis about the possibility of influencing changes in the destructive ability of genetic algorithm (GA) operators on the trajectory of population movement in the solution space directly during the operation of the evolutionary procedure for labor-intensive tasks. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use a control superstructure from an artificial neural network (ANN) or the "random forest" algorithm. The hypothesis is confirmed based on the results of computational experiments. This study presents the results obtained with calculations on CPU and CPU + GPGPU in a resource-intensive task of synthesizing dynamic simulation models of business processes using the mathematical apparatus of the Petri net theory (PN), and a comparison with the operation of GA without a control superstructure, GA and a control superstructure based on ANN of the RNN class, GA and the "random forest" algorithm. To simulate the operation of GA, ANN, the "random forest" algorithm, business process models, it is proposed to use a graph representation using various extensions of PN, examples of modeling the selected methods using the proposed mathematical apparatus are given. For the operation of the ANN and the random forest algorithm for recognizing the state of the GA population, a number of rules are proposed that allow the management of the solution synthesis process. Based on the computational experiments and their analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of using the proposed machine learning algorithms as a control superstructure are shown. The proposed hypothesis was confirmed based on the results of computational experiments.
Keywords: "Petri net, decision tree, random forest, machine learning, Petri net theory, bipartite directed graph, intelligent systems, evolutionary algorithms, decision support systems, mathematical modeling, graph theory, simulation modeling
This study examines the structure and characteristics of multilayer autoencoders (MAEs) used in detecting computer attacks. The potential of MAEs for improving detection capabilities in cybersecurity is analyzed, with a focus on their role in reducing the dimensionality of large datasets involved in identifying computer attacks. The study explores the use of different neuron activation functions within the network and the most commonly applied loss functions that define reconstruction quality of the original data. Additionally, an optimization algorithm for autoencoder parameters is considered, designed to accelerate model training, reduce the likelihood of overfitting, and minimize the loss function.
Keywords: neural networks, layers, neurons, loss function, activation function, mobile applications, attacks, hyperparameters, optimization, machine learning
The article is devoted to the problems of the complexity of the process of developing organizational and administrative documentation, taking into account the branch of work of the organization, as well as the departments that make up its main work. Taking into account the impact of the changing economy in the country, organizations are constantly subject to changes with the initiative of the relevant regulators in a particular area and regulatory documents in the form of standards and laws. The main branches of the organizations' work are highlighted, as well as the number of regulatory documents for regulating their activities. The analysis of the organization as a system based on a system analysis is carried out. The Sagatovsky method was chosen as an approach to solve the problem. According to the methodology, the system was analyzed, consisting of seven stages. At each stage, the main components are highlighted, and justifications for each of them are given. Life cycle diagrams of the specified "types of end products" have been compiled, taking into account the direction of work of the departments. A scheme of the process of creating organizational and administrative documentation by employees and departments of the organization has been developed. An analysis of the organization from the point of view of a system analysis will further develop criteria for creating a set of organizational and administrative documentation. Criteria for the creation of organizational and administrative documentation and methods of their assessment will help organizations significantly facilitate work with the main regulators in any area, as well as meet the set standards of work, which in the future will help not only to improve work, but also to avoid negative consequences for the enterprise itself.
Keywords: the Saratovsky method, system analysis, goal setting, information security
The article considers the problem of increasing the safety and efficiency of the green tea drying process. To ensure safe operation of drying units, an algorithm is proposed that uses a finite state machine to diagnose faults and prevent emergency situations. Control schemes and state transition graphs of the Moore machine are presented, which analyzes the state of the equipment and initiates its shutdown when dangerous conditions are detected. The developed system allows not only to increase the safety of the drying process by preventing accidents, but also to improve the efficiency of the equipment. The main advantages of the proposed scheme are the ability to timely diagnose faults and prevent critical situations, such as overheating or increased pressure in the chamber.
Keywords: automation, system, drying process, diagnostics, finite state machine
The paper proposes an approach to improve the efficiency of machine learning models used in monitoring tasks using metric spaces. To solve this problem, a method is proposed for assessing the quality of monitoring systems based on interval estimates of the response zones to a possible incident. This approach extends the classical metrics for evaluating machine learning models to take into account the specific requirements of monitoring tasks. The calculation of interval boundaries is based on probabilities derived from a classifier trained on historical data to detect dangerous states of the system. By combining the probability of an incident with the normalized distance to incidents in the training sample, it is possible to simultaneously improve all the considered quality metrics for monitoring - accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. One approach to improving results is to use the scalar product of the normalized components of the metric space and their importance as features in a machine learning model. The permutation feature importance method is used for this purpose, which does not depend on the chosen machine learning algorithm. Numerical experiments have shown that using distances in a metric space of incident points from the training sample can improve the early detection of dangerous situations by up to two times. This proposed approach is versatile and can be applied to various classification algorithms and distance calculation methods.
Keywords: monitoring, machine learning, state classification, incident prediction, lead time, anomaly detection
The article discusses the problems of wear of the feeding machine rollers associated with speed mismatch in the material tracking mode. Existing methods of dealing with wear and tear struggle with the effect of the problem not the cause. One of the ways to reduce the intensity of wear of roller barrels is to develop a method of controlling the speed of the feeding machin, which reduces the mismatch between the speeds of rollers and rolled products without violating the known technological requirements for creating pulling and braking forces. Disclosed is an algorithm for calculating speed adjustment based on metal tension which compensates for roller wear and reduces friction force. Modeling of the system with the developed algorithm showed the elimination of speed mismatch during material tracking and therefore it will reduce the intensity of roller wear.
Keywords: speed correction system, feeding machine, roller wear, metal tension, control system, speed mismatch, friction force reduction