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  • Cognitive modeling of the processes of achieving the social welfare of a young family

    The problems of young families are analyzed. The relevance of the study of the social welfare of modern young families is shown. A cognitive model of achievement and stabilization of the social welfare of a young family was constructed on the basis of the results of the study ""The Life of a Young Family in the Rostov Region"", 2017. It is shown that the basic model of achieving social well-being is a two-loop scheme with positive feedback. Each of the contours of which corresponds to the basic characteristics: socio-cultural and economic well-being. The principal problem of the factor of satisfaction of needs is revealed. The necessity of creating a full-fledged monitoring system of the socio-economic level of a young family included in the social policy framework of the state is shown.

    Keywords: young family, social welfare, system characteristic, cognitive modeling, model, two-circuit scheme, feedback

  • Creation and investigation of the simulation model of a dynamic voltage distortion compensator

    Background: The quality of electricity is one of the main problems necessary for the normal functioning of responsible technological processes in which a slight distortion of the supply voltage can lead to a violation of the normal operation of enterprises. There are several solutions to this problem: uninterruptible power systems, fast automatic power reserve technology (FAPR), dynamic voltage distortion compensator (DVDC). The most interesting solution is the application of dynamic voltage distortion. Material and methods: The principles of constructing a dynamic voltage distortion compensator with multilevel voltage inverters are investigated. An imitation model constructed under the following assumptions is proposed: an ideal case of the main circuit system (without higher harmonics) is considered, the nonlinearity of the transformer is not taken into account, short-circuit currents are absent, only constant load power is used. Assumptions are justified by the fact that in practice their error is no more than 3-5%, which is permissible. The results are obtained by modeling the system in the MatLab 2016b package. Results: A fundamentally new structural and functional scheme of a dynamic voltage distortion compensator with a multilevel system is developed. The requirements for the dynamic compensator of voltage distortion, load, LC-filters, current-voltage transformers and a converter are determined. Simulation of the simulation model has shown that the system works and corresponds to the expected results. Conclusions: The proposed voltage compensation system will solve the problem of the normal functioning of technological processes. The simulation results showed that the declared functional of the DVDC provides compensation of the voltage level in a given range of voltage dips. The obtained results can be used to stabilize the power supply: in the power supply systems of medical institutions, electric transport, critical energy facilities of a high category.

    Keywords: Dynamic voltage distortion compensator (DVDC), automatic control system, operation modes of DVDC, model of the DVDC system, multilevel voltage inverter, simulation model, voltage distortion, volt-additional transformer, electric power, voltage failure

  • "Development of analytical methods of transformation and their application for space images processing "

    The research that results from the work presented is the means of transforming space imagery. A transformation method based on the use of projective geometry methods is proposed. A completed study of the proposed method for mathematical image and terrain models showed a high degree of accuracy and a number of advantages over traditional image transformations

    Keywords: Photogrammetry, transformations, cosmic images, projective geometry

  • Building with a step skeleton in high-rise building

    It is studied problems of building of buildings with a difficult step skeleton. Prospects and economic efficiency of building of buildings of this kind are considered. One of perspective projects of this kind is in detail described. Building merits and demerits come to light.

    Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures

  • Prospects of a universalisation of architectural projects

    Prospects of a universalisation of civil-engineering designs of modern housing estates are studied. Possibility of erection of the multipurpose universal housing estates having a full infrastructure is considered. Questions of ergonomics, an aesthetics, economy and housing and communal services of ready object are studied

    Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures

  • Influence of organizational and technological solutions of construction in cramped urban conditions on the environment

    Article considers the fundamentals of the organization of construction works in cramped conditions of the current town-planning situation, the impact of construction works on the environment, and a brief description of the negative impact factors is provided. The expediency of a systematic approach to improving the quality of construction is shown, including taking into account the assessment of the state of the environment and the need to reduce the negative impact of construction and installation works on nearby built-up areas. The necessity of taking into account measures to reduce the levels of negative impact on the environment during the project development of the production of works is substantiated, and a number of recommendations are given on the organization of construction works.

    Keywords: construction, cramped urban conditions, organizational and technological design, technological processes, environment, organization of construction, construction technologies, construction and installation works, means of mechanization, environmental safe

  • Organizational and technological solutions for construction in cramped urban conditions

    The article presents the results and outlines the prospects of scientific research of technological processes in cramped urban conditions. The expediency of a systematic approach to improving the quality of construction is shown, including taking into account the assessment of the state of the environment and the need to reduce the negative impact of construction works on nearby built-up areas. The necessity of taking into account the above factors in the development of the project for the production of works is substantiated.

    Keywords: construction, cramped urban conditions, organizational and technological design, technological processes, environment, organization of construction, construction technologies, construction and installation works, means of mechanization, environmental safe

  • The influence of quantitative assessment of working conditions on the magnitude of production risk

    The article considers the problem of estimating production risks and risks of occupational injuries based on the assessment of the impact factors of the labor process. Definition of factors of production environment, harmful to the health of workers and comparative analysis of the working conditions for harmful production factors one.

    Keywords: the risk of production of harmful and dangerous production factors, industrial injuries, working conditions

  • Methods for evaluating the operational reliability of cars

    The study on the hardness of samples from steel ST3 and 15G. On the basis of the correlation equations obtained values of ultimate strength of the examined steels. With the application of the law of three-parameter Weibull distribution constructed density distribution and the resulting minimum value of ultimate strength. The obtained results are proposed to use to determine the value of the resource for load-bearing systems of vehicles.

    Keywords: reliability, lifetime, the hardness of steel, strength of steels, the endurance limit of steels, the Weibull law

  • Improvement of the technology for building a multistory substructure

    The article proposes some innovative technical solutions to build a multistory substructure for residential and public buildings. To erect a building, it is proposed to construct a system of interconnected rail runways at a first storey level along which travelling gantry cranes and special platforms will move. To descend the machines, building materials, instruments to the design level, during the underground space development, it is proposed to employ travelling gantry cranes. In order to quickly relocate loads and machines from one work zone to another, an additional system of rails is mounted along which special platforms are moving. The management of the gantry cranes and special platforms movement is done by the remote operating panels. The superstructure is built in the traditional way using a tower crane, track mounted, for example. The application of the proposed designs when building multistory substructures will enable to improve the technological processes of building the substructures. The proposed technology will help to use it in all the climatic areas of our country.

    Keywords: construction of a multistory substructure, slurry wall, process of excavation, bored pile, substructure

  • On the choice of construction site of military-Patriotic centers in Russia

    the design of a new object presupposes not only the functional aspect, but an important factor is the location of the building or structure. The choice of location is one of the fundamental criteria: it is necessary to take into account the infrastructure and architectural appearance of the selected area, the needs of the district or region in the projected facility.

    Keywords: constructivism, the architectural appearance, the blue line, multi-center, prototype, monuments, cultural centers, the Great Patriotic war

  • Effective staff management through decentralization of power

    Discusses the problems of effective management of the firm. we study the question of decentralization and delegation of authority to field offices. Seem positive and negative sides of this approach in the light of modern researches of employees of the don state technical University. The conclusion is based on the efficient organization of work units from the creative activity of managers Executive managers

    Keywords: organization of construction; personnel management; methods of management of the company

  • The frequency divider for 32

    The frequency divider for 32, operating in a range of frequencies 8-18 GHz is considered. The specifics of the schematic diagram is shown. The design and element base is described in short. The model is made and its experimental research is carried out. The technique and the block diagram of the experiment is described. Level of harmonics of an output signal is measured. For decrease of level of harmonics of the useful signal the low-pass filter of type SALF-580 is used. Presence of a parasitic output signal in the absence of an input signal is revelead.

    Keywords: frequency divider, microcircuit, experiment, amplitude-frequency characteristic, low-pass filter

  • Science and defense infrastructure

    The article gives judgments, focuses on the need for the development of military and town-planning sciences, based on the reality of practice, which, apart from armament, must take into account the urban and architectural components formed as a special kind of weapon of future wars.

    Keywords: Urban planning, Armed forces, military science, architecture, defense infrastructure, housing

  • Organization of road construction works in wetlands of Western Siberia

    Discusses actual problems of organization and management of construction works in swampy areas of Western Siberia are Analyzed concrete examples of work. Suggests effective methods of work organization, considering the technological solutions of the industry and economic opportunities provides an assessment of the likely timing and value calculations of carrying out work in the region

    Keywords: organization of road construction; the methods of construction management; construction of roads