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  • The impact of point source on an anisotropic poroelastic plane

    The dynamic problem  of an anisotropic poroelastic plane under an influence of point source in the steady-state oscillation mode is studied. An analytical solution of the problem as a single integrals over a finite interval is given. Numerical experiments on the construction of solutions are made and the results are compared with the known classical solutions.

    Keywords: poroelasticity, vibrations, anisotropy

  • The development of toolkit of cognitive modelling for research of difficult systems

    In the article the approach to modelling and the analysis of functioning of difficult systems based on indistinct cognitive maps is described. The theoretical part of the article is devoted description of modern family cognitive maps, the short characteristic and the analysis of following groups is given: Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps by Silov, Rules Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Generalized Rules Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Relational Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Neutrosophic Relational Maps, Dynamic cognitive networks. The concept of fuzzy way is entered for the development of mathematical toolkit and the model of fuzzy pulse process is offered. The practical component of the article is directed on the description of examples of the decision of separate problems of cognitive modelling with application of the device fuzzy directed graph of the 1st kind. The offered approach will allow to develop forecast scenarios of development of difficult system taking into account its reaction on external influences.

    Keywords: difficult system, fuzzy model, fuzzy cognitive map, fuzzy way

  • Agent based modeling of the social conflict: Osetino-Ingushskiy conflict in the area of village Tarskoe

    Agent based model was developed. This model is showing processes of conflict, which is happening on the area of village Tarskoe. Conflict, which is called Osetino-Ingushskiy started in October 1992, and was not stabilized till today.

    Keywords: agent base modeling, agent-based model, NetLogo

  • Regularities of zinc transformation process in ordinary chernozem in the presence of different anions

    The influence of attendant anions on the transformation of zinc compounds in the soil was studied in a model experiment. The differences in the number of mobile forms of recoverable zinc in the soil, depending on its dose and form of addition were defined. Influence of associated anions on the content of metals mobile forms in the soil decreases in the order: PO42¯≈ Cl¯ > NO3¯ > SO42¯> СН3СОО¯> О¯. Transformation of zinc compounds during 2-year period after the receipt of the metal in the soil has been studied.  There is no soil stabilization in ratio form for two years studying, indicating the low speeds transformation of metal compounds with soil components. Transformation of Zn in soil depends on the attendant anion, metal concentration in soil and time interaction with the solid phase of soils. The transformation process of metal adsorbed the soil goes toward to decrease of Zn mobility.

    Keywords: transformation, ordinary chernozem, zinc, attendant anion

  • The adaptive suppression of motion artifacts at horse ECG recording

    The article deals with interference suppression algorithms that arise in the ECG signal by moving of the electrodes due to the motion of the object. It is proposed to use an adaptive filter, which reference signal is provided by the data triaxial accelerometer.

    Keywords: electrocardiogram, adaptive filtering, motion artifacts, electrophysiological signal adaptation algorithm

  • The motor vehicle model for integrated navigation systems

    Modern ultra-tight integration structure of strapdown inertial systems and global positioning system, based on the linearization of the navigation measurements and linearization of measurement errors models, are not not applicable for motor vehicles navigation. The adequate standard stochastic model of the vehicle perturbed motion has been synthesized. The model can be used for the integration Kalman filter. Such correlations can result in poor real-time estimation accuracy of navigation parameters of motor vehicle.

    Keywords: motor vehicle, stochastic model, integration structure of strapdown inertial systems and global positioning system

  • The loosely coupled algorithm of integrated INS-GPS navigation system of the vehicle

    The existing approaches to the integration of relatively cheap strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) based on MEMS-based technology and satellite navigation systems (SNS) are ineffective in relation to motor vehicles. We consider the iterative algorithm for the loosely coupled mode of integration of heterogeneous navigation systems do not intend to use the optimal estimation. The solution is obtained on the basis of the fully nonlinear model of the navigation system of the vehicle and the, therefore, is valid for arbitrary and unknown in advance nature of his movements, and, in the most general assumptions about the level of disturbances acting upon him.

    Keywords: vehicle, integrated inertial navigation satellite system, loosely coupled iterative algorithm

  • Ration of energy consumption of educational institutions by neural network approach

    The problems concerning the application of neural networks for solving the topical problem of rationing energy consumption educational institutions (EI). A scheme of the neural network approach for determination of the normative costs of electricity and heat EI. In the package Neurosolutions created neural network model of power and heat consumption of classical universities. Advantages of neural networks for solving the problem of rationing

    Keywords: standard consumption, energy consumption, educational institutions, artificial neural network

  • The algorithm of Image reconstruction based on analysis of local binary patterns

    The paper presents a method of detecting distortions in the archival photo documents by texture analysis based on local binary patternss. The proposed approach consists of the following stages: pre-treatment and detection of scratches. Pre-treatment is used to reduce the effects of noise and small defects in the image. To recognize the class of defects using a support vector machine. The effectiveness of the new approach on several examples in the detection of defects.

    Keywords: digital image processing, detection of defects, archival photographs, local binary patterns

  • Hybrid reverberation algorithm

    The technique of space-time processing of acoustic signals with the use a convolution algorithm the purpose of application of which is the spatial positioning of the virtual soun sourse (auralization) is com=nsidered in this article. Also the reverberation chatacteristics of a modeled acoustic environment are take into consideration.

    Keywords: auralization, HRTF, artificial reverb, room simulation, convolution algorithm, impulse response convolution, impulse response synthesis, dynamic convolution, complex filtering

  • Improving the accuracy of extrinsic camera parameters calibration

    The model of the ideal video camera is described, the form of the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters is showed. The relations between coordinates of a point in the world coordinate system with coordinates of this point on the image plane are given. The problem of finding extrinsic camera parameters from corresponded world and image points is posed. The error of found extrinsic parameters is estimated by simulation for several configurations of calibration objects consisting of a variable number of points on different distances from the camera and with different angles between them. On the basis of simulation results recommendations are given for the choice of the calibration object in order to improve the accuracy of the extrinsic camera parameters. The best results may be obtained with a configuration consisting of points that have a large angular distance between them and are posed on different distance from camera.

    Keywords: camera calibration, extrinsic camera parameters, position and orientation estimation, calibration object

  • The basic principles of the producing and erection technology of the chimney liners from polymer composite materials by the method of vertical winding with the growing

    The paper is dedicated to development of modified technology of producing and erection of large fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) shells. This work gowing with the support of Russian Ministry of science and education. Technology is baced on the method of the vertical wet winding with the growing. The main prospective area of using of this technology, is the reconstruction of the tall chimneys with the erection of inner liner from the FRP shells.  

    Keywords: fiber reiforced plastics, glass reinforced plastics, chimneys, metod of the vertical wet winding with the growing

  • The basic principles of selecting the type and number of construction machines for integrated production of works

    this article raises the question of choosing a set of machines and shaping the sound of the algorithm sets of machines and mechanism that allowed us to determine the basic design characteristics, the type and number of vehicles, as well as the feasibility of using mechanisms in the construction processes.

    Keywords: machines, equipment, technology, organization, set

  • Simulation methods as a tool for analyzing the efficiency of heat-generating enterprises

    The article is dedicated to the description of the simulated model of the heat producing base making it possible to estimate the resource of energy efficiency of the prototype system and its requirement of fuel, elecrtic energy and water. There are some different ways of decomposing of application cases of energy efficiency measures depicted in the article.

    Keywords: economic impact, direct and indirect cost, risk assessment, replacement value, NPV

  • The hardware-software system for parametric analysis of signals in the problems of technical diagnostics

    This paper describes a hardware-based and software system parametric estimation of signals. It`s experimental accuracy was achieved measuring the phase difference between the two quasi-harmonic signals at 10 μrad.  

    Keywords: parametric analysis, technical diagnostics, the phase difference