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  • Features of the formation of the concept of architectural and planning organization of the recreational "green" frame of the Yemeni city of Ibb

    Yemeni cities are urbanizing so rapidly that there will soon be no room for green spaces. In this regard, there is a need to find solutions to provide citizens with the "green" infrastructure necessary for life and health. This article presents the results of an urban planning analysis of the study of existing territorial reserves suitable for the formation of the "green" frame of the city of Ibb, their capacity and structure. Based on the analytical data obtained, the concept of the "green" frame of the city of Ibb was proposed, on the basis of which the system of architectural and urban planning principles for organizing the "green" recreational frame of the Yemeni highland cities was expanded and supplemented.

    Keywords: urban planning, urban greening, sustainable development of the city, landscape design, urban environment, reconstruction

  • Prospects for the creation of an archaeological park in the Sukhaya Mechetka Beam in the city of Volgograd

    This article examines the prospects for the creation of an archaeological park in the city of Volgograd in the Sukhaya Mechetka beam based on the object of cultural heritage of federal significance "Volgograd parking lot". The existing state of the urban area and the tourist attractiveness of the creation of this object, the improvement of interconnections within the fabric of the city are analyzed.

    Keywords: urban planning, archaeological parks, dry mosque, city park, recreation

  • Comparison of cottage settlements with cluster and boulevard type of design of public spaces.

    In the course of the history of the development of countries, large cities – megacities were formed. It will not come as a surprise that many have already become familiar with such a term as agglomeration. The emerging infrastructure between regional centers or just around a large city could not do without residents living on its territory. Naturally, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for living. This is how settlements (including urban-type ones) began to form. But within the framework of the article, the emphasis is placed exclusively on cottage settlements. It is impossible not to pay attention to the experience of the development of settlements in the USA. About 40% live in the suburbs of American cities, which in quantitative terms exceeds 130 million people. The development of new residential areas outside of cities in America was accompanied by the development of transport, socio-cultural infrastructure, educational institutions. Low land prices began to encourage people to move into their own housing. It would be incorrect to project the trend of deurbanization of the United States on Russia. On the territory of the Russian Federation, educational and other institutions are mostly located in cities, mostly in large ones. Despite this, the very phenomenon of the formation of cottage settlements, urban-type settlements has not spared the largest country in the world. It is possible that the infrastructural development of such settlements will be reflected in the future by an increase in the standard of living throughout the country and an increase in the number of people willing to change apartments for two-storey private houses.

    Keywords: urban planning, multi-storey construction, experimental buildings, alton west, Pripyat building, post-war construction, development of the idea of ​​a block, block building, social action of building, architecture of the 20th century, post-war

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The water sector in Syria suffers from longstanding problems and faces many challenges in terms of water supply and quality sanitation. These challenges include water scarcity, increasing water demand due to population growth and conflicts in the region, rapid urbanization, water pollution, limited access to drinking water and sanitation in rural areas, inefficient water distribution system in addition to constant network failures, as well as lack of financial resources, inefficient water pricing system and methods, cost recovery and asset management. As a result, the need for a significant quantitative increase and qualitative improvement of engineering infrastructure facilities (water supply and sanitation systems) and parts of distribution networks, in addition to the technical capabilities and development of resource management methods, which in turn leads to improved management of water supply and sanitation systems and the welfare of the population in the region, clearly becomes apparent.

    Keywords: water supply and sanitation systems, Syrian Arab Republic (SAR), reconstruction, consequences of military operations, urban planning

  • Calculation models to justify the use of geocomposite systems in the organization of anti-erosion protection at civil engineering facilities

    The development, development and reorganization of territories for civil construction projects is often associated with problems of control and protection against erosion processes. Territories previously considered inconvenient are now subject to intensive development. The investment attractiveness of such territories is very high, so it is necessary to carry out engineering preparation measures, including those to protect it from erosion processes. Studies show that the most environmentally friendly structures to prevent erosion processes are geocomposite systems created on the basis of anti-erosion geosynthetic materials. But before applying any measures to stabilize erosion processes, it is necessary to understand the process of interaction between the methods used and the surfaces to be protected. The article considers the zoning of coastal slopes, as the most vulnerable to the impact of erosion of territories in cities, on non-flooded, partially flooded and permanently flooded zones. Accordingly, this division was made in order to determine the possible impacts on the structures of geocomposite systems. Each impact (hydraulic, snow, ice) is described using mathematical modeling, indicating methods for calculating the stability of the geocomposite system for the zones identified in the study. It has been established that the strength of a geocomposite system also affects its stability, therefore, when determining the overall stability of a geocomposite system, the concept of its tensile strength is introduced. The presented materials are of great importance in practical application. This is due to the reduction of material and labor costs for the implementation of anti-erosion protection measures when applying the results of this study. Further research is aimed at optimizing the design of anti-erosion protection based on geocomposite systems in order to organize their mass production and create standard industrial designs.

    Keywords: erosion protection, geocomposite systems, inconvenient territories, zoning, mathematical modeling, stability of geocomposite systems

  • Organization and distribution of traffic flows based on mathematical modeling methods

    In order to form comprehensive decisions on the organization of traffic, realizing long-term strategic directions for ensuring the efficiency of traffic organization and improving activities in the field of traffic organization, it is necessary to use the means of mathematical modeling of traffic flows. The main indicators of the effectiveness of traffic management are improving road safety, reducing the number of transport delays and increasing the capacity of the road network, as well as reducing the negative impact on the environment of vehicles.

    Keywords: intensity, traffic management, traffic flow, traffic light regulation, traffic accident, accident focus, transport hub, accident rate, traffic safety, traffic capacity

  • Urban environment as an ecosystem of modern society

    The urban environment is formed by anthropogenic and natural factors. The authors proposes consideration of the urban environment as a complex ecosystem, determined by urban planning elements. The quality of the urban environment determines the degree of favorableness in this environment and compliance with modern requirements and living conditions. The essential factors that determine the urban environment – technical, architectural, planning, engineering. Technical factors form the frame of the urban environment (constructive solutions). Architectural means determine the visual perception of the urban environment. Planning factors include methods of planning and development of the territory. Engineering factors ensure the development of engineering infrastructure. In addition, technological factors ensure the use of new smart technologies. Technogenic factors create negative external effects of the urban environment. The main condition for considering the urban environment as an ecosystem is the compliance of all urban planning decisions with environmental standards. The use of an integrated approach when changing the design solution of the urban environment makes it possible to rationally and effectively prevent and identify negative impacts.

    Keywords: urban environment, environmental factor, ecosystem, integrated system, environmental standard

  • Demographic substantiation of the need for urban development of facilities of the higher education system in the planning structure of Baghdad

    The ability of Baghdad's higher education facilities to accept new students is examined by conducting a predictive demographic study of the population of Baghdad. The number of first-year undergraduate students who will enter Baghdad's higher education institutions has been determined each year from the base year (2020) to the target year (2040). Official government statistics on university education and population were inventoried and analyzed, and it was found that the gap between existing and required higher education facilities in the target year is widening. This study is the basis for the development of methodologies and plans for the development of higher education facilities in Baghdad. Having carried out a demographic analysis of the population of Baghdad using the program (Spectrum) and according to indicators obtained from official population statistics. Students for each year to the target year was predicted by deriving a simple mathematical formula. Using official education statistics, the number of students who should be provided with additional higher education facilities was also calculated. Thus, by the target year, the need for additional higher education institutions in Baghdad was demonstrated. Since the number of students is rapidly increasing towards the target year, it is therefore necessary to develop a time-based methodology to solve the problem of providing higher education in Baghdad in accordance with the findings of this study.

    Keywords: Facilities of higher education, demographic indicators, population forecasts, urban development, Baghdad, program (spectrum)

  • Socio-spatial harmonization of urban areas as a necessary tool for sustainable development

    The article considers the social aspect of the sustainable development of urban areas, as well as the social nature of the emergence of the city as a complex urban ecosystem. Foreign and domestic examples are given, allowing to establish a direct relationship between urban users and their places of residence. Practical recommendations for improving the quality of the urban environment are given.

    Keywords: urbanization, landscaping, sustainable development, integrated assessment

  • Analysis of urban planning practice in solving the problem of obsolete housing stock

    Cities are born, grow, develop and, of course, age. The older the city, the more often it faces the problem of dilapidated housing stock. The desire to improve the urban environment requires a solution to this problem. Currently, two main directions are used: reconstruction (by which we mean improvement, modernization, but preserving the structures and the existing planning concept) and renovation (demolition and new development). An analysis of urban planning practice in the regions of the Russian Federation made it possible to establish that in 98.7% renovation is used to solve the problem of obsolete housing stock. In the course of visual observation, field study of the renovations carried out, approaches to obsolete buildings, urban planning and, in correlation with them, social problems that cause a deterioration in the level of comfort of the urban environment were identified.

    Keywords: reconstruction, renovation, urban planning, dilapidated housing, sustainable development of the city, old housing stock, urban environment

  • Changes in the urban paradigm of the beginning of the XXI century in Russia

    Urbanization as a process of urban growth has only recently become controlled by the authorities. Spontaneous or accidental occurrence of any elements of the urban environment with low quality indicators is the most common phenomenon in the last century. Nevertheless, the decisions taken "from above" to create a high-quality urban environment are designed for large-scale transformations for decades to come and cannot meet the needs of citizens in solving pressing problems here and now. The article discusses modern tools and methods for the development of the area by urban residents, the principles of tactical urbanism are considered.

    Keywords: tactical urbanism, urban regulation, protecting space, digitalization, city block, neighborhoods, architecture of complicity

  • The role of the coastal territories of the Kama in the formation of the Kama aglomeration

    The Kama River is the natural axis of the Kama agglomeration and its main link. The development of connectivity of the urbanized territories of the cities of Naberezhnye Chelny, Yelabuga and Nizhnekamsk with their embankments is the key to improving their intra-agglomeration links. The way to strengthen the interaction of cities lies through the analysis of existing problems of embankments, as well as the creation on this basis of a general agglomeration plan for their solution and development of coastal areas. The main purpose of the work is to analyze the current state and identify the problems and opportunities for the development of coastal areas of the cities of the Kama agglomeration, as well as to make proposals for the modernization of the existing urban planning structure of the embankments to improve intra-agglomeration links. The following tasks have been identified: analysis of proposals for the transformation of embankments; study of graphic materials of the master plans of the studied cities in part of the coastal territories in order to identify the main directions of development of their street and road structure and functional zoning; development of proposals to strengthen intra-agglomeration ties by solving existing urban planning problems of coastal areas. The research area is determined by the coastal areas of the Kama agglomeration in the three city boundaries of Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Yelabuga. The main problems of coastal areas are poor ecology, low connectivity of transport communications, irrational use of embankments. To achieve the main goal of the Agglomeration Development - the unification of the three cities into a single social and urban structure and strengthening their intra-agglomeration links - it is proposed to build new and re-equip existing ports, develop connectivity of the city's road network with its coastal areas and modernize riverside recreations.

    Keywords: agglomeration, Yelabuga, Nizhnekamsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Kama, embankments, zoning, problems, development, links

  • Architectural and urban planning principles of the organization of the "green" recreational frame of the Yemeni city of Sana'a

    Yemeni cities are distinguished by their ancient history and rich traditions in terms of the organization of urban recreation, which are not well studied and therefore are not used in modern city planning. The developed concept of the recreational framework of Sana'a was developed on the basis of data from a comprehensive system analysis of the planning structure of the city, the identification of the national identity of the Yemeni landscaping structure, the integration of climatic, dendrological and landscape conditions, as well as social factors influencing the organization of urban recreations of Sana'a. Based on the analysis data and identified architectural and planning opportunities, the key principles for organizing the "green" recreational frame of the city of Sana'a were proposed.

    Keywords: urban planning, urban greening, sustainable development of the city, landscape design, urban environment, reconstruction

  • Advantages of BIM technologies within the framework of the national project "Smart City"

    The topic of BIM is relevant for the present and is inseparable from the issues of infrastructure development and Smart Cities development projects. Our country is on the path of digital transformation and the development of information technologies in all its fields of activity. BIM technologies are being introduced into the construction industry and will be developed through the promotion of the state. BIM technologies create information models that are implemented through infrastructure projects. This process creates the basis for smart cities. Within the framework of the work, the directions of development in "Smart cities" were highlighted, the positive effects of BIM technologies were considered.

    Keywords: smart city, BIM technologies, information model

  • Problems of sustainable tourism development in the coastal zone "Syrian coast"

    The article discusses the development of tourism in the Syrian seaside region, which includes many natural, historical and cultural monuments and traditions. Therefore, based on the methods of field analysis, mapping and studying the development plans of the Ministry of Tourism of the Syrian Arab Republic, in this article we will identify the problems of land use, planning, management and investment in tourism. Based on the results of the consideration of the problems, the article presents an assessment of the state of the tourist infrastructure, conclusions are drawn about the need for new approaches to its spatial organization, purposeful planning and management of tourist activities within the boundaries of the entire territory. Therefore, in order to create an attractive, stable and safe tourist and recreational environment, it is necessary to plan a sustainable and well-managed development of coastal tourism, so that all these elements become beneficiaries, not victims of tourism development, allowing countries, especially developing countries, to resist competition in the international market.

    Keywords: tourism, planning, sustainable development, cluster approach, tourism cluster

  • Air quality monitoring for building environmentally friendly routes

    Many sources of environmental pollution affect human health. The concentration of harmful substances constantly changes during the day when the weather conditions change in different parts of the territory. Residents can repeatedly enter and leave areas of increased pollution without noticing it with their senses when moving around the city. The authors analyzed the existing solutions for monitoring the quality of atmospheric air, as well as key sources of pollution and their distribution in the air. The interrelation of distribution of pollutants with weather conditions is noted. Preparation of data on the presence of harmful substances on the example of the city of Volgograd has been carried out. A method for organizing monitoring of harmful substances in the atmosphere using a software and hardware complex is proposed. The developed method was applied to create a specialized web application. The implemented solution allows to monitor the state of the environment using sensors and build routes around areas with a high concentration of harmful substances.

    Keywords: environment, air quality, air pollution, ecology, monitoring, web application, eco-route, spatial data, route building, cartographic visualization