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  • Modeling of wind impact on a public building

    The design of energy-efficient buildings is based on the analysis of the external climatic effects on buildings for various purposes, the parameters of the air environment inside which are well defined. Climate systems of buildings should neutralize the negative impact of the external environment, in particular wind exposure. It determines both the temperature regime of the room and the purity of the air inside them. The complexity of both theoretical research and the organization of field experiments or blowing models of buildings in a wind tunnel makes it necessary to resort to mathematical modeling of the wind impact on the school building based on the StarCCm+ program. Velocity fields were obtained for different directions of wind load, the excess heat loss of the building in certain directions was determined. The possibility of conducting such studies in a wider range of initial and boundary conditions is shown.

    Keywords: aeration of residential buildings, mathematical modeling

  • Improvement of the installation technology of the insulating lining of the radiant chamber of the natural gas steam reforming furnace

    The paper presents the properties and nomenclature of products made of ceramic fiber used for insulating lining in steam reforming furnaces. On the example of the lining of the radiant chamber, the technology of mounting ceramic blankets on anchor studs, which is currently used in the construction and repair of reforming furnaces, is considered. The shortcomings of the existing technology are noted. These include the complexity of the process, the complexity of installation control and the high probability of uneven thermal conductivity of the lining surface due to hidden defects, as well as the spraying of ceramic fiber particles in the air that cause diseases. The nomenclature and technology of installation of insulating lining with ceramic blocks along guide tubes with subsequent resistance welding with the camera body is proposed. The technology will reduce the repair time, improve the thermal conductivity of the camera, reduce the risk of diseases.

    Keywords: gas reforming, radiant chamber, insulation lining, ceramic fiber, thermal conductivity of the furnace

  • Studies of the effect on the efficiency of supply air purification in the valves of supply ventilation systems of the intensity of ultraviolet radiation together with layered sorbents

    This article is devoted to the study of the effect of photocatalytic oxidation together with successive layers of sorbents (shungite, celite) on the efficiency of cleaning the supply air of premises from pollutants of motor vehicles. The studies were carried out with the help of a developed supply ventilation valve with air purification.

    Keywords: intensity of ultraviolet radiation, shungite, zeolite, titanium dioxide, adsorption limit, supply air, ventilation valve

  • Mode of generation and reception of difference frequency shear waves in a parametric profiler

    Bottom sediments (UP to) are media in which both longitudinal and shear acoustic vibrations can be present. The presence of several velocity components in bottom sediments makes it possible to excite various types of waves, both longitudinal and shear. In this paper, methods of excitation, generation and reception of difference frequency shear waves (RF) created by parametric systems in (DO) in location modes are analyzed. The analysis of their work in the DO is presented, and their comparative characteristics are given in comparison with the excitation, formation and propagation of the field of longitudinal RFCs in the DO. Prerequisites are given for the creation of a parametric profiler working using the method of excitation, generation and location of shear waves in a complex multiphase medium ""water-DO"". A block diagram is presented and the principle of operation of a parametric profiler on shear waves is described. The advantages and disadvantages of this method of location are shown. The conclusion is made about the possibility of creating and ration.

    Keywords: parametric antenna, bottom sediments, shear waves, difference frequency waves, parametric profilogaf

  • " A mixture for the construction and repair of reinforced concrete structures of oil and gas storage facilities"

    The article proposes new compositions of a fast-hardening concrete mixture using Portland cement, fine and coarse aggregates, basalt fiber, a complex modifying additive including acetone-formaldehyde resins and magnesium chloride (bischofite). The results of scientific and experimental studies are presented and the influence of the proposed additives on the formation of the structure, rheological and physico-mechanical properties of fast-hardening concrete is determined. Analysis of the test results showed that the proposed formulations, including a complex additive and basalt fiber, contributed to a decrease in the water-cement ratio, increased mobility of the mixture and increased strength of hardened concrete in the early and final hardening periods.

    Keywords: concretes, oil and gas storage, modifying additives, fiber, mobility, setting time, strength

  • The use of biogas at a wine-making enterprise in the Republic of Crimea

    This article discusses the advantages and perspective for the use of biogas in the conditions of the Republic of Crimea. The ecological and economic aspects of the use of biogas technologies at winemaking enterprises are touched upon. Describes the methods of using biogas at the winery "Massandra" in the Republic of Crimea. The calculation of the use of natural gas in the boiler house of a winery is made. A calculation was made for the use of biogas in a boiler house. It can be concluded that when using biogas in the boiler house of a winery, fuel needs are fully covered. The surplus of the remaining fuel is proposed to be used in a cogeneration plant to generate electricity.

    Keywords: biogas, cogeneration plant, grape plant residue, recycling, interchangeability, granulate, natural gas, grapes, thermal energy, electricity, winery

  • A method for determination of the medium chirality parameters based on the analysis of material equations

    This article presents one of the methods for analyzing the chirality coefficient of a medium depending on such parameters as concentration n, frequency f, dielectric constants of both the container material, the medium itself, and left- and right-handed spirals distributed in this material. As a result of this work, the frequency characteristics of the chirality coefficient were obtained at various concentrations of the container trace elements.

    Keywords: chiral medium, Telledzhene element, chirality coefficient, dielectric constant of the medium, magnetic permeability of the medium, spiral structure, metamaterial substrate, bulk concentration, metamaterial, spiral inclusions

  • Optimization of the constructive solution of a metal truss frame by the criterion weight

    When developing the final qualifying paper the problem of choosing the optimal structural concept for bearing and enclosing structures. To solve it, normative technical and economic indicators, variant comparison (trial design) and other methods can be used. The objective of the present study, which is carried out as part of the final qualifying paper, is to search for and develop an algorithm that is understandable for practical use for choosing an effective (in terms of specific consumption) structural concept for a steel truss.

    Keywords: optimization, specific consumption, cost value, steel truss, steel structure design, STARK ES, analysis of trusses, optimal structural concept, changing the section type, selection of an effective structural concept

  • Investigation of the vertical distribution of concentrations of gaseous pollutants inside buildings during the day from highways

    This article is devoted to the study of concentrations of carbon monoxide (II), phenol, formaldehyde, aliphatic hydrocarbons in the premises of buildings, including the assessment of the regularities of their vertical distribution in the height of buildings at different times of the day from vehicles. Research is necessary to develop a program for electronic computers, which is necessary for the design of construction projects.

    Keywords: помещения, оксид углерода (II), фенол, формальдегид, углеводороды алифатические, здания, время суток

  • Determination of the gas compressibility factor during degassing of a gas pipeline section

    An analysis of the accident rate on gas pipelines is given. Mathematical dependences of the volume of gas entering the atmosphere during the degassing of a gas pipeline section are given. Based on the existing nomogram for determining the gas compressibility factor for main gas pipelines, a nomogram for natural gas transported through gas distribution networks was constructed.

    Keywords: gas pipelines, accident rate, degassing, gas bleeding, gas compressibility factor

  • The influence of distance mode on the quality of education of students of the Institute of Computer Science, Electronics and Robotics of KBGU

    The article analyzes the impact of the transition to distance learning on the academic performance of students of the Institute of Computer Science, Electronics and Robotics. The disciplines are identified, the development of which does not cause difficulties in the remote format and disciplines to which such technologies are difficult to apply. Based on the findings, recommendations are given to improve the quality of education at the Institute.

    Keywords: quality, distance technologies, academic performance, control card, alternative attribute

  • Geo-economics as a tool of intellectual wars: coercion or freedom of choice?

    the article analyzes the economic instruments used by states in domestic and foreign policy from the point of view of identifying the existing coercive mechanisms in modern social practices. The study revealed how states use economic instruments as the preferred means of geopolitical struggle. In addition, the work separately reflects the fact that States should preserve the right to an original socio-economic model of development. We should also not forget about the negative consequences of unilateral coercive measures. Using the method of cognitive modeling and constructing cognitive maps, the authors identify the connections in the analyzed social practices from the perspective of studying the means of geo-economic pressure.

    Keywords: cyberwarfare, cyberattacks, cybersecurity risks, communication networks, transport systems, tactical, operational and strategic initiatives

  • Automated evaluation of the dynamic quality of grinding machines in the manufacture of bearing parts

    The results of the automated evaluation of the dynamic quality of grinding machines in the process monitoring system are presented. The transfer function of the dynamic system is analytically obtained, a formula for the frequency function is derived from it, on the basis of which models of vibration spectra are constructed, in which frequencies are present that are adequate to the real vibro-acoustic vibrations of the dynamic system of the machine when processing rings. For experimental evaluation of the dynamic quality of machine tools, integral estimates of the low-frequency components of the vibration spectrum are used, characterizing the relationship between the quality of processing bearing rings and the dynamic quality of machine tools.

    Keywords: dynamic quality of the grinding machine, vibroacoustic vibrations, bearing rings, processing quality, monitoring system

  • Use of cold storage in the air conditioning system of a sports complex

    Refrigerating machines are designed to cover peak heat generation in public buildings. At the same time, peak loads are often short-term and most of the time the refrigerating machines operate at 40-60% of their maximum capacity. The article deals with the issues of uneven cold consumption on the example of a sports complex located in Volgograd. When designing the air conditioning system of the games hall, a cooling system with the use of "chiller-fan coils"is used. An effective solution to reduce costs is to include a cold storage battery in the cooling station circuit. The use of a cold storage battery allows you to reduce operating costs.

    Keywords: cooling system, air conditioning system, refrigeration machine, cold storage, energy consumption, peak loads, variable energy consumption

  • Оptimization modeling of an energy-saving project

    Reducing the consumption of heat resources in construction and housing and communal services is one of the key tasks solved by design engineers. The increase in the thermal protection of buildings is determined by regulatory documents, but construction customers often require it to be strengthened without any feasibility study. The objective of the study is to develop a graphical-analytical model, the analysis of which allows you to choose the most optimal combination of heat resistances of the coating (walls) and translucent structures of a particular building object.

    Keywords: energy-saving project, thermal protection of buildings, "indifference" curves, the method of the fastest descent