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  • Forecasting the state of the vehicle sensor system

    The condition of a vehicle sensor system is an effective indicator used by many other vehicle systems. This article is devoted to the problem of choosing a forecasting method for vehicle sensors. Sensor data are considered as multivariate time series. The aim of the study is to determine the best forecasting model for the type of data under consideration. The LSTM neural network-based method and the VARMA statistical method were chosen for the analysis. These methods are preferred because of their ability to process multivariate series with complex relationships, their flexibility, which allows them to be used for series of varying lengths in a wide variety of scenarios, and the high accuracy of their results in numerous applications. The data and plots of computational experiments are provided, enabling the determination of the preferred option for both single-step and multistep forecasting of multivariate time series, based on the values of error metrics and adaptability to rapid changes in data values.

    Keywords: forecasting methods, forecast evaluation, LSTM, VARMA, time series, vehicle sensors system

  • The main sources of negative impact on the environment during the construction and operation of gas distribution systems

    When operating gas distribution systems, the process of releasing various gases into the atmosphere is inevitable, negatively affecting the environment and creating a greenhouse effect. These gases can be either products of combustion of gaseous fuel or the result of natural gas leaks from gas pipelines and equipment. The main articles of gas leaks from gas pipelines and ways to minimize the negative impact on the environment are given.

    Keywords: gas distribution system, greenhouse effect, gas combustion, methane, flanged and threaded connections, leaks, safety relief valve

  • Study of differences in fire regulations between Russia and China in the design of gas distribution pipelines

    The article considers the requirements of regulatory documents to ensure fire safety during construction and operation of gas distribution pipelines in Russia and China. The different approach to fire risk reduction in the two countries is revealed: more specific and stringent requirements in China and general requirements related to fire hazardous facilities in Russia.

    Keywords: fire risks, fire regulations, natural gas combustion, causes of natural gas fires, natural gas transportation, fire safety

  • Research and modernization of the automated oil filling system

    The article discusses the issues of modernization of the automated system for filling petroleum products (ASN). The complexity of maintenance of the automated control system due to the lack of up-to-date documentation and updated software, as well as periodic failures and high cost of spare parts became the main reasons for the implementation of modernization. Automatic control systems based on the law of proportional-integral-differential regulation have been developed: using a shut-off control valve with a positional actuator or a frequency converter to control the ACN. Mathematical models of the automatic control system have been developed in the MATLAB program using the Simulink library. An experimental model of a pumping station was assembled in laboratory conditions, and simulation modeling of the operation of an automated control system for a discharge and filling station was carried out. According to the results of experimental studies on the direct characteristics of assessing the quality of the transient process, the graph of a circuit with a frequency converter demonstrates the best results.

    Keywords: automated pumping station, petroleum products, mathematical models, PID controller

  • Feasibility study of the choice between active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression in liquid filling shops

    Occupational safety is one of the important aspects of the organization of work in production. Domestic machines and units used in the food industry do not yet allow to exclude the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors, to make the work of employees safe. In this context, it is important to study active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression, their effectiveness in ensuring normalized working conditions of workers on the example of a specific production. Existing research, as a rule, focuses on one criterion when choosing protection methods. However, an integrated approach is advisable in solving this problem. The purpose of this study was to choose a rational method of protecting personnel from the effects of noise and vibration based on the economic justification of effective technical solutions. The obtained research results make it possible to take into account the criteria for evaluating the validity and acceptability of choosing a particular protection method, including from the standpoint of technical and economic calculation, when designing a security system. The above study showed the expediency of import substitution in the food and beverage industry, as well as the correlation between the introduced protection systems and an increase in the level of safety. The given algorithm of the feasibility study has the properties of scale and generality. It can be successfully implemented when choosing methods of protection from the effects of other harmful production factors found in various industries.

    Keywords: acoustic factor, protection methods, active and passive methods, economic justification, sound pressure levels, experimental data

  • Automatic asphalt concrete mix composition selection program considering Vietnam conditions

    Asphalt concrete mixes are the primary construction material for road surfaces, and precise design of their composition plays a key role in the quality and durability of road pavements. This article discusses the challenges associated with designing asphalt concrete mix compositions and presents a developed system for automatic mix selection. The automatic asphalt concrete mix composition selection system is a powerful tool for optimizing the material selection process used in road construction. This system can calculate the optimal mix composition, taking into account technical and economic constraints, leading to increased accuracy and reliability in mix selection. The advantages of this system include reducing the time and cost of the selection process, enabling testing and analysis of various mix options, ultimately improving the quality and durability of road pavements.

    Keywords: asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete mix, composition selection, least squares method, linear programming method, software, automation, Python, Microsoft Access

  • A way to increase the bearing capacity of columns during the reconstruction of buildings

    The article presents a way to increase the load-bearing capacity of a reinforced concrete column due to metal clips from the corners with an increase in the load on it. To ensure the joint operation of the existing column and the metal cage, the corners are subjected to prestressing, which is achieved by compressing the corners with jacks.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete column, column reinforcement, metal cage, prestressing of the cage

  • Development of a mathematical model for testing the natural ventilation: a case study for the Yemeni residents

    The article gives an insight into the traditional passive cooling techniques utilized in Mediterranean and hot climate regions, showcasing the effectiveness of natural ventilation and central patios in improving indoor thermal comfort and reducing energy consumption. The integration of these traditional design elements with modern technologies is crucial for creating environmentally friendly and culturally significant architectural solutions for the future. The discussion then transitions to the importance of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in modern building design, highlighting the use of Ansys Fluent software for modeling natural ventilation in a residential apartment in Yemen. The article emphasizes the need for engineering and architectural solutions to achieve high performance in energy efficiency and environmental safety in contemporary construction practices.

    Keywords: natural ventilation, Yemeni houses, Spalart-Allmaras model, civil engineering, Ansys Fluent

  • Organizational and technological solutions for eliminating cracks in reinforced concrete foundation slabs

    In order to negate the loss of strength, that can lead to collapse of constructions, we should take measures to prevent cracking. Every crack emersion in reinforced concrete indicates that the accumulated stress has been released in this area of the structure. The cause of cracks are internal tensile stresses that can occur due to internal processes in the element and from external loads on the structure. It is possible to eliminate cracks that have already appeared with the help of repair compounds that fill the volume of cracks in various ways. Injection, as one of the solutions, will help to maintain the strength and durability of the structure.

    Keywords: cracking, concrete, reinforced concrete slab, crack, defect, deformation, strength, soil, repair compound, foundation, foundation slab, injection

  • Modification of the algorithm for correcting errors that occur during the operation of the satellite authentication system

    The prospects for building a satellite Internet based on a low-orbit constellation of satellites (LOСS) are due to the fact that only it allows for stable and reliable communications anywhere on the planet. Therefore, the technology of satellite industrial Internet of things IIoT has become widespread in the oil and gas industry, many of whose facilities are located in the Far North. However, when using satellite low-orbit Internet (SLOEI), new threats and attacks arise against it. Among attacks on LOCS, a special place is occupied by attempts to impose unauthorized content on SLOEI subscribers. This situation can be prevented using a satellite identification system. For the effective operation of the “friend or foe” challenge-response system for LOCS, a copy-resistant authentication protocol with zero knowledge disclosure was developed. This property was achieved by reducing authentication time through the use of modular deduction class codes (MDCC). The use of parallel VDCC codes has led to a change in the method of satellite identification, which entails a revision of the principles for constructing a request-response system. Therefore, the development of a block diagram of a satellite identification system operating in the MDCC for a low-orbit satellite Internet system is relevant.

    Keywords: imitation resistance, zero-knowledge authentication protocol, modular codes of residue classes, block diagram of the low-orbit satellite identification system

  • Construction of new church buildings - style preferences

    The article is devoted to the issues of new construction of Orthodox temple facilities and complexes. This process is considered on the example of the St. Petersburg experience of carrying out work on the revival of the spiritual heritage of the city. The construction of new churches challenges architects to choose between the established canons of church construction adopted in the past and the realization of their creative and spiritual priorities, as well as a stylistic response to the task. This allows us to state the various decisions of the temples, despite their common canonical context. The purpose of the article is to study the stylistic trends of the new church architecture: their correspondence to the context of the selected location, the surrounding development.

    Keywords: St. Petersburg, Orthodox temple architecture, history of church construction, objects of religious architecture, architecture, shaping, new construction of temples, stylistic solutions

  • Determination of geometric parameters of pits when laying polyethylene gas pipelines using horizontal directional drilling

    The use of closed methods for laying underground polyethylene gas pipelines using horizontal directional and directional drilling methods when crossing artificial and natural obstacles is considered. The results of calculating the geometric parameters of the working and receiving pits when laying polyethylene gas pipelines using a closed method using horizontal directional drilling are presented.

    Keywords: polyethylene gas pipeline, closed installation method, horizontal directional drilling, directional drilling, dimensions of working and receiving pits

  • Analytical model of the method of variable elasticity parameters for flange beam to column connections

    The article is devoted to the study of flange beam to column connections to analyze their nonlinear behavior. In the course of the study, a simplified analytical model was created using the method of variable elasticity parameters to determine the stress-strain state of these connections. The proposed mechanical model makes it possible to predict the strength, stiffness, ductility of joints, as well as possible types of fracture and deformation mechanisms of the bent elements of flange joints. This model can be useful for engineers and specialists in the field of design and analysis of civil structures. The proposed refined component model is an analogue of the Eurocode 3 model. The paper presents a numerical experiment on modeling the junction of a beam with a column by the finite element method. A comparative analysis of the results obtained with the results of tests of flange connections of steel building structures performed by the University of Sydney (USYD) is presented.

    Keywords: flange connections, flange plate, stress-strain state, method of variable elasticity parameters, component method, refined component model, finite element method, elastic-plastic state, plastic hinge, modified stiffness, bending model of flange plate

  • Modification of the algorithm for correcting errors that occur during the operation of the satellite authentication system

    Frequency multiplexing (OFDM) methods have become the main basis for most outbred systems. These methods have also found application in modern systems of low-orbit satellite Internet (LOSIS). For example, the StarLink system uses OFDM transmission systems that use a signal frame consisting of 52 channels to transmit data. One way to increase the data rate in OFDM is to replace the Fourier transform (FT) with a faster orthogonal transform. As such, the modified wavelet transform (MWT) of Haar was chosen. The Haar MVP allows to reduce the number of arithmetic operations during the orthogonal signal transformation in comparison with the PF. The use of integer algebraic systems, such as Galois fields and modular residue class codes (MCCR), makes it possible to increase the speed of a computing device that performs orthogonal transformations of signals. Obviously, the transition to new algebraic systems should lead to changes in the structure of OFDM systems. Therefore, the development of structural models of an OFDM transmission system using the Haar MWP in the Galois field and the ICCM is an urgent task. Therefore, the aim of the work is to develop structural models of wireless OFDM systems using a modified integer discrete Haar transform, which can reduce the execution time of the orthogonal signal transformation. And this, in turn, will lead to an increase in the data transfer rate in the SNSI.

    Keywords: orthogonal frequency multiplexing, modification of the Haar wavelet transform, structural models of execution of the Haar MVP, Galois field, modular residue class codes

  • Study of the influence of impurities on the ballistic conductivity of ε-phosphorene

    The effect of impurities on the conductivity of the allotropic modification of phosphorene (ε-P) was studied. The quantum chemical research package Quantum Espresso was used for calculations. The study was conducted on the basis of simulation modeling. Three-dimensional structures are modeled using Quantum Espresso. The work adapted the model for two-dimensional ε-phosphorene by choosing a unit cell vector so large that interaction between the layers was possible. It has been shown that S has the smallest changes. Significant changes in conductivity can be achieved by placing F in various configurations relative to the crystal lattice, which can be actively used to create differetnt types of detectors.

    Keywords: phosphorene, allotrope, semiconductor, impurity, adsorption, conductivity, density functional theory, modeling, Quantum Espresso, crystal structure