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  • Experimental study of steel pipe reinforced with carbon fiber composite material under internal pressure tensile loading

    The paper discusses the use of carbon fiber composite materials for reinforcement of specimens made of pipe sections in tension under the action of internal pressure. Experimental investigations of steel pipes under the action of internal pressure both without reinforcement and with different number of reinforcement layers with carbon tape are described. The main interest is in the joint operation of the pipe wall and external reinforcement elements. Significant influence of external reinforcement on stiffness and deformability of the specimens is noted.

    Keywords: high-strength fiber, carbon fiber, carbon tape, adhesion layer, pipe, external reinforcement system, polymer composites, tensile strength

  • Optimization of the wall dimensions of corrugated rollers used in construction

    The article presents the calculation of various variants of corrugated rollers with different characteristics of wall shelf thicknesses and comparison with the standard adopted I-beam used in construction. The main requirement when comparing options is the maximum deflection of the studied beams with a deflection in the reference beam based on the calculation in the Ansys software package, which calculates models using the finite element method.

    Keywords: corrugator, finite element method, Ansys software package, comparison of variants, modeling, I-beam, beam

  • The main ways of connecting the nodes of wooden structures

    Various options for connecting wooden structures are described. Examples of the use of various compounds, the most common today, are described. The advantages and disadvantages of such compounds are analyzed, and the technical characteristics of the elements used are given. Advantages and disadvantages of joints of wooden structures with the use of composite materials are described.

    Keywords: wooden structures, joints of wooden structures, analysis, mechanical connections, comparison, load, strength, nagel, cool connection, mating, toothed plates

  • Comparative analysis of the construction of various types of floors in low-rise construction

    the article analyzes various options for the device of floors in low-rise construction, considered various modern systems of prefabricated monolithic floors. The advantages and disadvantages of modern different types of floors in low-rise construction are described.

    Keywords: Monolithic slab, composite slab, the precast-monolithic slabs, comparison, advantages and disadvantages, technology construction