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  • Modeling of the market of cultivated mushrooms methods discriminant and factor analysis

    On the basis of the conducted questionnaire survey of the inhabitants of the Kirov region identified determinants of consumption individuals of cultivated mushrooms. Built a factor model of the market of cultivated mushrooms Kirov region

    Keywords: Market of cultivated mushrooms, discriminant analysis, factor analysis

  • Technology of hardening and balancing of abrasive circles

    Results of development of new high-performance technology of hardening and balancing of abrasive circles due to drawing detonation ceramic coverings are presented. The method of calculation of rational thickness of the ceramic covering creating in volume of a circle favorable residual squeezing tension is given. The way of balancing of abrasive circles at the expense of the uneven thickness of the covering put on their lateral surfaces is shown. Results of researches of influence of the sizes of abrasive circles at a size of residual tension are presented.

    Keywords: Abrasive circle, hardening of an abrasive circle, detonation covering, balancing, internal tension

  • The informational structure post of diagnosting of the cars

    In article the main approaches to creation of information structure of a post of diagnosing of the car, providing an optimum combination of the logical conditions solved automatically and non-automatic, raktsionalny distribution of information on types and form representations when developing a method and means of diagnosing are stated

    Keywords: diagnosing, post, information structure, model

  • The analysis of work of building elements hermetic shell nuclear power plant during preliminary tension and testing

    Design of the protective hermetic shell of the reactor compartment of the nuclear power plant discusses in the article. The possible deformation of elements of the hermetic shell during preliminary tension  and testing is considered

    Keywords: protective hermetic shell; change of form; deformation; strength tests

  • Microwave method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways

    The paper describes the method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways using microwaves. The method is based on the triangulation system of two georadars and allows to determine a contact wire zigzag and height from the rail head. The proposed method is all-weather with the possibility of continuous monitoring of the overhead contact wire in plan and profile with the opportunity to automate the processing and signaling abnormalities.

    Keywords: railroad contact line, contact wire location, GPR, automatic control systems

  • ThThe application of information technology in teaching electrical disciplines

    Article is devoted to the Organization of educational process on discipline "theoretical bases of electrical engineering" at the Department of theoretical and general electrical engineering» NSTU. R.e. Alexeev.  Methodology for teaching the TOE using information technologies developed and tested.  Using  Mathcad and Matlab package gives the best effect in teaching.  The developed method of learning offers a direct use of information technologies in all organizational forms of education.  The efficiency study of theoretical material is enhanced by the use of multimedia lectures on discipline. Mastering the techniques of mathematical modeling in computer mathematics package Mathcad environment occurs in practice. It is in the description of a mathematical algorithm of problem solving. Students describe the mathematical algorithm of problem solving.
    Modelling of processes and objects by using the schema of replacement is a Matlab package and MULTISIM ANALOG DEVACES EDITION during laboratory work.  

    Keywords: training technique, information technology, theoretical bases of electrical engineering, mathematical packages, MATHCAD, MATLAB и MULTISIM ANALOG DEVACES EDITION, multimedia lectures.

  • Nonferroelectric ceramic of La2-xSrxNiO4 with colossal permittivity

    By self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHTS) prepared fine powder оf La2-xSrxNiO4 composition , which is used to obtain dense ceramics exhibiting the properties of n-type semiconductor. Prolonged annealing of the samples resulted in a decrease of the conductivity on the order of 3-4, and the changing nature of the dielectric spectrum: dielectric constant ε' has a stable value of 4·104 Hz in the range of 0,4 − 1·105 Hz .

    Keywords: dielectric constant, phase separation, nikelate of strontium lanthanum, self-extending high-temperature synthesis

  • The synthesis of inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles for SUGV on-board path planning system.

    The article presents an approach to synthesis of inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles for SUGV on-board path planning system, algorithmic basis of which is an adaptive control method for intellectual robots. The inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles are used for path optimization by safety criteria.

    Keywords: Robotics, SUGV, local navigation, path planning, trajectory optimization

  • The determination of cadastral cost of agricultural land taking into account the land limits (charges)

    The article presents a method of accounting land limits (charges) during the cadastral valuation of agricultural land. This allows us to differentiate the cadastral value , depending of presence of protection zone,  water protection zone and on other zones on the  lands. Cadastral cost of agricultural land on the example of Leningrad region counted. Determination of cadastral cost on the basic presented coefficients will reduce the land tax on the territory which include restricted mode zones of use. It will increase the objectivity of cadastral evaluation.

    Keywords: cadastral evaluation of land, agricultural land, land limits, analytic hierarchy process of T.Saaty

  • Spatial organization grouping signals in associative processes of artificial neural networks

    The article discusses issues related to the development of the optimal structure of neural networks. One of the major problems in the synthesis neural conrollers is ensuring optimal number of neurons and connections between layers  in the network. Necessary to achieve a compromise between the representational network capabilities, and memory that will be required to store it. The article presents a number of heuristics, allowing to reach such a compromise by limiting the number of connections for each neuron.
    This is done through the introduction of two characteristics for the neuron: the radius of the coverage and density of connections. Coverage radius determines the number of neurons that could potentially have a connection to this neuron, and the density of the compound gives the actual number of such compounds. Altogether, these characteristics determine the amount of synaptic connections, which can have a neuron. The article presents the heuristics that allow to define these characteristics depending on the network structure.  

    Keywords: neural network, neural controller, associative memory, machine learning, optimization

  • The main scientific directions in the study of problems to ensure the competitiveness of tourist and recreational industry and spa services

    The main issues of competitiveness, assess the quality of services, pricing strategy, especially sales service, new services, cost accounting and auditing in the tourist and recreation industry

    Keywords: competitiveness, quality of services, audit, pricing strategy, marketing, tourist and recreational industry.

  • Mathematical model and optimization of parameters of work of a lamellar recuperator

    Use nonconventional and renewables has important economic value for energy saving. Lamellar recuperators are applied to a reuse of heat of departing air in system of ventilation of buildings. Its functional mathematical model is developed for increase of energy efficiency and optimization of parameters of work of a lamellar recuperator. On the basis of mathematical model the criterion of optimization is defined and optimum modes of functioning of a recuperator of ventilating air are established. As a result of researches it is established that the heating of external air is necessary for increase of overall performance of a recuperator before an entrance to a recuperator. For the solution of this task it is offered to use soil the heat exchanger.

    Keywords: mathematical model, lamellar recuperator, nonconventional power sources, optimization, energy saving

  • The potential drivers of tracked forestry machines

    A comparison of wheeled and tracked vehicles propulsion forest. It is shown that the bulk of overseas logging operations, the construction of infrastructure facilities, the primary transport of forest produce machines with paddle wheels. It is proved that under natural conditions of production are tracked significant potential movers. Given the requirements of prospective car on the engine power, weight, ground pressure, speed and carrying capacity.

    Keywords: crawler gear, wheel propulsion, forest equipment, potential.

  • The modeling of distribution of felling area in conditions of territorial inconsistency of timber consumers.

    This paper presents mathematic model of optimization of expenses of stock-piling of timber and logging timber from felling areas to timber consumers by transport networks. This model optimize technological processes which appears during the process of stock-piling of timber and logging timber. 

    Keywords: log truck, rail transportation in timber processing complex.

  • Simulated modeling as a means of traffic network section modernization

    The main laws valid for a series of traffic jams relating to a series of intersections are considered. Their usage facilitates optimization of simulated models of a traffic network section. The problems of traffic jams emergence on the I thoroughfare of Volgograd are investigated with the help of simulated modeling.

    Keywords: simulated modeling, series of traffic jams, traffic flows, genetic algorithm, traffic capacity