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  • Research and development of methods for creating model for combinational circuit implementation in FPGA basis

    The paper presents a method for creating model for combinational circuit implementation in FPGA basis, through its original description. This model represents the equivalent circuit of the FPGA logic elements. The scheme can be used for the calculation of various parameters such as speed, area, power consumption etc. The paper proposes to use this model to assess reliability in relation to the single fault in combinational circuit’s parts or the configuration registers. Furthermore, the resulting equivalent circuit can be modified and re-synthesized in the CAD environment to achieve high levels of resistance to a single event upset. Direct estimation of the masking properties of the logic circuit through its original description is impossible because of substantial change in the structure due to the synthesis process. Evaluation of fault tolerance after place and route is not available due to lack of the necessary tools in modern CAD (Altera Quartus II, Xilinx ISE, Synopsys Synplify). To evaluate the reliability of the project one must create custom FPGA netlist analysis tool and tools for modeling combinational circuits.

    Keywords: reliability evaluation, re-synthesis, combinational circuits, FPGA, fault injection.

  • Automated control of the formation of the professional skills of the operator robotic system using fuzzy logic

    The article considers the models of automated control of the formation of sensorimotor skills of the student (ie, the future operator of the process) by performing exercises with the use of computer training complex. The control circuit corresponding to the model described in detail dismantled. The process of obtaining the integral index of quality of exercise on a computer simulator considered. Developed management model is the basis for the implementation of the relevant software simulators that can be used for operator training processes performed using robotic systems as well as for training of operators of complex industrial and other processes.

    Keywords: robotic system, the production process, computer training complex, sensory-motor skills, control system, fuzzy modeling

  • Simulation of a five-channel inverter with scalar control the motor speed by means of MATLAB / Simulink

    The article describes the results of simulation of a five-channel inverter with scalar control the motor speed. Briefly describes the principles of a scalar control, the structure of the five-channel inverter, as well as five-channel method of controlling the inverter using the method of double-zero sequence voltage (DZV). The structure of the model and the simulation results, confirming the possibility of using a five-channel inverter with scalar control the motor speed is considered.

    Keywords: motor, speed control, scalar control, five-channel inverter, Simulink

  • Intelligent motion control of autonomous vehicles based on behavioral approach

    The purpose and objectives of this work is to develop methods for planning the trajectory of moving objects. Achieving the goals and objectives achieved by the development of the motion planner mobile autonomous robot based on fuzzy logic . With the software package Matlab simulation results obtained fuzzy scheduler works in an environment with unknown location of obstacles.

    Keywords: mobile robot, vehicle, planner, fuzzy logic, behavior, coordination, algorithm

  • Analysis of application aspects of regulators in quadrotor automatic control

    The purpose and objectives of this work is to develop methods for the design of hybrid systems manage badly formalized technical objects related to unmanned aerial vehicles such as helicopters, namely quadrocopters. The result of the article is to provide analytical information on the existing structures of hybrid controllers, the understanding of the characteristics of their design, practical use. The results differ from the more unique orientation with respect to the management of quadrocopters based on a hybrid approach.

    Keywords: quadrotor; control; uncertainty; decision making; fuzzy logic; neural networks; hybrid control

  • Features of hope and the relation to life at experts of a technical profile

    The article discusses problems of hope and the relation to life of representatives of technical specialties. Approaches to studying of hope as sociocultural and social-psychological phenomenon are briefly described. It is noted that the hope is the metavalue of human life. Authors emphasize that the fulfillment of vital events of any modality, both positive, and negative, leads to change of expressiveness of hope. In article on the basis of empirical data features of hope and the relation of experts of a technical profile to various stages of the life are analyzed.

    Keywords: hope, spheres of hope, life satisfaction, relation to life, life events

  • Features of creation of types of web portal of the national-cultural autonomy

    The article substantiates the relevance of the types of web portal of national-cultural autonomy. The architecture, functional model, information model, GUI main page of a typical web-portal of the national-cultural autonomy are given in the article. The positive effects of the introduction of a standard web portal of the national-cultural autonomy are listed.

    Keywords: information and communication technologies, web portal, national-cultural autonomy

  • Methods of analysis and selection of technology for building subsystem as part of the complex automated system (for example, SAP ERP)

    The study on the example of the choice of SAP UI Technology for the development of a subsystem of planning and actual time tracking has shown the proposed method of selecting one of the available technologies for construction of a subsystem based on a particular platform. The developed method includes the analysis of the features, advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible technologies and then a well-formalized decision-making process of choosing one of the technologies based on the analytic hierarchy process.

    Keywords: multicriteria problem, the method of analysis of hierarchies, the architecture of software systems, the user interface, SAP ERP, SAP UI Technologies

  • Experience of development and use of the weekly of the graduate student as tool of the personal organization

    The role of planning of personal activity of the graduate student is shown. Practical recommendations about the organization of time of the graduate student on the basis of the weekly which is specially developed for graduate students are offered.

    Keywords: graduate student, personal activity, planning, weekly

  • "Assessment dustiness in the air at the workplace in the manufacture of building structures made of wood"

    The analysis of the technological processes of building materials and wood products as a source of the harmful emissions into the air of the working area. The results of field studies to assess the ambient air dust in the workplace areas of mechanical wood processing. Recommendations on the use of optimal solutions to reduce particulate air pollution in the working area of woodworking industry.

    Keywords: wood dust, general exchange ventilation, aspiration, individual dedusting unit, maximum allowable concentration

  • Determining the periodicity of vehicle maintenance

    The paper discusses methods for determining the frequency of maintenance (MOT). The proposed method allows to simulate the technical condition of the vehicle under various conditions and modes of its movement, taking into account the random nature of the changes of various factors. The proposed method takes into account the probability of failure for a given range of the vehicle (TC), as a generalized description of the technical condition of the car, indirectly affect most of its domestic individual characteristics and external destabilizing factors. The novelty of the method lies in the fact that takes into account not only the standard run, and an optimum set of operations in a particular embodiment, service and repair. To allow for individual TC correction coefficients of standards periodicity TO calculated using fuzzy logic.

    Keywords: manufacturing program of motor transport enterprise, evaluation of technical condition of the vehicle, maintenance intervals, fuzzy logic

  • System of voltage control oscillator based on fuzzy logic

    The paper type is selected the generator, provided base rules of fuzzy control algorithm using Mamdani using a package Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Matlab, simulation results obtained with the system controller and without it in the package Simulink Matlab, as well as conclusions on the results of the system voltage control oscillator the basis of fuzzy logic.

    Keywords: fuzzy logic, fuzzy control, facility management, synchronous generator voltage regulation

  • Multiple-factor model of measurement of labor productivity

    The analysis and systematization of methods of an assessment of multiple-factor labor productivity is carried out; the multiple-factor model of measurement of labor productivity in spheres of material and non-material production in system of regional reproduction proportions is constructed.

    Keywords: productivity, productivity, labor, model, reproduction, region

  • Forecasting model of the dynamics of reproduction ratios at the regional level: a cognitive approach

    Based on the identification of structural and functional characteristics of the performance and productivity of work, taking into account the balanced development of the region reproduction proportions, constructed cognitive map interaction of regional reproduction proportions with the external environment. In the research was carried out expert assessment of the direction of influence factors in the cognitive model predicting the dynamics of reproduction proportions of the region, on the basis of what has been built cognitive simulation model for predicting the dynamics of reproduction proportions region. This model can be used in determining the degree of influence estimation performance and efficiency of work on the system regional reproduction.

    Keywords: region, the model, the proportion of reproductive performance, effectiveness, cognitive approach, dynamics, balanced development, efficiency, labor.

  • Statistical analysis of scientific activity of women in russia

    The article gives a statistical analysis of women's involvement in scientific research activities, identified the main trends of women's scientific and educational activity. On the basis of statistical array available on the website of Sciences, conducted a gender analysis of the academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences in quantitative terms and in the spheres of science. Based on the analysis indicated the main factors influencing participation of women in science, the key ones are: the fall of prestige of the profession of the scientist; the wage gap between men and women having equal data; the predominance of women in teaching positions; the phenomenon of the "glass ceiling".

    Keywords: gender equality, science, women and men in science, human capital