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  • Dynamic analysis of body garbage truck handler

      Results of investigation into oscillating pattern of garbage track operation in production mode are presented. Nature of car frame vibrations, lifting angle of handler and their impact on generation of force inside the system «grabbing device – container – grabbing device» subject to damping are determined.

    Keywords: garbage truck, handler, grabbing device, free damped oscillations, generation of force

  • Algorithm of construction of development of surfaces

    In article the algorithm of construction of development not linear surfaces is de-scribed. The algorithm is realised on technology ObjectARX for AutoCAD. It has allowed to integrate algorithm in AutoCAD. The developed algorithms can be used in various technical problems where there is a necessity of construction of development of surfaces.

    Keywords: nonlinear surface, surface development, triangulation method

      The paper covers the development of geometry-based skeletal animation algorithms for deforming 3D models. Linear Blend Skinning technique being widely used, much attention is given to the method description and its shortcomings. The paper gives wide coverage to the state of the art in geometry-based skeletal animation algorithms. 

    Keywords: skeletal animation, skinning, geometry-based algorithms, character animation

      Methods of mathematical (geometric) modeling are often used in the current research of multivariate processes and their optimization tasks combined with traditional mathematical methods of experiment planning. This simulation is carried out by methods of descriptive geometry, its practical values a graphical representation of the functional relationships of the quality from factors and parameters that define a process with number of variables more than three. Definition’s algorithms of the optimization based on the Radishchev drawingin the article are given to ensure the visibility of images and solve certain technical problems. The graphical model of the process optimization of joining parts of garments was constructed.

    Keywords: Technological process, optimization, modeling, descriptive geometry, multidimensional space, Radischev drawing, hyperplane, hypersurface, algorithm, factors, parameters

  • Evaluation of the quality of exercise on a computer simulator handling machine using fuzzy sets

    The article is devoted to the development of the new algorithm performance-training exercises on a computer simulator handling machine. The problem of training of operators handling machines, development of structure-aided training exercises for operators handling machines, the criteria for the exercise on a computer simulator handling machine, the calculation of the coefficient of absorption, using fuzzy logic, the algorithm of the exercise are discussed in the article. The work was supported by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation  (contract № 13.G25.31.0093) as part of the RF Government Decree № 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing complex projects on high-tech production"

    Keywords: Handling machine, a computer simulator, computer-aided learning, learning coefficient, fuzzy output

  • Magnetometer with cryogenic probe

    The problem of interaction of mutually perpendicular magnetic fields in superconductors is considered. Possibility of use of a nonlinear susceptibility of superconductors for measurement of a magnetic field is shown, the assessment of sensitivity of the cryogenic probe magnetometer is carried out.

    Keywords: superconductor, magnetometer, SQUID, cryotron, the crossed magnetic fields, non-linear magnetic, cryogenic probe

  • The Optimality principles in stydying of the social and economic labor market processes

    Labour market is a complicated social and economic system, which requires the necessity to consider a number of characteristic properties (stochasticity,nonlinearity,inertance,nonstationarity) for investigation and modelling labor market processes and phenomena. In this article the problem of optimum control of a labour market is mathematically formalized. This allows for regional system of a labor market to reach desirable indicators, namely the set unemployment rate.

    Keywords: Labor market, optimum control, optimizing tasks, principle of a maximum of Pontryagin, social and economic system

  • Optimization of search the dust removal device for the enterprises of road and building manufactures

    In article are presented the analytical dependences, characterizing general and fractional efficiency on the basis of the is likelihood-stochastic approach, allowing to plan experimental researches and to develop design procedures of dust removal devices of the enterprises for manufacture of road and building materials. Research of dust properties and optimization on basis of constructive and regime parameters allow to provide demanded efficiency of catching of a dust.

    Keywords: "the is likelihood-stochastic approach, fractional efficiency, the dust removal device, optimization of parameters, manufacture of road and building materials "

      The current work considers the problem of arrangement optimization of non-convex polyhedrons into a minimal height parallelepiped container. The no-fit polyhedron based algorithm is proposed to solve described task. The no-fit polyhedrons are used not only for providing conditions of the polyhedrons mutual non-intersection but also for finding the placement points. The current paper provides the block diagrams and the pseudo code of the algorithm. Some examples and computational results are also given for public input data. 

    Keywords: packing, no-fit polyhedron, non-intersection, optimization, arrangement

      The article describes the best ways spline interpolation trajectories of angular movement in the key points for solving motion control rd to the prediction of the external load. As benchmarks we examine the accuracy of the approximation of the drive and the complexity of calculation of coefficients of splines.

    Keywords: Trajectory, Lagrange splines, splines Ferguson, interpolation

      The article is devoted to improving the performance of cryptographic transformations performed encoders stream ciphers made on the basis of the inner product generator. Such generators are a variety of clock-controlled shift register that can improve the statistical properties of the resulting sequence. The disadvantage is that to get a one character of sequence to submit several clock. The scheme of the inner product generator, based on the algorithm reimplementing feedback shift register recurrence, which allows for one step to produce a single character of sequence, is constructed and described in this article.

    Keywords: parallel logical computations; cryptographic transformation; Linear Feedback Shift Register; stream ciphers; clock-controlled shift register, inner product generator

  • Algorithm for calculation of reflection on the basis of geometric model

    The algorithm of construction of reflections from the screens of complex shape. Geometric modeling based on the proposed algorithm makes it possible to conduct a rapid assessment of the distances between the fire building complex geometry, and between the process equipment, which is characterized by heat. Analytical dependences describing the process of building reflections, software algorithms and examples of calculations.

    Keywords: geometric modeling, geometrical optics, geometrical acoustics, the laws of reflection

  • Development of proposals to improve energy efficiency of apartment houses of mass construction

    To improve energy efficiency of the Russian economy and the introduction of energy saving technologies is a strategic objective. The housing sector in Russia is second largest manufacturing sector of final energy consumption: more than ¼ of total energy consumption and 45% of heat consumption in the country. Most of the apartment buildings is characterized by low efficiency of energy consumption: the energy they now consumed an average of one and a half times higher than in countries with a similar climate. Today, there are technical solutions that reduce the loss of resources in residential buildings while providing comfortable living conditions, which ultimately should lead to lower cost of the housing.

    Keywords: Energy efficiency, mass housing, housing, energy saving, Apartment House

  • Design featuresin Russia

    As a notable desire to invest in the safest of assets - real estate, an increase in construction in the Russian Federation. However, despite the emergence of new technologies and methods of works, materials, machinery and equipment are still some problems - the lack of adequate procedures in the organization of the construction process, which affects the duration of construction. To date - this is the main factor. And its value depends on the cost of borrowed money, the loss of the frozen funds related to the timing of input and start to use the object to the destination. Therefore, to achieve the goals, it is necessary to develop information technology construction industry with the interaction of design and construction companies to provide timely information to manage the construction industry.

    Keywords: technique, design, technology, control, menegement

  • Search of optimum location of stations of an overload solid municipal waste mathematical methods

    In article the technique of optimization of placement of waste reloading stations, allowing to define both location, and number of stations that allows to reduce both operational and capital expenditure for the organization and functioning of system of the address with a waste is offered.

    Keywords: technological process of transportation, a solid municipal waste, critical distance