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  • Nonstoichiometry and electrochromism of oxides and polyalkaline tungsten bronzes

    Nonstoichiometric tungsten oxides WO3–x and oxide alkaline tungsten bronzes have been studied because of their potential applications in electrochromic devices such as solar panel arrays and “smart windows”. Different phases of 
    WO3–x have been considered. In this part we present results of our research which clearly show that all Magneli phases of tungsten oxides  WOx (namely W40O118, W20O58, W5O14, W18O49, W8O23, W3O8) and oxide tungsten bronzes MxMyWO3 at M-Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs. They are characterized by metal – like properties. Their band structures display an energy gap in the valence band just below the Fermi level.
    We present results of our electrochemical synthesis of tungsten oxide bronzes in ionic melts of the polytungsten salts. Among the new state – of – the art methods for their manufacture, electrochemical synthesis in ionic melts, which  makes considerably better use of existing technologies, is highly productive, based on the discharge of oxyanions of the polytungstates.  

    Keywords: oxide alkali bronzes, alkaline tungsten bronzes, tungsten, molybdenum, nonstoichiometry, tungsten oxides, electroconductivity, electrochromism

  • Russian language in Finland: Problems and Prospects

    We show that for specialists needed professional Russian-Finnish (Finnish-Russian) dictionaries that the promotion of Russian language teaching in Finland and Finnish as a foreign language is highly relevant, and its implementation should be multi-layered, designed for children, pupils, students Comrade, professionals of different specialties. 

    Keywords: education, promotion of the Russian language, Russian-Finnish dictionaries.

  • Analysis and development of approaches for the stimulating part of engineering staff remuneration

    The paper presents and analyzes the main methods of material stimulation of engineers and technician staff on russian and partly foreign enterprises, taking into account national management models. The article highlights the indicators that affect the stimulating part of remuneration for different occasions.

    Keywords: engineering and technical personnel, remuneration, the stimulating part of remuneration, performance labor.

  • Stability of linear delay-differential equation of milling process

    A stability problem of milling process is under consideration. A novel analytical tool is presented to assess the optimal cutting parameters which provide a chatter free machining. Chatter instability is broadly studied in the literature. However, the problem of simultaneous optimization of radial and axial depths of cut is kept out of scope. To describe the optimization method a single-degree-of-freedom model of milling process is investigated as well as corresponding equation of motion and function of cutting force. A unified delay-differential equation is proposed. A theorem of asymptotic stability is suggested. Suggested optimization technique allows to create a diagram of radial and axial depth-of-cut dependence.  As shown, there exists an extremum of function of axial and radial depth-of-cut dependence.  

    Keywords: chatter, stability, delay-differential equation, oscilations, self-excited vibrations, optimization

  • Stressed state peculiarities of ballastless track system slab substructure soils

    The article depicts test results of ballastless track system roadbed stressed state. In-situ tests of roadbed vertical stresses were held considering rolling stock type and speed. Roadbed vertical stress distribution dependence was carried out.

    Keywords: Roadbed, ballastless track system, RHEDA 2000, vertical stress damping, stress distribution

  • Adaptive agent's behavior: the effects of actions and acceptor efferent synthesis

    Peculiarities mechanisms predict and evaluate the results of actions of an intelligent agent. Building and planning procedures and correction strategy and tactics based on the behavior of a cybernetic circuit functional systems. This scheme is a concept of an intelligent agent architecture.

    Keywords: Intelligent agent, adaptive behavior, the model achieve the goal, the efferent mechanism synthesis

  • Liquid glass and aqueous solutions of silicates, as a promising basis for technological processes of new nanocomposite materials

    The properties of the water-soluble high-modulus silicate systems: based on alkali metal polysilicates called liquid glass and chain their transformation from lower to higher oligomers, with the subsequent formation of colloidal solutions - silica sol. The methods of preparation, properties and applications of water-soluble high-modulus silicate systems. The possibilities of their use as a binder and modifying agents for various nanostructured composite materials. The examples of promising areas of application of liquid glass and high modulus of aqueous solutions of silicates in construction and industry. In particular show the possibility of using liquid glass and aqueous solutions of silicates in the production of nanostructured silicate polymer. In space engineering for manufacturing water-destructed mandrels used in the manufacture of solid rocket motor casings and pressure vessels 'cocoon' of composite materials by winding. The application of the inorganic sol to obtain a nanocomposite ceramics and monolithic blocks of silicon oxide, which can be used in various fields of modern technology. The possibility of using silica sol as a binder for refractory ultra-lightweight shielding materials used to protect equipment from high impacts. The directions of development of the production of new acid-resistant materials and linings for protection of chemical equipment, parts and components operating in corrosive environments.

    Keywords: Keywords: water glass, silicate polymer concrete, additives, silicates organic bases tetrafurfuriloksisilan, furfural alcohol, nanostructure composite materials, water-soluble silicates, silica sol, sol-gel transition, cured xerogel water-destructed mandr

  • Innovative organizational structure

    Need of forming of the structure providing comfortable conditions and motivating people on search of new ideas, defines a research subject. Innovative structures depending on reaction of the organization to internal and external changes, from extent of centralization of nature of the innovative process admitted to the organizations, from the accepted strategy of the organization are considered in article. Influence of transactional expenses on formation of effective organizational structure is studied. Conclusions are drawn on opportunities of use of network structures, as the most effective innovative structures of new generation.

    Keywords: innovative organizational structure, transactional expenses, network structure

  • Chaharbagh is the Initial example of the great gardens of human civilization

    This article discusses the emergence Chaharbag in different places of the world and the role Chaharbag in development of landscape architecture and urban spaces of identity, as well as its influence on other arts including painting and carpet. Chahar Bagh is a special style layout, which is used in the Persian garden. Rectangular in plan shared garden paths or channels with flowing water into four smaller parts. In Persian, "Chahar" means "four" and "Bag" is translated as "garden".

    Keywords: Chaharbagh, garden, Persian garden and landscape.

  • Iterative optimal control algorithm energy-saving converters

    An optimal control algorithm for compensating converters. This algorithm provides control of active and reactive components of power consumption. The algorithm allows to reach a balance  between the values ​​of the angles  controls αi and αe . In the algorithm used is a method for solving equations by iteration. In article materials of the state contract № 16.526.12.6016 on 11.10.2011.

    Keywords: compensation converter, frequency converter, control algorithm, objective function, iterative method

  • Complementarily - Adaptive use tools of intergovernmental relations for the purpose of leveling the socio-economic development of regions

    The current system of intergovernmental fiscal relations , the trends of its development in Russia , including the alignment process , aimed at smoothing the territorial differentiation of socio- economic development of regions. The main task of any state , regardless of the device is to smooth regional disparities through a reallocation of financial resources. In this case, the stability of intergovernmental fiscal relations between the federal center and the subjects of the federation is largely determined by well-functioning system of fiscal federalism. Currently, the budget process is characterized by serious contradictions that arise during the development phase as well as on the stages of implementation of management decisions. Global experience demonstrates the lack of an optimal model of intergovernmental relations . Vertical alignment is the process of achieving a balance between the commitment of each level of government expenditure with the potential of its revenue sources . The tools include the vertical alignment of the fixing of taxes for a certain level , subventions and subsidies, regulating the distribution of income. The horizontal alignment is aimed at providing a unified standard level of consumption of public services to the residents of different regions of the country. With reference to the Russian economic space horizontal alignment problems are quite complex , since there are strong differences in socio-economic development of the regions due to climatic and historical factors .

    Keywords: Complementarily - adaptive tool, budgetary control, fiscal stimulus, active regional policy, economic growth, macroeconomic development

  • Multispectral optical method formation and image processing formation at low contrast hypodermic priori uncertainty skin parameters

    The advanced multispectral method is developed for formation and recovery of the image of a hypodermic on the basis of function of a detuning and its algorithm realizing. The method reduces distorting influence of change of characteristics of skin on image formation. Use of function of a detuning allows to make processing without observance of rigid requirements to the accuracy of a choice of lengths of waves on which images and, respectively, providing a preset value of the relation of values of optical thicknesses of skin are formed.

    Keywords: Restore images, multispectral method, the function of detuning, the optical thickness, the reflection coefficient

  • Long-term monitoring of human respiratory activity

    This article reviews systems of respiratory activity registration in relation to sports medicine. Attention is devoted to the use of miniature accelerometers that record the movement of the chest, as the optimal method for the diagnosis of the respiratory parameters. Other methods are based on piezo-resistive sensors, pressure and airflow sensors, and airways resistance sensors. The authors' developed device based on three-axis accelerometer is proposed. It recognizes episodes of apnea with sufficient accuracy for long-term monitoring. The algorithm of the accelerometer data processing is described. In order to minimize noise impact on the useful signal it is necessary to transform the three-dimensional cloud of accelerometer data into a flat sector. Then the relation of gravity vector deviation angle and the nominal position in time is determined. This presented device due to its ability to transmit data via Bluetooth technology, after appropriate software development for mobile phone and the receiving terminal of medical professional, will be able to organize a simple ergonomic long-term remote monitoring of respiratory activity.

    Keywords: systems of respiratory activity registration, long-term remote monitoring, three-axis accelerometer

  • Model of system of automated management by information service

    In article the structure, functional architecture and mathematical model of the system intended for automated management by information procedures in the automated information system are considered. The offered model is based on monitoring of initial and flowing conditions of the information streams subjected recomposition on the basis of operating markers by the serving router. A system kernel is the Server of configurations supporting discrete disciplines of management by service.

    Keywords: information service, priority management, an information stream

  • Comparative study of the catalytic activity Pt/C and PtхNi/C materials in the oxygen electroreduction

    The catalytic activity of Pt/C and PtxNi/C electrocatalysts prepared by  borohydride methode was studed. It was established that the specific activity  of fresh prepared Pt3,7Ni/C  catalyst  in oxygen  electroreduction  reaction is higher in compare with Pt/C material. After treatment of Pt3,7Ni/C material in the hot acid  nickel in the surface layers of nanoparticles was dissolved and the composition of nanoparticles was changed to Pt5,6Ni. The electrochemical surface area of the Pt5,6Ni catalyst and specific activity was slightly decreased after corrosion treatment. 

    Keywords: platinum electrocatalysts, corrosion stability of the nanoparticles, fuel cells, X-ray diffraction, borohydride synthesis