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  • Monitoring and mathematical modeling of microbial air pollution near highways Volgograd

    The aim of this work was to conduct monitoring and make a regression model of the microbiological air pollution in Volgograd near highways. The work carried out monitoring of microbial air pollution in the residential district of Volgograd near two major highways - first and second longitudinal lines. On the first phase of research the microbial monitoring of air pollution in the residential district of Volgograd was conducted, depending on the proximity to the highway. Number of microbial cells (MC) was evaluated by sedimentation. The assumption is made about the nature of the regression relationship between microbial air pollution and the distance from the highway. Approximating functions and regression coefficients are constructed for the first portion of the longitudinal line at different levels of traffic road. Function is obtained, which allows to calculate the value of microbial contamination of the air, depending on the distance to the road and number of vehicles. In the case of high levels of the microbiological monitoring of the basin air it’s necessary to carry out measures to reduce microbial contamination of the air, for example, regular watering roads, tree planting, vegetative barriers adsorbing pollutants, chemical treatment of disinfectants. The calculation of microbial contamination of the air near a residential building located at a distance of 10 meters from the highway in the central region of Volgograd is conducted using proposed in function prediction of microbial contamination. The developed technique allows us to make calculations without setting up experiments in a specialized microbiology laboratory.

    Keywords: monitoring , microbial contamination of air , the regression model , mathematical modeling

  • The influence of cavitation processes on the distribution of the acoustic waves inside the waterpipe

    Calculation of acoustical pressure in the main water pipeline filled with water is in-process carried out, at affecting of cavitation processes. Calculation is lead by means of interactive system MatLab

    Keywords: Acoustics, pressure, extending, wave, the main water pipeline, cavitation

  • Structural monitoring of waterpipe supply systems based on piezoelectric sensors

    Relationships and dependences between parameters of an ultrasonic pulse and water tube structure are in-process observed

    Keywords: ultrasound, monitoring, structure, extending, water supply systems

  • Pezogenerator in a device structural for monitoring water supply networks

    The device for energy takeoff in water systems on a bottom piezoceramic a device entrained in a water stream is in-process observed. The water stream, contacting with piezoceramic a device, calls it oscillations and potential emersion on plates.

    Keywords: piezoceramic a device, piezooscillator, monitoring, structure, a water stream, water supply systems

  • Information system for monitoring process parameters waterpipe

    The intelligence system of monitoring of technological parameters of the water pipeline is in-process observed, allowing to lead an estimate of reliability of water supply systems and optimisation of plots of repair

    Keywords: Intelligence system, monitoring, structure, technological parameters, the water pipeline, reliability, repair

  • Experimental research of silicon detector current pulse processing electronic module

    Measurement results of basic characteristics of electronic module based on two specialized analog integrated circuits depending on different square area silicon detectors using source of 239Pu alpha particles is given. Processing of current pulses typically consists to convert them into a voltage by charge sensitive amplifiers and reduce noise by bandpass filters. Earlier for work with avalanche photodiode we have developed, constructed and tested two electronic modules "CRP-MDL-1" and "CRP-MDL-2". During the measurements was investigated spectrometric channel response on exposure to ionizing radiation from a source of alpha particles 239Pu and test input signals, thus we determined basic technical characteristics including energy resolution and noise characteristics. As a result, research found, that the output signal has the following timings: rise time - 1 us (levels of 0.1-0.9), peak time - 1.4 us, fall time - 1.8 us pulse width - 3.5 us. The conversion factor of module working with silicon detector (area of ​​1000 mm2 and a capacity 500 pF) consists about 10.6 mV / fC, or 0.47 V / MeV. Integral nonlinearity of spectrometer path is not worse 0.4% in the range from about 0.1 to 3.2 V. The energy resolution was 89.1 keV line of 5157 keV. The experimental studies revealed that using an external low-noise transistors developed module can be used in the construction of standard radiometric paths. It is appropriate to use the developed design-circuit solutions for implementing 4-channel chip for multi-channel radiometric and spectrometric systems.

    Keywords: silicon detector, charge sensitive amplifier, spectrometer, radiometric system, ionizing radiation

  • Simulation of failures and their elimination on financial markets with the events flow generated by a binary tree

    A financial market on a stochastic basis with a filtration generated by the binary tree is considered. A plugin simulating failures on this market is constructed. We mean by a failure the following situation on the financial market: when passing from a time moment  to the next one new events arise but discounted price of the fixed type stock does not change. A failure generates the incompleteness of the market (the set of martingale measures of this market is infinite). By modelling of a weak deformation it is possible to reduce the set of martingale measures to a unique measure. Thereby the price of every contingent claim is uniquely determined. This price may be considered as "fair price".

    Keywords: Stochastic basis, probability measure, financial market, binary tree, arbitrage free, completeness, weak deformation, martingale measure, plugin.

  • Deformed martingales and their properties

    With the help of so-called deformations (that is of probability measures families on sigma-fields forming a filtration) a notion of deformed martingale is introduced. This notion generalizes the classical concept of martingale with discrete time. We differ two sorts of deformed martingales: deformed martingales of the 1-st and the 2-nd type. Similarly deformed sub- and supermartingales of the 1-st and the 2-nd type are introduced. We prove that infimum of arbitrary family of deformed supermartingales is a supermartingale and that convexe function of deformed martingale is a deformed submartingale. In addition, for deformed martingales of the 2-nd type a telescopic property is obtained.

    Keywords: Filtration, probability measure, deformation, deformed martingale, telescopic property

  • The main components of the principle of formation of structure of management of construction organizations

    Management can be performed on the principles of motivation, planning, regulation of the course of production, coordination, organization and control on execution of decisions. Operate and develop the production units, depending on the goals

    Keywords: structure, management, goal, head, processes, organisation.

  • The basic principles of selecting the type and number of construction machines for integrated production of works

    this article raises the question of choosing a set of machines and shaping the sound of the algorithm sets of machines and mechanism that allowed us to determine the basic design characteristics, the type and number of vehicles, as well as the feasibility of using mechanisms in the construction processes.

    Keywords: machines, equipment, technology, organization, set

  • Stages of organizing cycling in cities

    The main stages of the formation of the organization of cycling in cities, such as the rationale for cycling, the analysis of climatic characteristics, public opinion poll, the requirements for the organization of cycling, the development of cycling routes

    Keywords: rationale for cycling, the analysis of climatic characteristics, the requirements for the organization, the development of routes

  • The effectiveness of the project production ground works for laying of utilities

    This article is devoted to the consideration of economic, social and urban effect in the co-production work on the laying of utilities. The main results of evaluation of the economic efficiency of the options considered gasket types of utilities.

    Keywords: efficiency, design, evaluation, variance, network engineering, installation

  • The use of remote sensing for environmental monitoring of desertification

    The importance of remote sensing of the earth, because of their unique features (wide territorial coverage, efficiency, control of remote areas, using all-weather radar imaging, etc.) are for environmental control and monitoring in the areas of economic activities such as oil and gas, agriculture, forestry and water management, in the evaluation of human and human impact on the environment.

    Keywords: Remote sensing of the earth, satellite, sensor, digital images, photographs, environmental monitoring, desertification

  • Development of a framework enabling technology waste rock and minerals processing ores KMA

    The problem of utilization of iron ore tailings . The prospects of iron ore mining in the Russian underground . A method for extracting iron from tailings to 9 % of the original content, by mechanochemical processing. The results of particle size distribution , chemical and mineralogical analyzes of samples collected waste ferruginous quartzites LGOK . Experiments were carried out using the methods of planning optimal experiments , Box-Behnken and included 24 experience. Obtained according to the content of metal recovery in the leach solution of sulfuric acid , sodium chloride , rotor speed and the ratio of disintegrant liquid and solid phases. This dependence allows to determine the optimal parameters of technology in terms of " metal recovery ." The resulting secondary processing of tailings to be used in the manufacture of hardening mixes for stowing as an inert filler and binder counterpart .

    Keywords: tailings, mechano-chemical activation, iron ore, ferruginous quartzites, metal recovery

  • Study of the catalytic ability of the nanosized catalysts based on CeO2 during catalytic reaction

    The nano-catalyst ceria (CeO2), activated by Pt nanoparticles, is known for being prospective and efficient material widely used in catalysis, fuel elements, and sensors. One of the most up-to-date methods of catalysts' reasearch is X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) that is sensitive to the chemical state of catalyst's active centers [1,2]. Using XAS in the fluorescense detection mode at CeL1 line with high precision we studied electronic structure of Pt-activated nanoparticles of ceria at various redox conditions. In order to detect partial X-ray fluorescence yield the emission line CeLγ3 was used, which allowed us to increase spectral resolution. We researched local atomic and electronic structure of the materials under study. Oxygen vacansies were found to appear on the nanoparticles surface of ceria at 5% CO He atmosphere. Theoretical modeling of the obtained spectra at CeL1-edge demonstrated good agreement with experiment.

    Keywords: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, HERFD, XAS, Ce-based catalysts, oxygen vacansies