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  • Planning and implementation of CW in the conditions of an autonomous field located on permafrost

    The article discusses the planning and commissioning of an autonomous field located on permafrost. Most of the oil and gas fields are located in permafrost areas. The development of such deposits is costly, as it creates the need to prevent the thawing of permafrost. Commissioning works are the final stage of construction and installation works. The CW is difficult in conditions of permafrost. In permafrost conditions, problems may arise with starting the installed equipment.

    Keywords: commissioning, permafrost, field, installation, drilling, oil industry, oil and gas industry, project, freezing, maintenance

  • Problems arising between the customer and the general contractor (subsidiary of the customer) during the implementation of investment projects in the field of capital construction, and ways to solve them

    This paper examines the problems and obstacles that arise during the implementation of investment projects in the field of capital construction, between the customer and the general contractor (a subsidiary of the customer). To solve the problems, it is proposed to develop specific measures to modernize the investment and construction activities of the customer company, in accordance with the economic development strategy adopted in Russia, based on digitalization. Information systems and technologies offer great opportunities for the development of various aspects of economic activity. One of them is information systems for managing investment projects. As a result of the work, the authors formulated the main directions of development and proposed solutions for modernizing the investment and construction activities of the customer company.

    Keywords: investment and construction activities, investment project, industrial construction, customer, general contractor, information systems and technologies

  • Optimization of organizational and technological solu-tions for installation of hinged ventilated facades using the example of sports facilities

    " The article discusses organizational and technological solutions for the installation of hinged ventilated facades, which are aimed at: ensuring the efficiency of work; increasing labor safety and productivity, reducing the cost of installation work, eliminating wasteful consumption of all types of resources used, using progressive methods of organizing work; use of modern means of mechaniza-tion and automation. Organizational and technological solutions in the design of ventilated curtain walls were optimized in three stages. The main problem identified in this article is that in modern construction, with a wide variety of structures available, facade systems are selected without appropriate organizational, technologi-cal, and economic justification, mainly relying on the experience of previous construction projects. Therefore, the problem of lacking reliable tools for determining the effectiveness of various organi-zational and technological solutions for facade work production at the planning stage of the object's life cycle can be formulated."

    Keywords: hinged ventilated facades, organizational and technological solutions, organiza-tional and technological documentation, technological map, thermal insulation

  • Providing processes for the efficient construction of concrete structures of various functionality in construction

    The article provides research on the issues of effective construction of concrete structures of various functionality. The purpose of the article is to study the features of the processes of effective construction of concrete structures of various functionality in construction. To achieve the set goals, the tasks of conducting an analytical review on the issue, dedicated to the production of concrete with specified properties for monolithic concrete structures, were solved in order to reduce the influence of external temperature factors on their properties. Modern technologies for the construction of concrete structures were analyzed: fiber-reinforced concrete, “smart” concrete, as well as modification methods to improve the properties of concrete structures.

    Keywords: construction, concrete, concrete structures, functionality, properties, construction.

  • Determination of the parameters of the device of the underground part in large-block construction

    This article discusses the problem of determining the parameters of the underground structure during large-block construction. The construction of buildings from large modules is a method of building construction, which is based on the use of ready-to-assemble modules of large sizes. This construction method allows you to significantly speed up the process of building construction, reduce construction costs, and ensure a high level of quality and functionality of structures, primarily due to the fact that these structural blocks are built in factory conditions. They can be made of various materials such as concrete, steel or composite materials. These modules can include not only walls and partitions, but also floors, ceilings, electrical wiring, plumbing and other elements, which reduces the assembly time on site.

    Keywords: large-block construction, construction of the underground part of a large-block structure, building structures, technologies and organization of construction production.

  • Prospects for the use of fluorescent concrete in the construction and operation of underground linear transport structures

    The article discusses issues of improving the quality and safety of pedestrian and vehicle traffic in underground linear structures. The main parameters of traffic safety in tunnel-type transport structures are considered. The scope of application of luminescent and retroreflective materials in the construction and operation of concrete and asphalt concrete pavements has been determined. Recommendations are given for the use of special luminous materials in construction practice.

    Keywords: concrete, asphalt concrete, reflective coatings, luminescent materials, traffic safety

  • Non-residential survey methodology for assessing the use of common property in apartment buildings

    The purpose of this study is to develop a survey methodology that allows you to determine the composition of the common property of an apartment building, which is used in the operation of non-residential premises. In the process of theoretical research, analysis methods and results of field observations were used. The results of this study are the classification of non-residential premises that are not part of the common property of an apartment building, a list of elements of an apartment building to be examined to assess their use in the operation of non-residential premises, recommendations to a specialist on the list of documents necessary for this survey. These results are of practical importance for specialists in the field of inspection of buildings and structures when resolving disputes in the practice of operating apartment buildings and non-residential premises that are not part of the common property of a residential building.

    Keywords: non-residential premises, classification of non-residential premises, survey methodology, apartment building, common property, list of common property elements, composition of common property, operation, housing stock

  • Prospects and advantages of construing multi-storey wooden buildings

    Wood as a building material has ancient roots and a long history of use. With the development of technology and the desire to live in better environmental conditions, interest in using wood to construct multi-story buildings is growing. This article is devoted to the prospects for the development of wooden multi-story buildings in Russia, in particular with the use of CLT panels, the popularity of which is growing all over the world. Comparative, statistical and logical analyzes were used as research methods. The article discusses modern methods and technologies for the construction of multi-story wooden buildings, including their advantages in terms of ecology, energy efficiency and design, conducts a comparative analysis of buildings made of reinforced concrete and CLT panels, and proposes a technological scheme for the reconstruction of buildings using CLT panels, including adding additional floors. Challenges and prospects for further development of this technology are highlighted, strategic solutions are proposed to reduce the cost of CLT panels

    Keywords: clt-panels, wood construction, wooden structures, reconstruction, renovation, high-rise wooden construction

  • Construction waste: sources, classification, disposal methods

    The article deals with the problem of education and management of construction waste. The data on the increase in construction volumes and, as a result, an increase in the amount of waste in Russia are presented. The main sources and types of construction waste are analyzed, their classification according to the degree of danger. Traditional and modern methods of waste disposal, such as burial, recycling, incineration, are discussed. The conclusion is made about the need to improve environmental culture in the construction industry and improve waste management legislation.

    Keywords: construction waste, construction debris, waste disposal, recycling, environmental culture, waste legislation

  • Overview of modern technologies for recycling construction waste

    The article analyzes modern approaches and technologies for recycling and recycling of building materials. Such types of waste as reinforced concrete, brick, glass, wood, plastic, etc. are considered. Special attention is paid to innovative methods of processing to obtain secondary raw materials (recycling). It is shown that the most promising technologies are the crushing of concrete, brick and reinforced concrete for reuse in construction, the melting of scrap metal, glass and plastic, the processing of wood waste into slabs and fuel. There is an insufficient level of application of innovative solutions in Russia. A set of measures has been proposed to improve the efficiency of construction waste disposal: the introduction of advanced technologies, the construction of waste recycling plants, the adoption of a targeted state program, and the improvement of environmental culture.

    Keywords: waste, construction debris, Russia, secondary raw materials, reuse, environment, recycling, burial, recycling

  • Design features of wooden buildings made of CLT panels

    The article discusses the design features of wooden buildings constructed from cross laminated timber panels (CLT). CLTis a new material widely used in wooden house construction. The panels are used for the construction of multi-storey buildings and replace traditional frame and cobblestone wooden houses. The article analyzes the advantages of using CLT in modern construction, discusses various types of joints, such as butt joints, corner joints, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Special attention is paid to panel mounting methods that ensure the reliability and durability of the structure.

    Keywords: wooden structure, wood, cross-laminated timber, CLT panel, nodal connection, connection system

  • Modern digital capabilities to provide incoming and ongoing construction quality control

    The prospect is explored to arrange for incoming and ongoing quality control using digital tools and devices, including those supplanting conventional ones. The paper underscores the importance of integrating digital quality control technologies and BIM technologies as a means to identify potential defects and justifies the relevance of improving the gesture control code for quality control purposes. It further summarizes the quality control techniques and procedures and highlights an opportunity to develop digitalized quality control charts based on effective conventional documents.

    Keywords: integration of BIM, VR and АR technologies, laser scanner, ongoing quality control chart, digital quality information model

  • Development of compaction intelligent quality control system of the asphalt concrete mixture for rollers

    The problem of building a model of an intelligent system for continuous monitoring of the density of asphalt concrete mixture for vibrating rollers is considered. The methodology and theoretical foundations of the construction of such systems for road machines were considered by the author earlier in the author's publications. Four models of functional dependencies of compaction quality indicators on variable dynamic parameters of the system are proposed. An algorithm that implements the proposed method is presented, as well as scientific results obtained on the basis of measured signals of vibration parameters in a field experimental study during the construction of the upper layer of asphalt concrete pavement of a highway. Scientific results were obtained on the basis of the analysis of data of variables in the time domain.

    Keywords: intelligent system, fuzzy neural network, asphalt roller

  • The use of reinforced soils in the base of road pavements of highways located in 1 road-climatic zone

    The article is devoted to the use of reinforced soils in the base of pavements of highways located in the I road-climatic zone. The features of the operating modes of reinforced foundation soils are considered, and their physical and mechanical characteristics with various combinations of mineral and polymer modifiers are determined. The authors analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using reinforced soils. The article also discusses the design and construction of roads using reinforced soils.

    Keywords: highway, road pavement, foundation, soils, reinforced soils, modifiers

  • Basics of calculating a quantitative assessment of the installation manufacturability of steel structures with a span of up to 18 m

    The relevance of the issue of variant design is considered, taking into account the analysis of previously applied solutions. The concept of installation manufacturability of objects is revealed, its component properties are substantiated. A table of the hierarchy of installation manufacturability properties has been generated. The functions of each level of the property hierarchy are disclosed. The weight indicators of the criteria were calculated using an expert survey. a formula for a complex indicator of installation manufacturability was obtained. A hypothesis has been put forward about the quantitative assessment of the levels of installation manufacturability.

    Keywords: manufacturability, installation manufacturability, levels of hierarchy of installation manufacturability, weight of indicators of properties of installation manufacturability, installation of steel structures

  • The feasibility of using bitumen when strengthening cement soil

    The article discusses the use of organic binders to modify the properties of cement soils. The scope of application of cement soils in construction practice, including the construction of highways, is considered. The influence of the use of organic binders as a complex additive that modifies the strength characteristics of cement soils has been studied. The influence of the use of complex modifiers and additives on the frost resistance and water permeability of cement soils has been determined.

    Keywords: cement soil, organic binder, highway, working layer, frost resistance, modifiers

  • Modern technologies of jet-grouting

    Technology of jet-grouting is a method of strengthening weak or heavily watered soils by pumping high-pressure cement slurry into the well to break the structure of the soil and simultaneously stirring its particles with cement slurry. The result is a ground-cement mass which has predefined improved strength and deformation characteristics. Technology of jet-grouting has a great potential for development and application in various construction industries, such as buildings, roads, bridges and other structures under various geological conditions. The development of jet-grouting technology won't only expand its application, but can improve competitiveness in the construction services market.

    Keywords: recycling, reinforced concrete, secondary crushed stone, construction waste, crushing equipment.

  • Organizational scheme of major repairs of radiation diagnostics facilities

    The article deals with the issues of major repairs of rooms for radiation diagnostics in medical institutions, which is becoming more and more relevant in modern conditions. Functional diagnostics plays a key role in early detection of diseases, correct diagnosis and effective treatment of patients. With the development of technology and the advent of high-tech diagnostic equipment, there is a need to upgrade medical institutions to integrate such equipment. The study, conducted on the basis of an analysis of regulatory and technical documentation and scientific papers, highlighted the main stages of major repairs of radiation diagnostics facilities, identified the main participants in these stages. Organizational charts have also been developed for each stage, which emphasize the importance of coordination between all project participants, including builders, engineers, architects and medical specialists. The implementation of such schemes helps to minimize time and financial costs, ensures the implementation of all necessary requirements and standards, and guarantees the high quality of the work performed. As a result, we receive an organized repair process that allows medical institutions to effectively use new diagnostic equipment to improve the quality of medical services and improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

    Keywords: major repairs, healthcare facilities, radiation diagnostics facilities, medical organization, project documentation

  • Impact of energy-efficient building envelopes on the operating costs of a high-rise residential building

    The problem of increasing consumption of heat and energy resources in the high-rise residential sector in the conditions of dense urban development becomes more relevant every year both for its population and for management companies. In order to reduce operating costs, to reduce the dependence of engineering systems of high-rise residential building on urban infrastructure, it is proposed to introduce some energy-efficient organisational and technological solutions in the designed apartment building. In the course of the study, on the example of a high-rise 25-storey residential building in the city of Rostov-on-Don, a comparison of operating costs of thermal energy for heating with the use of energy-saving materials and structures, and costs in typical conditions of construction. The results of this work will allow, from a practical point of view, to analyse the feasibility of using such energy-efficient building envelopes and materials as foil PIR-insulation, low-emission four-chamber glazing, "green" roofing in high-rise housing construction.

    Keywords: energy efficient building envelopes, heat consumption, heating costs, high-rise apartment block, economic analysis, sustainable construction

  • Methods for determining the calculated lengths of centrally loaded steel columns when pivotally adjacent to reinforced concrete bases

    This article discusses several ways to determine the calculated lengths of steel columns in the plane of the frame. By analyzing existing techniques, the most successful method of selecting the calculated lengths for steel columns in a free multi-storey frame was determined. Taking into account the non-standard case of fastening crossbars to the considered section in the frame of the overpass, using the LIRA CAD PC, as well as the Crystal module (implemented in SCAD), the loss of stability of equally loaded elements in the most sensitive area is clearly shown.

    Keywords: Euler's formula, loss of stability, coefficient of calculated length, calculated length, coefficient of stability margin, finite elements

  • Increasing the stability of staircases in difficult engineering and geological conditions

    The article discusses the issues of stability of pedestrian paths and staircases located on sloped areas and interacting with a complex geological environment. The features of designing construction projects on sloping areas are considered. The reasons for the occurrence of various defects and destruction on the staircase, located on the embankment of Khabarovsk, were investigated. An assessment of the stability of the structure during repair work is given. Measures are proposed to increase the stability of the structure.

    Keywords: staircase, slope, slope stability, stress-strain state, fortifications

  • Development of an operational quality control scheme for installation of sheet metal waterstops

    The article presents an analysis of the requirements for quality control in the current regulatory documentation of the Russian Federation and the experience of developing a scheme of operational quality control (SOQC) for the installation of sheet metal waterstops, obtained on the basis of regulatory and methodological documentation and materials from manufacturers of waterproofing materials: domestic and foreign, and the practice of using polymer and metal waterstops and our own experimental studies. The content of the main information blocks of the SOQC in the practically accepted unification of requirements for quality control in construction is described. Construction defects are indicated when using polymer waterstops for waterproofing technological seams of monolithic structures of civil buildings, which can be avoided if the requirements are met and the work is performed in accordance with the developed SOQC as part of the technological map of the work production project.

    Keywords: scheme of operational quality control, quality in construction, installation tolerance, requirements, sheet metal waterstop

  • Construction control during the construction of monolithic structures of multi-storey reinforced concrete buildings

    The article discusses the measures of construction control during the construction of monolithic structures. The quality of technological processes in the construction of reinforced concrete buildings determines the existing problems of their reliability and durability. As a result, there is a need for construction control during the construction of facilities. The concept of construction control is defined. The structural and technological types of buildings are investigated. The stages of construction at which construction control is carried out are considered. The methodology for improving the efficiency of organizational and technical solutions during construction control has a significant impact on reducing construction time, and also minimizes the number of defects and deviations.

    Keywords: construction control, building types, monolithic reinforced concrete construction, construction stage, quality, concrete mix

  • Identification and risk assessment in concrete construction quality control during high-rise building construction

    The main defects of railway structures are identified, the damage of defects is characterized by the degree of influence based on the quality indicators of building structures, a mathematical model for assessing risk and damage is created, expert surveys are conducted on the nature of the conditions for the probability of defects and bringing them to damage, an algorithm for implementing the results on the construction site is presented.

    Keywords: risk assessment, probability conditions, concrete works, risk-oriented approach, risk identification

  • Improving additive manufacturing for construction by regulating the duration of breaks in 3D printing

    The results of experimental studies of improving additive manufacturing for construction due to the effect of an electric field (electrode heating) on the printed layers are presented. It makes possible to regulate the duration of the technological break of 3D printing in a wide time interval while ensuring high levels of layer adhesion and, accordingly, the quality of the finished construction product.

    Keywords: additive manufacturing for construction, 3D concrete printing, 3DCP, extrusion, technology, technological break, cold seam, bonding, adhesion, layer, concrete, quality