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  • On the ratio of the strength parameters of sandy soils when tested in a compression odometer with measurement of lateral stresses and a single-plane shear device

    Methods and results of determining indicators of deformation and strength properties of soils using various laboratory test technologies are considered. The research objective is to verify the methodological correctness of the results obtained from tests in a compression odometer chamber with the ability to measure lateral stresses. The relevance of this development lies in the possibility of replacing this device with testing to determine the strength characteristics of the soil in shear devices. The results of tests of fine sand lying at the base of the projected sports and recreation complex at one of the construction sites in Penza are presented. The influence of the used test methods on the obtained values ​​of the strength and deformability characteristics is shown. Correlation indicators are revealed and corresponding conclusions and proposals are given. There is a possibility that the method is valid when some correlation coefficients are used. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to conduct tests on different types of soils with the possible compilation of tables of conversion factors.

    Keywords: sand, laboratory test methods; single-plane cut, odometric tests, strength characteristics, deformation characteristics

  • Using fingerprint identification algorithms for solving the problem of timber logistics control

    The article presents the results of experiments to study the possibility of using machine vision algorithms for identifying timber, in particular round timber, based on the recognition of the image of annual rings taken as a natural marker. Image recognition is carried out using fingerprint identification algorithms. The results of testing several algorithms for fingerprint identification are presented. The analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed method and its suitability for solving such problems is carried out.

    Keywords: annual rings, fingerprints, recognition, identification, image processing, pattern recognition, operational accounting, efficiency

  • Development the system for analysis of real estate in typical apartment buildings based on mass valuation methods

    The paper discusses modern approaches to the mass valuation of real estate, automated systems for typical buildings assessment, and also provides the development of a method for the continuous assessment of real estate objects, which makes it possible to effectively evaluate groups of real estate objects and infrastructure. This research is aimed at studying the economic component of this process - modeling of a system for assessing the market valuation of real estate in typal development objects. The purpose of the study is to develop a system of continuous assessment (mass valuation) of real estate, taking into account the current methodological support of the process of assessing the market value of real estate, and should contribute to the improvement of the comparative approach to valuation in the framework of the practical activities of appraisers, as well as for state regulation of the real estate market.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Algorithm to control saturation contrast of digital images and its program realization

    The paper deals with virtual-optic image processing, particularly – with contrast enhancement, specifically – with control of color saturation contrasts in order to detect latent graphic information. The theorem of a hue invariance at color saturation through RGB-coordinates shift and its brightness restoration through RGB-coordinates proportional variation is proved. Meeting the corresponding requirements for analytical software tools, the original algorithm and program to enhance saturation contrasts were developed. The truncated brightness equation is presented. The possibility to optimize the speed versus accuracy of the conversion is laid. The program was successfully approved: a significant increase in the information content of the image was recorded. The efficiency of the created software product application to expert problems is demonstrated.

    Keywords: graphic information, color saturation, saturation contrast, contrast control, algorithm and program, latent images, expert applications

  • Theoretical study of decay in binary systems. Part II. The equation of a line of spinodal decomposition (spinodal) in a binary mixture at structural phase transitions

    The equations of spinodal decay in binary systems in which there is a phase transition-improper decay are obtained. For the first time, spinodal equations for a phase transition with one multicomponent order parameter (two one-component) are obtained.

    Keywords: binary solutions, spinodal decay, structural phase transition

  • Research of interrelation and interaction of processes of the enterprise quality management system in the space of conditions

    For the three main processes of the enterprise, identified in the decomposition of its activities, a mathematical model in the space of conditions is developed, taking into account their relationship and interaction in the quality management system. For the obtained system of differential equations, the structural composition of the operators included in it is disclosed. An example of the application of the created mathematical model in the study of the functioning of the quality management system using linear and non-linear operators and the action of random external disturbances is considered. A discussion of the simulation results at various parameter values from the point of view of the functioning of the selected processes is presented.

    Keywords: differential equation, space of conditions, process, quality management system

  • Model of a system for protecting multichannel automated systems from ddos attacks, taking into account the release as channels are processed

    The paper provides an analysis of the principles of the multichannel protection system. The analysis showed that in order to solve the problem of ensuring secure communication with an external resource through public networks, it is advisable to use a multi-channel system with different channel capacities, while the main channel and spare channels that are connected to work when the main channel cannot handle all incoming applications with probability of 0.95. This model takes into account that the channels are filled hierarchically, and are freed up as the applications are processed.

    Keywords: automated system, modeling, protection subsystem, queuing system, probabilistic assessment

  • Analysis of the load curve in the isolated areas of power supply

    The article studies the subject of human settlements with decentralized power supply, included into a locally isolated power supply complex. The basic integrated measures were determined for settlements power lines daily load curves. The results are presented, for dependency assessment between the integrated measures for daily load curves and the number of the settlement’s inhabitants. The dependency has been proven to be effectively described by a second order equation. For the dependency, the correlation coefficient, the determination coefficient and the average approximation error have been given.

    Keywords: Power line load curve, decentralized power supply zone, locally isolated power supply complex, approximation

  • Combustion of hydrocarbon fuel mixtures in water heaters

    An experimental study of the combustion of mixtures of hydrocarbon fuels in a water heater was carried out. The dependences of the outlet temperature of the heat carrier on the composition of the fuel in two cases were established: a mixture of methane and propane-butane fuel, a mixture of methane and hydrogen.

    Keywords: hydrocarbon fuel, variable composition, heater, reclaiming, energy efficient and environmental combustion

  • Opportunities to improve customs risk management system based on automatization of risk identification

    The development of the customs service of the Russian Federation until 2030. The aim of the research is to improve the customs risk management system as a result of the development of a methodology for the automated application of the flow of goods between various customs services. As a result, an algorithm for searching and analyzing goods flows was proposed and its software implementation of mediation in MS Access requests for a database of electronic copies of goods declarations was presented.

    Keywords: risk management system, flow of goods, customs risks, foreign economic activity, databases

  • Application of a cognitive set-theoretic approach to the task of determining cadastral cost of land

    The work describes the implementation of the cognitive set-theoretic approach proposed earlier for modeling complex systems. The article describes in detail the application of the analytic hierarchy process and the cluster approach to determining the cadastral cost of land and selecting the site according to predetermined criteria on the example of Taganrog. Calculations and visualization of results were carried out using the software products STATISTICA and QGIS

    Keywords: cognitive theoretical-multiple approach, the analytic hierarchy process, cluster approach, cadastral cost

  • Modeling of oscillations under the pulse effect of a multilayer structure in the Ansys complex

    The simulation of a multilayer structure in the finite element Ansys complex is considered. The design consists of 10 layers, each of which has certain specific properties. The model is an imitation of the soil base pavement. We consider the simulation in the form of a simplified, flat statement of the problem. The analysis of the oscillations under impact. The wave field of displacements at a given part of the structure is analyzed. Based on a numerical experiment, an approach to estimating the characteristics of a layer is constructed.

    Keywords: multi-layer construction, vibration diagnostics, simulation, FEM, Ansys, pulse action, dynamics, fluctuations

  • Parametric modeling of the floor slab in the Ansys complex

    The modeling of a hollow core slab in the finite element complex Ansys is considered. The construction of a 3D model is considered. Numerical modeling was carried out under static loading of the floor slab. The influence of material properties on the parameters of the stress state and deflection of the structure is investigated. Based on a numerical experiment, an approach to assessing the characteristics of a structure is constructed.

    Keywords: hollow core slab, static analysis, modeling, FEM, Ansys, stress state, deflection

  • Dynamic norms of random and directed mutations in the genetic algorithm

    Dynamic norms for random and directed mutations in a genetic algorithm for solving the problem of placing elements in an orthonormal lattice have been developed. The principle of these norms is borrowed from the method of imitation annealing. The probability of using random mutations decreases in accordance with the annealing temperature, and the probability of directional mutations increases from iteration to iteration when approaching the optimum.

    Keywords: genetic algorithm, the task of placing the elements, the annealing method, random mutations, directed deterministic mutations

  • Non-linear method of analytical information vibration signal processing

    The article presents the non-linear method of analytical information vibration signal processing. This method allows to select spectral components of small amplitude stress concentrators on the backgroud noise. The method is based on digital filtering and demodulation of original vibration signal through its non-linear conversion. Application of smoothing the Hamming window allows to reduce the transition band nonrecursive digital filter and exclude from the sample of information parasitic components. The proposed non-linear analytical information vibration signal processing method lets to select spectral components of surface cracks and sinks most responsible elements of the rotor system and explore its dynamic sustainability.

    Keywords: non-linear transformation of analytical information vibration signal, discrete Fourier transform, Hamming window, stress concentrators, dynamic sustainability of rotor system