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  • Information maintenance of ecological safety for geographically distributed systems of hazardous substances storage

    Paper deals with the analysis and synthesis of geographically distributed systems for storage of hazardous substances from the environmental safety position. Particular attention is paid to the information layer to ensure environmental safety (ES) of these systems, which operates on the results of the processing of regulatory documents, environmental monitoring data, analytical reports, etc. Its operation is based on a system of specialized automated workplaces (AWP), each of which generates a plurality of projections and calculations in order to provide ES, using information on three levels of detail: the physical, technological and logical. The structures of mathematical, informationtion, software and hardware provision of AWP are discussed. It is shown that the proposed AWP structure can be used in the design of the various systems for storage of hazardous substances and is aimed to provide ES in their operation.

    Keywords: geographically distributed storage systems, hazardous materials, environmental security, information maintenance, environmental specialists, workstation

  • The structure of an inclusive orientation program for preschool children

    The problem of inclusion of children with disabilities in joint training with their peers, its positive impact on children with impaired and regulatory development. The authors of the structure of an inclusive orientation program for preschool children.

    Keywords: inclusion, children with disabilities, an inclusive club, eco-culture.

  • "On the issue of conflict management in the activity of election officials "

    The article deals with the problem of conflict management in the activity of election officials. The authors present the results of a survey of members of precinct election commissions, conflict-free interaction of students at a polling station in the framework of practical training in psychology. Using My Content-analysis of questionnaires election officials the basic psychological characteristics necessary for constructive engagement in conflict situations during the election.

    Keywords: conflict, conflict management, conflict prediction, conflict prevention, conflict potential, election officials, constructive cooperation.

  • Substantiation the effectiveness of natural filtration material ODM-2F in water treatment

    The results of experimental studies on the sorption properties of the material ODM - 2F in aluminum, iron and petroleum products

    Keywords: Water preparation, filtering material, the sorption isotherm, ODM-2F

  • Security: destabilization and modelling processes of peace-making of society in gender research field

    This article is devoted to the problems of destabilization, conflict and problem areas in contemporary gender and family relations, mostly in the system of social roles realization. Selected problem areas promote not only destructive forms of relationships within the family unit and cause individual deep sense of dissatisfaction with life, but destabilize society on the whole, destroying peace and tranquillity both locally and globally. It is known that some contemporary types of gender and marital-family problems are very destructive to the existence of the whole social system. Such, in particular, can be called the imbalance of roles and inadequacy of prestige of the spouse/partner. Due to the urgency of the identified problems there increases the need for modeling the processes of peacemaking in the society, where the main actors can certainly become women. Female gender sub-group played a prominent role in peacemaking, in particular, during WW II , performing a variety of social roles.

    Keywords: peacemaking, security, family, gender, gender studies, world war II, "war bride"

  • Theoretical study of the local atomic and electronic structure of dimetacyano azobenzene molecules on Bi (111) substrate

    The present work is devoted to the local atomic and electronic structure of dimetacyano (DMC) molecules deposited on a Bi (111) substrate before and after irradiation by X-rays and UV light using density functional theory (DFT) and a theoretical analysis of the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. As a result of the calculations the low-energy structure for DMC azobenzene molecules on a Bi (111) substrate was obtained.

    Keywords: local atomic and electronic structure, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, photoisomerization, density functional theory

  • Assessment of the strength of reinforced concrete torsion

    A new approach to solving the problem of evaluation of strength of concrete in torsion. The basic idea of this theory is that the torsion causes the bending element in a plane 45 ° angle. Solved the problem of assessing the strength of rod reinforced concrete elements in torsion. Development of methods of calculation of durability of reinforced concrete elements in torsion has allowed to pass to the decision of problems of strength under twist with torsion.

    Keywords: Research, reinforcement, strength, crack, twist, torsion, reinforced concrete, element, hole, beam

  • Dynamic calculation and analysis of the hemispherical shell coating of the project "Winter Garden" Technopark Rostov State University of Civil Engineering (RSUCE)

    The article presents the dynamic calculation of hemispherical shells cover the carcass of the building "Winter Garden" Technopark RSSU. Finite element model of the object and the calculation is made in the software package Lira-cad. Flexural-torsional oscillations was produced on the basis of modal analysis. The construction scheme is changed by increasing the hardness of the coating. The scheme receive a new kind of a framework element. Using the findings of the calculations the conclusions were drawn and given recommendations about changing the constructive scheme of the unique building.

    Keywords: hemispherical shell , frame , dome, modal analysis , dynamic analysis , the spectrum of frequencies , mode shapes , finite element method

  • A simulation model of interests coordination in the system of continuing professional education

    A game-theoretic dynamic model of social partnership in the system of continuing professional education is proposed and investigated in the simulation mode on the base of scenario method. The processing of modeling data includes a comparative analysis of state variable and payoff functionals. Results of the model identification and investigation based on simulation modeling are considered. A comparative analysis of egoistic and cooperative approaches to the social partnership is conducted.

    Keywords: social partnership, continuing professional education, simulation modeling, identification, difference games

  • Advantages and disadvantages of various options gain hollow-core concrete slabs

    There are options of reinforcement normal section and basic part hollow concrete plate. There is an analysis of advantages and disadvantages reinforcement construction. Reinforcement construction must ensure the safe operation. Construction must be cheap and easy-to-follow. There are options of reinforcement which not published.

    Keywords: reinforcement of building constructions, the safe operation, hollow concrete plate, normal section, basic part

  • Issledovanie temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny v processe ochistki serougleroda

    Stat'ja posvjashhena issledovaniju temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny v processe ochistki serougleroda. Issledovanie provoditsja na osnovanii rasschitannyh linii regressii dlja kazhdoj iz 3 temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny. Ishodja iz poluchennyh dannyh, delaetsja vyvod o stepeni vlijanija kazhdoj iz issledovannyh temperaturnyh zon na kachestvo regulirovanija dannogo processa v celom.

    Keywords: Serouglerod, absorbcija, regressija, absorbent, shkala Cheddoka, temperaturnaja zona, avtomatizacija, temperatura, matematicheskoe ozhidanie, dispersija

  • ReducIng time of assessment of text documents similarity in the heterogenious multiprocessor computer system

    We consider the parallel implementation of a simplified shingles algorithm for the speed-up of text documents comparison on heterogeneous computing system based on multi-core processors and the Many Integrated Core (MIC) accelerators. A step-by-step gradual modification of the original single-threaded program is presented as well as the architecture of distributed software web-service for document comparison. The results of testing of the developed prototype, showing the possibility of reducing the time of comparison of documents up to 12 times using multiple accelerators in the system are presented.

    Keywords: shingles algoritm, CRC32, Intel Xeon Phi ™, MIC, OpenMP, Mono, ASP.NET

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.

  • Regularities of zinc transformation process in ordinary chernozem in the presence of different anions

    The influence of attendant anions on the transformation of zinc compounds in the soil was studied in a model experiment. The differences in the number of mobile forms of recoverable zinc in the soil, depending on its dose and form of addition were defined. Influence of associated anions on the content of metals mobile forms in the soil decreases in the order: PO42¯≈ Cl¯ > NO3¯ > SO42¯> СН3СОО¯> О¯. Transformation of zinc compounds during 2-year period after the receipt of the metal in the soil has been studied.  There is no soil stabilization in ratio form for two years studying, indicating the low speeds transformation of metal compounds with soil components. Transformation of Zn in soil depends on the attendant anion, metal concentration in soil and time interaction with the solid phase of soils. The transformation process of metal adsorbed the soil goes toward to decrease of Zn mobility.

    Keywords: transformation, ordinary chernozem, zinc, attendant anion

  • The structure of data processing unit of multi-sensor system for concentration monitoring of heavy metal ions in aqueous media

    Common conceptions are given about multi-sensor systems. The structure of the data processing unit of multi-sensor system for concentration monitoring of heavy metals ions in aqueous media is described. Main stages of the data processing, – clustering and quantitative identification are introduced. The approach which presupposes use of artificial neural networks, – Kohonen networks and radial basis function networks, is designed. Such algorithmic architecture is implemented which allows to avoid significant computing resources expenses. The program for computer IBM PC in high-level language of application package MATLAB is written.

    Keywords: Multi-sensor systems, artificial neural networks, Kohonen networks, radial basis function networks, data processing, pattern recognition, environmental monitoring, heavy metals, ion-selective electrodes