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  • About measures for stabilization of process of preparation of hot water for sanitary needs in boiler room No. 2 of "Energoservice"

    In this work, a survey of the hot water supply system from the boiler house No. 2 of Energoservice LLC was carried out. The daily schedule of hot water released for sanitary needs is given. The existing scheme of the boiler burner on-off control system is considered. A method for stabilizing the hot water preparation process by increasing the burner shut-off settings at the hour of the highest water consumption is found and described, and their values are found experimentally. A scheme has been developed, assembled and tested that allows you to adjust the operating mode of boilers at a strictly specified time of day. The proposed measure allowed us to solve the problem of selling hot water to consumers of a given quality during the maximum water intake period. In addition, the reduction in the generation of thermal energy for heating hot water at night and on weekends allowed for a 13.87% reduction in natural gas consumption in 2020.

    Keywords: hot water supply, fuel consumption, pumping station, circulation line, conditional fuel, mode, boiler unit

  • Modern methods for monitoring deformations of buildings and structures

    The object of the research, the result of which is the presented work, is a comprehensive system of spatial data of the railway infrastructure, within which a high-precision system of coordinates of the Russian Railways has been created, and methods definition of normal heights in the Baltic Heights System 1977. The strategy and prospects for the development of high-speed transport highways (VSM) have been described. Methods for determining normal heights at research sites are given.

    Keywords: monitoring, buildings, facilities, engineering and geodesic research, laser scanning, GNSS receivers, design, construction, observations, geodesic measurements

  • Development of a model of passenger flow movement that is suitable for identifying hidden patterns in the processes of passenger flow creation

    A model of passenger traffic movement is proposed that is suitable for identifying hidden patterns in the processes of passenger flow creation. The passenger flow is divided into four components, for which separate passenger flow submodels are developed: quasi-deterministic passenger flow from leaving stops to points of mass attraction of passengers; stochastic hourly passenger flow from each arrival stop to different districts of the city; stochastic flow that models the distribution of passengers between final stops in accordance with the degree of popularity of stops; chaotic distribution of passenger traffic between stops with a small number of daily visits. The results of calculations of the quasi-deterministic passenger traffic submodel from leaving stops to points of mass passenger attraction are estimated.

    Keywords: passenger transport, passenger traffic models, passenger behavior patterns, modeling

  • Improving the thermal protection of building enclosing structures

    The results of the analysis of quality parameters of building materials used for insulation of walls of residential buildings are presented. The problem of increased consumption of thermal energy for heating needs is identified, the solution of which is to increase the thermal characteristics of the enclosing walls of buildings by means of their insulation and protection by the system of a hinged ventilated facade.

    Keywords: Hinged ventilated facade, thermal characteristics, influencing factors, energy efficiency

  • Determination of electrophysical parameters of spiral inclusions in a dielectric medium to ensure chiral properties

    In this work, R, L, C - parameters of spiral structures with sizes l and S were determined to obtain artificial chiral substrates. This made it possible, given the parameters of the polarizability of the helical structures αij, to use these features to determine the conducting properties of metamaterials. The basic relationships have been determined (for determining the electrophysical parameters of spirals (left- and right-handed) that are included as chiral inclusions in the metamaterial. An algorithm for calculating conducting structures using the proposed equations is proposed.

    Keywords: biological liquid medium, dielectric constant, complex dielectric constant, loss tangent, medium conductivity, frequency response, fluctuation, frequency range, biophysical parameter

  • Assessment and prediction of material properties using molecular modeling

    The present paper presents studies of friction and wear characteristics occurring in the frictional contact zone when various frictional substances are forcibly introduced into the active contact zone by the method of molecular dynamics.

    Keywords: friction activation, special material, method, quantum-chemical analysis, molecular dynamics, tribology, friction, computer simulation

  • Modern methods of assessing the organizational and technological reliability of the investment and construction complex

    The article deals with current methods of evaluating the organization and management in construction under conditions of uncertainty. The typology of the failure process is given, which determines the scenario of the crisis development at the enterprise. A model of forecasting and management in a crisis is proposed, and the conceptual aspects of building this model are considered. It is proposed to improve the enterprise management system based on the analysis of the economic component as a temporary function. Recommendations are given for improving the existing organizational forms of enterprise management.

    Keywords: construction organization, organizational and technological solutions, reliability assessment, construction quality assessment

  • Improvement of the construction process with the use of BIM-technologies

    Questions of accounting of actors of influence on the investment and construction cycle are raised. An example of the use of BIM-technologies in construction is considered. It describes the solution of some specific problems that arise when maintaining the quality of construction of complex buildings, taking into account the possibility of introducing modern information systems, attention is paid to the peculiarities of improving the quality of work performed.

    Keywords: organization of construction; quality of design, quality of construction and installation works, BIM-technology

  • Evaluation of the effect of combining time series forecasting models

    This article investigates methods to combine multiple data-driven models for forecasting time series. This is done in order to increase the accuracy of forecasts according to the historical error signal, such that it minimises downstream costs of forecast errors.

    Keywords: time series, combination of models, accuracy assessment, forecasting, forecast accuracy

  • Technology and organization of a protective-trapping system in construction

    The article considers one of the main systems that ensure the safety of workers and passers – by in a dangerous zone-the protective-catching grid. The types of grid systems, basic principles of their operation, and technical characteristics are described. The requirements for the installation and operation of such systems are considered.

    Keywords: grids, construction, security, organization, security screens

  • On improving the monitoring system for air pollution with carbon monoxide in linear cities

    The article considers examples of cities with a linear-elongated configuration. Issues of air pollution are considered, examples of components of pollutants coming from stationary and mobile sources are given. Statistical data on human diseases in the Volgograd region for the period 2008-2017 are presented. Considers the issues of monitoring for the city of Volgograd.

    Keywords: linear city, highway, pollution, carbon monoxide, monitoring, monitoring posts, disease statistics, combined action, vehicles, noise, gas pollution, health, exhaust gases, length

  • Method for determining the sequential algorithm

    the article describes a variant of setting sequential algorithms in the form of bipartite graphs by further defining them, which makes it possible to work with algorithms using graph theory methods in the future. Two forms of the task are considered: modular and functional-predicative. The possibility of setting the algorithm in table-predicate form is shown. It is concluded that in addition to the generally accepted methods of setting the algorithm, it can be set in matrix-predicate or table-predicate form, which allows using methods of matrix theory and methods of predicate theory when working with algorithms. setting the algorithm in matrix-predicate form avoids isomorphism when performing algebraic and set-theoretic operations on it.; setting algorithms in matrix-predicate form allows you to perform almost any operations on them

    Keywords: graph-algorithm scheme, sequential algorithm, predicative block, functional block, pre-definition, bipartite graph, table-predicative form, graph theory, isomorphism

  • A promising method for repairing oil pipelines using a reinforcing composite coupling

    One of the most pressing problems in the oil and gas industry is numerous pipeline accidents that require innovative solutions. This article analyzes a promising method of repair using composite couplings, which include many advantages compared to steel structures. The strength characteristics of the couplings are also given and their installation process is described.

    Keywords: Oil pipeline, overhaul, reinforcing composite coupling, composite materials

  • Simulation of a number of modifications by the prospect of a vortex-type wind power installation using structures of various topologies directing the air flow

    A method for remote determination of the angular velocity of rotation of the blades of a wind generator based on digital processing of the video stream of this wind generator is considered. The main problems that are encountered with this method of measuring angular velocity are analyzed. The considered method for determining the rotation speed of the blades of a wind generator is possible provided that the frame rate is several times greater than the determined rotation frequency. The minimum possible error of this measurement method was found; the real error of measuring the angular velocity was calculated on a specific example.

    Keywords: digital processing of the video stream, image stabilization of the wind generator, finding the contours of the rotor blades, estimation of the angular speed of rotation of the rotor

  • Adaptation of activated sludge with anammox to low temperatures of sludge mixture in bioreactor

    he article presents the results of evaluating the ability of activated sludge, saturated with anammox bacteria, to adapt to mesophilic and lower temperature operating conditions. As the main temperature regimes, temperatures of 30, 25, 15, and 13 ° C were selected. The system showed stable operation at temperatures up to 15 ° С with the highest degree of purification with respect to ammonium nitrogen - 0.33 mg / dm3. At the same time, the concentration of nitrites taking into account forced nitritation reached 0.07 mg / dm3. An additional increase in the efficiency of the system requires structural changes in the adopted technological scheme of the bioreactor, however, the introduction of an internal recirculation system of attached biomass (with load) inside the anammox department is considered as an essential element of the system that ensures stability

    Keywords: nitrification, denitrification, activated sludge, aeration tank, anammox, biological treatment, domestic wastewater, low-oxygen treatment method, energy saving, resource saving, ecology