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  • Low water demand cements are effective building materials for recycling ash and slag waste from thermal power plants

    The effectiveness of fly ash from the Novo-Irkutsk Thermal Power Plant and ash and slag mixtures from Thermal Power Plant-10, formed during the combustion of solid fuel fossils of JSC Irkutskenergo, in the composition of cements with low water demand has been shown. The chemical composition and physical and technical properties of this waste have been determined. The grindability was studied and the specific energy consumption of cements with different ash contents (30-70%) was calculated. It has been established that low-water-demand cements with fly ash and ASM are not inferior to Portland cement in technological and physical-mechanical indicators, and can be recommended for use in construction.

    Keywords: large-tonnage waste, ash and slag mixtures, grindability, low water demand cement, superplasticizer, joint grinding

  • Indirect determination of the dispersity of atomized fuel from the geometry of the wetting spot zone

    A program for computer simulation of atomization of liquid fuels has been developed. A special calibrating experiment was carried out in a gravitational field. Verification of the computer model with experimental data is carried out, the correctness of simulation modeling is determined by the convergence of the results of static generalization. Tests of a model sample of the burner device were carried out, confirming the adequacy of computer simulation.

    Keywords: burner, atomization of liquid fuels, mathematical modeling, fuel jet dispersion dynamics, nozzle

  • Development of the classification tables "Auxiliary resources" and "Human resources" of the classifier of construction information for BIM-technologies application

    The principles and results of the formation of classification tables "Auxiliary resources" and "Human resources" of the classifier of construction information are considered. The existing world experience of data classification for the development and maintenance of information models (IM) of capital construction objects (CCS) and ways of organizing data associated with the IM: OmniClass (USA), Uniclass 2015 (UK) and Cuneco Classification System (CCS, Denmark). The developed classification tables can be used in the development and maintenance of ССS IM for the identification of auxiliary and human resources, development of process maps and calendar-network planning, for the development of design documentation in terms of construction organization and estimated cost, for cost analysis of investment and construction processes and determination of labor costs.

    Keywords: construction information classifier, information modeling, information model of capital construction object, classification system, auxiliary resources, human resources

  • Analysis of the dynamics of human flows when using escalators in the metro

    In this article, a computer simulation of the movement of passengers on escalators was carried out, taking into account different (four) scenarios for organizing the movement of passengers, the intensity of passenger flow, and also analyzes the influence of social distance on the speed of ascent. The dependences of the change in the time spent by passengers on covering the path from the center of the platform to the moment of ascending the corresponding escalator were constructed. The results of the study make it possible to identify differences in the efficiency and comfort of passenger movement depending on the chosen layout and load. These findings can be useful for optimizing the operation of public transport and metro systems, providing safer and more comfortable travel for passengers in various conditions.

    Keywords: analysis of human flows, ensuring safety in the metro, organizing human flows, computer modeling, optimization of passenger flow

  • Application of machine vision methods on embedded systems

    The article discusses the application of machine vision methods for embedded systems using modern microcontrollers. Machine learning methods that are used in embedded systems to solve recognition problems, as well as neural network models, are described. The use of trained models for solving image recognition problems in embedded systems is proposed. The architectures of YOLOv3 and R-CN neural networks are compared. The Jetson TX2 hardware platform is considered. The results of comparing the calculation speed for different modes of the device are presented.

    Keywords: machine vision, neural networks, artificial intelligence, embedded systems, pattern recognition, YOLO, RCN, Jetson, Tensorflow

  • Specifics of the classification of building materials and products in the development of a construction information classifier

    The features of classification of construction products and construction materials are considered, and optimization of their existing classification structure is proposed. The analysis of existing domestic and international systems of classification of construction information, domestic normative and technical literature is carried out and classification features for construction material and construction product are determined. The optimization of the classification tables (CTs) based on the application of the principles of the ISO 81346 standard series and the refusal to duplicate the structure of the construction resources classifier, on reducing the number of classes and subclasses taking into account the ISO 81346 criteria and moving classes and subclasses within CTs with the corresponding changes in the code designations is suggested.

    Keywords: construction information classifier, information modeling, information model of capital construction object, classification of construction materials and products

  • Power supply for monitoring parameters of traction power supply system

    The current trend of complication of the modes of operation of the traction power supply system, an increase in the amount of damage from events leading to downtime of trains, the need to improve operational efficiency, actualizes the task of using monitoring systems. The features of the traction power supply system determine the requirements for the organization of monitoring parameters in real time. One of the main requirements is to ensure the autonomous operation of monitoring devices (systems) for a given period of time. Using the example of monitoring the process of ice formation on a contact network, taking into account the specifics of disturbing environmental influences, the basic principles of building a monitoring system, the structure of technical means, a multi-mode algorithm of functioning, a method for calculating the parameters of a power source are proposed.

    Keywords: power supply system, contact network, monitoring, ice detection, automation

  • Some aspects of mathematical models of crack resistance of reinforced concrete rod elements

    The assumptions of mathematical models for calculating the crack resistance of reinforced concrete structures are considered. For each of them, an analysis was carried out to determine whether they correspond to reality throughout the entire life cycle of the structure: from the hardening of the concrete mix to destruction. Based on the results of the analysis, it was proposed to use only one single calculation at the level of standards to assess the crack resistance of structures - according to the crack opening width, acrc. So, for example, at a certain value of acrc, the structure will still remain airtight (the cracks will be non-through), and if this value is exceeded, it will not. At the same time, the calculations already available in the norms for limiting permeability and the safety of reinforcement will still remain in demand. At the junction of the theory of damage accumulation and nonlinear fracture mechanics, a compressed algorithm is proposed for possibly taking into account the influence of cracks at all scale levels of the concrete structure, the key for which is the normalization of the statistical parameters of the distribution of discontinuities by diameters, lengths, openings, depths, directions, distances between discontinuities, etc.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete, crack resistance, cracking moment, crack width, plasticity coefficient, damageability, non-linear fracture mechanics

  • General principles of risk assessment in the design of buildings and structures

    When solving the problem of ensuring the mechanical safety of buildings and structures according to GOST 27551-2014 “Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions” it is allowed to apply a risk-oriented approach. A mandatory stage of this approach is the forecast of the expected accident risk situation of the facility. Due to the fact that the current regulatory documents on risks do not reflect all the features of the stress-strain state of building structures and foundations of buildings and structures during the operation of structures and, therefore, do not allow for a sufficiently accurate assessment of the safety of structural systems, risk assessment for building structures is a very relevant scientific and technical problem.

    Keywords: building, building structures, design, destruction, safety, accident risk, risk assessment, risk management, monitoring and risk analysis

  • Features of monitoring of atmospheric air pollution in linear and compact cities on the example of Volgograd and Stavropol

    The article considers examples of atmospheric air monitoring in linear and compact cities. The issues of atmospheric air pollution are considered, examples of components of pollutants coming from stationary and mobile sources are given. The analysis of the monitoring system of cities with different urban planning is carried out.

    Keywords: linear city, compact city, highway, pollution, monitoring, monitoring posts, motor transport, gas pollution, exhaust gases

  • Registration of holograms with an inclined reference beam using modern photosensors

    A method for recording holograms using digital cameras with high spatial resolution is considered. To register holograms obtained in optical setups with an inclined reference beam, a high resolution of registration systems is required. To do this, it is necessary to use media with a resolution of 2000-4000 lines per mm. The use of photographic plates requires a fairly long exposure and development time, which is usually done separately from the optical setup. In the case of holographic interferometry systems, it is necessary to provide for mounting the hologram back into the optical setup with sufficiently high accuracy. Therefore, digital holography methods have been developed to record holograms on photomatrices with limited resolution. These methods are based on the use of optical schemes at small angles (less than 5 degrees) between interfering beams. Recently, sensors with a single element size of 1.33 µm and 0.56 µm have appeared. This resolution makes it possible to return to registration schemes with angles between interfering beams of 30-60 degrees. This allows us to hope for the revival of holographic methods and methods of holographic interferometry at the modern level without the use of intermediate recording media.

    Keywords: holography, holographic interferometry, photomatrices with high spatial resolution, holography with an inclined reference beam, digital holography, Fourier transform

  • The effectiveness of the use of finely ground slag in the composition of slag Portland cement

    Cement compositions based on slag-Portland cement containing finely ground slag in its composition are considered. Fine-ground slag was obtained by grinding in a laboratory jet mill equipped with an automatic classifier. The upper limit of slag grinding was 20 microns. It was found that the introduction of 1-3% fine-ground slag into the composition of slag-Portland cement made it possible to increase the strength and structural characteristics of cement stone in the early stages of hardening. To ensure the stabilizing effect of finely ground slag particles in the cement matrix, cement compositions were sealed with water with the addition of a sulfonaphthalene-formaldehyde-based plasticizer in an amount of 0.5% of the cement content. In the course of research, it was found that the strength of samples containing finely ground slag and plasticizer increased by 50% at an early age of hardening (1-3 days), by 30% on average at 28 days of hardening, while the porosity of the samples decreased by 19% and 33%, respectively.

    Keywords: fine-ground slag, ultrafine grinding, slag-Portland cement, plasticizer, cement stone, strength, porosity, normal density, setting time, degree of hydration

  • Analysis of methods for predicting the consumption of electrical energy and power

    Forecasting the consumption of electrical energy and power is an urgent and significant problem. This paper discusses current methods for predicting the consumption of electrical energy, reflected in various scientific papers, their analysis is carried out with the identification of more promising forecasting methods.

    Keywords: energy consumption forecasting, statistical forecasting methods, neural network forecasting methods, hybrid forecasting methods

  • Tools for solving problems of recognition and clustering of data from documents using machine learning methods

    The article describes the possibilities, advantages and differences of machine learning systems without a teacher from template learning. The definition of clustering is also given, indicating the main methods and tasks solved by this machine learning algorithm. The algorithm for recognizing data from documents using OCR technology is described in detail, the goals and objectives of using OCR technology in the business processes of IT companies are formed. The following are tools for solving the problem of recognizing and clustering data from PDF document scans using the Nanonets and Tesseract machine learning libraries. In conclusion, this article describes the advantages and disadvantages of using these libraries in solving the problem of recognizing and clustering data from document scans.

    Keywords: machine learning, clustering, data recognition, library Nanonets, library Tesseract

  • Development of methods and organizational and technological solutions for the construction of ventilation pipes of nuclear power plant complexes in order to minimize construction time

    The purpose of the study was to find methods to reduce the construction time of special purpose structures. The analysis of the factors influencing the terms of construction of nuclear power plants is carried out. Using the example of calculating the parameters of the ventilation pipe installation of a really erected nuclear power plant, the advantages of replacing the traditionally used for the construction of these structures with the method of "falling arrows" are noted.

    Keywords: falling boom, set of machines, installation of structures, scope of work, traction mechanisms, continuity of work, cost, construction period, commissioning period, work cycle