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  • Judicial value examination as a tool for resolving a dispute about the value of the original value of the pledged property

    To date, the socio-economic situation in the country creates for the population quite significant obstacles in the implementation of tasks for the purchase of housing and other real estate through mortgage lending. However, when it comes to collecting the amounts owed on the loan, banks are faced with an analysis of the prospects for the sale of mortgaged property, as a result of which, in most cases, come to the conclusion that the original sale price of the mortgaged property with the realities of the market. In the article, the authors consider the judicial practice of determining the initial price of the mortgaged property and analyze the situation in which there is a need for judicial value examination, as well as give the main aspects of the methodology of this type of expertise. The purpose of the article is to form a clear idea of the reader about the process of resolving the dispute arising from the breach of obligations under the loan agreement.

    Keywords: expert, forensic examination, subject of pledge, cost examination, assessment report, methodology

  • Determination of the lower confidence limit for the hardness of a set of machine parts by the calculation method

    An algorithm for determining the lower confidence limit (NDH) for the minimum value of the hardness of a set of machine parts by calculation is developed. For processing of statistical data of the hardness measurements used a three-parameter Weibull distribution is offered. The transition from sample data to population data is carried out by the graphical method. According to the algorithm, NDH was found for the minimum hardness value with confidence probabilities p=0.9; 0.92;0.93;0.94.

    Keywords: hardness, machine parts, sampling, aggregate, lower confidence limit, graphic method, calculation method

  • Managing the social and economic development of the mining complex and its role in the global economy

    The mining industry, as well as the socio-economic development of this sector, makes a significant contribution to the development of the economy of some low-and middle-income countries rich in non-fuel minerals, as evidenced by the modified mining contribution Index (IVGP-BP). 10 of the 20 countries in which the mining industry contributes the most (the highest GPI-BP) rose one or two positions higher, according to the world Bank's country classification, between 1999 and 2019. Based on detailed data from the mining sector, such as mining, exports, prices, rents for mineral resources, mineral exploration expenditures, and state budget revenues, the current situation for 2019 is analyzed, as well as trends regarding the contribution to the development of the socio-economic level of the mining industry for 1999-2019.

    Keywords: mining, minerals, industry, economy, export, mineral rent, gold, coal

  • The model for overcoming the risks of destroying the life world of a young family (based on materials from the Rostov region)

    This article analyzes strategies to overcome the risks of a breakdown in the life of a young family. Based on the results of an empirical study conducted in the Rostov region, the authors of the article identify micro- and macro-strategies for overcoming the risks of destroying the life world of a young family within the framework of cognitive, value, and behavioral levels. The authors conclude that an important role in overcoming cognitive-value risks is given to microsocial strategies, where the family occupies key positions. Macro-social strategies are represented by the work of social institutions such as the state, the media, and education. According to the authors, the symbiosis of the selected strategies is the most effective for reducing the risks of the collapse of the life world of a young family.

    Keywords: Model, cognitive model, risks, strategies for overcoming risks, family, young family, life world

  • The algorithm for tumor localization in case of breast cancer according to microwave thermometry

    This work was carried out as part of research on the development of methods for the intelligent analysis of medical thermometric data. These methods are designed to create a consultative intelligent system for the diagnosis of breast cancer. We propose a new approach to the formation of a feature space based on microwave radiothermometry data that are designed to detect malignant tumors. In the process, about 200 new signs were obtained and tested. Based on them, we created an algorithm for the localization of tumors in the mammary gland. This algorithm is a weighted voting algorithm that is configured using a genetic algorithm. The resulting localization algorithm can achieve an accuracy over 70% in test samples.

    Keywords: microwave thermometry, breast cancer, mammology, tumor localization, accuracy, data mining, genetic algorithm, weighted voting algorithm, thermometric diagnostic features, cross-validation

  • Mathematic modeling of the elasto-plastic state of a rotating disk

    Within approaching the plane-stress state the problem of a high-speed rotating disk being under side pressure is considered. Within the model of a perfect rigid-plastic body and the Mises yield criterion the values of external parameters for which the plastic zones appear have been defined. The stresses in plastic zones are obtained from the solution of the Cauchy problem, which includes two differential equations to define the stress tensor nonzero component. In order to estimate the stress state in the elastic zone the equivalent stress is introduced. The maximum allowable values of external parameters are obtained from the solution of the problem when the disk is in the limit state. The numerical results are represented as the stress vector hodograph.

    Keywords: the plane-stress state, Mises yield criterion, the equivalent stress, an elasto-plastic solid, a rotating disk, a stress vector hodograph

  • Methods of calculating structures for the maximum calculated earthquake in the LIRA-SAPR 2019 software package

    This article discusses the methodology for calculating buildings and structures for the maximum design earthquake using the Dynamics module + LIRA-SAPR 2019 software package, using accelerograms, collects and converts static loads into dynamic ones, and also calculates an industrial building for the situation of maximum design earthquake with subsequent analysis

    Keywords: maximum calculated earthquake, calculation, seismic impact, loads, accelerogram

  • Research of design documentation of capital construction objects of oil-producing complex. Identification of systematic errors and analysis of their consequences

    This article is the result of a study of project documentation, one of the largest oil companies in the Russian Federation. This article aims to identify and identify systematic errors and deficiencies in the design of oil fields, which can lead to significant risks of accidents, damage to equipment, violation of the integrity of buildings, the emergence of threats to human life. The aim of the author was to identify and systematize these shortcomings, to offer the best options for correction for the purpose of further application, qualitative improvement and acceleration of the design of oil fields. Further examples of errors and shortcomings of project documentation, expected consequences which can occur if not to eliminate these errors and all necessary normative base on these questions will be given. Errors at the design stage, in turn, can lead to disastrous consequences, ranging from increased construction time, ending with emergencies and irreparable damage to the environment and human health, which leads to enormous economic losses. Design errors, even the most insignificant, can be compared with the butterfly effect. A minor mistake in the project can lead to grandiose consequences. Ballasting of pipelines. Ballasting of pipelines is taken into account in the installation of pipelines through water obstacles or water-bearing sections, when laying in the swamp.Depth of laying of pipelines at crossing of water barriers. The development of design solutions in the field of transitions on the materials of surveys that were carried out more than two years ago, without the implementation of actual engineering surveys is not allowed.Electrochemical protection of pipelines. At all available ways of laying, (except above-ground), irrespective of degree of aggressiveness of soil, pipelines shall be protected by complex anticorrosive substances and means of electrochemical protection are applied.The location of the purge of candles on the pipelines. The distance from a certain point to the purge plug in the construction of main pipelines from overhead wires must be taken from 300 meters, under cramped conditions of the route of high-voltage overhead lines, this distance can be reduced to 150 meters.the aim of the study was to identify design errors and their consequences, with the aim of further prevention and accounting. The result of these adjustments and corrections will be both cost savings and reduced construction time

    Keywords: design, defects, field, capital construction, operation, analysis, research, documentation, expertise, violation

  • The limit state of a rotating disk

    Within the plane-stress state the problem of a high-speed rotating disk being under side pressure is considered. Within the model of a perfect rigid-plastic body and the Mises yield criterion the allowable boundaries of external parameters have been defined. Within the model of a perfect elasto-plastic solid and the Mises yield criterion the limit state of the disk has been considered. The displacements and the deformations are assumed to be negligible quantity; deformation plasticity theory is chosen. The problem of defining the stresses is ecstatically determined. The displacements are determined together with the stresses. In order to define the displacements as single-valued within the model of a perfect elasto-plastic solid when the disk is in the limit state it is chosen the condition that the plastic deformations inside the disk side surface are equal to zero. For the model of a perfect rigid-plastic body in order to define the displacements as single-valued the displacements values inside the side surface of the disk are needed to be determined. Plots of numerical calculations for the stresses, the deformations, the displacements and the stress vector hodograph have been introduced.

    Keywords: the plane-stress state, Mises yield criterion, the limit state, a rigid-plastic body, an elasto-plastic solid, a rotating disk, a stress vector hodograph

  • Representation of a finite state machine in matrix-predicate form

    Finite state machines, being a mathematical abstraction, allow you to perceive information from the control object, process it and give signals to control the object. The disadvantages of the representation of complex production systems by a set of finite state machines include the complexity of carrying out logical and set-theoretic operations on them and the complexity of describing the parallelism that occurs in the operation of complex production systems. When specifying a finite state machine in the matrix–predicate form, due to the information redundancy, it is possible to avoid these difficulties. Matrix–predicate method allows you to uniquely set the finite state machine square matrix, which makes it possible to use the methods of the theory of matrices during the set–theoretic operations on them and it is possible to avoid isomorphism. The paper presents the developed methods of representation of a finite state machine using a multi-place predicate, which greatly simplifies its task.

    Keywords: finite state machine, graph, matrix, predicate, algorithm, matrix–predicate method, graph incident, tuple, Cartesian product, complex production systems

  • Mathematic modeling of a thin rotating solid disk being heat and force affected

    Mathematic modeling of the state of a thin round disk being heat and force affected is performed. In the central part of the disk the homogeneous field of temperatures is formed. Within the deformation theory of a perfect elasto-plastic solid the quadratic plasticity condition is chosen. The relationships between the radius of the disk, the temperature of the central part of the disk and the external pressure which defines the appearance of plastic zones have been established. For different values of external parameters of the model the stress vector hodograph and the plots of stresses and equivalent stresses have been introduced.

    Keywords: mathematic modeling, an elastic-plastic solid, the plane-stress state, the deformation theory, thermo-elasto-plasticity, a high-speed rotating disk

  • Constructive solutions to strengthen the Foundation of a 24-storey residential building in Rostov-on-Don

    The article provides a technical solution to increase the bearing capacity and reduce the deformability of the subsiding base of a house. The design features of the fixed base and enclosing rows of bored piles are described. The article was published in the framework of the program of the International Forum "Victorious may 1945".

    Keywords: row, anchoring grounds, reinforcement, soil, cement, cementation, directional hydraulic fracturing

  • Model for estimating the complexity of physical schema for relational database

    In work area of application for quantitative metrics of databases are considered. Quality control of the database scheme is impossible without numerical indicators. Metrics of the database can be calculated it is automated that guarantees the accuracy and recurrence of such measurements. In article the model for assessment of complexity of the physical scheme for relational database based on metrics of the table of the database is offered. For the offered model by using the method of T. Saati, received coefficients which consider extent of influence of each metrics on complexity of the database. On the example of real projects for databases quantitative measurements of their metrics in MySQL are executed. The comparative analysis of the results obtained for the model of complexity estimates for various projects of physical schemes for databases and the amount of information contained in sql-scripts of these databases are described.

    Keywords: evaluation of complexity, database, physical schema, model, SQL, entropy

  • The main ways of scenario-environmental regulation of transport and pedestrian traffic

    “The article was published as part of the implementation of the program of the International Forum“ Victory May 1945 ”.The article deals with the problem of a reasonable redistribution of the pedestrian and transport space of the street, a balanced use of the territory in order to more efficiently regulate traffic and pedestrian flows, as well as to take into account statistical data on the use of street space, taking into account the time of day, the location and methods of using this space

    Keywords: pedestrian space, sidewalk, transport space, pedestrian, parquet, design of architectural environment, urban scenario

  • Analysis of the use of modern environmental technologies in construction

    Despite numerous advantages, green construction has not yet acquired significant proportions, since modern environmental technologies in construction lead to increased costs, and legislation is also not being adapted to new certification systems. This article outlined the main objectives of "green" construction. Considered the most important principles on which it is based. Analyzed the modern "green" standards for environmental performance of buildings, discussed in detail the methods for determining the rating of a building on specific scales. The advantages and disadvantages of environmental standards were also noted, groups of organizations in the field of “green” construction in Russia were considered.

    Keywords: environmental technology, green building, green standards, energy saving, energy efficiency, energy consumption, green building, renewable energy sources