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  • On the issue of the building systems life cycle stages in the context of the principles of information modeling

    The article discusses the basic principles of information modeling of building systems that underlie BIM technology, and emphasizes the importance of their interaction, since the correctness and efficiency of the BIM process depends on this. The traditional and some basic curves characteristic of the life cycle of goods (products), which have found application in marketing theory, is given. It is noted that each stage of the life cycle of a construction object requires in-depth study and detailed study, since the analysis of scientific publications and the current regulatory document on information modeling revealed their contradiction to each other in some positions.

    Keywords: information modeling, principles, life cycle curves, capital construction object, normative document.

  • Mathematical model for assessing the quality of work on clearing territories from unwanted vegetation

    When clearing territories for the construction and / or subsequent maintenance of such infrastructure facilities as construction sites, airfield territories, right-of-way for roads and railways, heat supply routes, and so on, work is often carried out to remove growing undesirable tree and shrub vegetation, At the same time, the problem of assessing the quality of the performance of these works is relevant. The authors of the article consider the issues of mathematical modeling for assessing the quality and effectiveness of the work performed to clear the territories of a number of the above infrastructure facilities, give the boundary values ​​of the criteria for assessing the quality of the measures taken to remove vegetation, and formulate a conclusion about the advantages of the developed mathematical model.

    Keywords: territory, unwanted vegetation, removal, efficiency, quality, criteria, evaluation

  • Automation of the implementation of situational case studies to assess the professional skills of students

    A description of the new assessment tools in the form of case tasks is given, which most fully reflect the level of mastering the professional competencies laid down in the study of the discipline. Case-meters include special problematic tasks, for the solution of which it is necessary to analyze the situation that requires updating the complex of professional knowledge. The results of this type of testing give a fairly complete picture of the professional and personal qualities of a specialist. The description of the developed special software for automatic checking of case tasks for assessing the professional skills of students in the discipline of the database is given.

    Keywords: situational case, assessment tools, tests, assessment, case tasks, software application, design

  • Transport and logistics technologies in postal express delivery systems

    The article analyzes the current state of the postal services market, including the dynamics of the turnover of the postal services market in Russia, as well as an assessment of the development of postal items. The existing route network for the delivery of mail to Russian Post JSC is considered and the design location of the main objects of the sorting center in Rostov-on-Don - an automated sorting center in the immediate vicinity of the Platov airport is presented, an estimate of the costs of the current and project route networks.

    Keywords: transport and logistics technologies, express delivery, postal services, postal operator, route network, logistics postal center, automated sorting center, comparison, costs

  • Typical defects and damages that reduce the operational reliability of steel vertical tanks

    The importance of ensuring reliable operation of steel vertical tanks is emphasized. Based on the analysis of a number of scientific publications and regulatory documents, the most characteristic defects are presented in tabular form by groups, the combination of which determines the choice of the method of overhaul or reconstruction of tanks. In accordance with the data given in the table, the most common methods of overhaul and reconstruction of steel vertical tanks are considered.It is noted the need to develop organizational and technological solutions based on information technology, using servers for monitoring through the GLONASS / GPS systems, which will allow, within the framework of monitoring, to detect defects and damage to structural elements in a timely manner during the operation stage and ensure their elimination in order to increase the residual life of vertical steel tanks .

    Keywords: residual life, causes of defects, welds, cracks, work methods

  • Analysis of the possibilities of modal management in enterprise quality management systems

    The work is devoted to the study of the possibilities of ensuring the unconditional achievement of the goals of industrial enterprises with a combination of modal management and linear regulation with cost optimization in the operational and tactical management of quality management systems. The commonality of dependencies in modal control and linear regulation is shown. An approach to the combination of modal control and linear regulation is proposed, including the determination of the possibilities for changing the elements of the system matrix, as well as the search for optimal or rational solutions based on cost accounting. The application of this approach is considered on the example of the activity of an industrial enterprise. It is established that modal control has no advantages over linear control, since it is used to increase the stability of systems. The performance of quality management systems can be ensured when it is transferred to an unstable mode of operation, however, the use of this mode cannot exceed two to three years.

    Keywords: quality management system, modal management, linear regulation, optimization, enterprise potential, personnel resistance

  • Pneumatic stabilizer of transverse stability for PAZ bus - 4234

    The article provides a consideration of the prospects of replacing the lateral stability stabilizer with a pneumatic balloon in the suspension together with body level sensors relative to the road surface.

    Keywords: public transport, bus, spring - air suspension, body level sensor

  • The main aspects of adaptive management of the property complex of the territory

    The development of urbanized territories, as a rule, is associated with the expansion of urban space, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the load on transport systems and social infrastructure. Geographically divided areas have weak interconnection due to the lack of highways and public transport. At the same time, the infrastructure of the outskirts differs from the center in scarcity and monotony. An increase in the urban population, a change in the natural and climatic conditions of residence, the environment in urbanized areas, a steady increase in the value of real estate make it necessary to accelerate the pace of the integrated development of urban spaces. The most important task set today for the subjects of management of the municipality is related to the optimization and effective use of the objects of the existing property complex. The renovation process will affect morally obsolete and abandoned facilities that impede the integrated development of the territory, reduce investment attractiveness and reduce the volume of the tax base. Adaptive management will increase the efficiency of the use of existing territorial resources, improve the social and environmental conditions of the urbanized space. Involvement of the existing reserve of real estate objects in the city center will create conditions for the formation of new public and business spaces in the city, which is important for the comfortable living of the population.

    Keywords: adaptive management, property complex, development of territories, environmental damage, economic damage, renovation process, redevelopment

  • Replacement of envelope structures made of piece materials and building-in floor and ceiling slabs for reconstruction of industrial buildings

    The focus of attention is on the possibility of replacing exterior envelope structures for reconstruction of industrial buildings with the aim of increasing the plant areas. The operating procedures are shown alongside the material characteristics ensuring energy efficiency of reconstruction. The paper underlines that the justification of the optimal choice of a process setup / technology solution is an important stage in building reconstruction.

    Keywords: three-layer envelope structures, fiber-reinforced foamed concrete units, composite foams, insulating properties, lightweight, efficiency

  • Simulation of a car transmission using the simulink program

    The article discusses the use of mathematical modeling of the transmission of a car in the Simulink environment. Studies of the influence of individual transmission factors on the functional parameters of the KAMAZ 4308 car have been carried out. Differential equations describing the operation of the transmission are solved in a matrix way, allowing to study the dynamics of the car taking into account the moments of inertia of the engine, transmission and individual wheels of the car.

    Keywords: transmission, wheeled vehicle, clutch, differential, gear ratio, simulation, maximum speed

  • The risk of a special purpose automated information system being in a critical condition

    The article proposes a method for assessing the risk of a possible stay of an automated special-purpose information system in a critical state, based on the synthesis of two heterogeneous mathematical models, one of which allows taking into account the intensity of DDOS attacks and the intensity of application processing, based on Markov processes, and the second is one of the forms of a formal description of protection systems, with complete overlap, in which the interaction of the "threat area", "protected area" is considered – areas of resources of an automated information system for special purposes, and "protection systems" – security mechanisms of an automated information system. The developed method makes it possible to simulate the information security tools included in the automated information system for special purposes, under the influence of DDOS attacks, taking into account both the empirical values obtained as a result of measurements or modeling, and the theoretical base of parameters specified by input data. In the synthesis of the two models, the lack of uncertainty of some of the input parameters, taking into account the values based on expert estimates, was eliminated.

    Keywords: automated information system, security assessment, queuing system, risk

  • Energy efficient reconstruction of construction system at various lifecycle stages

    The paper justifies the relevance and reviews the issues of energy efficient reconstruction of a construction system at various lifecycle stages, underlining that reconstruction needs to be viewed as a separate phase of the property lifecycle. Despite the fact that construction systems are static, all lifecycle stages are dynamic and require complex control. The diagrams are provided to show the building’s lifecycle and the process of stagewise supervision of energy efficient reconstruction by the client.

    Keywords: lifecycle, stage, phase, target system, process layout/structure, performance monitoring

  • Increasing the efficiency of organizational structures in the construction of industrial buildings

    The article deals with the actual problematic elements of the organizational structure of enterprises in the construction of industrial buildings and structures. Using the method of optimizing the effectiveness of the existing organizational system, the necessity of introducing organizational and technological modules was revealed. An algorithm for optimizing the organizational structure of an enterprise during the construction of industrial buildings is proposed.

    Keywords: optimization of organizational structures, organizational and technological modules, modules-stages, optimization algorithm

  • Improvement of earth works when constructing multi-storied operated parts of building under the conditions of dense urban development

    The article proposes a special device to transport earth when building an underground part by the «top-down» and «top and down» technique. The developed device is fully electrically powered. The proposed technology enables to completely exclude nonproductive movements of excavating and transportation devices to relocate the earth from the working site to the dumping site onto trucks above ground. The device is adapted to work as part of the production line when realizing the “top-down” and «top and down» technology. To exclude load lifting mechanisms for lifting and dumping of the earth onto the trucks above ground, it is proposed to use two lifting rails with hoisting equipment fixed on a metal frame.

    Keywords: “top and down” technology, earth works, excavation works, subsurface part of a building, earth movement, tier of a subsurface part of a building

  • Automation and control of technological processes of a promising checkpoint

    The restraining setting for customs administration at the border of the Russian Federation is the insufficient equipment and technological equipment of checkpoints. The current uniform requirements for equipment and material and technical equipment of buildings, premises and pass structures do not provide for the introduction of high new technological solutions that have appeared in recent years. Proposals are presented to improve the control system at checkpoints based on advanced technologies of Technet technologies and subtechnologies of end-to-end digital technology "Artificial Intelligence and Neurotechnologies".

    Keywords: customs, automation, end-to-end digital technologies, checkpoint