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  • Enhancing the functionality of the inverter voltage systems interfacing renewable energy and industrial network.

    The problems of the modification of voltage inverter circuit are considered and using of a DC power source in the realization of function of boosting voltage converter.

    Keywords: Active rectifier, voltage converter, inverting converter, multi-channel power supply , the conversion factor.

  • Comparative analysis powerlifting sports techniques in sportsmen of different qualifications with motor disorder

      Bbiomechanical parameters of the competitive exercise «bench» during the All-Russian competitions (Cup of Russia, Sochi 2011) were revealed in powerlifting athletes of various qualifications with motor disorder. Comparative analysis showed that there are significant differences between athletes of high, medium and low skills.

    Keywords: Powerlifting, sports techniques, sportsmen of different qualifications with motor disorder

  • Research of change of tangents of tension and vertical movings from a lesovozny road train in a design of road clothes and a road bed

    Results of computer modeling intense the deformed condition of a design of road clothes of the lesovozny highway on vertical movings and tangents to tension by a method of final elements on the program PLAXIS complex are given. Deformation of constructive layers of road clothes occurs under the influence of loadings from a lesovozny road train. Results of researches of change of tangents of tension and vertical movings are given for a covering, the basis, a working layer of earth of a road bed.

    Keywords: stone mastic asphalt, lesovozny road train, design of road clothes.

  • Development and design of bimorph thermal actuator and а micromirror based on it

    A design of the actuator, consisting of a thin layers of silicon dioxide and aluminum is proposed. There are calculations made of the response speed and heat dissipation of the actuator. By making the best selection of layer thicknesses and optimization stages of technological process, in particular the deep selective etching of silicon, the best performance on the angle of inclination of the actuator and the speed of the device could be achived. The greater the difference between the initial temperature and the heating temperature, the stronger the beam of the actuator is lowered to the plane of the silicon plate, and, therefore, less angle of elevation above the surface of the silicon plate. It is thus possible to control the angle of the beam by selecting the appropriate heater and voltage, providing the desired temperature. The design of the micromirror device based on the proposed actuator is provided. The developed design is based on the actuator and allows for controling the tilt of the mirror in a wide range.

    Keywords: silicon, termoactuator, micromechanical systems, bimorph structure, micromirrors

  • Properties of materials, which are used in the study of the performance of strengthened reinforced concrete constructions

    This paper addresses the testing results of steel rods with grade A500 and A600, which used as a conventional reinforcement. It was investigated the strength properties of carbon and fiberglass sheets with different number of material layers. The results are compared with the data given in the quality certificates.

    Keywords: fiberglass, carbon frp sheets, laminates, sheets of carbon and fiberglass, the ultimate load ,strength

  • Analysis of time series with cig fractal processing

    Briefly discussed the theoretical model of the spectrum of RR intervals and its changes depending on the processes taking place. Made a device for measuring cardiointervalogramms (CIG). Obtained from the renting of data, of varying duration and frequency shall be recorded for further processing. The analysis revealed that the resulting spectrum satisfies the conditions considered in the theoretical model, and can be further analyzed with fractal characteristics. Such an analysis is of great importance in the diagnosis of the patient directly to the duration of the therapeutic procedure for the optimization of both time and intensity exerted influence.

    Keywords: CIG; fractal series; the spectrum of RR intervals

  • Application of the discriminate analysis for classification of EEG of patients by diabetic encephalopathy

    One of the most widespread endocrine diseases in the world is diabetes therefore its true diagnostics, and also diagnostics of its complications (encephalopathy, complications in cardiovascular system, etc.) is always actual. During carrying out research the analysis of psychological testing of examinees was carried out. Also in this work the attention is paid to application of methods of the statistical analysis for classification of EEG of patients by diabetic encephalopathy and healthy examinees. The most informative indicators of EEG reflecting cognitive functions of a brain were revealed. The interrelation of results of psychological testing and EEG analysis is established.

    Keywords: electroencephalography, diabetic encephalopathy, discriminant analysis

  • Study of the temperature influence of internal air on temperature distribution of the heat-insulated floor surface.

    It is considered the dependence of the operation mode of floor radiant panel heating systems depending on the design parameters for the internal air  

    Keywords: panel-radiant heating, heat-insulated floor, parameters of the internal air

  • High-frequency active filter units mixed SoC based on a current amplifier

    The paper shows the feasibility of using a current amplifier in the filters RF and microwave ranges. By analyzing the basic structure of the second-order level sufficient conditions for the efficient use of active elements. The examples of methodological nature and formulated conclusions of practical importance.

    Keywords: RF filter, microwave filter, parametric sensitivity, current amplifiers, functional modeline setting

  • Synthesis interpolation algorithm line segment for planning trajectory of confluent two-tier mechanism

    Considered original interpolation method of the working tool path using confluent two-unit manipulator. This method is based on the separation of the links on the master and slave and the use of polar coordinates to determine the incremental rotation of angle units. It is adapted for use calculating hardware with floating point.

    Keywords: two-tier mechanism, circular interpolation, the kinematic model, floating point operations, the static accuracy of interpolation

  • About stochastic similarity functioning of systems "means- equipment-technology-production" (METP) at the intensified hydrothermal treatment of leather shoe materials

    It is presented in article that the technique of determination of stochastic similarity of functioning of one of subsystems of the intensified hydrothermal treatment - moistening of details of top of footwear. According to the offered technique there were received to be expressions for determination of output parameter of process "moistening" - the module of elasticity of skin and relative deviations of characteristics the subsystems proving similarity functioning of considered subsystems in stochastic sense. According to the offered technique expressions for determination of output parameter of a subsystem of "moistening" - the module of elasticity of skin and relative deviations of independent parameters of process of the vacuum and sorption moistening, providing with the possibility of forecasting of the minimum duration of processing were received.

    Keywords: stochastic similarity, means-equipment-technology-production system, the processing intensified hydrothermal treatment, the vacuum and sorption moistening, the determined similarity, tanning and shoe materials

  • A new approach to provide web accessibility for the blind users based on the enhance of navigational characteristics of web pages

    Most of web pages of the Web are inaccessible for the blind users. And the main reason is a lack of the semantics at the source code (technical) level of web pages and absence of the navigational components. In this work we propose a new web page representation---multiaxial navigation model---representing web documents in the form convinient for the blind users. Moreover, we present methodology for the navigation on the model proposed, that ensure an efficiency of user mobility. Automatic transformation of a web page into the multiaxial navigation model and navigation means are realized in the Blindzilla prototype. An efficiency of the proposed concepts is proven experimentally regarding contemporary screen readers, such as JAWS, Window-Eyes, and Fire Vox.

    Keywords: web accessibility, navigation, web page, web technologies

  • Cognitive approach to the research of geopolitical processes in world regions and cognitive modeling of their development (On the example of the Black – Caspian Region)

      The article is devoted to the problem of the research of geopolitical processes on the world regions’ scale under present-day conditions. The article substantiates the necessity of their analysis with the help of the cognitive approach as an effective means of cognition of the interconnections and interrelationships within the complicated systems. With that aim in view the specifics and the stages of the cognitive modeling are given thorough analysis in the article. This type of modeling is adapted to the analysis of geopolitical dynamics on the regional/sub regional level taking into consideration its aptitudes to make prognostic scenarios of the development of the situation. The possibilities of the cognitive modeling of geopolitical processes are illustrated on the example of the situation in three sub regions constituting one (big) the Black Sea – Caspian region.

    Keywords: World regions, geopolitical processes, modeling of the complicated systems, modeling of the geopolitical processes, cognitive modeling, the program’s system of the cognitive modeling, the Black Sea – Caspian Region, the Black Sea sub region, the Caucasus

  • Economic efficiency of phased development of dry ports

    After accession of Russia into the WTO the tasks related to the development of infrastructure have been sharpen. With the growing volume of cargo traffic and the lack of opportunity for the extensive development of the port infrastructure, the alternative of building the dry port can be only feasible, although explicitly the most expensive. Due to this reason the method of gradual development of the dry port which provides significant economic efficiency was addressed in the article.

    Keywords: dry ports, net present value, the efficiency of the investments

  • Multicriteria decision making under risk based on the integration of multi-agent, evolutionary modeling and numerical methods

    Decision making in the organizational and technical systems is complicated by the risk of various events emergence in the systems with a given probability. The article describes a method for supporting decision making under risk on the basis of integration of evolutionary, multi-agent, simulation models and numerical methods. In the course of the method's work the following steps are performing: a set of alternatives solutions is formed;  transition to a one-criterion alternatives evaluation is fulfilled by using linear convolution; transition to the system behavior certainty is fulfilled with the use of numerical optimization Bayes-Laplace criterion. The developed method is applied to solving the projects scheduling problem; the results agree with the problem solution that has been performed by using genetic algorithm method under certainty.

    Keywords: decision making risks, multi-agent modeling, numerical methods of decisions optimization, scheduling problem, evolutionary modeling