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  • Stages of formation of the embankment and descents of the city of Rostov-on-Don

    The work is devoted to the stages of the formation of the city embankment. Its evolution from the port-trading and warehouse zone to the recreational. The continuity of the idea of "turning face to the river" of the city passing from project to project before World War II and after, which was realized only in the late 40s. The evolution of the descents to the embankment, originally created for trade needs, later became recreational zones, completed with monumental stairs.

    Keywords: descent, architecture, project, city plan, VN Semenov, Ya. A. Rebain, implementation, restoration, bridge, project

  • Calibrating the triaxial accelerometer according to a number of measurements with different orientation

    The problem of calibration of a three-axis acceleration sensor is considered. A number of measurements obtained with the sensor at its different orientations in space are used as initial data for calibration. It is assumed that the sensor is stationary for each orientation variant. The measurement data are averaged at each static sensor position, and the averaged results are used as parameters in a system of nonlinear equations that are solved by the Levenberg-Marquardt method. The results of the proposed method in the article are presented in the experiment with a real sensor, which allows to check its effectiveness.

    Keywords: three-axis accelerometer sensor calibration, the sensor coordinate system, the coordinate system of the gravitational field, the rotation of the coordinate system, the matrix of coordinate transformation, the correction factor, the average value of the me

  • Evaluation of the efficiency of wet dust collectors

    The article deals with topical issues related to the need to improve the efficiency of dust collection systems, the correct choice of the method of purification of emissions and the design of industrial filters linking the operating modes of devices with the properties of the captured dust. A method of complex treatment of emissions with a wet dust collector built into the process line is proposed.

    Keywords: wet dust collectors, efficiency, system efficiency, optimization, emissions, ecology, dust collection

  • Technical solutions for treatment of underground waters containing hydrogen sulfide

    The article describes the chemical composition of groundwater in the Rostov area. On the basis of sanitary and environmental assessment of the chemical composition of groundwater from wells, one of the areas of the South-Eastern part of the Rostov area, which are sources of water of the Egorlykskaya station, it was found that the concentration of hydrogen sulfide exceeds the MPC by about 1000 times. Analysis of methods of water purification from hydrogen sulfide, the main of which include: oxidation with molecular chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, showed the advantage of using the hydrogen peroxide. A new reactor design is proposed, which allows to increase the contact time of the treated water with the oxidant by hydrogen peroxide without increasing the size of the structure. This allows the maximum transfer of dissolved hydrogen sulfide in the solid phase.

    Keywords: groundwater; hydrogen sulfide, purification, hydrogen peroxide, chemical reactor, economic efficiency

  • New directions of research and development in the field of nanotechnology for the creation and application of inorganic composite materials Part I

    In the paper, we give a brief overview of the main developments made personally and under the direct supervision of the professor, academician RANS andIAELPS P. Kudryavtsev. These developments are devoted to the use of sol-gel processes in various branches of science and technology. Using this process, new composite heat-resistant materials, highly disperse materials and thin filmswere created. These developments have made it possible to create new efficient catalysts and highly selective inorganic ion-exchange materials. Based on inorganic ion-exchange materials, a technology was developed to extract lithium from natural brines, which are poor in lithium content. On the basis of sol-gel technology, new composite matrix-isolated flocculants-coagulants were created. These reagents are designed for the treatment of natural and wastewater in order to remove impurities of oil products and heavy metals.

    Keywords: Nanomaterials, Sol-Gel Technology, Nanostructured Materials, Composite Materials, Highly Dispersed Materials, Thin Films, Catalysts, Highly Selective Inorganic Ion Exchangers, Extraction of Lithium, Composite Flocculants-Coagulants

  • "Development of analytical methods of transformation and their application for space images processing "

    The research that results from the work presented is the means of transforming space imagery. A transformation method based on the use of projective geometry methods is proposed. A completed study of the proposed method for mathematical image and terrain models showed a high degree of accuracy and a number of advantages over traditional image transformations

    Keywords: Photogrammetry, transformations, cosmic images, projective geometry

  • Methods for evaluating the operational reliability of cars

    The study on the hardness of samples from steel ST3 and 15G. On the basis of the correlation equations obtained values of ultimate strength of the examined steels. With the application of the law of three-parameter Weibull distribution constructed density distribution and the resulting minimum value of ultimate strength. The obtained results are proposed to use to determine the value of the resource for load-bearing systems of vehicles.

    Keywords: reliability, lifetime, the hardness of steel, strength of steels, the endurance limit of steels, the Weibull law

  • Diagnosis of the brake system of a car in a car workshop

    In the article the distinctive features of the cargo car service are compared with the service servicing cars. Questions of an optimum term of carrying out of diagnostics of brake system of the lorry and qualification of the personnel of car-care center are raised. A comparative analysis of three types of stands for the diagnosis of the brake system of a car is carried out.

    Keywords: Car, maintenance, diagnostics, car service, braking system, bench tests

  • The analysis of the market of services of a car-care center of an average city, on an example of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky

    In the article the analysis of the market of services of a car-care center of an average city is carried out. A selection of popular car repair shops is given. The market is estimated by the number of required posts and the market share of the services in the city.

    Keywords: Car, maintenance, repair, market of services of car-care center, working post

  • Determination of reliability of systems

    Discusses issues related to the definition of process reliability systems. The dependence to determine the amount of damage accumulation to failure in the presence and absence of the experimental data.

    Keywords: aspiration system, process reliability, failure, wear, damage, legal distribution of a random variable, the value of damage accumulation

  • Science and defense infrastructure

    The article gives judgments, focuses on the need for the development of military and town-planning sciences, based on the reality of practice, which, apart from armament, must take into account the urban and architectural components formed as a special kind of weapon of future wars.

    Keywords: Urban planning, Armed forces, military science, architecture, defense infrastructure, housing

  • The System Analysis of the Socialization Features of Technical Institute Students in the Conditions of the Transformation Crisis.

    The article presents the results of the sociological survey analysis of the technical institute students. A systematic analysis of the socialization peculiarities, connected with the problem of spiritual security in modern society, is carried out. The issues of spiritual security are relevant, since it is the spiritual attitudes that govern the practical activities of each person in individual self-realization.

    Keywords: system approach, spiritual security, spiritual and moral development, system analysis, professional socialization, personal development, strategy of behavior, social feeling, educational space

  • Simulation modeling as a tool for integrated assessment of strategic risks logistics companies

    The possibility of improving the management efficiency of the main business processes of a logistics enterprise on the basis of an integrated assessment of strategic risks is considered. The methodology is based on the idea of sharing the technology of simulation and two concepts: the Balanced Scorecard (BSС) and the Integrated Risk Management System (IRMS). We propose formula for calculating operational risk based on port statistics collected while running the simulation model, namely the chosen values of the triangular distribution of the statistical data. Also presented a formula linguistic evaluation of integrated strategic risk, lead to the conclusion the risk that previously designated port strategy will not be achieved.

    Keywords: Strategic risk, risk management system, logistics enterprise, business processes, balanced scorecard, strategic map, management decisions, competitiveness, simulation modeling

  • Determination of elastic properties of biological layered medium based on nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves

    In work on the basis of one of the methods of nonlinear acoustics (method of successive approximations) is considered environment as a set of orthogonal plane layers. The analysis is conducted with the division generated total field into components parallel and orthogonal to the direction of its propagation. It is recognized as the primary distribution field distribution along the longitudinal direction with the introduction of the aperture factor and orthogonal to the introduction of the cross-aperture factor. It determines the range of changes of the parameters for biological environments in the case of the nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves in them.

    Keywords: nonlinear interaction, quadratic nonlinearity, different layered media, immersion method, transverse aperture factor.

  • The proposal for the construction of a new bus station in the city of Rostov-on-Don, taking into account the existing urban infrostruktura

    Considered several locations the bus station located in the city of Rostov-on-Don, and their location in urban areas. In the process of continuous urban growth and the construction of new housing estates, suggested to build a new avtovokzalnogo complex includes the station building itself, as well as the building of the hotel with car parking.

    Keywords: bus, "model projects", "individual projects", Fibonacci spiral, bionics, shell-Nautilus