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  • Multicriteria decision making under risk based on the integration of multi-agent, evolutionary modeling and numerical methods

    Decision making in the organizational and technical systems is complicated by the risk of various events emergence in the systems with a given probability. The article describes a method for supporting decision making under risk on the basis of integration of evolutionary, multi-agent, simulation models and numerical methods. In the course of the method's work the following steps are performing: a set of alternatives solutions is formed;  transition to a one-criterion alternatives evaluation is fulfilled by using linear convolution; transition to the system behavior certainty is fulfilled with the use of numerical optimization Bayes-Laplace criterion. The developed method is applied to solving the projects scheduling problem; the results agree with the problem solution that has been performed by using genetic algorithm method under certainty.

    Keywords: decision making risks, multi-agent modeling, numerical methods of decisions optimization, scheduling problem, evolutionary modeling

  • Dynamic analysis of body garbage truck handler

      Results of investigation into oscillating pattern of garbage track operation in production mode are presented. Nature of car frame vibrations, lifting angle of handler and their impact on generation of force inside the system «grabbing device – container – grabbing device» subject to damping are determined.

    Keywords: garbage truck, handler, grabbing device, free damped oscillations, generation of force

  • Algorithm of construction of development of surfaces

    In article the algorithm of construction of development not linear surfaces is de-scribed. The algorithm is realised on technology ObjectARX for AutoCAD. It has allowed to integrate algorithm in AutoCAD. The developed algorithms can be used in various technical problems where there is a necessity of construction of development of surfaces.

    Keywords: nonlinear surface, surface development, triangulation method

  • Character and geological the nature gravitational and magnetic fields the Tersko-Caspian depression

      The results of the analysis of gravitational and magnetic fields of the Tersko-Caspian depression are introduced. The main feature of the potential fields of the region is the presence of high-gradient zones. Distributions of azimuths of gravity and magnetic lineaments testify to the coincidence of the basic maxima on histograms of directions of gradients. About the general nature of these zones caused fault tectonics. 

    Keywords: gravitational and magnetic fields, a fault, a gradient, The Tersko-Caspian depression

      The paper covers the development of geometry-based skeletal animation algorithms for deforming 3D models. Linear Blend Skinning technique being widely used, much attention is given to the method description and its shortcomings. The paper gives wide coverage to the state of the art in geometry-based skeletal animation algorithms. 

    Keywords: skeletal animation, skinning, geometry-based algorithms, character animation

  • Magnetometer with cryogenic probe

    The problem of interaction of mutually perpendicular magnetic fields in superconductors is considered. Possibility of use of a nonlinear susceptibility of superconductors for measurement of a magnetic field is shown, the assessment of sensitivity of the cryogenic probe magnetometer is carried out.

    Keywords: superconductor, magnetometer, SQUID, cryotron, the crossed magnetic fields, non-linear magnetic, cryogenic probe

      In given article the design procedure of a matrix of a feedback on a vector of coordinates of a condition is offered. In its basis association of two problems is necessary. The first is the problem of indemnification of zero of own and mutual transfer functions of the system, the second - a problem of maintenance of monotony of course of processes in system. Problems such as also can be solved: a problem decoupling and a problem of maintenance astatic channels of control. Updating is understood as reception of a ratio in a general view for a matrix of a regulator of a feedback of system of modal control. The received system provides monotony of the transitive characteristic due to indemnification of set of zero of own and mutual transfer functions in system of modal management. From the technological point of view the system provides absence перерегулирования at course of technological process. The offered decisions in suggested article can be used in various areas of a science and techniques. 

    Keywords: modal control, indemnification of zero, updating of algorithm of calculation of a feedback, monotony of the transitive characteristic

      The importance of domestic competitive machinery market entry is shown in the paper. It is shown that the domestic competitive machinery, which provides complex harvesting of round and fuel wood, market entry is the important direction in solving the problem of wood consumers market development in the capacity of biological fuel. 

    Keywords: wood fuel, preparation, consumers, market

      The proposed approach to the study of social engineering systems to meet all their basic features. Blurred structure of social engineering system reflects the fuzzy cognitive model; Fuzzy connection effectively evaluated using weights Fishburne; "blur" element values system and its functioning is overcome by introducing linguistic variables and their term-set fuzzy classifiers.  

    Keywords: system analysis, poorly structured and poorly formalizable processes, sociotechnical systems, fuzzy cognitive modeling

      The current work considers the problem of arrangement optimization of non-convex polyhedrons into a minimal height parallelepiped container. The no-fit polyhedron based algorithm is proposed to solve described task. The no-fit polyhedrons are used not only for providing conditions of the polyhedrons mutual non-intersection but also for finding the placement points. The current paper provides the block diagrams and the pseudo code of the algorithm. Some examples and computational results are also given for public input data. 

    Keywords: packing, no-fit polyhedron, non-intersection, optimization, arrangement

      The effect of load on vibrodynamic high-speed trains passing on the deformation characteristics of loess-like sandy loam used in the construction of railway track sub grade. The numerical values “of the sensitivity of loess-like sandy loam from a position of influence on the deformation properties at different values” 

    Keywords: Loess-like sandy loam, the modulus of deformation, vibrodynamic load triaxial compression method

  • Criteria of ecological-economic efficiency of environmental activities in the urban environment

    The effectiveness of environmental protection measures depends on the complex of ecological, economic and social factors. Estimating ekologo-economic efficiency of nature protection activity it is necessary to consider specificity of the enterprises being on the city territory, existing ecological conditions, and developed system of an accomplishment of city landscapes.

    Keywords: efficiency, enterprise, assessment, costs, ecology, economy, benefits, activities, analysis, result

    In this paper the mathematical model of automatic positional hydrodrive of actuators machines with hydraulic control circuit of high efficiency original design. The model is formed with a view of the developed structure of the hydraulic drive and control system comprises three subsystems: a mechanical, hydraulic and control. Using the software package Matlab 2012 investigated position loop is characteristic of the rotary mechanism for the technological equipment according to the criteria of speed and accuracy.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, position hydrodrive, the control of unit, accuracy, high-speed performance

  • Using graph theory to mathematical modeling of the plant parts

    The article is devoted to the mathematical modeling of the plant`s development. The graph theory is used to model the plant objects with different types of branching and its growth.

    Keywords: model, the plant object, stem, directed graph

  • Specification of a technique of definition of a charge of drop ablation in a working zone at barbotage electrolits

    In article questions of improvement of a technique and theoretical bases of electrocatching with reference to problems of fight against drop ablation in a working zone in the conditions of galvanic production are considered.

    Keywords: electrocatching, drop ablation, working zone, barbotage, charge, drop