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  • Technological methods of ensuring the fatigue strength of elastic elements

    As a rule, the information they have guides for fatigue testing geometrical designs, gives only the evaluation of the characteristics and design lay stock in several, and sometimes in tens times exceeds the tensile strength of the material. And saving of material, from the point of view of obsolescence, product should be developed on a certain resource. For details, which operate in the field of elastic deformations and calculated in operation for a given mode of operation should lay in the design of the guaranteed resource. To do this, for example, compensating coupling method is suggested, which is based on the calculation methods of CAD/CAM/CAE/CSE NX 7.5 and field tests considering the impact of technology of surface hardening. The character of strain in «elastic element» in NX 7.5. The calculations of the elastic element module «flexible body» NX 7.5, but due to the fact that the calculation is impossible to consider technological parameters of manufac-turing is conducted equivalent full-scale tests. Accordingly, designed and built a stand for equiva-lent tests. Finally, for comparison, is a computer simulation to calculate large displacements and complicated movements of the coupling. For this we used the application NX 7.5 «Simulation of kinematic mechanisms» with the attraction tools «Flexible body».

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • The definition of crisp dominating tactics for development of alternative control decisions in the conditions of total uncertainty

    The article is devoted to modelling of process of decision-making in difficult systems in the conditions of total uncertainty. The problem is formulated on the basis of synthesis of concepts of the control theory and decision-making, the theory of fuzzy sets and the fuzzy logic, the theory of hierarchical multilevel systems, the utility theory and the theory of games. The given concept expands possibilities of the account uncertainty the various nature, typical to mathematical description of the surrounding validity. Problems of search of decisions in an fuzzy hierarchical control system are designated. The way of the description and finding of alternative decisions in multilevel difficult systems is offered in given article. The algorithm is based on information processing in the form of fuzzy intervals taking into account two kinds the politician conservative and aggressive on the basis of criteria «maxmin» and «minmax». The method of projection on individual interval is used for comparison of the fuzzy intervals presented on various dimension scales. The example showing work of algorithm of a choice of two groups of alternatives is resulted: optimistic and pessimistic on a level of hierarchies of the purposes in the conditions of total uncertainty.

    Keywords: Difficult system; decision making, fuzzy interval, the control decision; total uncertainty

  • Spraying of nonisocyanate insulation foams

    This article describes a method for producing two-component nonisocyanate insulating foams and technology of its spraying on the insulated surface. It describes the device, which, along with standard equipment, includes principally new design of components pre-mixing chamber. Constructive solutions described in the article will allow using the compositions which have different time and temperature of curing than conventional PU foams.

    Keywords: Keywords: spray foams, insulating foams, nonisocyanate urethanes, pre-mixing chamber.

  • Multicriteria selection of the optimal database management system by using the analytic hierarchy process method

    This paper proposes criteria for the optimal choice of a database management system (DBMS), based on the requirements to this system. Empirically assessed criteria and method of analytic hierarchy process for decision making were used to carry out the comparative analysis of several DBMSs, implementing relation data model and having similar functionalities. The obtained matrixes of pair-wise comparison are examined for concurrence by calculating indices described in the article. As a result, the database management system for the own project is rationally chosen.

    Keywords: DBMS, method of analytic hierarchy process, criteria, matrixes of pair-wise

  • Some trends of development of computer simulation systems of goods functional performance and its market

    The article gives IT-companies and their software products review in the field of engineer analysis and calculation. The importance and intensive development of this sphere IT-companies through their works and service refining, that facilitates their new market segments introduction, is shown.

    Keywords: CAE, engineering, intellectual property, IT-technology, software products, CAD

  • Application of correlation functions for an assessment of an error of a form of details of cars in cross section

    Questions of use of the device of the correlation analysis for an assessment of an error of a form of details of cars in cross section are considered. It is shown that use of the considered device also effectively as well as application of traditional methods of an assessment of an error of a form, however demands smaller computing expenses

    Keywords: error, form, details, correlation, analysis

  • The analysis of work of building elements hermetic shell nuclear power plant during preliminary tension and testing

    Design of the protective hermetic shell of the reactor compartment of the nuclear power plant discusses in the article. The possible deformation of elements of the hermetic shell during preliminary tension  and testing is considered

    Keywords: protective hermetic shell; change of form; deformation; strength tests

  • Microwave method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways

    The paper describes the method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways using microwaves. The method is based on the triangulation system of two georadars and allows to determine a contact wire zigzag and height from the rail head. The proposed method is all-weather with the possibility of continuous monitoring of the overhead contact wire in plan and profile with the opportunity to automate the processing and signaling abnormalities.

    Keywords: railroad contact line, contact wire location, GPR, automatic control systems

  • Nonferroelectric ceramic of La2-xSrxNiO4 with colossal permittivity

    By self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHTS) prepared fine powder оf La2-xSrxNiO4 composition , which is used to obtain dense ceramics exhibiting the properties of n-type semiconductor. Prolonged annealing of the samples resulted in a decrease of the conductivity on the order of 3-4, and the changing nature of the dielectric spectrum: dielectric constant ε' has a stable value of 4·104 Hz in the range of 0,4 − 1·105 Hz .

    Keywords: dielectric constant, phase separation, nikelate of strontium lanthanum, self-extending high-temperature synthesis

  • The synthesis of inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles for SUGV on-board path planning system.

    The article presents an approach to synthesis of inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles for SUGV on-board path planning system, algorithmic basis of which is an adaptive control method for intellectual robots. The inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles are used for path optimization by safety criteria.

    Keywords: Robotics, SUGV, local navigation, path planning, trajectory optimization

  • Modeling of three-level vertical marketing system

    An original mathematical model describing different activities of actors in the vertical marketing system is presented. They are a provider, a agent, a trading enterprise are presented as a controlling subjects. The model is based on the game-theoretical and hierarchical approach. An equilibrium of Germeyer G1 game in terms of sustainable development is established. The method of impulsion is used as a method of hierarchical control to solve this model. The main system operation laws based on numerical experiments are presented.

    Keywords: game theory, hierarchical, three-level control system, method of impulsion

  • The classification soil and groundwater conditions as an important factor of a selection of types and designs of machines for clearing forest areas during the building of line objects

    Questions of the classification soil and groundwater conditions  were considered as an important factor of a selection of  types and designs of machines for clearing forest areas from a tree and scrub vegetation. Taking into account the executed analysis the classification of the conditions was proposed the application of machines for clearing the forest area.

    Keywords: Tree and scrub vegetation, soil and groundwater conditions, clearing the forest area

  • The propagation technology of Chinese Cedar (Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco) for green building in Rostov region.

    The main methods of Platycladus orientalis seed propagation are studied. For Platycladus orientalis industrial cultivation the following technologies of reproduction are recommended: For off-sort samples – seed propagation after stratification (25-30 days); For sorts and decorative forms:
    1.Vegetative propagation using IAA.
    2. Micropropagation of Platycladus orientalis in vitro by means of adventitious shoots induction on the MS medium adding 0,2 – 0,5 mg/l BAP. There are derived well rooted microshoots on the medium with IAA in concentration 5 mg/l.

    Keywords: green building, Platycladus orientalis, technologies of reproduction, clonal micropropagation.

  • Simulated modeling as a means of traffic network section modernization

    The main laws valid for a series of traffic jams relating to a series of intersections are considered. Their usage facilitates optimization of simulated models of a traffic network section. The problems of traffic jams emergence on the I thoroughfare of Volgograd are investigated with the help of simulated modeling.

    Keywords: simulated modeling, series of traffic jams, traffic flows, genetic algorithm, traffic capacity

  • Ultrasonic examination technology of nuclear reactor’s industrial pipelines

    Acoustic system parameters were selected and calculated: wave modes used when controlling, wave entry and frequency angles according to kind of decay process and ultrasonic attenuation. Control procedure was developed

    Keywords: ultrozvuk, frequency, attenuation process, technology, acoustic system