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  • Effect of additives on the properties of the alloy radio-Mg-Zn-ferrite obtained by sintering heat-radiation

    Promising absorbing materials along with a Ni-Zn-ferrites are Mg-Zn-ferrites, as they are also intensively absorbs electromagnetic waves in the frequency range from 50 MHz to 1000 MHz. The main advantage of the Mg-Zn-ferrite is used as an inexpensive raw material magnesium oxide. The paper presents the results of research to improve the efficiency of broadband radio-magnesium-zinc ferrite by increasing the contribution of the dielectric loss. The influence of alloying elements of the atmosphere gas and cooling after the sintering thermal radiation by absorption of electromagnetic waves. Confirmed cooling efficiency of products after sintering in an atmosphere with reduced oxygen partial pressure to increase the dielectric constant. A model is proposed to explain the increase in the dielectric loss ferrite during cooling in a reducing atmosphere.

    Keywords: radioabsorbing ferrites, microstructure grain boundaries radio measurement radiation thermal sintering

  • Improving of the efficiency and reliability of wastewater treatment at different stages of treatment plant effluent

    The article contains the approaches of  improving the reliability and environmental safety of cleaning waste water treatment plants in the industrial environment, with the help of the express - control methods (oxidation - reduction potential respirometry) and modern technology (biologics, intraband circulation biomass)

    Keywords: safety, environmental safety, sewage treatment, waste water, oxidation - reduction potential, respirometry, biologics, intraband circulation biomass

  • Overview of technical means cooking rolled grain represented on the Russian market of agricultural machinery

    Overview of technical means cooking rolled grain represented on the Russian market of agricultural machinery. The paper presents the design, specifications, advantages and disadvantages of technical equipment for feed preparation rolled grain-based foreign and domestic production are widely represented on the Russian market of agricultural machinery. Described conditioner grain original design developed in the Penza State Agricultural Academy.

    Keywords: olled, rolls, mill, feeding, grain, feed, farm

  • Modern systems for active cooling of electronic components based on piezoelectric devices

    The article describes the method of constructing acoustic microblower based on piezoelectric device. The article shows the main problems in cooling systems for microelectronics and describes the general construction, which allows you to bypass these disad

    Keywords: microblower, micro-pump, piezoelectric device, airflow, acoustic

  • Minimization of pollution of a superficial drain and ground waters by means of ecological rehabilitation of the urbanized territories

    In article the direct connection of a condition of soils and quality of a formed superficial diffusion drain is considered. For minimization of pollution of a superficial drain and ground waters when unloading them in a reservoir it is offered to use coal mining waste as a sorbent of organic and inorganic pollution. Thus, the area of utilization of dump breeds of coal mines for nature protection and soil-improving actions extends.

    Keywords: Dump breeds of coal mines; sorbent; minimization of pollution of a superficial drain; the urbanized territories; anthropogenous impact on the soil

  • Experiment planning on thermal power plant fly ash collection in elektrocyclone

    The article deals with the design of experiments for dispersed particles capturing in elektrocyclone. The autors gives planning matrix calculation, the regression equation based on the aerosol velocity and the initial concentration of the aerosol and plot of function.

    Keywords: gas cleaning; cyclone; elektrocyclon; fly ash

  • Design of hot water-supply using renewable energy sources

    "Application of solar energy in supplying various infrastructure units is urgent these days. Traditionally these were the centralized urban heating systems, which were used for heating buildings. The suggested heating system is composed of solar collectors with a total area of 44.16 m2 and with a volume flow of hot water to the consumer of 1.5 m3/h. Computer-aided heating circuit consists of traditional circuits, composed of solar collectors, circulation pump and a lamellar heat exchanger. Additionally, the scheme is extended by a fixed temperature water tank and a circuit, which interfaces the heating systems. They will be in their turn separated by a heat exchanger. The equipment also provides an opportunity of organizing a reverse pairing with the heating systems to return the excess heat into the network. This scheme has several modes of operation. In the conditions of nighttime, cloudy afternoon, light fog or smog water heating is provided by a central source. If during daytime, while being heated directly by the sun the water gets overheated the overheated water discharge mode is switched on automatically to discharge excess heat to a central heating system. The scheme provides for a “solar connectors and central source of heat parallel operation mode” to maintain the desired temperature, for example in the morning. According to the results of observations the share of water heating due to the solar collectors in summer is on average about 75%. Shared usage of central source of heat and solar collectors allows to efficiently use the available energy resources."

    Keywords: renewable energy sources; solar collectors; computer-aided heating circuit; reverse pairing with the heating systems; efficient using of the available energy resources

  • Increase of the labor protection control system at the building industry enterprises

    In article are considered improvement of the organization of labor protection in the construction, based on a position of system risk management are considered.

    Keywords: The risk, injuring factors, labour safety, assessment of the state of labour protection in the organization, improvement of OSH

  • The analysis of emergencies on linear part of the main gas pipelines.

    In article statistical data on failures on a linear part of the main gas pipelines are presented, the reasons of their emergence are defined. Standard scenarios of development of emergencies are provided, and also the basic principles of determination of frequency of emergence of failures are shined.

    Keywords: accident, analysis, diameter, linear part of the main gas pipelines, depressurization, scenario, pipeline.

  • Applying the criterion of strength balance in designing replaceable inserts of cutoff and grooving tools.

    The issue of increasing the strength of cutoff and grooving tools is considered in the paper. The principle of strength balance of edge is offered to be used in designing the replaceable inserts. The calculations are made and the shape is designed for the strength balanced front surface of the cutting tools. The analysis of the received data is made and the regularities of the designed shape of the front surface of the cutting edge are established. Designs of replaceable cutting inserts made with a glance to structural characteristics and operating conditions of the cutoff and grooving tools are offered.

    Keywords: strength, cutting end, strength balance, cutting end, cutoff tools

  • Electro-activation efficiency of foam concrete mixtures

    Analysis of the effectiveness of the electrophysical activation of foam concrete mixtures was completed. The raw materials and experimental technique are described. Results of estimation of the effectiveness and impact of alternating electric field on the foam concrete mixes was presented. As object of research was made the impact of factors such as the grading of the aggregate and the tension created by the electric field on the physico-mechanical properties of foam concrete made of electroactivated mixtures. Conclusions are made on the basis of the obtained experimental dependencies.

    Keywords: Variable electric field, foam-concrete mix, activation, grain size of sand, coefficient of structural quality, gelation, interpore partition

  • Optimizing the supply chain of the consumer market in the region by improving inventory management system

    The article describes directions optimization of supply chains of the consumer market, inventory management of wholesale and retail executives and organizations that make it up. Presented the study methods of inventory control, disclosed the problems of development of modern theoretical and methodological platform of inventory management in wholesale and retail networks.

    Keywords: Inventory management, supply chain, wholesale and retail link, logistics optimization.

  • Pilot studies of disperse structure of drop ablation when putting electroplated coatings

    In article questions of pilot studies of disperse structure of drop ablation are considered when putting electroplated coatings, the technique of performance of experiment is given, the design of experimental installation is considered, results of researches of dependence of height of take-off of drops of ablation over an electrolyte surface from their effective radius are given

    Keywords: electroplated coatings, drop ablation, bubbling, drop, height of take-off of a drop, effective radius of a drop

  • Justification of different cleaning schemes of grain cleaning machine, in produiction seed material in multibranches agriculture enterprise

    One of the main and most relevant and profitable areas of agricultural production - produce quality seeds in the farms, in the process of post-harvest grain processing. Was evaluated basic parameters of the separation process on the existing scheme sieve winnowing machine with certain technological characterization of the purified grain material according to the different conditions of separation, the possibility of defining a predetermined fraction of a feed and seed quality of purified material. Synthesis was performed variational various separation schemes and functioning to identify optimum operating parameters. According to the results of the experiment set technological possibility and the main characteristics of the process producing high-quality purified fraction of the material given by the scheme, which provides the best performance.

    Keywords: grain material, fractionation, modeling, cleaning of grain

  • Use of methods of optimum stochastic control for the solution of a problem of initial orientation of the inertial navigation system at diagnostics of a transport and operational road condition

    The problem of synthesis of management by spatial orientation of GSP realized in real scale, its spatial situation providing high-precision definition in conditions of action of hindrances is considered.

    Keywords: the inertial navigation system, the gyrostabilized platform, optimum control