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  • Developing of the algorithm of maximum flow of minimum cost finding in a fuzzy dynamic network

    The article considers the problem of maximum flow of minimum cost finding in fuzzy dynamic transportation network. The relevance of the problem is in its wide practical application on the rail, air, sea and other roads in finding of routes of minimum cost. The feature of the problem statement is that fuzzy nature of the network parameters, such as arc capacities and costs is taken into account. It allows us to make decisions more sensitive to environmental changes. The dependence of network parameters from flow departure is also considered, that allows to introduce the notion "dynamic" network as opposed to "stationary-dynamic", examined in the literature. The algorithm for solving the described problem in fuzzy conditions is proposed. To illustrate the algorithm a numerical example is presented.

    Keywords: dynamic network, maximum flow of minimum cost, fuzzy numbers, arc capacity, transit time

  • Prospects for the use of genre classification of Web documents in search engines

    The paper discusses possible options for the use of genre classification results of Web documents in search engines. The proposed methods can improve the quality of search engines.

    Keywords: Web document classification, text documents, search engines, search engine results page, search quality, diversity

  • Functional hemodynamic test for endogenous factor influence investigations on the vessel occupancy

      The superposition conception of endogenous factors influence on the hem lymphatic occupancy in the organism vascular system is presented. The main influence factors creating the wave modulation on the pulse blood and lymph flows in the vessels and liquid’s moving in the around tissues are considered in the physical model. On the basis of the model is justified hemodynamic functional test with dosed compression effects on local areas of the body, in which the reaction is analyzed for changes in the spectrum of signals related to the changes exhibited by volume-dynamic changes in the vessels. Shows the functional scheme of the formation of the wave changes hem lymphatic, allowing planning of the study.

    Keywords: Hem lymphatic occupancy, endogenous factors, compression action, spectral analyzing of signals

  • Methods of determining the quality of a comprehensive assessment of complex technical systems in motor vehicles and material handling equipment

    The article describes one of the possible approaches to the investigation of a technique of definition of quality indicators of vehicles and lifting-transport machines, examines the concept - combining numerical estimate of single and complex indices into a single composite index.
    The following algorithms: the algorithm of finding the functional quality systems, represented by the linear form, with varying competence of experts, the algorithm modified method, allowing to make the transition from бифакторного distribution to мультифакторному, which is important when processing expert information; algorithm modified method, characterized by greater commonality and expanding the use of standard computer programmes at the decision of problems of estimation of quality systems on a computer.  

    Keywords: The level of quality of complex technical systems, decomposition methods of technical requirements, functional quality, modified method,algorithm

  • Geo-ecological consequences of drawdown- suffusion processes

    The research of the proluvial and eluvial-diluvial loess-like loams with wide distribution in the Kuban plain was conducted. In this work the properties of the collapsible loess soils, which developed the processes that lead deformation of the engineering structures, violation of planning fields, to their water logging, etc, was considered. The analysis of subsidence processes, their origins and causes activation is provided. The link between subsidence and suffusion processes was conditioned. It is proved that the subsidence processes significantly affect the safety and population’s comfort living. The issues about the regime observations of these processes are raised.

    Keywords: Drawdown, suffusion, soil, loess material, geodynamics, geo-ecology.

  • Construction and test schemes for reinforced concrete beams, strengthened with composite materials

    Provides information about the strength of the concrete, the size of the cross section of experienced beams, the options of their reinforcing and strengthening with various types of composite materials. Provides a scheme of testing with short-term load  

    Keywords: Steel, concrete, reinforced concrete, strengthening, anchors, span , percentage of steel and composite reinforcement, load, failure

  • High-frequency active filter units mixed SoC based on a current amplifier

    The paper shows the feasibility of using a current amplifier in the filters RF and microwave ranges. By analyzing the basic structure of the second-order level sufficient conditions for the efficient use of active elements. The examples of methodological nature and formulated conclusions of practical importance.

    Keywords: RF filter, microwave filter, parametric sensitivity, current amplifiers, functional modeline setting

  • Own compensation of noise of voltage reference in continuous compensatory stabilizers

      This paper presents a method of constructing microwave selective amplifiers, which allows control Q and voltage gain at the frequency of quasi-resonance. The presented architecture selective amplifiers for SiGe process technology have low power consumption.

    Keywords: RC-filter, good quality, controlled selective amplifier, gain, frequency quasi-resonance

  • Nested metagraphs as models of complex objects

    "The concept of the nested metagraph as the model of a complex object with different levels of generalization is introduced. It is shown that the nested metagraphs reflect the general system concept for description of complex objects with synergistic effect. This approach enables moving from the set-theoretic description of complex objects to their algebraic-theoretic description, thus increasing the model adequacy to real-life objects. The application of the nested metagraphs, in particular to business-intelligence and semantic search is considered. "

    Keywords: nested metagraphs, complex object, hyperedge as the essence, business analysis, a semantic network

  • About stochastic similarity functioning of systems "means- equipment-technology-production" (METP) at the intensified hydrothermal treatment of leather shoe materials

    It is presented in article that the technique of determination of stochastic similarity of functioning of one of subsystems of the intensified hydrothermal treatment - moistening of details of top of footwear. According to the offered technique there were received to be expressions for determination of output parameter of process "moistening" - the module of elasticity of skin and relative deviations of characteristics the subsystems proving similarity functioning of considered subsystems in stochastic sense. According to the offered technique expressions for determination of output parameter of a subsystem of "moistening" - the module of elasticity of skin and relative deviations of independent parameters of process of the vacuum and sorption moistening, providing with the possibility of forecasting of the minimum duration of processing were received.

    Keywords: stochastic similarity, means-equipment-technology-production system, the processing intensified hydrothermal treatment, the vacuum and sorption moistening, the determined similarity, tanning and shoe materials

  • Computation re-routing period to dynamic traffic rerouting

    In the implementation of dynamic re-routing of traffic it is important to notice that the threshold depends on the network layout and type of the roads. Full paper includes appropriate relationships, figures and analysis of simulation results to define the re-routing period of dynamic traffic rerouti  

    Keywords: re-routing, cycle, dynamic traffic assignment, level of services

  • Assessment methods of increase energy efficiency in residential buildings of the raised number of storeys for Rostov-on-Don

    Justification of need of increase  energy efficiency in buildings of the raised number of storeys is given. The basic principles of increase  energy efficiency in residential buildings are formulated. The analysis of a complex of energy saving actions for different types of residential buildings is carried out  

    Keywords: energy saving actions, residential buildings of the raised number of storeys, efficiency assessment.

  • Cognitive approach to the research of geopolitical processes in world regions and cognitive modeling of their development (On the example of the Black – Caspian Region)

      The article is devoted to the problem of the research of geopolitical processes on the world regions’ scale under present-day conditions. The article substantiates the necessity of their analysis with the help of the cognitive approach as an effective means of cognition of the interconnections and interrelationships within the complicated systems. With that aim in view the specifics and the stages of the cognitive modeling are given thorough analysis in the article. This type of modeling is adapted to the analysis of geopolitical dynamics on the regional/sub regional level taking into consideration its aptitudes to make prognostic scenarios of the development of the situation. The possibilities of the cognitive modeling of geopolitical processes are illustrated on the example of the situation in three sub regions constituting one (big) the Black Sea – Caspian region.

    Keywords: World regions, geopolitical processes, modeling of the complicated systems, modeling of the geopolitical processes, cognitive modeling, the program’s system of the cognitive modeling, the Black Sea – Caspian Region, the Black Sea sub region, the Caucasus

  • Hydropneumatic impact device

    The analysis of drum machines, percussion device compares various designs, describes the design and operation of the original drummer hydropneumatic equipment designed for use in hydraulic single-bucket excavator.

    Keywords: hydropneumatic shock device gidropnevmoudarnik, working organ excavator pulse systems, hydraulic

  • Economic efficiency of phased development of dry ports

    After accession of Russia into the WTO the tasks related to the development of infrastructure have been sharpen. With the growing volume of cargo traffic and the lack of opportunity for the extensive development of the port infrastructure, the alternative of building the dry port can be only feasible, although explicitly the most expensive. Due to this reason the method of gradual development of the dry port which provides significant economic efficiency was addressed in the article.

    Keywords: dry ports, net present value, the efficiency of the investments