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  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The paper analyzes the characteristics and features of property management in the residential complex. Established criteria for selecting the main forms of housing management. The types of relations between the owner and property manager, used in the Russian practice. Owners of premises in an apartment building independently choose a method of controlling the home, based on selected criteria, depending on the particular situation.

    Keywords: housing and communal complex, form of governance, reform, apartment building, homeowners, housing

  • Modeling and automation of the management process of formation of professional skills of the operator of the process system

    The paper proposes a model system for managing the process of formation of professional skills of trainees during exercise using a computer simulator. A distinctive feature of the proposed system models is the opportunity for the shortest time to achieve a high degree of quality development and skills by computing the integrated assessment exercise learners based on a number of quality indicators with different physical nature (using fuzzy set theory and the analytic hierarchy process) as well as full control of the dynamics of the development of skills in view of the gradual development of skills with repeated exercises under repeatability conditions (using mathematical models of iterative learning).

    Keywords: automated training systems, computer simulator, professional skills, fuzzy sets, iterative learning model, analytic hierarchy process

  • The technique of automatic quality assessment exercises on a computer simulator operator of the process system using fuzzy sets

    In this paper we propose a model to automatically obtain a comprehensive assessment of the level of formation of professional skills of operators of industrial-technological system, scientific novelty which, compared with existing, is the ability to relate the quality of some exercises on a computer simulator with different physical nature (time, distance etc.) with coefficients of development, are dimensionless quantities and therefore suitable for further processing. On the basis of the proposed model in the near future plans to implement algorithms, software and information support automated training system operators of industrial and technological processes.

    Keywords: automated training systems, computer simulator, professional skills, fuzzy inference algorithm Mamdani, fuzzification, defuzzification

  • Features integrated automatic quality assessment exercises on a computer simulator operator of industrial-technological system

    In this paper we propose a model, the hallmark of which is the ability to automatically obtain a comprehensive assessment of the level of formation of professional abilities of operators, called a complex coefficient was calculated in the development and completion of learning exercises as a weighted average based on the weights of quality indicators used in this exercise, and the coefficients of development according to indicators of quality. Detail the features of the application of the analytic hierarchy process, which is calculated using the weights needed to calculate the complex factors of development. In the short term plan to implement algorithms, software and information support automated training system in accordance with the proposed model.

    Keywords: automated training systems, computer simulator, professional skills, analytic hierarchy process, comprehensive assessment, the coefficient development skills

  • Model railway optical localization of railway vehicles based on negative selection algorithm in artificial immune system

    This paper proposes a new approach to railway vehicles localization based on image processing method consists in the recognition of the railway car coupler on the graphical images obtained by cameras of versatile automatic recognition system for railway cars’ numbers (versatile ARS-RCN system). A model based on the recognition of the coupling of the real-valued negative selection algorithm with variable-sized detectors was developed. Computational experiments that showed the effectiveness of developed model in comparison with the classical support vector machine on real data collected on one the versatile ARS-RCN system object were performed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach in the duplicated mode (using two cameras) and in combination with the basic method of localization of mobile units on the basis of inductive sensors passing wheels was showed.

    Keywords: artificial immune system, soft computing, localization of railway vehicles , identification of cars’ numbers

  • Analysis subsystem group synchronization in phase and asinfaznom modes broadband radio communication system with pulse-width modulation

    Objects of research are methods of distinguishing modes of synchronization subsystem group, and the purpose of the work - study group synchronization subsystem wideband radio system with pulse-width modulation. As a result, performance is defined threshold mode decision subsystem group synchronization in accordance with the criterion of minimum average risk. In the article investigated the modes of synchronization subsystem group. Chosen to describe the probability distribution asinfaznom mode and common-mode subsystem group synchronization. The parameters of the probability distribution in the two modes of the subsystem and verify compliance naedennyh theoretical descriptions of probability distributions with the empirical probability distributions of single series with the theoretical distribution. On the basis of naedennyh distribution laws was set threshold mode decision

    Keywords: subsystem, broadband system, the probability distribution, group synchronization

  • Automation of the control of the dynamics of development of skills in the exercises on a computer simulator operator of industrial-technological system

    The paper proposes a model, based on which the automatic control of the dynamics of the development of skills based on the principles of iterative learning that provides the gradual formation of skills trained at repeated the exercise on a computer simulator under repeatability conditions. This is achieved by calculating the automated training system intermediate threshold of the complex coefficient with the development of mathematical models using iterative learning. The value of this ratio affects the formation of the control actions. In the short term plan to implement algorithms, software and information support automated training system in accordance with the proposed model of calculating the intermediate complex coefficient threshold of development.

    Keywords: automated training systems, computer simulator, professional skills, fuzzy sets, iterative learning model, analytic hierarchy process, learning curve, the speed of learning

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.

  • Modeling of changes of physicochemical characteristics of potash fertilizers at storage and transportation

    A model system was designed and test  trials of physical and mechanical characteristics of small – crystalline and granular flotation potassium chloride are studied. This model system allows to design storage and transportation  of fertilizers in bulk in railway wagons and it has the same static and vibrational load as real system. The effect of temperature and relative humidity of the air on hygroscopy of small – crystalline and granular КСl were studied. Furthermore the influence of static load, and time length  of compression process of fertilizing layer and parameters of static and vibrational load on composition of КСl granules were investigated. It was experimentally proved that the humidity increase (0,5 %) of granular КСl and the  increase of static load and time length  of compression process of product during transportation in bulk lead to increase of compaction degree and caking ability of product. Research of the influence of high static load (10-30 kg/sm2) and time length of compression process of fertilizing layer on caking ability and degree of compaction show that small – grained KCl has smaller degree of compaction and considerably higher value of caking ability in comparison with granular KCl.

    Keywords: Potash fertilizers, storage and transportation, hygroscopy, caking ability, degree of compaction, commodity characteristics of fertilizers


    Considered feature design of pump and presents the results of a study of Assembly parts: pump shaft, cotters, impellers. Research of include: measurement of runout of the shaft and the shaft with working wheels, on the basis of measurements was concluded. 

    Keywords: Assembly, shaft, wheel, analysis, heartbeat, gap.

  • The propagation technology of Chinese Cedar (Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco) for green building in Rostov region.

    The main methods of Platycladus orientalis seed propagation are studied. For Platycladus orientalis industrial cultivation the following technologies of reproduction are recommended: For off-sort samples – seed propagation after stratification (25-30 days); For sorts and decorative forms:
    1.Vegetative propagation using IAA.
    2. Micropropagation of Platycladus orientalis in vitro by means of adventitious shoots induction on the MS medium adding 0,2 – 0,5 mg/l BAP. There are derived well rooted microshoots on the medium with IAA in concentration 5 mg/l.

    Keywords: green building, Platycladus orientalis, technologies of reproduction, clonal micropropagation.

  • Method for railway car numbers block recognition based on committee neuroimmune classification

    This paper presents a new neuroimmune-based method for block recognition of railway rolling stock inventory numbers. The advantage of such approach is  classification without using of negative samples. Developed technique combines segmentation and classification that allows to achieve higher noise robustness, segmentation possibility of fuzzy combined digits which have different fonts and typeface, and invariance of existing numbers to scale changes. Proposed method allows to constantly increase the training set for the improvement in classification accuracy by new committee classifiers statistics due to the data reduction property achieved by using the immune clustering mechanism. Research results were implemented in the software system of automatic recognition of cars numbers (ARNV), which is operated on the JSC Russian Railways.

    Keywords: Method for letters block recognition, the committee neuroimmune classification model, identification, automatic recognition car number, duplicate number

  • Liquid glass and aqueous solutions of silicates, as a promising basis for technological processes of new nanocomposite materials

    The properties of the water-soluble high-modulus silicate systems: based on alkali metal polysilicates called liquid glass and chain their transformation from lower to higher oligomers, with the subsequent formation of colloidal solutions - silica sol. The methods of preparation, properties and applications of water-soluble high-modulus silicate systems. The possibilities of their use as a binder and modifying agents for various nanostructured composite materials. The examples of promising areas of application of liquid glass and high modulus of aqueous solutions of silicates in construction and industry. In particular show the possibility of using liquid glass and aqueous solutions of silicates in the production of nanostructured silicate polymer. In space engineering for manufacturing water-destructed mandrels used in the manufacture of solid rocket motor casings and pressure vessels 'cocoon' of composite materials by winding. The application of the inorganic sol to obtain a nanocomposite ceramics and monolithic blocks of silicon oxide, which can be used in various fields of modern technology. The possibility of using silica sol as a binder for refractory ultra-lightweight shielding materials used to protect equipment from high impacts. The directions of development of the production of new acid-resistant materials and linings for protection of chemical equipment, parts and components operating in corrosive environments.

    Keywords: Keywords: water glass, silicate polymer concrete, additives, silicates organic bases tetrafurfuriloksisilan, furfural alcohol, nanostructure composite materials, water-soluble silicates, silica sol, sol-gel transition, cured xerogel water-destructed mandr

  • Features of obtaining manganese dioxide by method thermolysis on the tantalum anode of condenser

    In the article obtaining of cathodic coating MnO2 on condenser porous tantalum anode was researched. It was ascertained that formation of crystalline defects from hydrated MnO2 on MnO2 coating obtaining by known technology is possible. Such formations disturb tantalum capacitor cathode integrity. To determine the reasons of the crystal defects formation conveyed simultaneous thermal analysis of Mn(NO3)2x4H2O and Mn(NO3)2x6H2O with an analysis of the flue gases by FTIR spectroscopy. Based on the analysis results a mechanism of manganese nitrate thermolysis was suggested and the cause of the crystal defects on the surface after the coating of manganese dioxide removed from the furnace was ascertained. It was established that the thermolysis process is followed by the formation of such manganese nitrate intermediates as manganese hydroxynitrate, manganese oxyhydroxide and its further oxidation to manganese dioxide. Because of secondary processes leaking on the MnO­2 cover manganese oxyhydroxide residual can react with water vapor and oxygen, that leads to the formation of crystalline defects. Such phenomenon has a negative impact on the chemical composition and integrity of the coating on the surface of the porous MnO2 tantalum capacitor anode. Also it has been found experimentally that manganese hydroxynitrate is formed from manganese nitrate in the form of microtubules on the porous tantalum vehicle surface.

    Keywords: manganese dioxide, coating, manganese nitrate, thermolysis, crystalline defects, microtubules

  • The physicochemical analysis NH4NO3 – KNO3 – Н2О system at 25 degree C

    In the article are introduced research results of physicochemical properties of ammonium nitrate – potassium nitrate water system at 25o C. The literary source analysis is performed that no clear opinion about solid phases composition. The different composition double salts, solid solution and eutectics are identifies. Appeal is specifies a look and properties of formed structures. Methods of differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction have been establishing that the equilibrium solid phase of the studied system represents two types of solid solutions. A first type based on the III phase of ammonium nitrate crystal latitude (at the content of nitrate of potassium to 20 %) and a second type based on the potassium nitrate rhombic syngony (at the content of nitrate of potassium more than 80 %). Crystal cells parameters of being formed phases submit to the Vegard rule. The ammonium nitrate sample (at the content of nitrate of potassium more than 12 %) keeps phase stability at the temperature range minus 50 to plus 100о С. Burst in components miscibility at the potassium nitrate concentration range 30 to 80 % is observed.

    Keywords: ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, cocrystallization, solid solution