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  • Methods of processing biometric data of handwriting

    This paper presents methods of processing handwritten biometric data. The initial data are coordinates of a position of a pen on a graphics tablet. For this, the proprietary database of handwriting samples and the open signature database SVC 2004 were used. The proprietary database includes 29 users, 754 random and 754 simple forgeries. At the stage of biometric data processing, the following methods were used – «interpolation of handwriting» (entering points at an equal distance between the initial points of the handwritten signature), the histogram approach, «pen movement speed» (the path traveled by the pen at different stages of handwriting input process). Such methods eliminate the variability of the biometric data over time and over spatial axes. As a result, we recommended a standardization approach (Z-score), discretization (one-dimensional linear interpolation and discretization with variable step based on arithmetic progression) of biometric data. The table of results presents the values of the quality of biometric features. The obtained experimental results will be useful for researchers to improve their studies in the field of biometric security systems

    Keywords: handwriting, biometric data, graphic tablet, verification, authentication, standardization, discretization, interpolation, information security

  • Emulation of polyvinyl chloride drying process in Omegaland medium

    The article describes the development of a virtual emulator of the polyvinyl chloride drying process. The development of the emulator is implemented using the Omegaland development environment. The characteristics and functional structure of the polyvinyl chloride drying process in a fluidized bed dryer are presented. Mathematical models of elements of simulated system are considered, algorithm of their operation is characterized. The steps of developing a virtual polyvinyl chloride drying simulator are described. The flowchart is assembled in the OmegaLand Visual Modeler modeling environment. The fluidized bed dryer module was developed in the integrated development environment of Microsoft Visual Studio in the C++ programming language. The developed dryer model was integrated into the Omegaland library. The developed dryer model was tested in the emulation mode of the polyvinyl chloride drying process.

    Keywords: mathematical model, drying, polyvinyl chloride, Omegaland, emulator, virtual simulator, fluidized bed dryer

  • Application of the results of experimental studies in the construction of a model of the rotor shaft of a repaired turbocharger

    Modern research of objects of technology is largely carried out using various software systems. One of such software packages is SolidWorks. It is widely used in industrial enterprises and in research organizations. This complex has extensive libraries of properties of various structural materials. However, they do not represent the properties of all possible combinations of materials with the appropriate hardness. When building a model of a real object, it is necessary to accurately set the properties of materials. This will make it possible to carry out various design calculations with greater accuracy. Previous studies have established that the working part of the turbocharger rotor shaft (made of 40X steel) consists of two layers - surface (hardened) with a hardness of HV 530-570 and internal (not hardened). The values of the physical and mechanical properties of 40X steel with a hardness of HV 530-570 necessary for constructing a rotor shaft model are not available both in the SolidWorks material properties library and in the reference literature. To determine the necessary values of the properties of this material, a series of experiments using a bursting machine was carried out. The experiment was carried out with specially manufactured samples subjected to heat treatment to a hardness of HV 530-570. The data obtained as a result of the experiment were used to construct a model of the turbocharger rotor shaft when assigning the properties of the surface (hardened) layer. This approach makes it possible to obtain results corresponding to real details when carrying out engineering calculations of the constructed models.

    Keywords: software package, model, engineering calculation, rotor shaft, surface layer, hardness, sample, tensile machine, physical and mechanical properties, repair

  • Information system of assistance in choosing a specialty for applicants based on a neural network

    The most important task of the admissions committee of any university is to advise applicants on admission to the specialties available at the university. In this article, an automated information system has been developed, which, based on the applicant's questionnaire, allows you to form recommendations when choosing a training specialty, taking into account the applicant's personal preferences. Artificial neural networks are proposed to be used as a method of choice, and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) was the model of the neural network.

    Keywords: neural network, career guidance, multilayer perceptron, neural network training, methods, automated information system, training directions

  • Features of the development of a mathematical model for plant diseases detection based on Bayesian networks

    This paper proposes an accurate and dynamic method for diagnosing of crop diseases. This method adopts Bayesian networks to represent the relationships among the symptoms and crop diseases. This method has one main difference from the existing diagnosis methods - it does not use all the symptoms in the diagnosis, but purposively selects a subset of symptoms which are the most relevant to diagnosis; the active symptom selection is based on the concept of a Markov blanket in a Bayesian network. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the proposed method can significantly enhance the performance of crop disease diagnosis.

    Keywords: plant disease recognition, mathematical model, Bayesian network, machine learning, Markov blanket

  • Identification of parameters of electromagnetic equivalent circuits of submersible electric motor rotor packs. Definition reasonable circuits

    The article discusses the features of the use and applicability of identification of parameters of the equivalent circuit of an submersible electric motors. The possibilities of technical implementation with a given accuracy are evaluated for definition the parameters of submersible electric motors substitution circuits under various external influences, as well as when designing submersible electric motors as an integral part of the electro-technical complex of electrical submersible pump units.

    Keywords: submersible electric motor, electrical submersible pump unit, identification of parameters of the equivalent circuit of an asynchronous electric machine, mathematic simulation, crude oil production

  • Development of algorithms for solving stochastic inference problems in Semumarkovsky models of dynamic Bayesian networks

    Dynamic Bayesian networks are a universal tool for modeling stochastic processes that take place over time. In the process of describing transient probabilities of dynamic Bayesian networks, Markov circuits with discrete time are used. However, there are situations where the residence time in the states of a dynamic Bayesian network can be described by an arbitrary law of distribution, due to the features of modeling the subject area. To describe transients in such networks, half-Mark processes are used. The paper describes the mathematical apparatus of the application of the theory of semi-Markov processes for constructing the probabilities of models and solving the problems of probabilistic inference of dynamic Bayesian networks. What is described is a procedure for distributing evidence in the process of transitioning between the time states of the dynamic model under consideration based on the algorithm of selection by significance.

    Keywords: dynamic Bayesian network, semi-Markov chains, method of nested Markov chains, probabilistic inference, transition model, state model, algorithm of selection by significance

  • Simulation of the depth of hardening of parts made of gray cast iron during processing by surface plastic deformation

    Cast iron occupies one of the most important places among structural materials and is widely used in the manufacture of critical automotive parts.The article examines the possibility of processing gray cast iron by surface plastic deformation (SPD) and the study of its hardening depth in order to control the stress-strain state (SSS) of the surfaces of parts. Modeling is carried out, calculations are close to the real situation, a three-dimensional finite element model is used. The data obtained were analyzed by the least squares method (LSM), graphs were plotted.Also, based on the data obtained, it was found that the relationship between the degree of plastic deformation, the diameter of the indenter and the depth of work hardening is an equation that describes the surface. The carried out researches and the received dependence allow to increase the accuracy of forecasting of results of processing of PPD cast iron.

    Keywords: grey iron,plastic deformation, bilinear deformation diagram, indentation depth, spherical indenter

  • Study of the kinematic parameters of wind flow increment systems for the designed wind generator Object 1-U

    There are two main problems that slow down the wind industry - these are large losses in the kinematic characteristics of the wind flow during its use and small gusts of wind in non-northern regions of the Russian Federation. The designed confuser-diffuser system is able to solve these problems by increasing the KIEV (Wind Energy Utilization Factor). In the article, the previously designed systems for incrementing the kinematic parameters of the wind, which are installed on the developed wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation "Object 1-U", were analyzed.

    Keywords: confuser, diffuser, confuser-diffuser system, Venturi effect, momentum conservation law, contraction ratio, Fibonacci numbers

  • Methodology for Numerical Experiment of Heating Network Installation in Urban Conditions

    The lack of clear recommendations in the regulatory and scientific literature on laying a heating network in an impassable channel not only increases the construction time, but also leads to serious design errors, which entail a decrease in the service life of the engineering network and the occurrence of emergencies at the facility. In this article, a methodology for a numerical experiment of laying a heating network in an impassable channel was developed, an experiment was planned with the choice of controlled factors. Data processing and analysis of the reliability of the results were carried out in order to simplify construction in urban conditions.

    Keywords: channels of heating mains renovation, stressed-deformed state, methodology, numerical experiment, closed channel, experimental planning theory, finite element method, mathematical modeling, "black box"

  • Model of brinkmanship and its simulation study

    The topic of balancing on the brink is extremely relevant under present conditions of the real threat of nuclear war. A game-theoretic model is presented that describes the process of brinkmanship using the Caribbean crisis as an example. The results of research on such models and, accordingly, recommendations for decision makers depend significantly on the specific numerical values ​​of the players' payoffs and the probabilities of certain events. Therefore, it is advisable to develop a software package that allows you to set different values ​​of these parameters and conduct simulations for various control scenarios. The article proposes a program for implementing this approach.

    Keywords: brinkmanship, extended form games, simulation

  • Development of a software platform for automatic configuration of surface field development systems based on ontological models

    The article presents the creation of a software platform for automatic configuration of ground facilities systems using ontological models, intelligent algorithms for selecting objects and generating options. The mathematical formulation of the configuration problem, the architecture of the application and the user interface for entering design data and obtaining the result of selecting objects with a high degree of detail are given. In the future, the developed prototype can become a tool to support the work of system engineers and technologists at the stage of conceptual design during the variable study of the configuration of the oil and gas system, taking into account the requirements.

    Keywords: conceptual design, field development, systems engineering, ontological engineering, ontology of the oil and gas system, function-oriented ontology, autoconfiguration of the oil and gas system, formalization of the system configuration procedure

  • Conceptual modeling of texts of the Tuvan language using methods of formal concept analysis

    One of the important components of the ethnocultural heritage of the Republic of Tuva is the analysis of the texts of Tuvan heroic epics. In the scientific database of the Tuva Institute for humanitarian and Applied socio-economic research of the Republic of Tyva tape and handwritten recordings of all genres of Tuvan folklore are stored, including in old dilapidated editions of about 300 Tuvan heroic epics. Nowadays, the electronic database "Tuva heroic epics" has been created by teachers and students of Tuva State University. This collection is embedded in the electronic corpus of the Tuvan language. This collection contains digitized texts of Tuvan heroic epic, their meta-descriptions and information about the storytellers. Using this electronic collection, it is possible to solve linguistic and philological problems, which are reduced to the problem of conceptual modeling of the collection "Tuvan heroic epics". In this article, the task of establishing the author's style of narrators when describing horse equipment in the works of the Tuvan heroic epic is considered. To solve this problem, an algebraic approach is used, which in the literature is called the formal concept analysis. Within the framework of formal concept analysis, the collection " Tuvan heroic epics" is presented as a formal context. Then the solution of the problem is aimed at identifying the set of all formal concepts of the formal context and linking them into a lattice. The resulting lattice serves as a conceptual model and a basis for solving the problem.

    Keywords: electronic corpus of the Tuvan language, Tuvan heroic epic, author's style of the narrator, pattern recognition, formal concept analysis

  • Analysis of infinite systems of linear equations in the problem of flexible vibrations of a clamped rectangular plate

    The problem of flexible vibrations of a rectangular orthotorque plate clamped along the contour is considered. The general solution of the problem, which satisfies the vibartion equation identically, is constructed on the basis of the superposition method in the form of two Fourier series. Clamped boundary conditions lead to a homogeneous infinite system of linear algebraic equations with respect to unknown coefficients in the general solution. The uniqueness of a bounded non-trivial solution of an infinite system for the natural frequency is proved, the asymptotics of the unknowns are found, and an effective solution algorithm is constructed. Examples of the numerical implementation of the developed algorithm for calculating the natural frequencies and natural modes of the plate vibrations are given.

    Keywords: plate, vibrations, natural frequencies, planar forces, superposition method, infinite system of linear equations, asymptotics

  • Implementation of an algorithm for transferring image styles using Keras and TensorFlow

    This article discusses a solution to the problem of transferring image styles using a convolutional neural network. First, the general mathematical concept of the image style transfer algorithm is considered, and then the implementation of this algorithm using Keras and TensorFlow libraries for the Python programming language, as well as the convolutional neural network VGG19, which is part of these libraries.

    Keywords: machine creativity, image style transfer, convolutional neural network, Keras library, TensorFlow library, Python programming language, VGG19 network

  • Implementation of temporal models for temporal add-ons of the database management system

    Currently, attempts are underway to implement a temporal database management system. Such systems should take into account the possibilities of temporal support. This article discusses how to build temporal databases. The implementation of the time model for temporal add-ons of the database management system is presented for the project organization. Entity chart developed, which reflects the database tables and their relationships. Entity classes created. They correspond to tables from databases in individual files. Methods are presented that translate temporal requests into relational ones.

    Keywords: database management system, temporal database, temporal queries, relational database models, temporal database models, temporal add-on

  • Practical implementation of the method for modeling quantum computers based on graphs of quantum information decision diagrams

    The development of quantum computers is a huge technological challenge. Currently, at the stage of development of quantum computing devices, the task is to accelerate the simulation of quantum computing on existing computers, this is due to the fact that quantum computing devices process processes for an unacceptably long time. The article proposes a practical implementation of the quantum computing representation method based on "Quantum Information Decision Diagrams" graphs.

    Keywords: quantum computer, quantum computing simulation, hardware accelerator, graph computing, matrix computing, qubit, mathematical model, matrix

  • Peculiarities of thermal analysis of a 3D microcomputer system with a packageless FPGA

    3D integration technologies based on highly integrated substrates and bare chips solve the problem of miniaturization of complex functional devices. However, increasing complexity and decreasing mass-size parameters of products lead to problems of effective heat distribution and dissipation from frameless microcircuits. The article considers features and problems of thermal analysis of 3D computing microsystem based on several modules with bare-metal chips, and also shows the importance of modeling the actual heat generation of programmable logic integrated circuits.

    Keywords: microassembly, microsystem, chipless chip, FPGA, thermal analysis, CAD, finite element method, heat transfer simulation, printed circuit board, three-dimensional integration

  • Modeling of thermomechanical loads in three-dimensional microassemblies with different types of vertical switching

    This work investigated the influence of the type of vertical switching on the level of thermomechanical stresses and temperature deformation in a three-dimensional microassembly. Three microassembly models with the most common types of vertical connections were considered: solder balls in the package holes, metallized holes in the package, and end-switching tracks. For each of the three models, the effect of the sealing compound parameters on the thermomechanical load was additionally investigated.

    Keywords: microassembly, packaging, electronic component base, three-dimensional integration, vertical switching, thermomechanical stress, thermomechanical deformation, thermal coefficient of linear expansion, thermomechanical modeling

  • Mathematical model of an artificial neural network for controlling a robotic complex in extreme conditions

    The paper considers a mathematical model of an artificial neural network with a delay in the arguments of the state and control functions, designed to control a robotic complex during emergency rescue operations in extreme conditions. The learning process of the considered artificial neural network is described by the problem of optimal control with a delay. Using the Pontryagin maximum principle and the method of rapid automatic differentiation, a method for solving the resulting optimal control problem has been developed. The results of the work of the software tool, the creation of which uses an algorithm for constructing an approximate optimal control of the problem under consideration.

    Keywords: emergency rescue operations, artificial neural network, neurocontrol, robotics, maximum principle, safety

  • Valuation of quantitative parameters of social stratification at the regional level: simulation modeling

    This article suggests a mathematical apparatus for modeling quantitative indicators of social space and stratification. It describes formulas for calculating social status, radius and volume of power as characteristics of a separate social position and the magnitude of interaction between positions. The proposed formalization corresponds to the sociological theories of P.A. Sorokin and P. Bourdieu. It is offered to use simulation modeling to extend this approach to the regional level of analysis

    Keywords: analytical and geometric analysis, simulation modeling, social space, social stratification

  • Modeling of load distribution of steel structures of a cable-stayed transition when the efforts of the cable system are unbalanced

    The paper considers the results of modeling the cable system of the above-water cable-stayed transition of the main gas pipeline using a laboratory installation and computer modeling using finite element methods. The main characteristics of materials and structural elements used to create a computer and laboratory model are given. Various modes of tension of the cable system affecting the further operation of the model under consideration, allowing to determine the service life of the object, are studied. It is shown that with a slight weakening of the tension of one of the cables, in the cable system, the occurrence of stresses in the pipe body is observed, the magnitude of which, under certain conditions, greatly exceeds the operating values. A small imbalance of effort leads to a redistribution of effort and a distortion of the entire structure, which, under cyclic loads, can lead to a premature exit from the standing of the object in question.

    Keywords: cable-stayed transition, effort, stress-strain state, cable system, finite element method, model, load, force.

  • Influence of supply voltage on the speed of flight of domains in the Gunn diode

    Mathematical modeling of processes in the crystal structures of the Gunn diode and modeling of the operation of the diode itself in various electrical circuits are relevant for monitoring the operation of electronic devices The paper investigates the effect of low-frequency pickups in the power supply circuit of the Gunn diode on the Fourier spectrum of the generated microwave signal. To study the processes of formation and motion of a domain in a crystal structure, the local field model of the Gunn diode is used, based on the assumption that the average drift velocity of electrons depends on the instantaneous value of the electric field, and the diffusion coefficient does not depend on the applied electric field. A serial circuit for switching on a diode with a power source and a resistive load is simulated. As a result of the simulation of the program, the distribution of stresses inside the crystal along its length at a selected moment of time is obtained; graphs of the movement of domains are plotted based on these data. Based on the data obtained, a Fourier transform is performed, and the resulting spectrum is constructed. The correctness of the program operation is confirmed by the spectrum obtained by the 3A703B diode on the S4-27 spectrum analyzer. The shape of the inhomogeneities in the crystal lattice, given the same width, does not affect the formation of domains. Rectangular, parabolic and gradient functions of dopant concentration variation are investigated. If the function changes more smoothly, then the maximum amplitude of the domain strengths will be greater, but the domain will take a little longer to form. The resulting model can be used to calculate fields with different loads in an electrical circuit.

    Keywords: Gunn diode, microwave, simulation of physical processes, Fourier spectrum, radar systems

  • The architecture pattern of a distributed system based on blockchain technology

    The trend in the development of information system design architectures is their complication and movement towards an increasing distribution of functions and components of the system. One of the options for developing decentralized systems are systems based on blockchain technologies. The article discusses an architectural template for applications developed on the basis of blockchain technology. The main elements of a multi-level architecture, which is the basis for building applications of this type, are considered. There are six layers that describe the infrastructure layer, data layer, network, consensus, application and representation. A brief analysis of the main features and differences of the implementation of each of the levels of the architectural template is carried out. According to the results of the analysis, the most specific components for blockchain-based systems are implemented at the level of consensus and data layers.

    Keywords: decentralized application, blockchain platform, information system, multi-level architecture, pattern

  • The system of division-summation of Q-band frequency signals based on a waveguide radial divider and spatial summation of power

    Based on the review of methods for constructing distribution systems for microwave power amplifiers, a design of a spatial division-summation of power system in the Q-band and a power amplifier based on it is proposed.

    Keywords: distribution system, microwave power amplifier, system of spatial division-summation of power