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  • Socio-economic and environmental conditions improve the waste management system of production and consumption

    The modern world is experiencing a new period of development, which in its essence and significance surpasses the previous stages of the evolution of society. We are talking about changes in all spheres of human activity, including in the interaction between society and nature. Modern trends in socio-economic development of society aimed at ensuring sustainable production and environmental safety in the application of various manufacturing and processing technologies. It is especially important to create conditions in the disposal of industrial and household waste, as the use of secondary resources will reduce the deficit of natural resources due to its depletion. And to ensure the functioning of the economic conditions and prospects for the development of such technologies and their effects on the environment will help to research and development of appropriate economic instruments. Rate the degree of approximation to the level of the production system is extremely effective technology in terms of environmental impacts can use environmental monitoring her condition, which can be carried out in various areas, the relevant objects of research. It is thus possible to monitor the dynamics of the processes of development of systems to give an adequate idea of ​​the most significant economic and environmental consequences of the practical implementation of the proposed construction and installation work.

    Keywords: recycling, recycling, waste management, waste production and consumption of natural resources, resource, production systems, environmental organizations, economic efficiency and environmental safety

  • The effectiveness of the agreed supply trains to the transport hub

    In conditions of growing competition in consumer markets in assessing the quality of transport services in terms of significantly increased requirements to the urgency of the delivery of loaded and empty railcars to destinations that characterizes the quality of transport commitments the participants of the transportation process: carrier, train operators, shippers and consignees. From the time of delivery of loaded and empty wagons depends on the efficiency of transport, the acceleration of the turnover of rolling stock and the safety of transported goods. Consider the article to address this problem on a concrete example of cargo delivery to the Novorossiysk transport hub.

    Keywords: Transport infrastructure, analysis, global standards, time of delivery of goods, work wagons, legal framework, operational costs, efficiency

  • Practical application of the algorythm for solving the traveling salesman problem

    The possibility of reducing logistic costs for transportation by solving the traveling salesman problem is considered. The algirythm for solving the problem using computational power of OpenOffice Calc's component "Solver" is suggested. On the basis of the proposed algorythm practical situatuion is solved and best route is formed. The conclusion about expediency of application of this method to solve practical problems is given.

    Keywords: logistics, logistic approach, the traveling salesman problem, the objective of the traveling salesman, NP-difficult task, best route, optimization of transport, minimization of transportation costs, OpenOffice Calc, component "Solver"

  • The main defects of case details of cars and ways of their elimination applied in car repair production

    Production of case details – the difficult technological process demanding providing with the expensive specialized equipment, high-precision gages and defining a product level of quality. In this regard, the nomenclature of new qualitative case details in the market is very limited. In designs of cars case details are present practically at any knot or the unit. For example, the case of a transmission, transfer case (at its existence) the block of DVS cylinders, cases of the main thing and wheel reducers, cases of hydraulic and pneumatic pumps, cases of distributing devices, brake cylinders and so on. In article the concept of a case detail is considered, influence of quality of production and technical condition of case details on providing a resource of cars is revealed. Main types of influences which influence case details in use of cars are listed. Classification of the main defects of case details of cars is given, and the most perspective ways of their elimination in car repair production are considered. The listed ways found rather broad application in car repair production, but with growth of scientifically technical progress, emergence of new materials and technologies need improvement and modernization. Improvement has to be directed on increase of ecological safety, material and resource economy, reliability of technological processes and quality of the received result.

    Keywords: case detail, restoration, repair, defect, resource way of restoration, car repair production

  • Multiple-factor model of measurement of labor productivity

    The analysis and systematization of methods of an assessment of multiple-factor labor productivity is carried out; the multiple-factor model of measurement of labor productivity in spheres of material and non-material production in system of regional reproduction proportions is constructed.

    Keywords: productivity, productivity, labor, model, reproduction, region

  • Effective contracts with scientific and pedagogical employees: domestic experience

    The analysis of standard and legal documents of Russia is carried out to the fields of education and sciences which revealed need of development of a scientific component for activity of universities. The received results formed the basis of promotion of a hypothesis that "the effective contract" can act as one of instruments of achievement of the priority purposes and tasks of university, including on their entry into world ratings

    Keywords: effective contract, productivity, university, salary, efficiency indicators

  • Employment of the population as factor of economic development of the territory

    One of the main priority objectives of economic policy of the government of any country in the long term is stimulation of economic growth. Has labor productivity direct impact on rates of economic growth both in the country in general, and in separate branches of economy. Employment can be referred to one of important factors of growth of labor productivity undoubtedly. In article the problem of employment of the population as one of factors of growth of labor productivity and its influence on the economic growth of the territory is considered. The correlation and regression analysis between indicators of unemployment rate and gross domestic product (GDP) is carried out. As a result of the analysis of coefficient of linear pair correlation we come to a conclusion that, according to Cheddok's scale, qualitatively communication force between factors can be characterized as "moderate", that is in 28,64% change of unemployment leads to change of GDP. If to analyze coefficient of linear pair correlation, we can come to a conclusion that communication between factors the return, that is at decrease in unemployment is observed GDP growth and vice versa. Thus, labor productivity, one of which factors is employment of the population, is the most important indicator of development of economy of the territory.

    Keywords: Employment of the population, economic development of the territory, labor productivity, correlation and regression analysis.

  • Forecasting model of the dynamics of reproduction ratios at the regional level: a cognitive approach

    Based on the identification of structural and functional characteristics of the performance and productivity of work, taking into account the balanced development of the region reproduction proportions, constructed cognitive map interaction of regional reproduction proportions with the external environment. In the research was carried out expert assessment of the direction of influence factors in the cognitive model predicting the dynamics of reproduction proportions of the region, on the basis of what has been built cognitive simulation model for predicting the dynamics of reproduction proportions region. This model can be used in determining the degree of influence estimation performance and efficiency of work on the system regional reproduction.

    Keywords: region, the model, the proportion of reproductive performance, effectiveness, cognitive approach, dynamics, balanced development, efficiency, labor.

  • Glass composites based on magnetic semiconductor La0,67Sr0,33MnO3 as functional materials

    Composites La0,67Sr0,33MnO3 (SiO2, Sb2O3) with different weight ratios have been synthesized. Their magnetoresistive and dielectric properties have been investigated. It has been established that in the frequency range from 10 to 106 Hz for SiO2 concentration of 10% the colossal magnitudes of the dielectric constant ( ~ 4 • 104) take place. The values of the negative isotropic magnetoresistance for samples with silica at room temperature is 8.6%, with abarriers of antimony oxide reaches 12%, which makes it possible to use such materials in spintronics.

    Keywords: Magnetoresistance, colossal dielectric permittivity, glass composites, X-ray diffraction, spin polarization, barrier layers, tunneling, microstructure, dielectric spectrum, Maxwell-Wagner effect.

  • Economic component at introduction of intensive technologies in hothouse combine

    The economic assessment of application of intensive technologies is presented in article (processings by the laser, ultra-violet radiation, infrared radiation). Results of researches confirm the positive influence of application of intensive technologies proved by economic calculations.

    Keywords: intensive technology, application of a growthstimulyator, laser, laser processing, efficiency, productivity, quality of production, economic assessment, experiment

  • The device for galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings on internal cylindrical surfaces of details of cars

    Sedimentation of electrodeposits with activation of a cathodic surface is in the flowing and contact way the most perspective way of restoration of internal cylindrical surfaces of details of cars. The existing devices for realization of this way have the merits and demerits, and can be therefore modernized and improved. On the basis of the analysis of the existing devices for galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings the new design is offered, novelty and which advantages is confirmed with the patent Russian Federation for the invention. The device contains the top and lower flanges in which there are branch pipes for a supply and removal of electrolyte. Between flanges the processed detail with rubber laying is established. The received tight electrolytic cell is pulled together with vertical couplers between a bed and a clamping plate. In the lower flange on a vertical axis the activating head consisting of the krylchatka bearing on herself three levers with is established by the activating elements which are movably fixed on them. Axial movement of a krylchatka is limited to the removable motionless anode. Pressing of the activating elements to the processed surface is provided at the expense of the elastic shock-absorbers located in rectangular grooves of a krylchatka and influencing the lower shoulder of levers. Tokopodvod to a detail is carried out by means of the contact device fixed on a bed, and to the anode via the contact plug from a source of a direct current. Circulation of electrolyte is provided with the acidproof hydraulic pump. The offered design is simple in production and doesn't demand existence of the expensive specialized equipment. The operating procedure with the device and sequence of operations doesn't contradict technology of sedimentation of electrodeposits. In article the main advantages of the device in relation to existing in car repair production are opened and proved.

    Keywords: case detail, restoration, repair, defect, resource way of restoration, car repair production

  • Crack defects identification in composite elastic bodies of complex geometry

    This paper proposes a method of constructing a simulation model of the pipe, reinforced by a thin annular plate, and further analysis and definition of internal defects based on the ultrasonic non-destructive testing methods and the artificial neural networks. The influence of various physical and geometrical parameters of training neural networks was performed. Optimal structure of neural network and the type of training vectors was established.

    Keywords: Crack, coating layer, functional coatings, finite-element method, artificial neural networks

  • Social-psychological factors of the status of the personality in student's group

    The social and psychological factors influencing the status of the personality in student's group are considered in article. Data of empirical research of establishment of interrelations between levels of different types of the social and psychological status of students are provided in group and the prevailing types of the relations which are trained to each other.

    Keywords: social and psychological status, interpersonal relations, student's group, emotional, business, "the psychotherapeutic status", "significant another", professional education

  • The strontium hexaferrite - compound with colossal dielectric constant

    The presence of colossal dielectric constant in the low frequency region is observed in the strontium ferrite with hexagonal structure. This result can be explained in the framework of the "grain-layer" and the polarization of Maxwell - Wagner in the ceramic medium. The effect of negative capacitance in ceramic strontium hexaferrite at a frequency of less than 2.10 Hz has been detected.

    Keywords: hexaferrite strontium, ferromagnetic, insulator, semiconductor, colossal dielectric constant, negative capacitance, high-temperature annealing, X-ray structural analysis, full-profile analysis, electron microscopy.

  • Efficiency Estimation of water -soluble technological lubricants at diamond - abrasive treatment by friction machine СМЦ-2

    The main trends of updated automobile construction are the use of permanent for lowering mass overall dimension characteristics of electric equipment and an automobile as a whole. Diamond-abrasive treatment of sintered powder permanent magnets on the basis of Barium ferrite, strontium and cobalt is connected with difficulties of obtaining surfaces with little meanings of rouhness due to the higher brittleness, tendecy to crack formation, water-soluble technological lubricants (FWSTL) РВ-6 have been developed which contain fractal clusters and generate in contact diamond-abrasive tooltreated powder magnetic material of films with high load and lubricating abilities. Estimation criteria of water-soluble lubricacants efficiency (WSTL) at diamond-abrasive treatment by friction machine СМЦ-2 have been suggested. Comparative tests on the suggested criteria of efficiency FWSTL РВ- 6 and Lubricating cooland (LC) Blasokut 4000 SF 004 at treating by a diamond disk 2720-0031 ГОСТ 16167-90 of Barim ferrite 16Ба190 have been made. A conclusion has been drawn that РВ-6 possesses high efficiency.

    Keywords: permanent magnet, Barium ferrite, functional water- soluble technological lubbricants, fractal cluster, diamont disk, friction machine