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  • Automation of monitoring of technical condition of bridges on meliorative channels of the Rostov region

    Problems of service and repair of bridge constructions of a network of the irrigation canals which are on balance of managements of melioration are considered. The description and functionality of the automated imnformatsionny system developed by authors, allowing to carry out the account and monitoring of technical condition of bridge constructions in the territory of the Rostov region is provided.

    Keywords: The meliorative channel, bridge construction, durability and operational reliability of bridge moving via water carrying out channels, monitoring of a condition of the bridge moving, the automated information system

  • Way of coding of the information at the task of the geometrical Models of executive mechanisms of robots

    The method of coding of the geometrical information is offered at the task of executive mechanisms on the basis of use of the set set of spatial primitive things and their orientation in mobile systems of co-ordinates. The method of a designation of geometrical models of mechanisms of robots is offered. One of advantages of the developed method of representation of geometrical models of kinematic chains, possibility of more exact task of a spatial configuration of manipulators by means of use of a considerable quantity of central points and various position of volume primitive things concerning a constructive plane is.

    Keywords: Mechanisms of manipulators, geometrical models, virtual modelling of movements of robots

  • Polyvinylacetate as graphite softener

    This article investigated the possibility of creating a new composite material for electrical products based on natural graphite as the main component with the addition of a plasticizer . Adding plasticizer necessary to solve technological difficulties pressing process products with a high content of natural graphite . This is due to large shear between the interphase graphite flakes . As the plasticizer used polyvinylacetate . The paper presents the technological aspects of production material and study the influence of the plasticizer on the composition, both qualitative and quantitative . Conclusions about the most appropriate ratio to the amount of graphite esmestvennogo adds plasticizer.

    Keywords: Еlectrotechnical products, softener for graphite, composite material, copper-graphite composition, tokosjemny material, current collecting Box, рolyvinylacetate, modification of the surface of graphite.

  • Diagnosis of the logic element DC LUT FPGA

    In this paper a modification of logic element DC LUT FPGA is proposed for the purpose of the acceleration of diagnostics. Simulation of proposed modification was performed in the system NI Multisim 10 by National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group. Evaluation of hardware costs is also given.

    Keywords: logic element, DC LUT, FPGA, diagnosis, reliability

  • Numerical modeling and analyze of discontinuous signals spectrumenterprise

    The research of influence of periodical signal discontinuity on spectrum form is considered in the article. The numerical modeling of the system of discontinuous signals is performed. The spectrum of the system built from time discreet sampling is analyzed. The plots of the sample correlation coefficient between spectrums of continuous and discontinues signals are shown in the article. The research is needed for the development of digital measuring system for quartz plates frequency detecting.

    Keywords: amplitude signal spectrum, discontinuous signal, quartz plates

  • Determination of the atomic structure of bimetallic Pt-Ag nanoparticles in metal-carbon catalysts by X-ray absorption spectroscopy data

    The atomic structure of bimetallic nanoparticles of Pt-Ag composition, which are the part of metal-carbon electro-catalysts PtAg/C, is studied by means of EXAFS spectroscopy using the suggested technique. These materials have been prepared by methods of consistent and simultaneous deposition of Ag and Pt atoms from aqueous ethylene glycol solutions of their salts with subsequent acid treatment. The values ​​of the structural parameters of the near environment of platinum atoms are determined. The nature of the distribution of components in nanoparticles is established. Cluster models of nanoparticles are constructed. The fraction of Pt atoms in the working shell and its dependance on preparation methods in each case are determined.

    Keywords: Metal-carbon electrocatalysts, bimetallic nanoparticles, Catalysis, Platinum, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, atomic structure

  • The methodological bases fuzzy cognitive modelling of hierarchical problem-directed systems

    This article is devoted to description of structure of methodology of modelling of hierarchical problem-directed systems on the example of social and economic systems. In the basis of methodology the principle of a combination of the formalized methods of modelling and expert procedures is put. Modelling of hierarchical system is offered to be spent by means of multilayered fuzzy cognitive maps. Filling of the block of logical-mathematical models in structure of process of decision-making is described in detail. The offered methodology provides the development and choice of well-founded administrative decisions.

    Keywords: Problem-directed system, decision making, fuzzy cognitive model, methodology

  • «Relative orientation of the aerial views with the new combination of the corner piece within the stereo mate»

    Relative orientation of the aerial views is the fundamental task of the photogrammetry. The final results depends on the accuracy and reliability of its solving, characterizing the spatial position of the photographed object (area).
    Two groups of the elements of the relative orientation found their industrial application in our country (then ERO). However they don’t use up all the possible combinations of the corner pieces res ipsa loquitur and also between the photogrammes. Moreover it is known that in both systems of the relative orientation of the aerial views (base and linear-angular) visible correlation of the mistakes of the ERO are found, which leads to the additional of the route trough model within the coordinate space XY and XZ.
    One of the possible alternative variants of the application within the group ERO of another corner piece is examined in this article. Five elements of the relative orientation of the aerial views are presented on the left view of the stereo mate as two angles: transverse inclination angle ω1 and longitudinal slope α1, and two angles (α1 and χ2) on the right and the azimuth of the direction of the basis of the design τ. Such a diviosn of the ERO has reduced much the correlation between the mistakes of the angle elements. However other variants are possible (e.g., τ, υ, χ1, α2 and ω2).
    To calculate the photogrammetry co-ordinates of the general formula of the straight photogrammetry mark is proposed, which can be used both for the aerial shots in any direction and for the shooting from the points of the earth surface.
    Relative orientation of the aerial views is the fundamental task of the photogrammetry. The final results depends on the accuracy and reliability of its solving, characterizing the spatial position of the photographed object (area).
    Two groups of the elements of the relative orientation found their industrial application in our country (then ERO). However they don’t use up all the possible combinations of the corner pieces res ipsa loquitur and also between the photogrammes. Moreover it is known that in both systems of the relative orientation of the aerial views (base and linear-angular) visible correlation of the mistakes of the ERO are found, which leads to the additional of the route trough model within the coordinate space XY and XZ.
    One of the possible alternative variants of the application within the group ERO of another corner piece is examined in this article. Five elements of the relative orientation of the aerial views are presented on the left view of the stereo mate as two angles: transverse inclination angle ω1 and longitudinal slope α1, and two angles (α1 and χ2) on the right and the azimuth of the direction of the basis of the design τ. Such a diviosn of the ERO has reduced much the correlation between the mistakes of the angle elements. However other variants are possible (e.g., τ, ν, χ1, α2 and ω2).
    To calculate the photogrammetry co-ordinates of the general formula of the straight photogrammetry mark is proposed, which can be used both for the aerial shots in any direction and for the shooting from the points of the earth surface.  

    Keywords: Key words: photogrammetry, elements of the relative orientation, complanarity, alternative group of the elements, straight photogrammetry march, photogrammetry co-ordinates.

  • Modeling of the market of cultivated mushrooms methods discriminant and factor analysis

    On the basis of the conducted questionnaire survey of the inhabitants of the Kirov region identified determinants of consumption individuals of cultivated mushrooms. Built a factor model of the market of cultivated mushrooms Kirov region

    Keywords: Market of cultivated mushrooms, discriminant analysis, factor analysis

  • Technology of hardening and balancing of abrasive circles

    Results of development of new high-performance technology of hardening and balancing of abrasive circles due to drawing detonation ceramic coverings are presented. The method of calculation of rational thickness of the ceramic covering creating in volume of a circle favorable residual squeezing tension is given. The way of balancing of abrasive circles at the expense of the uneven thickness of the covering put on their lateral surfaces is shown. Results of researches of influence of the sizes of abrasive circles at a size of residual tension are presented.

    Keywords: Abrasive circle, hardening of an abrasive circle, detonation covering, balancing, internal tension

  • The analysis of work of building elements hermetic shell nuclear power plant during preliminary tension and testing

    Design of the protective hermetic shell of the reactor compartment of the nuclear power plant discusses in the article. The possible deformation of elements of the hermetic shell during preliminary tension  and testing is considered

    Keywords: protective hermetic shell; change of form; deformation; strength tests

  • ThThe application of information technology in teaching electrical disciplines

    Article is devoted to the Organization of educational process on discipline "theoretical bases of electrical engineering" at the Department of theoretical and general electrical engineering» NSTU. R.e. Alexeev.  Methodology for teaching the TOE using information technologies developed and tested.  Using  Mathcad and Matlab package gives the best effect in teaching.  The developed method of learning offers a direct use of information technologies in all organizational forms of education.  The efficiency study of theoretical material is enhanced by the use of multimedia lectures on discipline. Mastering the techniques of mathematical modeling in computer mathematics package Mathcad environment occurs in practice. It is in the description of a mathematical algorithm of problem solving. Students describe the mathematical algorithm of problem solving.
    Modelling of processes and objects by using the schema of replacement is a Matlab package and MULTISIM ANALOG DEVACES EDITION during laboratory work.  

    Keywords: training technique, information technology, theoretical bases of electrical engineering, mathematical packages, MATHCAD, MATLAB и MULTISIM ANALOG DEVACES EDITION, multimedia lectures.

  • Nonferroelectric ceramic of La2-xSrxNiO4 with colossal permittivity

    By self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHTS) prepared fine powder оf La2-xSrxNiO4 composition , which is used to obtain dense ceramics exhibiting the properties of n-type semiconductor. Prolonged annealing of the samples resulted in a decrease of the conductivity on the order of 3-4, and the changing nature of the dielectric spectrum: dielectric constant ε' has a stable value of 4·104 Hz in the range of 0,4 − 1·105 Hz .

    Keywords: dielectric constant, phase separation, nikelate of strontium lanthanum, self-extending high-temperature synthesis

  • The synthesis of inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles for SUGV on-board path planning system.

    The article presents an approach to synthesis of inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles for SUGV on-board path planning system, algorithmic basis of which is an adaptive control method for intellectual robots. The inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles are used for path optimization by safety criteria.

    Keywords: Robotics, SUGV, local navigation, path planning, trajectory optimization

  • Terms of structural and functional stability of transport and logistics cluster

    The authors implemented methodological apparatus homeostatics used to determine the effect of the internal contradictions of the processes of functioning and development of socio-economic systems and management to the survival of the system and its transition to a new stable state.

    Keywords: structural and functional stability of the transport and logistics cluster, the cybernetic approach Homeostatics