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  • Innovative methods of 4D modeling in the organization of construction

    Тhe problem of application of programs is considered 4D programming in architecture, organization and technology of construction, architecture of 4D programming. Prospects for using programs based on this technology are being studied. Areas of application of innovative software in construction.

    Keywords: 4D programming in architecture, organization and technology of construction, architecture 4D programming. Prospects for the use of programs are being studied.

  • Assessment of the quality of work on the construction of the upper layers of the road surface is not a destructive method

    The assessment of the quality of the production of works on the construction of the upper layers of the road cover by the destructive and non-destructive method is considered, both methods are compared by searching for the main advantages and disadvantages. The order and the scheme of the production of each of the estimates are described.

    Keywords: motor roads, quality assessment, road facilities, gamma density meters, electromagnetic (dielectric) densitometers, radioisotope densitometers, densitometer

  • Improvement of organizational behavior in the management system of entrepreneurial structures of the construction industry in Russia

    Increasing the efficiency of management of the activities of the organization is an actual issue for the enterprises of the construction industry in modern society. In a highly competitive environment the entrepreneurs use both innovative production technologies and marketing tools. Improvement and development of organizational behavior of the management system of business structures using the basic principles of marketing is one of the ways to improve the efficiency of any organization including enterprises in the construction industry.

    Keywords: Enterprises of the construction industry; models of business structures; types of organizations; market structure, organizational behavior; organization of construction

  • Construction non-rigid pavements

    This paper presents an analysis of domestic and international experience in the construction of modern non-rigid pavements. An assessment of existing structures on roads with high traffic volume; designated directory structure of non-rigid pavements, developed on the basis of the research.

    Keywords: construction, non-rigid pavement, structural layers, the total number of rated load applications, traffic load class

  • Model of management of a polystructural system on the basis of estimation and choice of alternatives by pairwise comparisons

    When managing complex systems, for example, an industrial enterprise, an organization, a socio-economic system, etc., it is necessary to take into account the fact that they can be considered as polystructural systems, i.e. as a set of heterogeneous systems, interconnected. A poly-structural system is understood to mean a variety of different components, differing in physical properties, functional purpose, complexity of the internal structure, representing a single whole. The article deals with the management of a polystructural system based on the preparation of management decision making by experts who can evaluate an alternative from the standpoint of a specialist of several elements of a polystructural system. To develop methods for determining and selecting an informed management solution, a polystructural system is considered from the standpoint of system theory and system analysis. A mathematical model is developed, which is the basis for creating information and algorithmic support for the management of the polystructural system.

    Keywords: management of a polystructural system, the choice of an administrative decision, indicators, a problem situation, the method of analyzing hierarchies, reducing the complexity of the examination

  • Making formwork systems of porous artificial wood

    The paper underlines the need for use of composite and nano-materials in place of natural materials, which is explained by depletion of global resources and increasing environmental pollution. This is why the focus is currently shifting toward the use of a composite material – porous artificial wood (PID-IV) – developed by the Irkutsk State University for making framework systems required to strengthen rectangular structural elements of buildings and structures. The framework system in question has a deck made of PID-IV. Further, the structural test was carried out in line with the effective regulatory documents, and the use of the suggested framework system was substantiated.

    Keywords: composite material, porous artificial wood, formwork deck, design, structural test

  • The main tasks for development of capital construction in the Rostov-region

    Discusses actual problems of organization and management of capital construction in the Rostov region. Proposes a number of measures aimed at improving the existing system of capital construction in the development of the region and industry. Recommendations for improvement of organizational forms of management of construction enterprise in modern economic conditions. Indicated the need for a uniform management of the entire set of activities in capital construction.

    Keywords: organization of construction, capital construction, methods of control of the company, project management

  • Agglomeration "Big Rostov" as a factor in the development of long-distance traffic

    Considered the location of the bus station in the urban development, its location relative to the functional areas, the design and construction stage.

    Keywords: bus stations, buses, cities "satellites", agglomeration "Bolsho Rostov", transport, infrastructure, master plan, roads

  • "The study of the effect of vector random loads on beams "

    The transverse vibrations of the beams of a constant cross section are taken into account, taking into account the damping. We consider random oscillations of a beam under the action of vector kinematic and dynamic effects. The examples show the influence of correlation coefficients on the standard deviations of the cross sections of a beam. The internal forces in the form of bending moments and transverse forces are determined. An example of an action of a random process with a latent periodicity is given

    Keywords: Beam, damping, deflection, bending moment, shear force, random process, spectral matrix, correlation, vector, matrix, transfer function

  • Principles of economic safety in the aspect of construction management

    The paper discusses various aspects of economic safety in the construction company. In work it is noted that the attention of scientists to the issues of financial security. In accordance with a systematic approach to financial security is a security subsystem of the enterprise. Noted that with the help of indicators of financial security can be judged not only on the state of the financial system of the company, but also on the state of the other components of economic security of the enterprise as a whole. The scheme of determining the financial stability of the company

    Keywords: management of construction; financial stability, economic security

  • Combining innovations in technology and art – the creation of a "living" building

    any project is created from separate but interrelated parts. If you try to combine technology and art, it may be a unique structure, eye-catching.

    Keywords: inversion roofing, expansion joint, reserve stock complex, the panorama Museum, wind tunnel, highly explosive, multi-center Blue line, the handicapped, architectural appearance, design solution, legkousvaivaemyh design

  • Deformation models of shock proof devices to protect the joints

    This article presents the results of tests of samples on the basis of equiatomic alloy with shape memory effect. The obtained system of dimensionless quantities that adequately describe the elastic-plastic deformation. It is established that the assessment of scale effects in modeling shockproof device-based alloy with shape memory effect leads to the technical ability of extrapolation of experimental results to other objects to generate the initial data of the mathematical model under the condition of similarity of characteristics of external loads.

    Keywords: shock proof device, elastic-plastic deformation, shape memory effect, protection of the joints, scale factor

  • Prospects for the development of the stadium as a multifunctional sports facility

    Physical education at the present stage of world development of society takes the form of a social phenomenon, is to strengthen the role of sport in the lives of everyone. Variety of sports meets a wide range of specially adapted facilities. The problem of technical modernization, stadium reconstruction and development as a multi-functional sports facilities (IVS). Profitability maintained and advanced facilities can be improved by putting into practice the principles of design of architectural form and structural theoretical model of the spatial organization of the IVS.

    Keywords: reconstruction of the stadium, technical modernization, multi-purpose sports facility, the principles of formation of architectural, structural theoretical model

  • Brightness control in computer graphics: nonlinear aspect

    The ability to change brightness contrast of images with the help of some graphic packages’ tool is studied. In parallel the influence of this tool on hue and saturation of forming the image pixels is investigated. It is shown that tool as a whole is of little use for brightness contrast informative control, because in a number of packages it cannot provide brightness contrast gain, in others - does not keep hue and in all - deforms a saturation that threatens with loss of the graphic information transferred by saturation contrasts. Corresponding artifacts are considered and discussed.

    Keywords: nonlinear brightness control, brightness contrast, colour hue and saturation, graphic information integrity, artifacts

  • Research of stress-strain state of the main deck of fixed offshore platforms by the finite difference method

    Study of stress-strain state of the construction using the Finite Difference Method. Obtained the matrix of coefficients of resolving equations. To assess the convergence of the calculation results were compared with the known numerical solutions.

    Keywords: the Finite Difference Method, diagrams of moments, Fixed Offshore Platforms, linear displacement, deflection, thin plates