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  • Innovations in the organization of construction of linear-extended objects (roads)

    Article considers actual problems of the organization of the construction of temporary roads and crossings in winter conditions. Displayed an innovative approach in the construction of these linear facilities. We study the timing and resuse used in the construction of roads and crossings.

    Keywords: organization of construction; innovation; road construction; project management

  • Automated design of internal drainage with the use of AutoCAD

    The article presents some results related to the automation of calculations of wastewater in residential buildings using AutoCAD. Developed using ActiveX technology computer-aided design of the drainage system of a residential building, the following tasks: engineering design of the riser of the sewer network; calculating the throughput of the most loaded riser drainage; calculation of releases of wastewater; hydraulic calculation of yard drainage network; compilation of specifications. The developed program allows you to extend the functionality of AutoCAD.

    Keywords: AutoCAD, automation, design of drainage, CAD, ActiveX, AutoCad customization

  • Designing an efficient design of an absorbing apparatus

    Providing the claimed performance characteristics of the absorber throughout its life is the most important task that ensures the correct operation of the coupler. Increasing requirements for increasing the speed of movement and the volume of freight traffic make it urgent to increase the reliability of the absorbing apparatus by improving the design of its components and components (housing, friction plates, wedge, etc.).

    Keywords: Absorbing apparatus, friction plate, cermet, surface wear, defects in absorbing apparatus

  • The System Analysis of the Socialization Features of Technical Institute Students in the Conditions of the Transformation Crisis.

    The article presents the results of the sociological survey analysis of the technical institute students. A systematic analysis of the socialization peculiarities, connected with the problem of spiritual security in modern society, is carried out. The issues of spiritual security are relevant, since it is the spiritual attitudes that govern the practical activities of each person in individual self-realization.

    Keywords: system approach, spiritual security, spiritual and moral development, system analysis, professional socialization, personal development, strategy of behavior, social feeling, educational space

  • Measuring and diagnostic complex for vibroacoustic control of technical condition of the equipment

    Based on stm32discovery kit was designed device for vibro-acoustic control. For receive of vibro-acoustic signal used piezoelectric accelerometer, which connected to ADC of microcontroller stm32f4vgt6. For Processing data use personal computer with software, which was developed in visual programming language LabVIEW Data from microcontroller to personal computer transmitter with use USB to UART. Culling depend from results of comparison, reference spectrum and current spectrum by values of the correlation coefficient

    Keywords: STM32F4 Discovery, ADC, VISA Serial, LabVIEW, adapter USB to UART, vibro-acoustic control, spectrum, reference, signal processing, correlation coefficient

  • Research of mathematical model of redundancy information system

    In this paper discussed the main problems when choosing the optimal reservation of information systems. The algorithm of optimization of redundant information systems. Defines the basic concepts of developing mathematical models of redundant information systems. Given and illustrated by an example of calculation of the main reliability characteristics of a redundant information system.

    Keywords: mathematical model, simulation, redundancy, information system

  • Application of warehouse equipment for mechanized installation of floor structures during the erections of frame houses with a flat slab

    The article discusses the possibilities of using forklift trucks (stacker-reach trucks) for mechanized installation of dividing walls, when cast-in-place slabs are assembled or manufactured. It is emphasized that in the early 1980s similar equipment that didn’t have a series production, was used in the construction of buildings by the lift-slab method. Some technical characteristics of the old equipment and modern warehouse equipment are compared, the advantages of the modern are revealed. It is noted that the simultaneous use of warehouse equipment on several floors of the erected frame building can lead to a significant reduction in the construction time. It is also indicated that the stacker-reach trucks used at the construction site are multifunctional, since they can not only transport construction cargo but also serve as an auxiliary equipment for safe work at a certain altitude when performing welding operations and fixing joints.

    Keywords: precast and cast-in-situ frame building, mechanized installation of dividing walls, remote site, forklift truck, stacker-reach truck, working site

  • Creation of analitiko-numerical model of the distributed information systems with the high level of a network traffic

    In this article on the basis of the theory of the systems of mass service (SMS) the analitiko-numerical model is developed for the distributed information system (IS) in the conditions of the high level of a network traffic. Expressions of criterion function for a problem of multiple parameter optimization of the transferred packages, formulas of calculation of characteristics of SMO on the basis of a vector of the stationary distribution of probabilities (SDP) are given

    Keywords: the distributed information system, network traffic, the adaptive protocol, queuing system, Markov process, target function, multiparameter optimization, the state space, the infinitesimal matrix, vector of stationary distribution of probabilities.

  • Way of approaching concrete beams coatings for the construction of equal resistance

    The article presents a new design of reinforced concrete I-beam coverage with prestressed reinforcement, in which the ribs are stretched zone side ledges. This solution allows you to pick off high-strength prestressed reinforcement along the length of the element, thus increasing the ratio of reinforcement used in comparison with a standard solution

    Keywords: reinforced concrete beam is equal to the resistance of prestressed reinforcement, combined prestressing

  • Brain activity modeling based on the model of Hodgkin-Huxley

    Brain neural networks models based on the model of Hodgkin-Huxley and the inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic potentials EPSP and IPSP balance problem are investigated. The problem of the inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic potential balance, affecting such person's ability as learning, memory, movement, ability to analyze and so on has great scientific and practical importance. Implementation of the model Hodgkin-Huxley in the Matlab environment is made. Model modification is considered given the occurrence of a synapse in neuron system.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, EPSP, IPSP, ionic channel, modified model parameter, neural network model, Hodgkin-Huxley

  • High-strength concretes with high volume fly ash of Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin

    Strength properties of high-strength concrete on the basis of a mixture of high-calcium ash and cement crushed to a specific surface of 600 m2 / kg in the presence of a superplasticizer were investigated. It was established that at the initial stages of hardening of the binder, its strength strongly depends on the dosage of fly ash and it depends little on the water/binder ratio. After 28 days of hardening, the strength of concrete, depends more on the water-binder ratio, rather than on the ash content of the cement-ash binder. There was concluded that minerals of fly ash affect on strength of the cement-ash binder in later periods, and at the initial stages, its hardening is provided by hydration of the cement clinker. It was established that in high-strength concretes was no decrease in strength in later periods when using finely grinding ash containing a significant amount of free CaO.

    Keywords: high-strength concrete, fly ash, free CaO, cement-ash binder, strength, dump strength

  • Management properties of PZT piezo-ceramic material used in sonar radiating elements

    Piezoceramics phases of (1-х)PbTiO3-xPbZrO3 is the basis of most high-performance piezoelectric materials. Electrophysical and mechanical properties of these materials can be varied over a wide range by varying the composition and by processing methods: the methods and modes of sintering conditions polarization. Topical to study the influence on the properties of PZT materials processing methods at the stages of manufacturing piezoelectric samples. In the role model of the object has been selected multicomponent system PbTiO3-PbZrO3-PbNb2/3Zn1/3O3-PbW1/2Mg1/2O3-PbSb2/3Mn1/3O3. Samples of piezoelectric elements for the study were obtained in two ways: in the first case, the sintering samples was carried out by the usual ceramic technology, and in the second by hot pressing. The grain structure was formed in both cases in the presence of the glass phase, the quantity of which decreases with increasing temperature, while in the first case, an increase in the velocity of the secondary recrystallization, and in the second of its suppression. It was found that regardless of the technology of the samples εT33/ε0, d33 and VЕ1 at high temperatures, due to the increase of grain and coercive field, which complicates the process of polarization. Maximum values εT33/ε0, d33 and VЕ1 samples prepared by hot pressing at 10 - 15% higher than if received by conventional ceramic technology.

    Keywords: Piezoelectric ceramics, doping, combination, pezophase, piezomaterial

  • About experience of use of dust collectors on the counter twirled flows in systems of dust removal of industrial emissions

    At institute of architecture and construction of the Volgograd state technical university (IAIS VOLGGTA)) for more than thirty years the researches directed to decrease in pylepostupleniye on urban air environment are conducted. Some schemes of configuration of systems of dust removal of emissions with dust collectors on the counter twirled twirled flows (VZP) realized at various enterprises are provided in article.

    Keywords: devices VZP, system of dust removal, scheme of configuration, pyleochistka, efficiency of a pyleochistka

  • The proposal for the construction of a new bus station in the city of Rostov-on-Don, taking into account the existing urban infrostruktura

    Considered several locations the bus station located in the city of Rostov-on-Don, and their location in urban areas. In the process of continuous urban growth and the construction of new housing estates, suggested to build a new avtovokzalnogo complex includes the station building itself, as well as the building of the hotel with car parking.

    Keywords: bus, "model projects", "individual projects", Fibonacci spiral, bionics, shell-Nautilus

  • Experimental and theoretical study of physical and chemical transformations of woody biomass in the production technology of fibreboard

    In accordance with the theory of mathematical and statistical modeling, evaluation studies, selected the main characteristics of the models describing the studied production process of fiberboard using different types of binders. In accordance with the developed plan of the selected controlled studies, uncontrolled and controlled factors of the process under study. The levels, steps, and intervals of variation of the studied factors. As a method of obtaining the mathematical dependencies of the quality indicators of fibreboard from the kind of used binder was enacted active single-factor experiment. The results of the studies conducted statistical analysis of the dependence of physical-mechanical characteristics of the performance of the finished plate thickness fibreboard manufactured by wet and dry methods, interpretation of research results, quantitative and qualitative relationships between the studied parameters.

    Keywords: strength, water absorption resin, fiberboard, thickness, experiment planning, mathematical model