An analysis of new methods and means for a mesurement of parameters of piezoelectric ceramic elements and materials is carried out. These methods and means are based on a digital principle of the construction of devices. An impuls with a linear frequncy modulation therein is used as an signal for exciting. Results of experimental studies on this subject are represented for discussion.
Keywords: piezo ceramic element, piezo, methods and means of measurement, digital signal processing
The problems of finding and implementing provisions increasing the competitiveness of domestic production due to the effective capitalization of resources , which is a set of multi-level institutional processes and management actions to ensure efficient binding of economic resources for the modernization of innovation based on the reproduction processes in the enterprise. Shows a conceptual view of the process of strategy formation capitalization resource industries in the cluster. A scheme of structure-function relationships of subjects clustered relations conditional capitalization of resources.
Keywords: capitalization of resources, institutional bondage, clustering relationships, competitive potential, enterprise, innovation development