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  • Monitoring of oil trunk pipelines with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles

    The article is devoted to the application of unmanned aerial vehicles to obtain the operational information about the status of oil trunk pipelines and areas along them. It is dealt with some of the problems that arise during the operation of the branched trunk pipeline systems. It is described in short the existing methods of monitoring pipelines and disadvantages of their use. The paper proposes the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles to solve the problems. It is spoken in detail about the main advantages and the characteristics of various types of UAV. The text describes some of the tasks that can be solved with the help of several types of shooting. Also, it is shown a matter of choice between creating its fleet of drones and purchase of services from third party companies. In conclusion, the article points out that use of unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring of oil trunk pipelines saves money and opens new possibilities for the safe operation of pipeline transport.

    Keywords: UAV, unmanned aerial vehicle, drone, monitoring of pipelines, oil trunk pipeline, pipeline transport, technology and organization of construction, oil and gas complex, innovative technologies

  • Improvement of construction of road section of winter road Bilibino – Anyuisk, district of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

    considers the questions of improvement of road winter road Bilibino – Anyuisk held in the area of Bilibino. On the basis of the calculations for modeling correspondences and intensity of movement of motor transport on the roads on a 20-year term.The calculations of the volumes of freight and passenger traffic calculated annual mean daily intensity and composition of motor traffic for the year 2016 and the forecast for 2020 and 2030 for the construction of corrugated metal pipe of large diameter with approaches across the Creek Midday on 150 km of an improved winter road with an extended period of exploitation Bilibino – Anyuisk also given in the article

    Keywords: construction, automotive, station, passenger transport, winter road, the length, zoning, space, roads, Chukotka

  • Optimization method of measuring the angle of the phase shift between the two quasi-harmonic signals

    The paper proposes a modification of earlier mentioned method reduces the number of computing operations and improve the accuracy of estimating the phase shift, which is close to the limit set by the Cramer-Rao inequality. The article also presents the results of numerical modeling of systematic and random errors parametric estimation of the phase shift angle of the proposed method.

    Keywords: phase shift quasi-harmonic signal, Cramer-Rao lower band, parametric method

  • Analytical assessment of change of office properties of details of friction pairs of the cart of the freight car in operation

    The analytical assessment of change of office properties of heavy-duty details of friction pairs of the cart of the freight car on the first depot repair is presented. The technique of definition of iznos of details of the cart is applied to determination of faults. The most subject are shown to defects nodes of the cart of the freight car.

    Keywords: cart of the freight car, frictional wedge, cap of a skolzun, thrust bearing disk, frictional level, wear, wear resistance, defects of the cart of the car

  • The growth of sueface layer air temperature from click on the geomagnetic storms

    According to meteorological studies found natural growth of air temperature, coincident in timing with the beginning of a geomagnetic storm. The data were analyzed according to the temperature of about one hundred meteorological stations. Based on this analysis, it was established phenomenon of short-term (30-60 min) growth of surface layer air temperature during the beginning of the magnetic storm, the detected azimuthal drift of the temperature gradient after the start of geomagnetic storms

    Keywords: the low-latitude thermosphere, geomagnetic storm, temperatura air, temperaturny gradient, growth temperature

  • Social-psychological training as a method of optimization of social-psychological climate in group of staff of special divisions of power structures

    The article discusses the influence of socio-psychological climate office staff on success of professional activity of employees, their readiness to actions in extreme situations, on the stability of the personnel division. Based on the analysis of literature, we have highlighted aspects of studying socio-psychological climate, which allowed to develop a programme of training, aimed at optimizing the psychological atmosphere in the team. Analyzes the social-psychological climate of the team before and after training sessions. The results of the study allow us to consider socio-psychological training as a method of optimization of social-psychological climate in the team.

    Keywords: social-psychological climate, social-psychological training, unity, coordination, conflictness, relationship in collective, the relation to the management, satisfaction with professional activity

  • Zone electrophoresis. Numerical-analytical method for solving of applied problems in partial derivatives of first order

    Numerical-analytical solution of the problem of multicomponent mixture fractionation under action an electric field is constructed. This problem is known as the problem of zonal electrophoresis which extensively used in chemistry, medicine, and biology. Problem is reduced to study of the Cauchy problem for systems of hyperbolic type quasilinear equations in partial derivatives of first order. The proposed method is based on a generalized hodograph method, which allows obtaining an analytical solution of the problem in implicit form. Explicit form of the solution is recovered using the transformation of the Cauchy problem for system of quasilinear hyperbolic equations to the Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations that are solved numerically.

    Keywords: electrophoresis, hyperbolic conservation laws, generalized hodograph method

  • Construction of a physical model of the process of air pollution for cement plants

    The article analyzes the state of urban air. It proved the impact of cement industry on air quality. The article also analyzed the technological process of cement production. As a result, built carrying circuit material flows. Carrying circuit material flows determined that dust is highly polluting air environment, because the dust is released at each stage of production. Analysis of the cement production process has allowed to identify the main objects that are involved in the process of air pollution, as well as to establish their relationship. The result is a physical model of the process of air pollution. Further, on the basis of a physical model of the process of pollution, it is possible to construct a physical model of the process of reduction of air pollution.

    Keywords: the air of the city environment, the process of cement production, carrying circuit material flows, physical model, process air pollution, cement dust

  • Disposal of technogenic resources using microbial bioconversion

    Abstract: the Article is devoted to the problem of waste production during construction, operation and liquidation of coal mines of Russia. This work suggests that waste recycling technologies, including for reception of energy based on the modeling and system analysis of the biocenosis. The possibility of realization of innovative methods of processing plethodon using the biocenosis. Quite detailed questions transformation of industrial waste into energy through anaerobic bioconversion. As part of a description of the proposed methodology presents the results of field experiments and action program of recycling of materials at the stage of commercial operation. In particular it justifies the optimization of processing technology on the basis of the selection of the most active biocenosis of microorganisms. Theoretical developments are confirmed by practical data.

    Keywords: disposal, technogenic resources, plothole, biotechnology, biotransformation, biocenosis, recycling

  • Analitiko-chislennoye modeling of the distributed information systems with the low level of a network traffic

    The architecture of the distributed information systems (IS) is considered, with use of the office of the closed systems of mass service (SMS) and a method of the enclosed Markov's chains the analitiko-numerical model of this class IS with remote execution in the conditions of the low level of load of a network traffic is developed. The following stages of creation of this model are offered: conceptual representation of functioning of system; formation of full space of conditions of the chain of Markov enclosed in casual process; a choice of the moments of regeneration of messages in system; definition of space of conditions of a chain of Markov taking into account restrictions; calculation of a matrix of transitional probabilities; receiving formulas of calculation of characteristics of the distributed IS on the basis of a vector of the stationary distribution of probabilities (SDP) at the moments of regeneration of messages. The analitiko-numerical model offered and in detail considered in article can be realized in any high-level programming language and respectively serve as the highly effective tool for carrying out experiments with a research objective of behavior of the distributed IS at various values of its external and internal parameters.

    Keywords: the distributed information system, replication, network traffic, remote execution, Poisson stream, erlangovsky stream, method of the enclosed Markov's chains, space of states, the moments of regeneration, matrix of transitional probabilities

  • Method of the statistical analysis of characteristics entrance streams of inquiries in systems of information processing

    Receiving adequate mathematical model requires studying of streams of inquiries into the information system which are described as random variables. The purpose of the analysis is definition of density function of distribution of random variables - time intervals between inquiries of users. The offered method contains stages at which check of independence and similarity of distribution of random variables is carried out, stationarities of a stream and the law of distribution of intervals of time between events is defined. For check of independence and similarity of distribution of random variables the criterias based on selective coefficients of correlation and the criteria which are based on the spectral density of intervals are used. For the analysis of stationarity of a stream of inquiries the standard methods of the smallest square regression and methods based on the analysis of special mathematical models are used. For example, Poisson's stream which parameter changes under some law is supposed. Sequences of the events displaced by casual influences are presented as the events happening according to the schedule with delays in the form of the independent and equally distributed random variables. For comparison of intensity of streams of inquiries from various users of information system the criterion based on the relation of function of maximum similarity and an index of dispersion is used. The offered technique is focused on using of the modern computer programs, for example, MatLab, Statistika.

    Keywords: Modeling, inquiry, distribution, random variable, flow of events, intensity, statistical analysis, criterion, stationarity of the Poisson process, the level of significance

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    It is shown that one of the most important elements influencing the nature of development in the region is socio-ethno-cultural landscape. The study of its characteristics suggests a wide use of methods of social simulation. The purpose of modeling is to estimate the required parameters in conditions of uncertainty, both at the planning stage and during the current administration. Theoretical solutions to this challenge are based on the use of the principle of duality, when the production and analysis of missing information about a managed object, in our case about socio-ethno-cultural landscape, the system is in the process of governance. The duality of the models appears in their dual role as research (for monitoring characteristics of socio-ethno-cultural landscape and, at the same time as the reference models for the management of development in the region. Need of approbation and problem integration of methods of the system analysis, social diagnostics and social and mathematical modeling which will make new scientific methodology of research is shown. To solve the problem of this level is proposed for effective convergence of methodological knowledge in the use of total potential informational, cognitive, and socio-humanitarian technologies.

    Keywords: dsimulation, dual simulation, socio-ethno-cultural landscape, managing the development of the region

  • Hardware-software complex process modeling shoot

    In this paper, the technology of process simulation shooting remote sensing the Earth's surface in the optical spectrum of the radiation on the software and hardware complex. With his help, describe and forecast the qualitative characteristics of shooting in the simulation with high resolution linear assessment on the ground.

    Keywords: remote sensing of the Earth's surface, software and hardware, virtual ground, the speed of movement of the image, panchromatic imagery, multispectral imagery, linear ground resolution

  • Methods and tools for modeling systems of remote sensing of the Earth from space

    In this article methods and tools for simulation of systems of remote sounding of the Earth's surface from space in the optical range of the radiation spectrum to optimize its structure and functional properties. The structure of complex information-measuring system of remote sensing to explore the experimental field through very difficult and very expensive in connection with the combination of various physical and technological processes occurring in it. The exit lies in the total use of natural and mathematical modeling with the use of modern IT-technologies, as the establishment phase and during the operational phase, with the aim of improving methods and design tools, as well as better control of equipment settings for advanced space systems (the free spectral range of physical intensity, linear resolution of the terrain and the performance of the system itself).

    Keywords: remote sensing of the Earth's surface, space system, the system receiving and converting the information lens, an optical reception system, the underlying surface of the Earth, remote sensing, linear ground resolution

  • Drill cuttings as a source of raw materials for production building ceramics plastic molding

    The possibility of recycling waste product obtained in the process of oil drilling, at the facilities of JSC "Orenburgneft" in the manufacture of products of building ceramics. Dobropolye investigated the properties of the original raw material is drilling cuttings and clay deposits Buzuluk, Dobropolye firing properties of the products on the basis of the three-component mixture. The research is aimed at recycling and disposal and recycling of drill cuttings that will significantly improve the environmental situation and will create a reserve of cheap raw materials for production of ceramic building materials.

    Keywords: Drill cuttings as a source of raw materials for production building ceramics plastic molding