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  • The neural networks recognition of the classes in real time

    The work is devoted to the development of theoretical and practical basis for the use of intelligent technologies for productive extraction of knowledge from data sets for decision-making in real time.Developed the method  construction of the accelerating algorithm, while controlling for allowable adequacy model allows training neural network models in the rate of real-time within a given risk. Proposed accelerating algorithm and neural network models are built based on a standard emulator, providing the required efficiency in the processing of the input array. within the limits.

    Keywords: neyroemulyator speeding up the algorithm, cascade circuit training sample, gradient descent, back propagation of error

  • Service as a markering and logistics category

    In the article was shown the essence of the concept of "service" from the standpoint of marketing and logistic activities, the service dualism, the assessment of service of marketing and logistic positions. In the article was made an attempt to differentiate service operations to marketing or logistics activities in the aim of improving the management process of customer service and competitiveness of the company

    Keywords: service, service management, logistics service, marketing service, service assessment

  • Software for stereovisualization of FEM simulating results

    The presented work extends the state-of-art of visualization construction simulations in three dimensions (3D). Classical computer graphics methods can be used to instrument construction models to automatically generate dynamic visualizations of any construction models. The visualization problem of FEM analysis is considered. A description is presented of programs of convertation and visualization of results of finite element method analysis of geodesic domes.

    Keywords: simulation, computer graphics, geodesic domes, finite element method, convertation, visualization

  • The analysis of means of protection of a metalwork from corrosion

    The article provides an example evaluation of the technical condition of building and handling machines in terms of corrosion resistance. Using functional method of determining the weights estimated sufficiency compositions anticorrosion treatment building and handling machines.

    Keywords: The sufficiency condition, the generalized criterion, a metric multiplicative convolution operator on the set of individual criteria

  • Consensus Protocol in Asynchronous Networks with Failures

    Consensus problem involves a system of processes, some of which may be faulty. A fundamental problem of fault-tolerant distributed computing is for the reliable processes to reach a agreement on a same decision. One approach to achieving such agreement is for processes to vote and agree on the majority value. In the absence of faults, this works fine, but the vote even one faulty process can swing the outcome. In this paper we present some result of analysis of a mixed-failure model, where t processes may fail, b out of which is the Byzantine failures and remaining c is crash processes. In a asynchronous model of computation for several distributed problems it turns out that a collection of N processes can tolerate c crash failures if 2c < N, while robustness against b Byzantine failures requires 3b < N. Our algorithm rely on a weak definition of the Byzantine failures which disallows them act as a dead or a crash processes and can tolerate the 2(N – 2c)/3 failures.

    Keywords: fault tolerance, distributed algorithms, asynchronous networks, byzantine failures

  • Microwave band-pass filter on waveguides of complex cross-section, integrated into a multilayered chip with SIW technology

    The possibilities of waveguide elements realization in the structure of multilayered integrated chips of centimeter and millimeter ranges with SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide)-technology application are considered. The approaches allowing effectively using in new structures the algorithms and techniques of the electrodynamic analysis and synthesis of passive devices on classical all-metal waveguides are offered. Advantages of use in SIW structure the waveguides of complex cross-section are considered on the example of the microwave band-pass filter.

    Keywords: A.A. Gadzieva, V.V. Zemlyakov, S.V. Krutiev

  • A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving linear systems of equations describing the circuits

    The article describes the main problems of circuit simulation. The problem of solving ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) of large dimension. The modified algorithm is a linear algebraic solutions. Described a hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving linear systems based on the proposed modified method. The results of the pilot study and comparison of the algorithm with the algorithms based on the traditional methods for solving linear algebraic equation, which confirm the advantages of the hybrid evolutionary algorithm.

    Keywords: Genetic operators, evolutionary algorithm, the system of linear algebraic equations, computer-aided design.

  • The investigation of properties of gas sensitive materials based on SiO2SnOxCuOy thin films used in gas sensors for multisensory air monitoring system

    The establishment of automated air monitoring systems is a promising way of the air monitoring devices development. The comparative analysis of literature has shown that thin films based on semiconductor metal oxides are effective and widely used material for air monitoring systems creation. In order to create effective and more sensitive sensors it is important to research processes that occur on the surface of the gas sensitive material when it contacts with different substances. The processes that proceed on the surface of gas sensitive material based on SiO2SnOxCuOy during the interaction with molecules of nitrogen dioxide. Quantum chemical calculations have shown that there are three possible mechanisms of interaction between the molecules of nitrogen dioxide with a surface of gas sensitive material.

    Keywords: multitouch system of the monitoring, gas-sensitive material, molecules of dioxide of nitrogen

  • Development of Gas Sensitive Element Based on Copper Oxides Films for Ammonia Detection

      This paper is devoted to development of gas sensors air control. It is shown that copper oxides are the promising materials for high sensitive sensors. The CuOx film material was syntheses by means of citrate sol-gel technique. The sensors fabricated on the basis of CuOx film material were sensitive to ammonia gas in the range of 25-150 ppm. Working temperature was determined as 180 °C. Such sensors can be used for work area air control of industrial enterprises.

    Keywords: gas-sensitive element, atmospheric air, sensors, copper oxides

  • Sensitivity analysis of ZnO thin film deposited by rf reactive magnetron sputtering

      Results of researches of gas sensitive properties of zinc oxide films grown by reactive rf magnetron sputtering was shown. Process parameters, affected on the gas-sensitive ratio, response time, recovery time and the type of electrical conductivity of obtained films were identified. Optimal modes of magnetron sputtering of zinc oxide for implementing gas sensors (RF sputtering Zn target in a gas mixture of oxygen and argon at a concentration of 80% oxygen, a chamber pressure of 0.8 Pa and the magnetron power 100 W) were established. Avarage response time on NO2 gas was 5-15 sec.  The obtained values ​​of the gas-sensitivity were in the range 30-67% for NO2 concentrations from 20 to 100 ppm, CO and CO2 from 50 to 100 ppm and 81-97% for higher gas concentrations from 500 to 1000 ppm.  

    Keywords: Nanotechnology, magnetron sputtering, zinc oxide, thin films, gas sensitivity

  • Accounting for the effects of differences between the moduli of elasticity in compression and tension in the calculation of the strength of reinforced beams with filler of foamy fibrous concrete

    The article investigates the impact on the normal stresses of inequality of the young modulus for tension and compression in the bending of reinforced beams. Obtained formulas for determination of the bending moments that arise in the fixture, compressed and stretched zone of the aggregate. Found the formula for the normal stresses arbitrarily supported reinforced beams, arbitrary cross section and arbitrarily loaded bending loads. For example, reinforced beams of rectangular cross-section shows the determination of the neutral line and maximum stresses.

    Keywords: reinforced beam, elastic modulus, stress, normal concrete

  • A method of numerical modeling of spectrometric systems of gas sensors

      A principle of spectrometric systems of gas sensors was described. A model and a method of numerical modeling of spectrometric gas sensor with the combined radiator-receiver of infrared radiation on the basis of the punched semiconductor thermoresistor were proposed.

    Keywords: spectrometric gas sensor, model, method of modeling

  • Principles for the development of biopotential amplifiers and method of processing data on reactions

      The requirements to be met by a data acquisition system in terms of each of the problems to be solved. Presented electric concept developed biopotential amplifier with a total gain of 2000. The theoretical model of the spectrum of RR intervals and changes depending on the running processes. The analysis revealed that the resulting spectrum satisfies the conditions considered in the theoretical model, and can be further analyzed with fractal characteristics.

    Keywords: Instrumental amplifier, biopotential, fractal index

  • Principles of metrology information-measuring systems for analytical measurements in biomedicine

      Regarding the structural evaluation of the instrumental error of bio MIS tool software package was developed that allows to take into account the error in the analysis of clinical diagnostic measurement in hematology research. It allows to analyze the results of hematological measurements with the measurement error and issue you with a message that characterizes getting results within normal or unreliability. Nanoparticles in biomedical analytical measurements are used as contrast agents, since, being immobilized specific proteins with adhesion to the diseased cells and bacteria. Register ultrasonic signal produced when the laser blood flow to the entered nanoparticles allows the detection and enumeration of diseased cells. The block diagram of analytical studies was designed to prove its basic metrological characteristics. Research is conducted in the centers for collective use of the Southern Federal University "Nanotechnology" and "Laser Technology", equipped with modern and unique nanotechnology research equipment.

    Keywords: Bio MIS, nanoparticles, hematological measurements

  • Strength calculation of composite construction unit of hexagonal plates, circular cylindrical shell and flanging

    The article is devoted to the resistance accounts composite structures. It is based on all-covariance-energy principle. We consider the calculation of the stress-strain state of construction, consisting of a base in the form of hexagonal plates, rigid base related to the circular cylindrical shell.

    Keywords: plate, shell, variation-energy principle, the strength, the composite structure.